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MANY THINGS IN FEW WORDS. Lord Rosso was engaged Intelj- in the construction of some machinery, when by an accident lie seriously I injured his thumb, completely severing it at the first joint- -A. plan has been recently su^sestod, the object of which is to do away with transportation to ft considerable extent, by compelling felons to work in coal and other mines, subject to certain regulations, apportioning the quantum of hbour and the length of confinement in the pits to the heinousticss of the crime and the conduct of the criminal. The Queen lately appeared at the German opera, for the first time since her accession, with her hair arrayed in ringlets. This -'event" liis made "curlpapers" to "look up" in the fashionable market, while starch and gum water (in Mark Lane language) are neglected. It is remarkable that there is not in the present session of Parliament a single bill for the construction of an original railway. An excellent character was en- graven on the tombstone of a lady, in these few words —"She was always busy and always quiet." We learn, by a letter from the poet Wordsworth, that he is now in Bath, and does not return to his mountain home, at Rvdal, until the middle of June. Liege, April 29. riiis morninga deplorable accident occurred in the coal mine of Ougree. At nine o'clock there was an explosion of gas. Wo hear that 20 work men are inissitig.- It) the event of a dissolution of Parliament, the unpopularity of the new taxes, the increasing expenditurc, and the Poor Law Amendment Act hanging about the necks of Ministers like a mill- atone, the Conservatives would easily secure a working majority in the next Parliament of from 80 to 100. Almack's second grand ball took place on Wednesday evening week, and was attended by nearly 300 of the haute noblesse, dancing commencing at II, to Weippert's band, and ending at three o'clock. %t a meeting of chemists and druggists, held lately at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, an association was formed, to be called "The Pharmaceutical Asso- ciation of Great Britain." An organized opposition to Mr Hawes's Medical Reform Bill was one motive to the meeting. On Saturday the members of the Itoval Academy of Arts gave their anniversary dinner at their apartments in Trafalgar Square, which was attended by a numerous assemblage of guests of the first rank and talent. The South Australian Reg't'er, of October 17, contains a long account of the ceremonials observed on the opening of the new port of Adelaide, by Governor Gawler, attended by the whole of the colonial authorities. This event appears to have excited much interest. Upwards of five thousand persons were spectators of the cxhilamting scene. A gentleman returned from India, inquir- ing of a person respecting their common acquaintance, who had been hanged after he had left England, was told he was dead. And did lie continue in the grocery line ?" said the former. "Oh, no," replied the other, be was in quite a different line when he die(]." Lord Brougham has paid a visit to ancient Home. The noble Lord has taken up his domicile in the Piazza di Spagna. On Monday evening week, the Pre- sident of the Royal Institute of British Architects, Earl de Grey, opened his house for the reception of the members of that society. The council hid the honour of dining with his lordship, and the convcrsa- Stonc which followed was attended by a numerous party of noblemen and gentlemen eminent in art, science, and literature. The female giraffe, at the Zoological Gardens, in the Regent's Park, has been shut out from public inspection. She is in very fine health, and a brood is expected in June. Amongst the presents received last week vvas a fine white stm k from her iMajestv. A most favourable report has rpached u* of the violin performances of Monsieur Alexandre Malibran, a nephew of the lamented singer, who performed at Mrs John Fiddes' concert on Tues- day last. His style is represented as being both brilliant and sound; and we trust that other opportu- nities will be afforded the public ere long of testing his powers. His name is good as a passport to general invour.-John Bull.-A inotiz tli(, list of Conserva- tive members absent from the division on Alondny week we observed the names of several Scotch members. We tittderstand that they were at sea on their passage from Scotland, and that the vessel having a rough voyage, eawe in sixteen hours after her time, so that they did not arrive till one o'clock on Tuesday morn- ing, two hours after the House had divided. The Oriental Observer, in its Alexandrian correspond- ence, stales that out of a caravan of 0,000 slaves recently brought from Cordafuu into Egypt,2,000died of small pox 011 the road "I am indeed very much afraid of lightning," murmured a pretty girl during a storm. And well you may," qiglieci tier despairing lover, when your heart is made of steel." TUere are at present in France, the C'ourrier de Lyon asserts, upwards of 150,000 notaries, avoues, agents d'affaires, huissiers, and registrars, who gain each on an average 10,000f per annum, making 1,500,000,000f. We are sorry to hear that the Right Hon Sir R. Wilmot Horton is at Urussels in a very precarious state of health. ■ ■ -Major General Sir John Harvey has been appointed Governor of New- foundland. Thomas Noel Hurt's, Esq., one of the Grooms of her Majesty's Chamber, has received tlio honour of Knighthood as have also WIll. Wiglit- man, Isq., one of the judges of the Queen's Bench, and Isaac Morley, Esq. mayor of Doncaster. 0. Copeiiiiaizeti," the noted steed which carried the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo, died a few months ago, and we believe now reposes in an honourable sepulchre near StratliGcIdsaye. There has been a cardinal of every nation except an Irish one—per- haps lest lie should encroach upon the authority of the Pope in making bulls. —~W 0 understand that, in acknowledgment of the eminent public services rendered by ;\Ijor General Sir George Arthur, during his administration of the government of Upper Canada, lie is about to be raised to the dignity of a birotict.- Government Print. 1o find the value of a dia- Inotid, ascertain the weight in carats, double that weight, and multiply the square of its product by 12. Thutadiamondoffour carats eight by eight is (i 1, multiplied by two gives £ 128.——At the next levee Mr O'Connell intends to be present in the garb of a repealer, with repeal buttons on his coat. Like, Owen on a late oeimion, we suppose, O'Connell will be arm in arm with Lord Mf'bourne. The num- ber of fetters posted in the United Kingdom averages 7.)0 per minute, according to the Parliamentary Re- turns just published, assuming that the post offices are open twehc hours each day. The recent defeat of the Whig candidate at Nottingham has so alarmed Sir John Cam liobliouse for the fate which awaits him at the next election, that he is looking out for a peerage. We arc glad to stato that it is expected the importation of sugar from the East India colonies alone will next year amount to about one thiNi of the total consumption of the kingdom. TI present King of Prusia, when crown prince, bad a private printing o!lice of his own, and frequently put into type original remarks and passages that he met with in reading, so as to become a very decent workman. Amongst the presents lately made to the United Service Institution was the military sash which was used in carrying Sir John Moore from the field of Corunna, after he had been fatally wounded. The Directors of the London and Brighton Rail- way have decided upon lighting the line from Brighton to Preston with gas. We hear that there are to be no less than three hundred lamps on this part of the line -ro send an uneducated child into the world," savs Paley, is little better than to turn out a mad do or a wild beast into the street." Pur- suant to instructions from the Secretary of State for the Home Department the inspection of the various Yeomanry Cava'ry corps for the present year are to be immediately commenced by Cavalry Field Officers of the regular army. Estimating the decrease in the quantity of malt used last year in the Irish distilleries, thera appears a decrease of 2 852,116 proof gallons of whisky compared with the preceding year. What would be the effects of a break up of the banks?' asked a friend of oura of a New Yoriitc the other day. "Why, no eff-cts," was the ready answer. The number of illegitimate children born since the passing of the Poor Law Amendment Act, will be found to be more than one-tenth of the children brought into the world. Passengers from this country to the United state's of America are subject on landing in that territory to a poll tax of J 3s 6<1 eaijl), called "head money," and for which the ship is accountable. The steam ship, President, cost £ 80,000, and was insured on leaving Liverpool for £ 60,000 -it is currently reported that Mr Bcdington, M.P. for Dundalk, is about to retire from the representation of that borough, in order to repre- sent his native county, Galway, on the first opportu njlr eonsequence of the continued ill health of 'Colonel Davies, we understand that the Hon and Gallant Member will not again offer himself for the representation of this city.—IT orcestcr Journal. A e#rgo of wheat and flour was imported into Lime- rick. a few days since from London This is a novel feature in commerce!- Death of Archdeacon Cam Iridge.—We have to record the death of the Vener- able Archdeacon Cambridge, which took place on Saturday mortling, at bis residence at Twickenham. His whole character might be summed lip in these few words, he was a ClJrislian in (leed and in truti)." Dr Cockbnrn sti 11 signs himself "William Cock- burn, Dean of York." Her Ma jest j the Queen JDowager.—We arc happy to hear oftheconvalescence pf her Majesty the Queen Dowager, wlio,, by the accounts received in town on Saturday, from Sudbury JiAtll wis recovered frofn her recent slight indisposition. J Ot) Iolouday week a gre.lt tire uccurred at Hull, and rngnl for upwards of five hours, and consumed propertv to the extent of thousands It originated in the mills and white lead works belonging to Messrs Popple and Co., ituite in the C-rovks. Four brick buildings, consisting of mills and warehouses, were 1 burned down, and the contents and machinery de- stroyed.SinyularVeath of a COW.-A cow bc- longing to Robert Gardner, of Wycrsdale, last week, died a miserable death. It had been losit), its coil- dition" for a considerable time; its owner considered it to be rotten, but on opening it there was found in its stomach all enormous toad, which, no doubt, had been alive till the cow's death.— Worcester Journal.









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