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DINNKR TO GKOilGE (JUANE, ESQ. Abut J 50 highly rospt'etable gentlemen sat down to ;sn excellent dinncHy.at the Assembly rooms, Swaif- sea, on Friday, t!io'23rd of Februarv, which was served by Mrs Thomas, in her usual style. The com- pany assembled at six o'clock. Richard Doughlus Gough, of Yniscedwin, Esq. presided. 11 was ob- served by all parties present tttat it was the largest aii(I iiiost dititior ever witnessed in Swan- sea. R. M. Phillips, -Rsq. Mayor of Swansea, acted as Vice-President. Champagne was seen sparkling about freely. After tiie clotil was removed the Chairman oroposed— The Queen," with three tiin^s three, which was drun'i with applause. The next was The Queen Dowagor, :md the rest of the lvitii three limes three. Tiie Navy and the Army," three times three." Captain-EDEN, R- N. returned thanks. Rule Britania," was then siing in good style by Messrs. Farndale and !\liddleton. The CHAIRMAN then rose and said—The next toast lie was about to give was one he was sure every out presentanticipnted, namely. the health of nis respected friend on his rkht, tht-ir honoured guest Geo Crane, Esq. lie could only regret that a person of greater talent and one more accustomed to public speaking than himself, and one who would do more justice to the toast, had not filled the Chair on this occasion. He was however rplievld in some measure in the task he had undertaken, seeing himself surrounded by so highly respectablean assembly of gentlemen, wliien would at once convince his friend how his perseverance and talents were appreciated. They lmd met this day to testify their gratitude to Mr Crane for the impor- tant discovery he had made in making iron of anthra- cite or stone coal. Bv this discovery-this neighbour- hood will be highly enhanced in valuf, and it would be ungrateful on their part not to show to tint gentleman some mark of their esteem and gratitude for so important a discovery. The Chairman said it was with lie had the honour of addressing such an assembly, and was sure they would all cor- dially unite in the wish that Mr Crane may soon obtain nn ample reward for his great labour and per- severance. and that he may long live to enjoy such reward. After a few other observations much to the purpose, the Chairman concluded by proposing the health of George Crane, Esq., of Ynisced win Iron works. (Nine times nine.) Which was received with the greatest enthusiasm. Air Crane then got up and stool on a chair made for the occasion at the foundry of Thomas Strick, j Esq. at Clydach, near Swansea, of iron, made of all- tbracitc or stone uoal, and spoke as follo%vs Mr Chairman and beg most sincerely to thank you for the very kind manner in which you have now drunk my health, and more especially so for that public mark of your attention with which tili4 day honoured iu being invited to be your guest at this table. From the practice which have had in smelting-iron ore with anthracite, I entertain muclf^confidence in mv own experience upon that subject—-not so jl{ my talents as a public speaker; and as this "is the first time of my appear- ance upon these boards iu that character, I must cra\e that indulgence at your hands which is usually kindly extended to a new performer, whilst 1 trespass for a short time upon your attention with a few observa- tions which I have committed to paper. When I first entered this country as a resident, about 15 years since, a large portion of the fuel for the daily supply of the Yniscedwyn Iron Works was at that tune being conveyed ]:a miles up the canal, at a very large expence, whilst the whole country on which the works stood teemed with anthracite. The question with regard to the applicability, or otherwise, of stone coal to furnace purposes, naturally forced itself iin. mediately upon Illy attelltion, Eighteen inonl.iis had not elapsed after my arrival in South Wales, before ( had begun, and failed, in some of the most serious attempts to apply anthracite, or stone coal, to the smelting of iron ore, which had probably ever before been undertaken in this or any other country. I will not fatigue you with the details connected with those failures, but will briefly state, that the accumulation in the blast furnaces of a dense-white ash, which! could neither succeed in liquifying or consuming, (as it now proves, from the want of a suiffciently high temperature to meet the peculiar incombustibility of this co d,) completely defeated all my efforts Some other attempts to apply stone coal to the remelting of iroiriu the small cupolas, ended in the same manner. In the progress of the experiments, and in other sub- sequent ones, a variety of circumstances transpired which led me to believe that anthracite had qualities peculiarly calculated for the production of good iron. I need not state that such conviction, whilst it in- creased the aeuteoess of disappointment under my failures, coufirmed lilY determination of purpose to follow up the object which I bad iu view, how to apply' this coal to smelting purposes, with all the little intellect which (could bring to bear upon the subject. iliv attention was with more or less zest, according to the apparent feasibility, or otherwise, of the different ideas which arose it, tiiv mind, for many years almost constantly directed to this subject, until the thought occurred to me which has been crowned with such signal success. I have now, Gentlemen, the very agreeable duty of reporting progress. Since the 7,11 February, 1837, (notwithstanding the disadvantage- ous position in which I have been placed for the want of a more powerful blast machine, now about to be remedied,) not one ounce of any other fuel has been nsd in the cupola blast furnace at YlIiscedwYII Iron Works, called No. 2, but tint hitherto rejected description, called stone coit-iti twelve months trial ended therefore on Wednesday fortnight last- and when I have communicated the result of the combina- tion of heated air with anthracite on each of the three grand points in the smelting of iron ore, namely, on the qnantity of iron produced from the furnace when compared with its former make—the quality.of such iron; and last but not-least, the economy of the proccss, I believe that we may, with very great safety, warmly congratulate each other 011 the results. With respect to the make, the furnace has pro- duced on the average upwards of 5D per cent more iron,/since I resorted to the combination of heated air, and stone coal, tlnn it ever before turned out during a like average with cokes and cold blast. The quality of such iron has been of a very superior description to anything which I was ever before ena- bled to produce with cold blast, and the coke of the bituminous veins at the Yniscedwyn Iron Works, (and what the quality was of the iron before made by me, is not unknown to many gentlemen in whose presence I am now speaking), on this part of the subject the testimonies are most flattering, and most conclusive. For bars, 1 am assured that the iron has given much satisfaction for Foundry purposes, "that it is admirable," that in remelting it is "very fluid," and at the tilnc union of qualities most desirable, but seldom met with for wire for tin plates, and for all tiie other general purposes to which the metal is applicable, the reports are equally gratifying. The ngceahle tetlor of all the opinions which 1 have received, have been che- quered only by one less favourable. Anthracite, like vegetable charcoal, being almost entirely composed of carbon, it was no unreasonable expectation in which I indulged that the one would be found to pro- duce all. ii-oti, not very dissimilar in quality to the other-the event as fLtlly realized my most sanguine anticipations. With respect to the economy of the process, it will be sufficient to mention that! have 011 the average of several months, produced the ton of pig iron, with about one-third of the coal which I was before obliged to consume of that of the bitumi- nous kinds; namely, with the before unheard of quan- tity of 27 cwt, and from causes which it would take me too much into detail to explain. I entertain the utmost confidence that I shall be able to reduce that j 21 (wt, down to 22 cwt perhaps, on the average in the 1. )1, txxelve sllleltillg process. From the experience of twelve months, I am borne out likewise in adding, that when stone coal is made use of the operations of thf blast furnace may be expected to proceed with fewer of these fluctuations, with regard to tiie quality of the iron, than ever was mv experience before with any other description of fuel. Another result has fol- ]owed from the combination of hot blast and An- thracite.of too much importance to omit naming. U11 der this piocess I have been enabled to use the whole of the iron mines of this country, without discrimina- tion, and yet to produce good iron, before 1 adopted this process, when everv iron was required, I was. obliged to reject some of'the more productive ores, and use those only of the milder, or less productive kinds. I< rotn a ditlidcnce iu tresspassing too long upon your attention, I will briefly state, that I have upwards of twelve months since, proved that the quality of the iron is so much imrrmod-its strength so much increased, and the quantity of fuel before requisite, so much reduced by the introduction of merely a fourth of Anthracite in the smelting process, that I entertain a strong expectation that those iron masters in the bituminous districts, who are now smelting with heated ail, will eventually find it to be their interests to import stone coal from this district, to use other with the coal or the cokes of the bitumi- nous veins; and with the desire to facilitate that object, I have already advised two or three parties who have put themselves in communication with me upon the subject, that I"~have determined to charge but 6d. per ton upon the iron made under this process lor the use of my patent right, in all cases where the stone coal must be sea borne. Gentlemen, it is known to you all that we have in t4is part of the magnificent mineral basin of South Wales, a very extensive deposit of anthracite Coal, and that wo have likewise a very unusual abundance of iron stone of very excellent quality ranging in the same ground with it. That the result of the experiments which 1 have brought to so happy a conclusion, must now obviously open the whole of the stone coal district with peculiar advantages to an impol.tallt trade, from which it has hitherto be-ii excluded, will not nosv admit of a question. I will, likewise, venture to add that, considering the present enormous and daily increasingconsumptionof minerals forthe purposes of the iron trade (a trade, so intimately connected with tho prosperity and welfare of the United Kingdom), that it is a matter, f flatter my- self, of no small importance in a national point of view, that we arc now enabled to add to its former available resources for such trade, a district probably not measuring less than from 60 to 70 miles long and by something like six to eight miles wide, full of stone coal and iron stone. You are aware, gentlemen, that I have not anv elaim to the merit of the invention of heating air; for that happy thought the world is in- debted to an intelligent practical man, Mr Neilson, of CUsgow for the discovery of the advantages of the combination of heated air, with stone coal or anthra- cite you are indebted to me. Simple, gentlemen, as the thought may appear, many of you can probably form but an imperfect, idea, saying nothing of the out- lay, of the succession of the untoward disheartening, h,,iri-;issiii- (IiT and harrassing difficulties, which I had to contend with, before I could carry out this simple thought to a practical and successful termination,and If my con- fidence in the good qualities of stone coal had not approached to something like obstinacy, the pleasure i of meeting you on this occasion certainly would not have been mine. Out of a numerous establishment I had nu reason to believe that I had more than two persons, who had any hope that success would crown my exertions—those two were Mr Edward Manby, and llecs Davins, of whom l should be wanting in gratitude, and should do violence to my feelings, if I did not avail myself of this opportunity of stating that the manner in which they both devoted them- selves (without any regard to their own personal com- fort) to assist me in carrying out my idea to a suc- cessful issue, will alwavs secure for them, from me, a deep interest in their own happiness and welfare, The large and increasing demand for iron, for railway and other purposes, which has now to be met, will afford ample room for that additional quantity which must now be shortlv lIlade in the anthracite district. New interests can but seldom be created without interfering with these previously inexistence. 1 have been treated with so much kindness, by the general body of Iron masters, of the South Wales and Mon- nioutbshue district, ever since I have formed one of their number that it would mar my present enjoy- ment, if I entertain^ any apprehension that our success would interfere materially with their own. Gentlemen, you must excuse my intruding on your attention for a few moments, only, longer. Indebted lll,)Blo as I deeply am to this neighbourhood (and 1 have great pleasure no w in availing myself of this public opportunity ol making the acknowledgement) for that universal kindness, and attention, with which I have been treated by ;l|l classes ever since I have been a resident in it, identified as (alii with the intrrests- t le feelings, (I had almost said) with the prejudices of the country 111 which 1 am living—of that country in which iny last days will be spent, as far -is can control their destinies; I feel a deep gratifi- cation that it should, in tllt dispensations of the Almighty, have fallen to my lot (as I trust) success- fully and finally, to have solved a question of so much interest to the Principality. With a deep, a grateful, and .a lasting impiession of the value of this proud mark of your esteem, 1 shall return back into that retirement from whence your kindness has this day drawn me, carrying with me an additional "motive (than whi -it a more powerful earthly one could not have been tendered for Illy acceptance) to induce me still to continue my humble efforts to do my duty, in that state of lile, into which it has pleased God to call Inc. I trust that you will now individually be assured that I again thank you for this high honour which you have conferred upon me, for the indulgence with which you have now heard mo-alld that you will consider that I now as distinctly drink each of your healths, and that it is accompanied with every sincere wish for your individual happiness and welfare, both for time and eternity. The speech was listened to with the greatest atten- Lioll, tii(i wa3 cheered throughout. The CHAIHMAM then gave "Mr Vivian and the copper trade." Mr Budd, in a short speech, returned thanks. Beo. Crane, Esq. then proposed the health of the worthy Chairman which was warmly received, and Mr Gough, in an appropriate speech, returned thanks. The next toast was "The town and trade of Swan- sea." Upon which the MAYOII proposed that Mr Saunders should return thank". Mr SAUNDERS said that he was thankful for the honour conferred upon him. Ho then addressed the company from a paper which we regret we are obligld to omit, as, to use a Parliamentary phrase, the Speaker's observations were sometimes inaudible in the The CHAIIIMAN then gave "The Mayor and the town and trade of Neath,"threetimes three. J NO. ROWLAND, Esq. returned thanks. He ob- served that he had no doubt that the application of anthracite coal to the making of iron would lIIaterially benefit ilie town and neighbourhood of Neath, and be hoped soon to see furnaces erected in that neighbour- lLOad; and, after a few furLher observations concluded by thanking them for the honour they bad done him. atiti the Mineral interest of Car- was next proposed. Win. CHAMBERS, flsq. JLIII., briefly returned thanks. "Mines,Furnaces, Canals and Railways," and n The Vice President,"—the Mayor of Swansea, with three times tiiree, followed. The lA yon, in a short speech returned thanks. J. ROWLAND, Esq, then proposed tho health of Evan James, Esq., and the Gentlemen of the Com- mittee who assisted in getting up the dinner. Drunk with great applause. The Vice PUESJDENT then proposed the health of W. It. Smith, Esq. and eulogized him for his exertions in establishing water works, at Swansea. Mr SMITH returned thaiTks, in an excellent speech which we regret we cannot insert for want of space. Toe health of "Thomas Strick, Esq. was proposed and drunk, for the neat manner iu which he had turned out the anthracite chair and some desert dishes which were greatly admired. Mr STRICK acknowledged the toast in a good speech. After several other appropriate toasts, the company separated at a late hour, highly gratified with the evening entertainment. TAFF VALE ftAILIV ty. The following is tiie report, with statements an_ nexed, which has been lately circulated amongst the subscribers "In pursuance of the provisions of the Act of Incorporation, tiie Directors proceed to lay before the Proprietors, a statement of the affairs of the Company, as regards their finances, the. progress of the works, and the future prospects of the concern. The Directors have much pleasure in stating, that by an account made up to the latest possibl period, the deficiency on the calls amounts only to £H5û5, which must be considered a very small sum upon £ 90,000. and which small balance, it is confi- dently expected, will soon be paid up. The Directors cannot but congratulate the Pro- prietors upon the prompt manner in which their calls have been met, and which they consider themselves justified in ascribing to the confidence felt by the Proprietary in the undertaking, both as regards its immense importance to the district which it traverses, as well as to the certainty of ample relllllneratioll to the Proprietors for the capital to be expended. "Before quitting the financial part of the subject, the Directors think it right to explain, that the ap- parent large amount of calls made by them, was necessary to prepare for the heavy demands which will be made upon them for the works, and which will probably amount to a larger sum in the present year, than could have been provided, if the calls had been deferred as by the Act of Incorpora- tion, calls cannot bo made at less intervals than three months, or to a larger amount than tlO per share at each call. "Wjth regard to the state of the works, the Direc- tors have given priority to the contracts which would necessarily require the longest period for their com- pletion, such as the viaduct over the Taff river and valley at Goedre-y-Coed, the Bridges over the Taff and Rhondda, at Melin Griffith and Newbridge, to- gether with the tunnels at Gocdre-y-Coed and Ynis- coy. The Directors have in addition to these works, entered into other contracts.on equally advantageous krms, including two more bridges over the Taff, the wiiolo of the Merthyr and Melin Griffith embank- ments, and in fact, all the important works upon the main line of railway. Turco more contracts have also been advertised, tenders for which are to be received on the 7th of March next. These fifteen contracts comprise the whole of the main line from Merthyr to Cardiff, with the exception ol a few miles, the contracts for which are in course of preparation, and which wilt be duly advertized at the earliest possibie period. "The Directors have great pleasure in informing the Proprietors that the works under these several contracts already let, are progressing iu a very satis- lactory manner, under the able superintendence of their resident engineer, with whose zeal and ability the Directors have every reason to be satisfied. The Company have also possessed themselves of a considerable portion of the land required for the main line, upon fair and equitable terms, and in the only cases in which they have been compelled to ap- peal to the decision of a jury, the awards were much below the sums which the Directors were previously willing to give. The Directors have already had their attention drawn to the construction of the engines and car- riages, which will be required for the opening of the railway, in order to give ample time for their being made in the best manner; and they have every con. fidence, that no very long period will elapse! before a commencement will be made in this very important branch of the undertaking. In adverting to the future prospects oT the Com- pany, the Directors can assure the Proprietors, that every day confirms the evidence adduced before the Committee of the House of Commons, on the ex- tent of the trade to be expected on the railway. The iron manufactured at the works, which will be connected with the railway, is daily wcreasing. The iron ore important to Cardiff, is also an article a'ready c-xceeding what was assumed for it, in the calculations laid before Parliament. "The coal trade, on which the prosperity of our railway mainly depends, is every day extending itself at this port, notwithstanding the great inconvenicnc.es it has to contend with from an imperfect mode of conveyance, and an insufficient port. The o:d col- lieries have exceeded the quantity which it was esti. mated they would produce, and the facilities our road is about to afford them, will give them still further increase. Other collieries are now also open- ing, in readiness to take advantage of the railway when completed and the Directors feel the greatest confidence, that the excèllellt mode of communication which will be thus opened to the sea, will, by its great superiority over all other modes of transit, both as regards economy and expedition, place it above any- fear of successful competition. The Directors subjoin a statement of their re- ceipts and disbursements. WALTER COFFIN, c. Chairman." [We regret our limits forbid the insertion of the statement of income and expenditure above referred to it must, therefore, suffice to say, that the ba- lance ill hand 011 December 31st last, amounted to £ t7tul Us. .ø.I'##. GLAMOltGANSillRE AND MoVMOUTHSIIIRE L'i FUUIARY AND DISPENSAIIY, CARDII-P. Abstract of House Surgeon's Report to the Weekly Board, from Feb. 21st to 28th, 1838, inclusive. Ili-DOOR PATIKNTS. — Remained by last Report, s; Admitted since, 4. Discharged—Cured and Re- licvcd, l; Remaining, 3. Our-DOOit PATIENTS*. —Remained by last Report, 100; Admitted since, 13-115. Discharged- Cured and Relieved, 7; Remaining, 108. Medical Oi/ieers for the Week. Piiysiciaii Dr. ,Nlool*e Davis; Visitors—Rev H. L. Bloss, and Air D. Evans. THOMAS JACOB, House Surgeon. GLAMORGANSHIRE SPRING ASSIZES. Mr Justice Coltman arrived at Swansea, at five o'clock on Thursday Evening. His Lordship was met at Morriston by Howel Gwyn, Esq., the High- sheriff, accompanied by several of his friends, who escorted the Judge to the town-hall, where the com- mission was opened in the usual form. His Lordship was to go to church at ten o'clock yesterday morniug, and then to proceed to business. "#I,,# CARDIFF GAS LIGHT AND COKE COMPANY.— Messrs John Barlow, and Co., of Londpu, have agreed with this company for the erection of the new works, which will, we understand, bo immediately com- menced. The first call on the proprietors of £ 5 per share, was made at a meeting of directors, oil Monday last, (see advertisement). BOROUGH of CARDIFF.—On Thursday last, the following officers, for this borough, were appointed Auditors Edward Evans, Surgeon, Henry Philips, Brewer. Assessursforthe Borough.. Tli,,mas H Lowder, Saddler. Job James, Ironmonger. Dittu for North Ward. John Gowcr, Chandler. William Allen, Confectioner. Ditto for South IVard. George Farmer, Gunsmith. Joseph Brown, Shopkeeper- At a meeting of the council ilso, oti ttic same (lav, the Mayor appointed Mr William Pritchard, Mayor's Auditor, for the eusuing year. A great sensation was made at Cardiff on Saturday last, by the apprehension of two men charged" ith the murder of Jenkin David, (Jpnkill the smith), of Laniltern, in January, 1832. A full investigation of the charge was cuterell into at the Old Gaol, before several Magistrates acting for the Hundreds of Kibbor and Miskin, and it turned out to be a spiteful and most unfounded accusation, made by a man of the name of Tiiomas David, a -labourer, at Radyr, who said he was drunk at the time, and did not know what be had said. It was proved by many respecta- ble witnesses that he had described several particulars of the transaction, but failed to account where he himself had been (-it the time zt look place. Further enquiry is uow"being pinde 011 that subject. Not long since two nautical blades travelling in a gig from Cardiff, dropped anchor at the half way house, to lay ill a store of victuals; and before the completion of their cargo contrived to get rather more than half seas over." Loosing from their moorings, when withm about six knots of Merthyr, the horse, not relishing its steersman, very politely thrust his heel through tlw Si)!islii)oird which roused the two gentlemen, who. we understand, were sleeping on their watch; when one found himself under the gig, and the other at the top of the hedge; most appro- priate positions, truly, iij the i of Mount- Pleasant. One then conducted the horse into port, and the other performed the same office for the gig; which tbe next day was conveyed back to Car- O,iveve(I 1), diff, in North's Wagon,"for repairs..They vowed that night never more to Sillg- Ye gentlejnen of England, who live at homs at ease, How little do ye think upon the dangers of the seas 1" Having experienced equal, if not greater 'daiig C r S on laud. Howell Gwyn, of Alltwen, Esq,, has been appointed Sheriff for the county of Glamorgan. Lord Adare, Lord Clive, and Mr Powell, of Nanteos, have been ballotted to serve upon the rynenionth Election Committee. Sir Gerard Noel, Bart., M.P., for the county of' Rutland, died nt his seat, Exton-park, 011 Thursday the 22nd nIt; at 21 minutes before 5 o'clock P.M. He is succeeded in the estates of his uncle, the late Earl of Gainsborough, by his eldest son, Lord Barham; the Hon. tile second son, succeeds to the baronetcy.—Stamford Mercury. We are happy to hear that the Rev. E. Morgan, Vicar of Lantwit Major, in tins county, was exceed- ingly active, during the late severe weather, in re- lieving the wants of the necessitous poor under his care. lie obtained upwards of fifty pounds for their benefit, by soliciting contributions from gentlemen connected by property with the parish. That sum he distributed, at many different times in money, coal, and flour, according to the wants and number of cacti family, oil a plan which gave universal satisfaction, and called forth the grateful acknowledgments of the poor. It is pleasing to add, tllat the farmers of the parish are entitled to great praise for the readiness and cordiality, with which tiley seconded the charitable etrorts of their minister. It was 110 sooner proposed to them, than they all cheerfully agreed to send their wagons and carts, a distance of ten miles, to fetch coal for the poor, free of expense. This beneficent act', 011 the part of the farmers, was a great help to the subscription, and was highly appreciated by those on whom it was bestowed. Indeed it is delightful to contemplate so much good feeling, of kindness on the 0 one band and of gratitude on the other, among the inhabitants of a large parish. I t is also due to our national religious establishment to rcrrnrk, that, among various other excellencies, it generally secures to the poor, in -tiie person of their parochial clergy- man, a kind and sympathizing friend in the season of distress. We beg to call the attention of our readers to a sliort Advert iseiiieii t, in otir coltitiins, of a new Institution for the advancement of the Arts and Practical Science, which we think calculated to serve the Agricultural and Manufacturing branches of industry. .### NEWBRIDGE POLICE. [Before GEO. THOMAS, Clerk, and E. M. WILLIAMS, Esquire.] FER. 27.- David Morg.tn, licensed victualler, was fined 20s. and costs for allowing tippling in his house during the- hours of divine uervice, on Sunday the 18th ult. Noah Llewellyn was fined 10s. for obstructing the highway, on the complaint of Mr C. Verity. The exertions of the Police Committee here have been so far very successful good order and sobriety have taken the place of rioting and drunkenness; the desecration of the Sabbath is not now the crying sin it has hitherto been, nor are the consequences of the formerlate hours of the beer-houses so visible or so much felt. The officer employed seems to understand bis duty well, and the magistrates are determined to meet each case of delinquency with severity. GENERAL RESULT OF THE REGISTRATION FOR 1837. We have much pleasure in laying before our readers the result of the last registration, for this county. We could have wisiied to have done so sooner, but the delay has arisen in a desire that our return shoutd be correct. We trust that our friends in the cast, will be vigilant at the next registration; but, it is gratifying to us that we maintain the position we do, by having a majority throughout the whole country. We assert that our returns have been prepared with great pains, not without great trouble; and we con- gratulate the Conservatives of this county, upon the favourable result of such returns, especially wliell it is to be considered that so few notices were given by the Conservatives in the east- General residt of the Registration for the year 1837, including new claims established. Conservative Radical gains. gains. Swansea District SIS, 0 Llanguicke District. 24 0 Neath 24 0 Bridgend 0 3 Cowbridge 0 20 Part of Caerpiiilly litinored 0 S Cardiff, includmg Kibbor aud Drnas Powis 0 79 Merthyr 7 0 143 HO Conservative gains 33 We hear tlut a Steeple Cliase was to be performed this week, in Somersetshire or Gloucestershire, and that of all days in year, Ash Wednesday was fixed on for this absurd performance. It was reported at Cardiff, on Monday, that some Glamorganshire gen- tlemen were to ride on the occasion: we hope for decency's sake that this is iiottrue a display of this nature on such a day, would be as unhallowed, as it is on any day unwise and ridiculous. SWANSEA, Friday.—Owing to the very heavy state of the road between London and Bristol, the mail did not arrive here till near ten last night, being four hours and a half after its average time. It only lost fifteen minutes between Bristol and Swansea. SWANSEA.—The "Happy Return," Irwin, from I'fracombc, bound to this place with sheep, got on the rocks coming out of the harbour at Ilfracombe this morning's ti,le,-(IVediiesday.) An elopement from the neighbourhood of Swansea, has furnished the county with a topic for a nine days' wonder, and materials for a month's conversation. The parties who figure in this conte cTavwurare the eldest daughter of a Baronet, and a youthful memlwr of a gallant profession, equally fearless of the battle aid the bi-eeze. Immediate chase was given to the privateer and the valuable cargo, but the result we are unable to com inunicate. We dare say all will come to safe anchorage in the haven of Hymen. SWANSEA HIGH IIDES.—On Saturday and Sunday last, it blew very strong from S.S.E., and being a high spring tide, particularly on Sunday morning, the tide rose to an alarming height, which occasioned considerable damage along the shore from Swansea to the Mumbles: part of the tram road was washed awav by the sea overflowing, to the extent of several hundred yards. The sea absolutely made its way over the banks by the New Infirmary, and reached Cla- rence Buildings, to the height of nearly two feet. The inmates of several houses were much alarmed. Several thousand tons of ballast deposited at our western Pier, were completely washed away, together with part of the wall. The shipping in the harbour sustained no damage in consequence. Such a high spring tide has not been seen at Swansea for many years—the water on the bar, was upwards of 30 feet. A fair will be held 4I.t Llanbaran, for the salo of cattle, horses, hay, corn. straw, butter, cheese, &c., on the 3rd day of April next. SERIOUS ACCIDEST. -On Tuesday night last, as the mail was coming along the Strand into town, the night being dark, and in a very narrow part of the street, the coach ran over a Captain of a coasting vessel, who, it is suppposed, was knocked down by the horses. The poor man bad his leg terribly broken, and, it is expected, must suffer amputation. No blame, we believe, is attached to the coachman. We have frequently heard that the gas-lights are a disgrace to the town, or rather to the proprietors of the gas-works, which the above melancholy accident must verify. '2 _####,#- MERTHYR. MERTHYR. — We can conceive nothing more dis. r, graceful than the scene which presents itself in the streets of Merthyr, on Sunday evenings. The con- gregation as they return from church, and those who are leaving the neighbouring chapels, as they pass to their homes, must listen to the whistlings, and screechings, and veilings of idle crowds assembled round the pot-house doors. The darkness forms a most convenient veil for these, and such other im- moralities which at present we shall not name. And what would be a prevention for all this? In the first place, light tbe town,—well light the town, with gas. I bey who love the darkness because their deeds are evil, will find some more fitting place then for their indecorous, oK rather indecent conduct. That a town containing 25,0iJ0 inhabitants should be suffered to remain in its present condition, is disgrace, fathoms deep, to the whole community. Who is to blame ? Nor is this the only Sabbath nuisance of which we must-complain. On Sunday last, a whole string of thickly shod children, accompanied by a person whom we suppose to he their master, marched into church, whilst the Psalms were in the course of being read and the officiating clergyman was actually obtiged-to stop till they had traversed the aisle, and the stairs, to the gallery j Where are the Churchwardens that they do not put a stop to this, and provide a com, mon cheap, thick sort of matting, to deaden the sound of the feet of the pew-opener, even, and of tti,)se of the congregation who from any cause may happell to arrive after the service has commenced. A mure tnne would effect this very desirable object; and if there be no other way of accomplishing it, Jet ,p'l ln.as^ f°r a private subscription for the purpose. ie funds will soon be raised, provided there be no ackwardness of the will on the part of those whose duty ItlS to see that in this, as in every similar mat- ter, all things be done decently and ill order, .ø.## MERTHYR POLICE. [Before NVm. THOMAS, gsq. aad CIIAS. MAYBBRY, Clerk.] FEB. 23.Thomas Hunter, of Penydarran, was fined 5s. and costs, for assaulting Ann Rees. CAUTION TO POACHERS.—Thomas Jones, of Dow- lais, shoemaker, was committed to Cardiff House of Correction for three calendar months at the end of that period he is to find sureties to the amount orx20 that he will not offend again for the space- of one year, and in default of such sureties to be further im- prisoned for six calendar months. The defendant was caught at two o'clock on the morning of Sunday tne I itti iiist-int, on the Gurnos land, the property of Win. Crawsbay, Esq. with nets and dogs for taking game. The gamekeepers, by the aid of II. Newfoundland dog, captured the defendant and shot one of the dogs; he was accompanied by six well known characters who effected their escape and have since absconded. The destruction of game in this neighbourhood by these midnight marauders, is carried on to an incre- dible extent. [Before W. THOMAS, and G. R. MORGAN, Esqrs.] FEn. 26.-TilOmas John, was convicted in the sum of 4(ls. and costs for a savage assault upon Llewelyn Llewelyn, of Brindefaid, in the parish of Aberdare, [Before WM. THOMAS, Esq.] William Rees, agent at the Penydarran Iron Works, having obtained summonses against several of the puddlers for refusing to wxirk, the spacious room at the old Angel was soon filled by the firemen em. ployed at that establishment. A long investigation ensued, from which it appeared that a deputation of the puddlers waited about two months ago on Mr Grenfell, the manager, for an advance of wages. The puddlers conceiving that Mr Grenfell, upon that occasion, promised them a progressive advance equal to what should take place at the Dowlais Works, and not obtaining the same, on Monday last, simultane- ously struck, and refused to work. Mr Grenfell denied having ever made so prepos- terous a promise, or to be bound or regulated by the prices given at Dowiais or any other works,but stated that-an advance had taken place at Pcuydilrren, since the men had waited on him. Mr Perkins, who attended on behalf of the men strongly advised them, inasmuch as the differences subsisting between them and Mr Grenfell li-id evi- dently origiuated in a mistake, to return to their work. The meeting was then adjourned to-II o'clock the next day, by Mr Thomas, who exhorted them in the most impressive and concilatory manner, coolly and deliberately, to reflect upon suggestions that had been thrown out for their consideration. At the appointed hour the investigation was resum- ed, when the puddlers avowed their determination not to return to their employ, unless the same wages were conceded to them as at Dowiais. The Com- pany refused to accede to this proposal. Ten of the men have been since committed to the house of cor- rection for three mouths. MARCH 2.—We regret to add that a small portion of the Penydarran puddlers continue to manifest the same determined spirit of opposition to their em- ployers, in despite of every effort and forbearance to induce them to resume their work; five more have been this day committed to the House of Correction. Since the above, we are rejoiced to state that the majority of them have been convinced of their folly and illegal proceedings, and promise to return to their work oil Monday morning. Thomas Cotter was committed to the Brecon Gaol as a deserter (rom the 14tii regiment of foot, station- ed at Brecon. It is due to the prisoner to state that be surrendered himself, and had left the depot only on Wednesday last. .#.#. TO THE EDITOR OF THE GAZETTE & GUARDIAN -0 I see by the Papers that Lord Melbourne has presented a Petition from this town in favour of the Ballot, accompanied by a letter from a gentleman;" which letter must have been highly spiced for," said his Lordship, "if only one tenth of what was alleged was founded in FACT, it was no wonder the Ballot was sought"! Sir, I was not inactive at the late County Elections, and I can say with the Duke of Wellington in his reply to Lord Melbourne, that U upon my honour I saw nothing of it"—on the Conservative side. I did hear from the best authority of pretty plain in- terference on the other side upon a Church question in Gower; and in the County Election, in some parts be- tween this place and Cowbridge. I also taw two notices which were served upon workmen at Merthyr and Bir- wain for not voting for Mr Guest. During the whole canvass I heard but of two charges of unconstitutional interference against the Conservatives. One of these (in the neighbourhood of Newton) was flatly contradicted by the very man who was said to have been tampered with: the other, nearer home, was only not refuted because the estimable persons accused disdained to an- swer a charge originating with a person so often con- victed of calumny and falsehood. But, Sir, we cannot say of this letter to Lord Melbourne, An ENEMY hath done this,for we may be answered, it was written by a FRIEND. Your humble servant, A BURGESS OF NEATH. Neath, Feb. 28. 1 _"1' TO THE EDITOR OF THE GAZETTE & GUARDIAN. NEW POOR LAW. SIR,—From the expressions used by Mr Guest, at his last Election for Merthyr, it was at least to be expected that his name would have been found upon the Division on the Poor Law question, either on one side or the other. It is to be found on neither the other Borough Members have not shunned manfully to record their sentiments Mr Guest either feared to do so or was absent upon a question so vitally affecting those who have raised him to his present wealth and importance. I am, Sir, yours, A SUPPORTER OF MR BRUCE, AT THE LAST ELECTION. Merthyr, Feb. 26, 1838. "J.#I. •V- TO THE EDITOR OF THE GAZETTE & GUARDIAN. A circumstance has lately occurred in this town cal- culated to excite great suspicion and. I am induced to beg your publication of this letter, in the hope that some evidence of the facts may be acquired. On Monday, the 5th instant, a woman far advanced in pregnancy, whose reputed husband works at the Factory of Lanblethian, left Cowbridge for Swansea. She returned on the following Saturday, having been unquestionably delivered in the intermediate time, but brought no child with her. She stated that she had been so alarmed at the sodden death of a man in the house where she was staying at Swanroa, that tt occa- sioned premature confinement. The authorities of this place doubting this statement, wrote to Mr Mansel Phillips, the mayor of Swansea, begging him to employ a policeman there to investigate this affair but unfor. tunately, the bailiffs of Cowbridge forgot to pay the postage; they received an answer from his Worship of Swansea, saying that the subject should be attended to but admonishing them in future to pay postage. The mayor's said answer was written on a sheet of letter paper, split i:i half, so as to make it double, and the words Double only" written on the cover. Whether this was meant as a retaliation upon the bailifts for not paying the postage M this application, or from a scrupu- lous fear (which men in his station should always entertain) that the Revenue should not be defrauded, is a matter of doubt; but it is now eight or ten days since their application was made, and nothing has been heard on the subject. The woman's name was Gwennv Williams, and she is supposed to be a native of Monmouthshire. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, AN INHABITANT OF COWBRIDGE. Cowbridge, Feb. 26. 1838. "1,### To THE EDITOR OF THE GAZETTE & GUARDIAN. S I R,- r see in last Friday's debate in the House of Lords, that Lord Melbourne, presented a petition from Neath, in favour of the Ballot. He accompanied it with a statement that the petitioners became converts owing to the gross intimidation practised in that district, at the County Election, and I regret to see the defeat of the Radical party on that occasion, still rankles in their hearts. I live in that district, and have frequent com- munication with many of the inhabitants of Neath, and never heard of this petition, till it was presented, and cannot find on inquiry that it was known beyond the the Radical party, with whom it originated. If the petitioners mean to state that there was intimidation on the part of the Conservatives at the last Election, they assert what they would he unable to establish but to their own party, such an imputation might attach with infinitely more justice it is, indeed, matter of laughable notoriety, that a lady made herself conspicuous during the beat of the Election, by exciting the mob in favor of her sinking party, and promoting drunkenness by her ill-judged expenditure. The Conservative cause in Glamorganshire, never did, and never will, need the aid of intimidation, and the Destructives will find hereafter that the influence of principle and loyalty in resisting the progress of reckless innovation, has increased, is increasing, and never will be diminished and whatever the Radicals may think of the effect of the Ballot, if it were established, they would find no candidate of their fraternity would have any chance of a seat in Parliament for Glamorgan, however extensive his property. Your obedient servant, AN OLD FREEHOLDER OF GLAMORGAN. P.S. The petition was, I hear, headed by two Magis- trates, living in the upper part of Cwm Neath, both of whom, I believe, gave plumpers for the Conservative Candidate. Query, whether through intimidation or bribery ?

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Family Notices


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