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MR. FAUN DELL, (Chorister to their late Majesties George 111. and 1 V. also of the Philharmonic and Ancient Coiicc; ts,) PROFESSOR OF S;-n-ling,:Zliano-:rort- and Thorough- Bass, HAS the honour of announcing fo the Ladies and Gentlemen resident in C A R I>1 FF, COW FSHI I)GR, BRIDGEND, NK.aTH, and their espective Vicinities, that incompliance with the wish expressed hy several Fa- imliesot distinction. ho intends regularly vi^it'ng each of these places, f, r the pnruosc of giving Instructions in the above accomplishments He therefore hopes to be favoured witl, a share of pub'ic patronage, which it will he his constant endeavour to merit, hv paying the strict. est a'tention to 'he dutifs of his Profession. Communications, addressed to his residence, J5, Burrows, Swan^e i, will meet instant attention. 31st Jan., Id38. TO LANDED PROPRIE rORS—COAL AND IRON MASTERS, &c. Tho JtJj;ij@:qJ 21 31 oc JN Mineral and Land-Surveyors, Civil Engineers, &.C., Neath, REG to state that they have taken a House and Offices io BRI DG 1'N D. in addition to the Esta- blishment at NEVTH, and in future will carry on their Business in both the above Towns. Communications addressed to either will at all times meet with prompt attention. Levels taken for Roads, Draining, &c. DOWLAI3. Co be =131tl Dp Auction, By Mr THOMAS DAVIES, At the BUSfI INN. DOWL11S, on MONDNY, FEB fit-AIIY 26:h, 1838, positively at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, lubject to such conditions as shall be the a produced, ALL that Desirab'e BEER-HOUSE, called Hie LAMB & FLAG, now in full Business with all the Appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in Well Street, Dowiais. near the New Market. The Premises are held under a Lease from the Dowiais Iron Company, for a term of Three Live, wi h a IC venar,, an the part of the Dowiais Company to insert a new Life io the Lpue within twenty years, in case either of the persons named should hapnen to die wi'hiu that period, upon payment of the nominal sum of five shilling*. r Further particulars may bp obtained from W ni. 1 erkm*. Fqq.. Solicitor, or the Auctioneer, Bush lun, Merthyr Tyd il. MERTHYR T Y D V I L. Is' O T I C E. ito be Jscltr & action, By Mr THOMAS DAVIES, At the nOeSE next to the MANCHESTER WARE- HOUSE,on MONDAY,the 26th of FEBRUARY, 1838 I A QUANTITY of EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD U\ FURNITURE, OR A PER Y. &e., consisting of a Square Pianoforte. Mahogany Ntaho- gsny Pembroke Table, E'ght good Mahogany Hair- bottom Chairs and Two FIljiw tlitte, Bed Steps, Bed Room Chairs and Dressing Table, Two Swing Looking Glastpg, Two Brass Fenders. Two 18-Gallon Casks, Carpf-te., Driigjett, &c. Sa(itile and firi(ile; l,ot of Boxes, Sacks, Ropes, Hampers, Sauge Baskets, Shop Blinds. Sec, Cotton Cords, Moleskins. Velvets. Broad Woollen Cloths, Cassimere*, Quilts, Cotton Sheets Counterpanes, Prints, &c. The Sale will begin at 2 o'clock in the Afternoon, and the whole will be Sold without reserve. GLAMORGANSHIRE. STo te jbij glurttott, Ey Mr E. LEYSHON, On THURSDAY, the 8:11 dav of \T\!?CH, 183S, at GABALV.A, near CARDIFF, T: E FARMING STOCK, nYPLDfENTS, Sec. JL &c., life property of J IIOGGRIDGE, Elq. consisting, among other a nicies, of Four excellent M ilch Cows (in Cdî,) One Yearling Heifer; a Brood Mare (in foal hv a well brpd Bay Horse f Profit,) Two Yearling Coits; Fifty-nine B.eeding Ewes; Two Store Pigs a useful ronv C'teady in harness.) a Gentleman'* well-finished Break.Pony, Gig and Har- ness, Pony Cart and Harness. Two Broad-Wheel Cirt* (nearly new,) quantity of Saddlery and Harness, J'aten' Chaff Culling Machine, Farmer's Lathe, Ploughs, Bee. JStc. Also, about EIGHT TONT,; OF PRIME HAY. The Sale to commence at 11 o'Clock in the forenoon. GLAMORGANSHIRE. A VERY IMPORTANT SALE OF OAK TIMBER. Upwards of 10,000 Trees WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, IN LOTS, Bv Mr AD VM MURRAY, At the SHIP AND CASTLE T'i. III the Seaport Town of NEATH on W EDN ES D A Y, 28 h M RCH next, 1833. unless an acceptable offer is made for the I.and and Timber by private treaty, of which due notice will be given. CAPITAL SHIP BUILDING TIMBER, fit for C the Navv and Merchant Service, standing near the Neath and Swansea J mction Canal, Sea-port of Neath, and the S vansea Canal. Wiliiatn Hunter, at Longford Court, will show the Timber; and for further Particulars, applv to Messrs. Tatlersall and Murray. Surveyors and Land Agents, 47, Parliament Street, London. Catalogues will be ready early in March. Letters to be post paid. SHROPSHIRE. TO BE LIT, some VALUABLE MKN1NG PROPERTY. Applv by letter, post paid, to Mr John Ward, Park Lane, Mad. ley. Shropshire. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. TVTOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN, that the next 1M HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the P HorH I ETn RS of this Company will he held, pursuant to the Act of Parliament, in LONDON, at the COM- P»NY'S OFFICE. PRINCE'S STRE! T, on TUES. y,, DAY, the 27th FEBRUA It f, at Twe:ve o'clock, for the Election of Six Directors, in the place of the same num- ber who will retire by Ballot, and for other purposes of business. The Chair will he takeft at One o'clock precisciy. W. U. SI M S. Chairman. ROBERT BRI'HIT, Deputy Chairman. The Dirrctors retiring hy Ballot are re-eligible under the provisions of the Act. The Transfer Books will be closed on Saturday, the 17th in-it., antL.will not be opened until after the said Half-Yearly General Meeting on the said 27th February. CONTRACT FOR WORKS. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. READING DISTRICT. NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN, that the DIRECTORS will MEET at their OFFICE, No. 2. PRINCE'S STREET. BANK, on THURSDAY, the 22nd MARCH, at Twelve o'Clock. to receive TENDERS for the execution of the following Works CONTRACT No. 3.-R The Excavation and Formation of all the Earthwork, and the Construction of all Bridg, Culverts, and other Brickwork and Masonry, and the entire completion (excepting the laying the pertr.-Imf-nt rails) of that por- tion of the Line extending from the Bridge o. 1, H. now building over the River Thames at G;ithanii,tun, near Bassildon. Berks, to the Bridge over the Thamrs at jMouIsford, in the same County, being a distance of about 3 miles and 23 chain". CONTRACT No. -I.R. The Excavation and Formation of all the Earthwork, and the Construction of all Bridges, Culverts, and other Brickwork and Masonry, and the entire completion (excepting the laying the permanent rails) of that por- tion of the Line extending from the Bridge over the Thames at Moul-'ford, to a Road near Vauxhall Farm, in the Parish of Dudcot, County oi Berks, being a distance of about 6 miles and 4 chains. Plans and Specifications of the above Works may he feen, and Printed Forms of Tender obtained at the Company's Offices in Prince's Street, Ibnk, and also at the Radway Offiee at Streutlev, in Berks, on and after Monday the 26th instant. The Directors do not consider themselves bound to accept the lowest Tender, and they expect the pn ti. s to attend at the Olnce at One o'Clock on the 22tid March. CIIAS. A. SAUNDERS, >a t 'J'ilOMAS OSLER. J Secretaries. -+-a,t.¡,I¿,.z:z- WANTS A SITUATION, STEADY MAN who perfectly understands the GROCERY and LINEN DRAPERY Business, and who has had Fifteen itl hOlh. He is anxious tonndert.-ke a Situation as Manager of a Coui- oany's hnp, Respectable referent P. wid i." given. Apply to the Kditorof the Gazktti: and Guardian if by tetter, post p»i <. NOTICE is hereby si veil, that application will be made to Parliament in the next ensuing Session, for leave to britis; in a Bill for making and maintaining a Railway, to commence at or near Nantyrallor, III the parish of G'yueorrw^, in the county or nod to terminate ft Port Talbot, in the parish of Marram, in the same county. And also a Branch Railway from the said first-men- tioned Railway, to at or near the junction of a certain brook called the Giatjan with tile river Avon, and terminating at or near a certain firin-liouse ,-alit-d Fore I il;t ('s- f,'('Il. And also another Branch Railway from the, s.id first-mentioned Railway, to commence at Cymmnr, near the junction of the rhvrs Avon and Corrwsy, and terminating at 01' near the junction of a certain brook called Nant y Lladren with the said river Avon which said Railway and Branch Railways are intended to be made in and to pass from, in, through, or into the several parishes, townships, and other places of Margam, Aberavon, Michaelston-snper-Avon, Llan- jronoyd', and Glyncorrwg, or some of them, all in the said county of Glamorgan ttud to make and maintain all necessary lu'd^es, culverts, viaducts, tunnels, archways, embankments, buildings, stations, wharfs, depots, warehouses, roads, and other works, material and necessary to the said Railway and Branch Rail- I ways respectively, for thts more complete use of and enjoyment of the same. And it is intended to apply for powers to he granted in and by the said Bill to authorise the taking of such tolls, fares, dues, rates, rents, and sums of money, as sliall be mentioned in the said Bill; and for pur- chasing, taking and holding bt1(!:J, tenements, heredi- taments, and premises, within the said parishes, town- ships, and other places befora-meutioned and described, for the purposes nforesnid. And it is also intended to mpplv for power to be granted in and by the said Bill, to deviate from the said tine of the said intended Railway and Branch Railways, for the making of which respectively powers are so intended to be nppli. d for as aforesaid,To any extent not exceeding 100 yardsou either side of such line or lines as aforesaid. And it is likewise intended to apply for power to be granted in and bv the said Bill, to divert or alter till such road orroads its shall be necessary to be diverted or altered in the construction or formation of such Railway ami Branch Railways respectively, and forill and other powers and regulations usually granted in Acts of Parliament for undertakings of a like nature. And it is :1150 intended to apply for powers to be granted in and by the said Bill to purchase and make public, or to extend the provisionsof the said intended Bill to, an existing Railway from Cwm Evan- bach to Port Talbot aforesaid, belonging to Messrs Reynolds, Biothers, lying within the parish of Margam aforesaid, and also to an existing Tramroad from Cwm Avon Iron and Till Works to Port Talbot aforesaid, belonging to Messrs. John Vigurs and Co., passing through the several parishes, townships, or places of Michaelstone super Avon, Margam, and Aberavon aforesaid, and to unite the said Railways and Tram- road with each other and with the said intended Railway. And Notice is hereby likewise given, that a Map or Plan and Section, and also a Duplicate of such Map or Plan and Section, of the whole of such in- tended Railway and Branch Railways respectively, together with duplicate Books of Reference, will be .c of tiic Clet-k ol' the Peact, for deposited at the Office of the Clerk of the Peace for tile said County of Glamorgan, on or before the first day of March next. And likewise, that a Copy of so much of the said Map or Plan and Section, so to be deposited as aforesaid, as relates to each parish ,IV [if., through which the said Railway and Branch Railways lespcctivoiy are Intended to be made, together with a Book of Reference the reto, will be deposited with the Parish Clerk of each of the said parishes herein- before mentioned, on or before the first day of April next. And likewise, that a Copy of the said Plan, Section, and Book of Reference, will be deposited in the Private Bill Office of the Mouse of Commons, on or before the first day of April next. WILLIAM LLEWELLYN, Neath, 13th February, 1838, Solicitor. NoTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that applica- -L* tion is intended to be made to Parliament in the Next Se;;¡;i¡;n, for leave to bring in a Bill for making and maintaining a Railway or Railways, Tram Road or Tram Roads, to be called THE CWM GARW RAI LIVAY, to commence at or near Brach-y-Cvmmer in the Parish of Ltangeinor, in the County of Glamor- gan, and to terminate at the Dyffryn Llynii and Porth Cawl Railway, near Pentwyn Baydcn, in the Parish of Llaiviono-yd, itr the same County-, and also for mak- ing and Inaintai11ng « Hmnrli from :fnd nnt t}n.. ':H44 Railway or Railways, in the Parish of St. Brides minor, to unit or communicate with the. Bridgend Railway, in the same Parish, or in the Parish of Coity, in the same County, as may hereafter be determined on. And which said Railway or Railways, and Branch, will pass from, throniih, or into the several Parishes, Townships, Tythings, Hamlete, or Places, of Llangcinor, Braich-v- Cyinmer, otherwise Ili-,tcii C ymmar, Bettws, Cwm Dit, St. Bribe's Minor, Lhmgonoyd. and Coity, all in the County -of Glam'1rgan, or one of thein, and to make and maintain all nccessary Bridges, Culverts, Viaducts, Tunnels, Archways, Embankments, Build ings, Stations, Wharts, Depots, Warehouses, Roads, and other Works material an,1 necessary to the said Railwav or Tram Road, for the more com- plete use and enjoyment of the same. And it is in- tended to apply for powers to be granted in and by the said Bill, to authorise the taking of such Tolls, Fares, Dues, Rates, Rents, and sums of money, as shall be mentioned in the said Bill or Ililli and for purchasing taking, and holding Lands, tenements, Hereditaments, and Premises within the said several Parishes. Town- ships. Tythings, 4fandet, or places before m"ntion,d and described, for the I)ttrpoies aforesaid. A ii, I it is also inti nded to applv for powers to be granted in and by the said Bill or Bills, to deviate from the said Line of the said intended Railway, or Tramroad, for the making of which powers arc so intended to he applied for as aforesaid, as the same «il] be defined in the said intendt-d application to Parliament, to any extent, not exceeding one hutnlied yards, on either side of such Line or Lines as aforesaid.—And Notice is Hereby likewise Given, that it ij intended to applv for power to he granted in and by the said Bill or Bills, as the sains will be defined in such appli- cation to Parliament to divert or alter all such Road or Roads as shail be necessary to be diverted or altered in the construction or formation of such Rail- way or Railways, and Branch, and also to divert such Rivers, Canals, stream, or running waters, as the same may be required he diverted for the con- struction or formation of such Railway or Railways and Branch, and that it is intended to abandon or relinquish so much cf the present Rivers. Canals, Streams, or Running Waters, as shall he rendered unnecessary or useless, by reason of such diversion or diversions as aforesaid, or anv of them. AND NOTICE is Hereby Given, that a Plan and Section of such intended Railway and Branch, with a Book of Reference t thereto, 'will be depo- sited with the Clerk of the Peace for the said County of Glamorgan, on or before the First Day of March next. And a Plan and Section, so far as relates to each Parish, with the Books of Reference thereto, will he d< posited with the Parish Clerks of the respective Parishes traversed by the said Line of Railway, on or before the 3l3th Day of April, now next ensuing. Dated the 17th' Dav of February, 1838. W. ANDREWS, Solicitor for the Bill. .In c; 0 Is CHEMICAL ESSENCE OF UNSEED. An infallible remedy, FOR COUGHS COLDS HOARSENESS ASTHMA AND INFLUENZA. FROAT time immemorial LINSEED has been pro- verbial for its virtues in the cure of Coughs and Colds, but until the scientific experiments of Mr Simco led to the mrthod of Chemical Essence, it was mere y used in the foi-al of I tia, ptoducing an oily, disngreable, mucilage.. n The ''Chemical Essence. contams all the Medicinal virtues of Linseed in a highly concentrated form com- bined with other medicin.ils and herbs, producing a medicine of the most valuable nature, and which in an astonishingly short time has attained a sale altoge- ther unprecedented. A single trial will prove its best recommendation. A tradesman in Nonhampton called on the proprietor for a bottle of his Ess-ncc of Lindseed he w,, very hoarse, and could scarcely articulate: he had taken a severe cold by being exposed in a rainy day and sitting with his wet clothes on. He said he felt aching pains in his head and in all his limbs extreme la«itudc, and very feverish. He opened the bottle and took a sup immediately, w' ich sup was douh.e the ordinary dose (this was about two o clock in the after- noon, and his couah was then distressing) he returned home and went ti< t>ciif aliout nn hour a.ter wwich he -jrank II ¡'ain of warm 1(''1, and at night he to.)k a ¡jns!' more of the Essence of I-inseeri. and a basin of plain wrte,- grti(.l and the next morning he got "P "ee froin fever and pains, with his voice clear, the hoarseness and sore throat being quite cured, and his cough much abated. For other cases of cores, handbills at the Agents will exhibit such as no other medicine ever did nerform. Sold in B .tiles at Is. ljd., 2s. 9d. and 4i. 6.1. each. One 2s. 9d. bottle equal to three at Is. l^d. Sold by Mr D. Morgan, Merthyr Tyd ii, Mr Phillips, Cardiff; ,\Jr Dowdina. Monmouth Mr H. Willianis, Newpoit; and all venders. ,B. lnv Chemist who ha- it not wdl get it, if re- (pjpsied Wholesale.by Barclay and Son Sutton and Co. a-:d Boildington and Co. b9, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, London, ;;t To Barents and Guardians. WANTED, in an old Established Business, a Respectable and well Educate:! YOUTH as an IN-DOOR APPRENTICE to a CHEMIST and D iLGGISl. He will he treated, in every respect, as one of the Family, and have every facility afforded of gaining a knowledge of the business. For particulars apply, if by letter post paid, to Mr Spencer, Chemist, &c., Broadmead, Uristol. Published this day, The Third Edition of the Second Volume of OLONJSk NAPIER'S HISTORY OF THE j WAR IN THE PENINSULA. Volumes 1. to V. sold separately. price 20;. each. TO BE COMPLETED IN SIX VOLUMES. ,S. T. and W. Boone, 29, New Bond Streets-London. Just llullished- Price One Shilling, S Y STE 51 OF M N EMONICS; by wh:ch th" Sai'red Scriptures, and ditTcrent Branches of Polite Learning may be easily committed to memory. The work is superior to anv thing of tjie kind ever publish«d, a Mirror to the Bib.e, a Tieasury to Politp Literature. On Monday the 26ih in-t., M r Barclay will deliver A LECTURE ON MNEMONICS AND ASTRONOMY, in the Merthyr Literary and Scientific Room, near -Pont run r111is. Books, Tickets, and Heads of Lecture, to he had of Mr Barclay, at "r J .ncs's Glebeland, aud of Mr J. E. Dibb, at the Merthyr Guardian Office. COMPANION TO SKETCllES OF YOUNG LADIES. In one volume small octavo, price 3s. boards, SKETCHES OF YOUNG GENTLEMEN; Contents—Dedication to the Young Ladies—The Out-and-Out Young Gentleman — Domestic Young Gentleman—Rashful Young Gentleman—Gentlemanly Youu Gentleman—" Throw ing-off'' Young Gentleman — Poetical Young (i f-n i lemari-Fi, illy Young Gentleman -Theatrical Yournr Gentleman — Military Young Gentle- man—Political Young Geti tie iiiaTI-Soorti ng Young Gen, Ladies' Y uing Gentleman, &c. See. With Six Illustrations by '• PHIZ." CH & HALL. tUG, Strand, London. Just Published, price 9; bound or with Fifty-five County Maps, 12s. G.I. bound, the SIXTH EDITION of LEIGH'S NEW POCKET ROAD BOOK OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Containing an Account of all the DIREC T and CROSS ROADS; tcgethar with a Description of every Remark- able Place; its Curiosities. Manufactures, Commerce, Population, and Principal Towns. To which are added. PLEASURE TOURS to the most picturesque parts of the Country, a; well as a new and correct list of MAIL- C )ACII ROUTES. The who:e forming a Complete Guide to every Object worthv the attention of Travellers. London LEIG I and SON. 421, Strand, (removed from 18.) Sold by J. E. Dibb. Hi^h Street, Merthyr Tydvil and by all Booksellers in Town and Country. JUST PUBLISHED, NEW LITERARY AND MUSICAL PERIODICAL. No 4. price Three-pence, to be continued Weekly, and Monthly, in a neat Wrapper, r-I"H SUNBEAM: a Journal devoted to Polile 1 Literature and Music. It will embrace Original Papers by the first Authois of the day, and Posthumous Writings hy Sir Walter Scott, I Thorn as Chatterton, Sir Egertun ISrydgc3, \V. H. Irelan-I, S. T. Coler dge, Ladv Caroline Lamh, ftobert Burns, Mrs'Mon-agu, &c. ok. ORIGINAL MUSIC BY Bishop, Bochsa, Sola, Barnett, Loder, Ka kbrenner. With Adaptations and Arrangements from Beethoven, Handel, Corelli, Haydn, MozHt, Weber, And all the Old Mas'.«rs. London: — Published for the Proprietors, by G. Berger Holywell Street, Strand. D JVVLAI3 BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION, A Established 18'35, UNDER TIIR IMMEDIATE PATRONAGE OF Lady Charlotte Guest, FOR THE RELIEF OF SUDDEN ACCIDEN'IS AND RARE INFIRMITIES. COMMITTEE. Rev. F>. Jenkins, President. Mr John Evans. Mr William Williams, J'rea- Mr John Russell. surer. Mr T f Mr Thomas Jenkins, Se- Mr George Martin, cretary. Mr James Jones. Mr David Roberts, Col- Mr Stephen Jones. lector. ^jc oavjj ['rice. lector. Mr DaviJ Price. ANMJAL sunscRinERs FOR 1S37, Dow]ai» Iron Co Q-' Q' J J. Guest. Esq., M.P. i! | | ] To 0 0 ir1,dy„P" 10 0 0 Mrs W wKihrun l,owlS n n K. J. Hutchins.Esq —^ J J J George Russell. Esq 2 0 Rev. Evan Jenkins • 0 C. J. Powell. Esq I 0 0 Mr John livans j 0 0 Mr Thomas Evans 0 0 Mr H.;v white » 0 Mr J C- W olnge „ 0 Mr J I. Davies } 0 0 Mr Thomas Harding j Q Q John Russell, Esq n 10 0 Mr W. Williams 0 10 0 Mr (>e'live Martin. 0 10 0 Mr John Watt 0 10 0 Messrs Purnell and William* ° 0 Irt 6 Mr Thomas Thompson ft IO 0 Mr n. P. po veil J « M r Junes Jones Q Q Mr Georire Kirkhonse () Mr W. Williams, Grocer 0 10 0 Mr Thomas Evans, ditto 0 10 0 Mr E. Gilbert q Mr Daniel Roberts 0 10 0 Mr David Jones 010 0 M r Thomas Prothero 0 10 0 Mr Thomas Puce 0 10 0 Mr Robert Frederick Q Q Mr L ewis Edwards Q Q Mr John Jones 0 5 0 Mr Samuel Rtishatch 0 fi 0 Air 0 5 0 Firemen's Fund 5 0 0 76 7 6 THE TREASURER IN ACCOUNT WITH THE DOWLAIS IJEXEVOLENT INSTITUTION', FOR THE YEAH 1S37. n/'o m, 11 X. d. 1837. To Balance in 1 reasurer s Hands 6 6 4 To Amount of Subscriptions 76 7 g 82 13 10 Cr. £ 1. d. Hv Relief granted to 2 H Cases 62 U 4 By paiit f ir Printing and Advertising 1 8 I) By paid Visitors and Secretary 5 7 g By Balance in Treasurer's Hands. 13 3 6 82 13 10 FMORRJSSAYCE, having been duly appointed t 5 VALUER, to apportion the RENT CH ARGE, in lioll of TITH ES. for the parish of ST. JOHN; the Hamlets of LI, If), BOLGOED and PEN- PONT, in the Parish of Llanspythid and the Hamlet of MAESC\R, in the Pjrish of Devynnock, in the County of Brccon, under the provisions of the Act of his late Majesty, William IV., 6 and 7, cap. 71, intituled An Art for the Commutation of I ithes in England and Wales." DO HEREBY CALL A PUBLIC MEETING of the PROP IETORS of LVNDS in the said Parisli be ho',i,- at th(' Bl, .1, INN, in tl)p and Hamlets, to be holden at the BELL INN, jn t))p Town f B on the 8th day of MARCH, 183S, at Noon at which Meeting, all Proprie- tors of Lands, having any Maps or Plaiii '.hereof, are requested to produce the same and such Proprietors are further requested, then -,tticiptliere, to instruct the said Valuer as to what Maps are to be used for the put- poses of the Apportionments, 1)11 upon such other points as are required by the Act 6 and 7 W. IV., c. 7 1, -nd I V Ict. c. (7,9.; aad. in default thereof, I s'iali proceed to such apportionment, under the general powers vetted in me bv the said recited Acts. Feb. 14, IS"8. MORRIS S\YCE. I the undersigned, beina: a Tithe-Owner, 9 within the Parish of M ACHEN, in the Coun- ties of MONMOUTH and GLAMORGAN, whose interest is not less than One-fourth p,rt 0f whole value of the Tithes in the said Parish, DO BY T.iIS NOTICE in writing under my hand C I.[. A PAROCIIfVI. MEETING OF LAN!)-' OWNERS AND IT TH H-OWN E S within ,hft |jm„s of the said Parish, for the purpose of making an AGREEMENT FOR TIIE GENERAL COMMUTA- TION ()K TITHES within the limits of the said Parish, pursuant to 'he provisions of an Act passed iri the 6;h and 7th years «f the reign of his late Majesty, King WilUam the Fourth, intituled An Act for the Coin- nutation of Tithes in England and Wales and I DO HEREBY ALSO GIVE NOTICE, that such MEETING WILL RE HELD at the SCHOOL-HOUSE, in the said on WEDN' SO.AY, the. Fouiteenth day ofi MARCH next, at the hour of Twelve o'clock at noon. Given under lay band this Tenth Day of February 1838, AUGUSTUS MORGAN, Beetvr oj the ,aid Purish.. t.ti:t,c:æ -snvo GOO!) ROOMS TO LET, WELL FUR- I N IS H K D, situated in High Street, Merthyr Ty,lvil. Apply at the MERTHYR GUARDIAN OFFICF; if by letter post paid. S T E A M ENGINE. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, for a Colliery, a SECOND H\Nl> CRANKED F.N(!IN K to reverse, in good working condition, from 2i to 26 Horse Power. with or without a Boiler. A'pt. (I)()st p"id) to th.. II aenavon Iron and Coal Company, near Abergavenny. February 2Z, 1838. Merthyr Tydvil Turnpike Trust, and siutinant and Rhydyblem Turnpike Trust. Notice IS hereby given, that the gene- ..I.. ral ANNUAL MEETING f the TRUSTEES 01 COMMISSION!? S of each of these Trusts. WILL RE HELD on MONDAY, the 19th Day of MARCH nex>. at Twelve o'clock at Noon, pursuant to the direction of an Act passed in the 3rd and 1h years ot the rcil: of his latc \lajl's'Y Kin,: \Vil!ialll the Fourth, re- quiring the Annual Statements of the Trllstes and Commissioners of Turnpike Roads to he transmitted t" the Secretary of State, and afterwards laid before Par- liament. WM. DWIES, Clerk to the Trustees of each Trust. Merthyr, Feb. 23rd, 1838.


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