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Hemp Mo\DI'. FROM flop Brigr.-The hine of hops boiled in lye till the rind separates freely, may be stripped, and, when cool, worked like hemp. This is best done by cording, which makes it like c'.tlon.-Inrlagator. THE FARMERS' INSURANCE INSTITUTION. — Security to the assured being a matter of vital importance, it will be satisfactory to our reitder, to lea n that the names of 1,323 shareholders of this institution have been enrolled, pursuant to the provisions of the act of parliament, by which the company is empowered, and which list of names can be referred to at any tittie'. Amongst them will be found some of the largest landowners, and most distinguished farmers, ila, the kingdom. I The magistrates of Croydon were called upon a 'ew days since to decide all to the liability of the Brighton Railway Company to pay poor rate on their proper-y in that parish. In support of the rate it was contended that they were liable, although the line was not in use, because rails were laid down and used for the conveyance of earth and other purposes constituting a beneficial occupation, which was all that was required. 10 reply it was stated, that though profit wiL* n,)t necessry to create the liability, yet that it was requisite that some business or occupation should be carried on from which profit might be expected to accrue; that though the parish might suffer • temporary loss, that would be more than counter- balanced by the advatitageE4 if would ultimately receive, and that the point had already been raised and decided in favour of the company. One of the magistrates thought a railway analogous to the case of a house while being; built, and wtilch while in, the progress of erection was, not liable to assessmeut to the poor rate; another said he differed from his coadjutor-i on the point, and considered that the company had a beneficial occupation of the land; if it was considered they had not, he could not see where the line waa to be drawn. Finally, the majority of the magis rates decided that the company was not liable.—County Herald. QUININE.—The popular opinion is greatly In fa- vour i f Quinine as being a powerful and efficacious Tonic but there is a specific far more potent in its nature and properties; we ri-fer to Mr Wray's After- ative Tonic Powders and Pills, of Holborn Hill, The peerless virtues which characterise this medicine renders any eulogium superfluous. In scrofu ous f disorders, scorbutic affections, CUlaneoUtl enlprfon;, and all diseases of the skill, there is not to be found lor beneficial operation their equal. It is requisite to observe that the Alterative Powders and Fills, will be found pre eminently serviceable in all Chrouic Diseases, and Ittietimatic coniplaiats.-Age_ A PENNYWORTH OF PKACE!—And what that i. any body in Lancashire can tell you and ir YOII be not in Lancashire, I can it is laudanum or opi/l disguised in treacle, and termed, in other plaaes, Godfrey's Cordial." It is in vain to remonstrate with the poor on this practice-they alwaysaa you what they are to do, and think it unanswerable to add, A pen'oth of peace is worth a penny." Thus are the constitutions of the poorsappedand stupifled even in the cradle, and all the wisdun of England cannot point out any remedy, but (hat of taking off the violent pressure on 'he means of eiiatence.- Howitt in TaiVs Edinburgh Magazine Is it pos- sible that a man of Mr Howiit's information can never yet have heard ofttie far famed Manchester medicine? What that is, any bod\ in Lancashire can let I liiin,and, indeed, we believe, in any part of the United Kingdom. For it is an indisputable fact, that, since the commencement of the presen year, its sale (extensive as it has been for the la. half century) has inoreased beyond all former pr. cedent. It were almost superfluous to add, that "e allude to that nice and inestimable preparation. Atkinson's Infants' Preservative, which, so far front "sapping the constitution," and "stupifying" the seiiseg-like those dangerous compounds, whose basis islalldanum or other opiates—allays irritations and assuages pain in the mildest and me)-.t innoc". ous manner; th"s affording reul comfort, both t. the anxious mother and her suffering babe.—(See Advertisement.) Printed and Published by \HTHUR CHAKLES LUTHMAN. Printer, at the Office, High-street, Mcrtfiyr Tydvil, in the County of Glamorgan; where Orders. Advert tisements,-and Communicatioos for the Editors are requested addressed. Advertisemeiftancl Ordert received by tht | folion-iny Agents:— I LONDON: —Mr. Banker, 33, Fleet Street; Me«r». j Newton and Co.,5, Warwick Square Mr. G. ReyneU, j 4 £ Chancery Lane; Mr. Deacon. 3, Walbrook, near j the Mansion House; Mr. Joseph Thomas, I, Fio<;h j Lane, Qp^hill Mr. Hammond, i!7. Lombard Street j Mr. Charles' Barke/; 12, Btrchin Lane and Messrs Clarfce an I Lewis, Crown Court, Threadneedl* I Street. ABFR(;A-V 1-4 NY Mr C. R Phillips, Auctionerr I fiEADFORTs HT.ATNA BRYS MAWR: EBBW LE VANTVGI o Mr eeoj-gqi. P;rry, Grocer, BeauFUR BJLE.CON Mr Win. Rvans; Street. BRIDGEND: Mr. David Jeukiift. BRISTOL Mr John Rees, 8|, Gbllege '»reen. CARDIFF: Mr. Wm. Bird, Bookseller. CHEPSTOW Mr. B Bradford, -Otiernist & Druggist. NEWBRIDGE: Post Office. CRtcRftbwWt. s 'Mr. T. Williate?, Pout Office. HEREFORD M>. W. H. Vale, ftseksdler. High Stre LLANDOVERY Mr William Rees^Post Office. MLANDAFF: MrJ. Ilncxwell, Registrar's Office. NftNMotiTH Mr C. Hough, Bookseller. Sec 9 NEATH Mr-.William Prichard Rees, dreeri Street. 4K NfEWBRIDOfi: tyr.Thomas Williams. Ironmonger. Vj NEWPORT Messrs. Wcbher and Son,Booksellers. m NBWCASTLB RMLYN; Mr William Jones, Prinrse'i- and Stationer, gringend Hoti%e. f., PEMBROKE: Mr R. C. TieweekJr £ l>emt«t'kndBoAfc? seller. • J PONTYPOOL Mr P. Proaser. Bookseller. t rJL SWANSEA: Mr Chri<t»pher ,M'Adaos, York Place. aj TENBY MrJehn Apwe, LRDIY»onger, High Street f| "•Tk^EDEGAK LMf. Homea ¡'!>i: and by all Postmasters and Clerks of the Roads. This Pt^per is t*fl*larly Jilati in Londm at Lloyd's Coffee House*.City. t'eel'. Coltce lea t Sot rest. The Chapter Co(^IJ|ourfk. St Paul's. And at Deacon's Co^ee douse, Walbrook, j Saturday, March 27.1841.

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