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THE SCHOONER | JSML MESSENGER, HUGHES Master, IS NOW LOADING, at COTTON'S WHUiF. TOOLEY STUM BP, LONDON, For Cardiff, Newport, Merthyr, A P>r?cf». Mnnm<>nth, Pontypool, Coatbridge, Bridgend, ana place* adjacent, AND WILL POSITIVELY S HI, ON FlllDA Y the Sth JULY, 1841. } For Freight, &c., apply to the Master, on Tloarti; Air ft. Burtun, jun., Newport j Mr Thomas Richards Abergavenny Messrs Prosser, and Price Brecon, Mr Smith, the Wharfinger, London; or to Mr Joseph lisp. Ageiit to the Cardilf, Newport, and London Shi-oping Company, at Cardiff. London,June 23rd 1811. THE CARDIFF and BRISTOL STEAM PACKETS NAUTILUS, JOHN ALLEN, Commander. LADY CHARLOTTE, HENRY JEFEERY, Commander, ARE INTENDKI) TO SAIL aV During the NEXT WEEK, as follows, (From the Bute Ship Dock. J FIZOM CARDIFF June 2s.. Monday Nautilus 1l morning 29..Tuesday Lady Charlotte 12 morning 30..Wednesday.Nautilus 1 £ morning July 1..Thursday .Lady Cliarlotte 2 afternoon 2.. Friday .Nautilus. 3 aIt.-i n.xui 3..Saturday .Lady Charlotte 3^ afternoon FROM BRISTOL. June 28.. Monday Lady CharlotteIaftertioni 29..Tuesday NamiIns. J2J afterno >n 30.. Wednesday I.ady tliarlotie3 afternoon July 1..Thursday Nautilus 2-1 af,erriont, 2.. Friday. Lady Charlotte 4 afternoon 3..Saturday .autilus. 5-i morning Carriages and Horses must he along-side all hour and half previous to the time of Sailing, otherwise they Cannot be Shipped, in consequence of Locking through the New Docks. FARES:—AftprCabin. 5s.-Fore Cabin,3s. Olkittiren utitier It Years of Age, Is e.ch. A Female Steward attends on Hoard both Packets. Refreshments may be had on Board, on moderate terms. Fotir-Whcel Carriage, 2Is.; Two-Wheel Carriage, 10s "d.; Horses, (is. each; Horse and Rider, After Cabin '» Fore Cabin, 7s. fid.; Cattle, 6s.; Sheep, Is, 6d These Karen include every expense. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes. Freighters are requested to order all Goods intended for 'h« NAUTILI'S to be sent to No. 12, Quay Street, or to Robert Chaplin, Cumberland Basin Locks; and for the Lady CHARLOTTE, to Clare Street Hall, Ntatsl Street, Bristol, (iocitis will be halllell from the Warehouses to the Jackets, at the expense of the Companies. Merthyr, Neirbriatje. Aberdnre, Cowhridge, Bridgend, Itatitrissetif,(srid Caerphilly.—Goods forwarded to these 1'1..<o.. in Spring Watson* and Lock-up Canal Boats im* thediaiely OIL arrival, unless ordered by any particular conveyance, in which case they will he deposited ill the fleam Packet Warehouse till called for.-Freight to be paid on delivery. Goods, Package', Parcels, &c. forwarded to allparis I the K in id o in wit hou* delay, when sell t to either of their Sit-am Packet Offices in Cardiff or Bristol. Further i. I,e I "■adilv obtained by applying to the Agents. jM r Woodman, Ayent, at the Packet Officc on the Wharf. Cardilf; or to Mr John Griffith Jones, Ajrent, No. 12, Quay Street, Bristol, for the NAUTILI'S I'ac. kei and of Mr Donovan, at ihe Packet Oilice, on the Wharf, Cardiff; or to Mr W. I!. Owen, 2ft, Avon Cres. cent. Holwdls, Bristol, for the LADY CilAltLOI'TE Packet. NoTICK.—The Proprietor of the above Steam Packets give Notice, that they will not be accountable for any Passenger's Lujigape, nor will they be answerable for *ny Goods. Packages, or Parcels (if lost or damaged by Fire. Leakage or otherwise) unless Booked at either of their Offices at Cardif for Bristol, if above the value Obf tOs., unless entered at its value, atul Cairiage in pro- portion paid for the same, at the tune of Booking.— Coods consigned to order, or not taken away before Six o'clock ill the evening of the (lay of Vill be warehoused at the risk and expense of the consignees All goods to he considered as liens, not ouly for freghl Itild charges due thereon, but aiso for all previousl; un- satisfied Freight and Charges due by consignees :o the l'roprietor of the said Packets. Disputed weights Or measurement, claims for loss or damage. &c., t-anin t beiliowed, unles a written notice of the same be sent to the Office on the day of delivery. Britannia Life Assurance Company. No. 1. PRINCE'S STREET, BANK, LONDON. CAPITAL ONE MILLION. Ðírectorss. William Hardsell, Esq Robert Egliji'051' Samuel Bevina.ton, K;q Erasmus Foster, Esq, Wm. Pechney Black, Esq Alex. Re^f1 Irv,"c-Ks(l- John Bright.nan, Esq Pftrr »orr,Son F.,«q, George Cohen. Esq Wil'*0} J'/n".f9* Willi! Coventry. vAq H < John Drewctt, Esq "'0,nas 1 wccd» fthbtc.,J John Sims, M. [).™ene7.erJS,nith, Esq., Surgeon. Solicitor. ^rjji^m Bcvan, Esq., Old Jewry. ADrANTAGKS OF TIllS INSTITUTION. 1\ -,istecotioti,irai set of Tables composed expressly fp-iiie use <#f this Institution, from authentic and com fliete data. Increasing rates of Premium on a new and remark- able plan, for securing loans or debts; a less imme- ellate payment being required on a policy for the unolc kle-rin oflife than in any otticrof-ice. A Board of Directors in attendance daily at Two o'clock. Age of the Assured in every ease admitted in the Policy. A)! claims payable within one month after proof of ^Sartt. Medical attendants remunerated in all cases for thr reports. jlremium per Cent per A nniim payable during Firitt Second Third Fouith Reinain- hge. Five Five Five Five der of j years. Years. Years. Years. Life. IT- d. £ s. d £ «. d. £ s d £ d. ^0 ill 41 5 K> 1 10 11 1 V6 9 i o « 30 1 p 4 | 12 2 1 19 I 2 7 4 2 17 G ■40 1 lfi I 2 4 4 2 14 6 3 7 3 4 3 4 30 2 16 78944555630 13 7 PETEH MOnRISO, Esq., liesident JJircctur, London. AGENTS. Nf.wPORT Nir A. G. Jenkins. 'I'll t:IIEGAR litoi' WORKS-\V. F.lrf'land. •CARDIFF —W. D Morwwd, Bank. MERTHYR TYDVIL —Walter Thompson, Bank. "]'()NTYPOOL ——Stephen Vernon, Bank .cllEPSTOW -J.I,. Ualel",)'!), Solicitor. IUSK ,A B I-RC. AV 1-. N,% Y. -j- llil,.y Morgan.Stationer MONNIOUTti -%V. Jetikii)g, Stationer. 1'02 SOPTBNINQ THII SKIN AND IM PROVING THE COMPLEXION, GODFREY'S EXTRACTor ELDER FLOWERS stands unrivalled for its efficacy it completely eradi- cates Tan, Pimples, Freckles, Redness, and all Cutane- °us Imperfections; renders the ir.ost Sallow Complexion ■^elicatcly clear, and imparts to ihe Skin a pleasing and '^ealtliy appearance. In the proccs* of shaving it is invaluable, as it allay" the irritation and smarting paiti ■d renders tlie skin smooth and firm. It protects the from the effects of the cold winds and damp atmos- phere, and will be found beyond all praise, to use as a family Lotion on all occasions. Sold in Boule3, price 2a 9d, with directions for *J8'ng it, by all jespcctable Medicine Vcuders aud I'er- ? fWers. J,Ist Price 2s 6,1. GWENLIJAN; Uf, the of KIDWEELY. A Tragedy, in five Acts, By E. ANDREWS. B. A. London: I.Oijm'.n and Co., Paternoster Rov, and Ciia;)mati and tiiili, S,i-ati, Tenbury Gas Works. P ICR SON'S cl'sirons to ICR EC T the OAS WORKS at TEN BURY, are requested to s< nd TESD Ims to Mr Charles Price. Solicitor, Tenbury, Worcestershire, on or before the 6th day of July next, at whose Office Plans and Specifications of the Works inav be seen. Tenbuvy,21st June, 1841. T A F F VALE R A I LW A Y. Alteration of Passenger Trains N'OTICE IS HFREBY GIVF.N, (hat on and after THURSDAY, the 1st dav of JULY, the Trains will daily leave Cardiff and Merthyr at the undermentioned hours ;-excel)tiiiit Sundays. Fiiom CARDIFF. Fiom MEIITIIYR. H. M. II. M. 6 30 A M. 7 0 A. M. 9 0 do. 9 20 do 1 0 P. M. 1 30 P. M. 5 0 do. 5 20 do. SUNDAYS. 9 0 A. M. 9 20 A M. 3 0 P. M. 3 20 P M. For further particulars of I'ares, Tim i. and Stoppages at Stations, reference must he madu to the Train Bills, which may be had at any of ilie Com zany's Stations. The Charges on Merchandise and Cattle may be known on application at any of the Stations. T'aff Valc Railway Office, Cardiff, June 17th, 1S41. TAFF VALE RAILWAY. '■PHE OmrxrrORS Arc now ready to receive I TENDERS for LOANS of M!»NEY in sums of m-t less than £ 200, ujion the security of Loan Notes to be issllet! nnri,'r the Cnmpany's "al,I}f'rill1r (IIt,.r,'st al th.e rate of 6 PerCent. per annum, p iyable half yearly, enti- 11in> tlie Holders to receive 11. debentures of the Company,deliverable in the mouth of l'cbruary, 1843, or 1844. Tenders tnav he addressed to the UndeiManed, at the Company's Office, Cardift, or to "I;f"x Mi Is and Co., Bankets, London Mr William .Mallard, 27, Stittll Street, Bi istol. JOSEPH BALL. Taff Va'e Railwav Office, Cardiff. Secretary. May 2"2d, 184\. TAFF VALE RAILWAY. Contract for Itails and Chairs. N'OTICK IS HEREBY OIVEN, that tlie DIRECTORS Wll.L MEET at their OFFICE, in CARDIFF, on THURSDAY, the 1st JULY next. at One o'clock, to receive TENDERS for the supply of 4) TONS OF MALLEABLE IRON RAILS. 200 TONS OF CAST IIWN CHAIHS Patterns and Specifications triav be seen at the Engi- neer's Office, Maendy, near Cardiff. By Order of the Boar,1 • r r> "UUI, ivsUfll BALL, Railway Office, Secretary. Cardiff, June 23d, 18H. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TVTOriCE IS HFRRI1Y GIVEV. (hat at tlii next GENER \I. Qlf AltTER SESSIONS of the PEACE, to be holden at N e'ATII, In and for the said County, on 29!1, day of JU\ E instant, the Jus'ices 'then awl i/icre assembled will. at the hour pf Twelve of the Cloet at Noon of the same day proceed to t-tlc iuto consideration the provisions of an ,\ct made anJ passed in (lie 2d and 3d years of the Reign of Her present M ijesty intituled, "An Act f >i the E-tahlishmcnt of County and District Constables bv the Authority of Justices of the Peace," more particularly the expediency of appointing Constables f»r the whole County, anil to enter into such Resolutions and Orders for the adoption thereof or otherwise as may be thought expedient. Dated this 9; h day of JUDe, IE41, oil the Requisition of Five Justice* of the Peace acting in and for the said County, WOOl), Clerk of the Peace. j' JONES'S Aperient and Antibilious Pills, PU £ Vr!TINfl AND REMOVING STOMACH COMPLAINTS, AIMSIVG FHOM BILE. IN- DIGESTION, FLATULENCY, AND HABITUAL COSTlVEN ES, &c. &c. Prepared from the Original Prescription of the late W. 7J. Roberts, Esq, M.D., Oaklar.d. 'TMIESE PILLS, having experienced, durinij a I long period, the most satisfactory proof, are strongly recommended as the best m-dicinc ever extant, for Bilious complaints, and the various disorders occasioned by Indigestion, sedentar) pursuits, &c. The Beneficial effects produced by these P Us, render them worthy the notice of the puid.e, as they are ex- tremely well ca culated for those habits of body that me costive, will remove all diseases resulting from a con- fined state of the Bowels, and Torpidity of the Liver. such as ficad Aches, Indigestion, Flatulence, Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Wind, Spasms, Bilious Vomitings, Worms, Piles, Gravel, Pain in the Side (commonly turned Stitch), Rheumatism, Scorbutic Eruption?, Lo«- ness of Spiiiis, &e. &c. Their operation is mild and effective, and unattended with that exhaustion, which very generally follows the n.c of many pills of a Purgative quality, being Leo from any Calomel, the Patient need not remain confined while taking ilicm. N.B.— Persons of a full habit, who are subject to Head Ache, (;i,ldilws,. Drowsiness. &c., aiising from too great a flow of Blood to the Head, will lithl these Pills pailiculaily useful. PREPARED ONLY BV R03EKT ISAAC JONES, Chemist, Tie' Madoc. And Sold in Boxes Is l.Jd, and 2s 6d each, of whom also may be had, Jones's Pectoral Cott-Ih Balsam, For COUGHS, COLDS. ASTHMAS, HOARSENESS &c. &c. S.)ld in 7jd, and Is IJd, Bottles. The Pills -Sold also bv appointment, wholesale, by n. Yates and Co, 23, Budge Row, London; Evans, Son, and Co.. ll. Lord Street, Liverpool. Retailed by Messrs Ellis, Bamror; W. P. Williams. Robert Owen, Carnarvon Thomas Hughes. J « •» William Jone.i, Llrtnrwst; Huberts y > ie*' Amlwch Roberts. Llangollen Jones, Cor wen » arry, Llangefni; Griffiths and Roberts. Aberyatwith, Merthyr Tydifl Tarlt, Mold Jones, liala D. Lloyd, Festii:i, and by other respectable Medicine Venders in the Piincipality. Noiii- are geniiine but th()qp which bear file Signature of «• Hubert Isaac Jones," on tbe Government Stamp. CURIOUS ,ti,l COI'AIBA KNHRKLY SU- PERSEDED.—WRAY'S BALSAMIC I ILLS, a certain cure for strictures, pains in the loins, affections of the kidneys, gravel, irritation of the bladder or urethra, and other diseases of the urinary passsipos. These Pills having been employed in upwards of 1,8?O cases in private practice prior to being advertised in one many thousand cases since, and in no one instance known to fail, are strongly recommended as a tar more eilicacious remedy than balsam copaiba, CLIbebs, or any other medicine in present use. Prepared only by M. O. W'ray. at 11S, Holborn ili.I. and 344 Strand, one door from Catherine Street, sold also by Sanger, 150, Oxford Street; Johnston, (>3. Cornbiil Barclay, 95, Fariingdon Street; Butler, 4, Clieapside and by all Medicine Venders in Town and Country. -it ,11 VI ll.,I- 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and lis each Box. Ask for" Wray s Bal- samic Pills." Advice given gratuitously to persons calling hetween the hours of eleven and one in the ttior;ittig, and seven and nine in the evening. AokktJcnkiqs, Druggist, Merthyr Ty(hi1 and ) Dvwluio, SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY. To Excavators. \7ANTF.D, 300 pood ABLE ROD1LD MEN. V T Liberal Wages will he given. Apply to Messrs J. and W. Dawson, Contractors, K,-Ilt, or to Nlr John Three Cranes Cardiff. VALUABLE AGENCY. TlIF. Ailvertiser is desirous of niakin? arrange- ments with parties of respectability in this and «dj 'iiiin^ Counlic, for Conducting AN AGENCY of considerable importance, possessing supeiior claims tlpf,l] geiier,t] I)airoiiiie,-whicit will yield la^ge and constant profits.—and may be advantageously attached to any ahle business or occupation. The time and attention requisite to a proper superin- tendence, will be but trifling, compared with th.' pecuniary advantages to he derived from the engage- ment, which will be foufld in every respect well worthy of immediate notice. No Letter wi I be replied to which does not contain the name and address of the wriler, as strictly honourable confidence may be relied upon It is also expected that a Postage Stamp will be enclosed to free the answer to the first letter of enquiry. Address (free) to Mr Mansfield, 180, High S'reet, Southampton. GLAMORGANSHIRE. SUMMER ASSIZES, 1841. HIGH SHERIFF HEREBY HIVES NO- TICE, that ihe COMMISSION' to hold the ASStX S for this COUN TY will he OPENED at the GUI LDH ALL, in the Town of C,t ltDIFF, on SAI'UR- DAV, the Third day of JULY next, and that th. Jllde will go into Court on MONDAY NloitNING, file Fifth day of July, at Ten o'cl ck. when and where all Grand and l'etly Jurors, and all Persons under re- cognizances to prosecute and give evidt-ijee against,and all Persons employed in the prosecution 1111,1 defence of all Criminal Prisoners, are required to attend. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY ALSO GIVEN, that all Magistrat. s, or their Clerks, are to annex the Deposi tions and Recognizances together in each case, and to deliver them tothe Clerk of Assize in Court, on opening I he Commission. Swansea. June '23. 1841. SHERTFPS ORDINARY. l't. AINSLEY [i LSPI'.CTI- ULLY beg* fo inform those G.?n- V tlemen who intend DININO with the HIGH SHERIFF, that the OitDIN'AHY will he provided at tbe C vR 1)1 FF AltMS, on SATURDAY, the 3d of i u IIY. to he on ilif- Table at Three o'clock precisely. Cardiff Arms '2'Jd June, 18H. BLtlDGEXD, GLAMORGANSLlIUE. ToFarmerSj Graziers, Woolstaplers, and Others. NOTICE IS HKRERY GIVEN, tint a FAIR for tlie Sale of Horses. Cattle, Wool, and other Farming Stock, will be held annually in th<* Town of BiUDGEND, on every Second MONDAY in the Month of JlJLY. BBIDGEND being situated in the Centre oftheVale of Glamorgan, and a most convenient At.trket Place, )>».lng lu-en lately Erected there, offers great advantages for ttic Sale of Agricultural Produce, at the period of the Year above named, particularly as flie Sron/l Mon- day in July will not interfere "illl any Other Fair, held in the immediate neighbourhood. Bridgend, 14th June, 1841. BRECONSHI RE. AN EXCELLENT FREEHOLD HILLY FARM FOR ale fiy iJribatc Coittwrt, 13LAElq CALL AN, CONTAINING 200 ACRES, siluitc in the Parish of LLAN THE 1'I'Y, let to Mr Jenkin Williams, at the low yearly rent of £ 6:). It is well adapted for young attle, and the Sheep Walk is dry and healthy. It i; distant six miles froin Nier- thyr and ten from Brecon. for terms apply to Mr Elias Watkins. the Proprietor, or at the officc of Messrs Meyrick and Davies Solicitors, Merthyr. VALUABLE FARMING STOCK, Colliery Horses, 'c., AT GOITRA FARM, maugam, GLAMORGANSHIRE. fro be OnJ tJU Uttion, ON THURSDAY, THE 1ST DAY OF JULY, 1341. Without Reserve. By Mr M. WHITTINGTON, THE whole of the Valuable FARMING STOCK, CROP, and COLLIERY HORSES, of Wm. JoNT.S, E«q., consisting of six Draught Horses, one Draught Mare and Colt, five very handsome Villi, s, two good Hacks, one Cartiage Horse, 100 Sheep, 51 Lambs, two Heifers, tliree years old Heifer in Calf, Milch Cow, Fat Heifer, two Cilves. S ven old Geese, 31 young olle., threa flicks of Hay, about 26 Tons, Lot of Straw, ditto Reed, four Carts, four Waggons, two Hay ('ars. two Iron Houghs, two Wooden ditto. Turnip Drill, pair of Drags, Harrows, Yokes. Grindstone, Ladders, Wheel- barrows, Oat Bins. 14 Sets of Harness. Saddle and Bridles, Lot of Agricultural lools, Measure Sieves, Field Roller, Lo of Fowls, &c. &c. Catalogues will be ready for delivery two days prior to Sale, and may be had at the Somer-et House, Tai- bach or of the Auctioneer, Wind Street, Neath. Four Mouths'Credit will be given on approved Security to Purchasers above Five Pounds- Sale at Eleven for Twelvc precisely. GLAMORGANSHIRE. Mr M. W HIT T I N G T 0 N WILL SUBMIT dFor gate inj Atictiott, At the ANGEL INN, in the Town of CARDIFF, on S\TU !I)YY,the3d of J U r, Y next, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon (subject to such conditions of Sale as shall be then produced), in 3 Lots Lor 1. 4 LL that FREEHOLD FIELD or PARCEL of LAND, called PONT GANNA, situate in the I'ariiii of F,F,ANI)IPF, and containing 10 Acres, more or less, of rich Pasture Land, now in the possession of Messrs Harford, for a term, of which H years arc unex- pired, at the low yearly rent of £ 32. LOT 2 "11 that FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, OUT HOUSES and G Alt PEN. with its Appurtenances, now called or known by the name of Cl.vi DD A FARM, containing by ad in asureinent UA. Or 30P. of luxuriantly fertile. Land, divided into several small closes, now in the occupation of Mr Evan John, at the yearly rent of t25. This Lot is situate close to the Turnpike Itoad, lead- ing from the Village of Ely to Cardiff, and has a right of Common Appurtenant on Ely Common. LOT 3—Ml those TWO FREEHOLD FIELDS or PAIfCELS of LAND, called 'rWYI'iE GLEISIO.V FIELDS, otherwise called GltlUCN TUMP and CKOOKKD ACRE,containing by admeasurement 3*. 1.R, PP-. situate wltllll1 a Quarterof a Nlileoftlic Ancient City of Llandaff, on the Merthyr lIoad. The beauty of the situation, and of the surrounding country, is too generally known to require any minute description. The Piopertv is situate in the beautiful Vale of the Taff. and is in the immediate vicinity of objects of the most attrac tive and interesting nature. It is rarcly that a property so eligible and combining so many ad vantages for Building on is offered for Sale in this fertile (Ii-trict. For particulars apply to Mr William Llewellyn, Al torney at Law, Neath; Mr Thomas Dalton, Attornes at Law, Cardiff; Mr R. Davis, Uaadaff j or the Auctioneer, Post Office, Neatfj, TOWN OF NEATH, GLAMORGANSHIRE Co lie tt. AND ENTERED UPON ON TlIF. 1ST DAY OF MAY NEXT, VLL that long established TAN YARD and PREMISES, now in the occupation of Mr Kdwasd THOMAS, situate in WATER STREET, in t)ie lo.vii of N EATH aforesaid. The above Premises are conveniently situated willi an atnple supply of water, and in evcy way calculated for carrying on an extensive Business. Further parti- culars may he had on application to Mr Cuthbertson, Solicitor, Neath. C A RDIFF. JWodem Household Furniture, Chini, Glass, Kitchen Requisites, and other Effuts. 1ro be Solb" tiy Slurtioif, By Mr E. LEYSHON, On the Premises at the BUn: DOCKS. on TUESDAY, the 29th day of JUNK, 1841, rlH E w"nll' of the Excellent and Modern HOUSE- < HOLD FURNITUHE, and other Effects, belong- ing 10 Mr ABBOTT, who is changing his residence, consisting of a Set of handsomelMahogany Dining Tables, Mahogany Sideboard, Hair So-a and Cnnch, Mahogany Pembroke Tables, Bosewood Card Tdhle, Mahogany Hair seat Chairs. Imitative Rosewood di:to. Loo Table. Lamps with ground Glass Shades; Hius-els, Kiddr- minster, and other Carpets Hearth Rugs Urll!!>!cts. But- ler's Tray and Stand, Bionzed Fenders, Steel Fire Irons. Mahogany four post Bedsteads, with Moreen and Chintz Furniture, French and other Bedsteads. Feather aii-inlill- puff n..ds ;11111 Bedding,W001 Mattresses, Palliasit,c,llalio. ganv Chests of Drawers, Washstands and Ware, Dres-in^ Tables, Swing Glasses, Bell Kopes, Mahogany lIook Case and Secretaire Night Tables, Rush seat Cliaiis. Oil Clotli and Matting, Stair C.upe.t and Brass Rods, Dinner and Tea Services. Cut Glass Decanters and Bottles, Castors and Stands, Wine Glasses, Tumblers, &c., Kitchen T ibles, Dish Covers, Meat Sere m, and Bottle Jack, Linen Press, Fenders and Fire Irons, Tripods, Knives and Forks, Earthenware, and ge, eral Kitchen lequisites May be viewed the day preceding and morning of Sale. The Sale to commence at 11 o'Clock in the Forenoon. BRECONSUIRE, VALUABLE ESTATE, FUR S.IIL- 2To be ereluptoríl JltJ b EttCitou, (Under a power uf SlIle) By Mr HUGH JONES, At the SWAN INN, in the Town of B'fCON. 01 SATURDAY, the'2ith day of JULY, 1811, subject to such Conditions as shall he then produced in Three .iould be so dee.ded at tl,e I ots (or in One Lot, if it should be so decided at the time of Sale). LOT I. ALL that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, and cal'e(i or kiio,%ti fly the N,iivtc of I TY It flit IOG, otherwise Tyr David Howell Walter, with the COEDCAE thereto adjoining and belonging, containing together, by a ,I *2It. 30p. (more or less), and now in the occupation of David Davies, at the low Yearly Rent of £ .56. "0'1' 2.— .ill those Two Pieces of Arable and Pasture LAND, known hy the Name of Cae'r Ty Newydd, containing together, by admeasurement, 3A. IR, 24P. (more or less), part and parcel of the said Tenement called Tyr l'entirriog. no v also held by the said David Davii-s. at the low Yearly nellt of 13. Lor 3.—All that TENEMENT and LANDS, called or 1 no.vn by the Name of lYntre Bach. containing, by .1"1. 30 Acres (more or less), and now ill the occupation of Thomas Thomas, at the low Yearly Rent of £ 24. The several lands above described adjoin one another. and are situate ill the Parish of Llanthetty, in the County of Brecon. The Tram Roatlleadin from Talybont towards Trcvil, ai;d tlirnce towards Sirhowy and Beaufort, runs through the upper parts of Lo's One and Threc.; and the several Lots taken together, present a very eligible I roperty for Persons trading on the Talybont Tram Boad, or for Investment. For a view of the Premises, apply to the respective Tenants, or the A uctioi fer; and for further particulars to Mr David Lloyd Harrics,Solicitor, Llandovery. 22d June, 1841. PKRRY'S Purifying Specific Pills, Price 2s 9.1, 4s Citi, and lis per box (Observe, the signature of It and L. PERRY and Co., on the outside of each wrapper), ARE well known throughout Europe and America' to he the mist certain acd effectual cure ever dis" covered for every stage and symptom of the Venerea' Disease, in both sexes, including Gonorrhre.i. Gleets. Secondary Symptoms. S rictures. Seminal Weakness. Deficiency, and al! diseases of the Urinary Passages, with- out loss of tiffic, colitilletiletit, or hindrance from business They have effected the most surprising cures, not only in recent and severe cases, but when saliva ion and all other lIIean5 have failed and are of the utmost impo t- ance to those afflicted with Scorbutic Affection*, Emptions oil any part of ihe body. Ulcerations, Scrofulous or Vene- rea! Ta:nt, being justly calculated to cleanse the blood from all foulness, counteract every morbid affection, and restore weak and emacipattd constitution* to pristine health and vigo Ir. They are particu'arlv recommended to be taken before persons enter into the matrimonial state, lest the indis- cretions of a parent are the source of vexation to him the remainder of his existence by iifHicting his innocent but unfortunate offspring, with tlie evil eruptions of a itia' g* nant tendency, and a of other complaints, thai are most assuredly introduced by the same neglect and imprudence. Messrs PERIlY expect when contuUed by letter the usual Ft-e of One Pound, withvit which, no notice whatever can be taken of the Communication (postage pre paid). Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases,—as to the duration of the com plaint, the symptoms, age, habits of living, and general occupation..Medicines can be forwarded to any part of ihe world; 110 difficulty can occur, as they will be securely packed, and carefully protected from observation. THE CORDIAL BAXjM OF SYRIACUM is intended to relieve those persons, who, by a;, immo- derate indulgence of their passions, have ruined their constitutions, or in their way to the consummation of that deplorable state arc affected with any of those previous symptoms that betray its approach, as the various affec- tions of the nervous system, obstinate gleets, excesses, irregulaiity, obstructions, weaknesses, total impotency, barrenness, &c. A perseverance in its use has been the happy means of relieving many thousands, and of restor- ing a great number to the permanent enjoyment of life. It is remarkable for its efficacy in all disorders of the digestive organs, and is especially recommended to those, who, from the irregularities of youthful age, hahi;s of studious or a life of pleasure, have fallen into a despondent state of mind, and that distressing train of symptoms commonly denominated the nervous. In sucli persons the mental are not less enfeebled th:\n the cor- poreal, and to them a remedy that acts with efficacy, without interfering with domestic habits, is peculiarly desirable. Sold in Bottles, price lis each, or the quantity of four in one Family Bottle for :?:}< (including Mes-rs Perry and Co.'s. well known TH EA TIS: on Secret Vice, &c..) by which one lis Bottle issued. (Oilserve the signature of It. and L. PERRY and Co., on the outside of each wrapper.) The Five Pound Cases (the purchasing of which will he a saving of One Pound Twelve Shillings,) may be had as usual at 4. Great Charles Street. Birmingham, and 44, Albion Street, Leeds; and Patients in the Country who require a course of this admirable medicine, should send Five Pounds by letter which will entitle thcin to the full benefit of such advantage. Messrs Perry and Co., Surgeons, may be consulted as usual at No. 4. Great Charles Street (four doors from Easy Bow). Birmingham, and No. 44, Alluon Street. Leeds. Only one personal visit is required from a country patient to enable Messrs Perry and Co. to gjvc such advice as will be the means of effecting a permanent "tid effectual cure after all other means have proved ineffectual. N.B.—Country Druggists,Booksellers, Patent Medicine Venders, and every other shopkeeper, can be supplied .vitli any quantity of Perry's Purifying Specific Pills and Cordial Balm of Syriacum, with tne usual allowance U the trade, by most of the principal wholcsale Patent Medicine houses in London. hl bl JeuMas, Merthyr T¡dvi1 IInd Dowlais, BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY. QCHWEPPE and CO., SO Ion-, known to the Puhlic as the principal Manufacturers of ALKALI WATERS, could not allow the increasing approbation of the Medical Profession and the Public generally, to, MAGNESIA in a FLlílO FORM, without directing t;, r attention to a branch so legitimately connect'd wi h their own previous preparations. The expedience of half a century, and the advantage of powerful machinery, have enabled them to bring out a first rate article, and they now respectfully solicit the attention of the Puhl c tor their LIQUID MAGNESIA, for cure, of GouC Gravel, Diseases of Children, and (mixed with their Acidulated Syi up) in cases of S,'a Sickness in Bottles. at j Is. 2s 6 i, 4s 6d and 10s each aud sold, wholesale, at heirWareho ses, 5!, Berners Street, London; I.i"erpool, Bristol, and Derby also by Sutton and Co., B >w Church Yard; Barclay and Son, Farrinjdon Street; Mr E Edwards and Thos B,Ier. St Paul's Church Yard and retail by all respectable Ciiemists and Patent Medicine Venders. SODA and POTASS WATER and E", ATED L 'MONADE made as usual on the largest scale, at their four establishments. Each genuine bottle is pro- tected by a label with their name. German Ziltzer AVater in Quarts and Pin s. Woodhouse's Ethereal Essence cf Ginger. PATRONS: Her Most Gracious Majesty. His Majory the King of the Belgians. His Majesty the King of the French. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, and a long li-t of Nobility. Sir D. Davies, Physican to their late Majeslil's. Dr J. Johnson, Physxiau to their late Majesties. J. H. Curties, Esq, Auristto riitto. Dr As'iwell, Physician to (Joy's Hospital. Professors l'ereira, Pilchpr, an.l Millard, And *208 of the most 1 inirieiit of the Faculty; and by especial uppointmeut to his late Mo-t Gracious Majesty, as the following letter from Sir it. Wheaily testifies St James Palace, 25th June, 1833. S IR, lam honoured with the Kind's commands to express his Majesty's sense of your polite atten- tion in sending the two Bottles of Ethereal Essence of (Linger. His Maje-ty has been pleased to direct me to f >rw ird you Ten Pounds in payment for the same. Enclosed you will find the amount. I am, Sir, yours, ohed., "To Mr D. Woo ihouse." H. WIIEATIY. \VOODllllltSE'S GINGER still maintains its superiority in affording instant relief in Cholera Morbus, Spasms, Cramps, Flatulence,Langour, Hysterics, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Pa n and Oppression after Meals nlsothose Pains of the Stomach and B iwels which aiise from Gouty Flatulencies. Digestion, however much impaired, is restored to its pristine st.,te by the use of this invaluable preparation, and the Proprietor earnestly calls the atten- tion of every Family to i'S virtues, particul.tily at this season, when fiom the too free indulgence of fr,.it, &c., the stomach all,1 bow. Is become d ranged, and too fre quellrly (from neglect) terminates in inflammation r.n I tbe most fatal consequences. This Essence :s prepared solely by 15. K. Gregory, Chemist, Church Strict, Hack- IS ney, ami Sold in Bottles,2s(jJ, 4s6d,and ilas> Stoppered ones at 103 6J audits each (duty included)—where also may be had Gregory's Family Piils-a most safe all,, eilicacious remedy for Bilious and Liver Complaints — they neither impair by time, or change by climate, and may be taken with perfect safety even hv the most deli- cate child—in b>xes, Is lid,'2s 9d, and 4i6d each. Aellt for Merthyr and Dowials-Irs Jenkins.



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