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BRECON, Saturday, Feb. 10, IS;!S. Ii- The (,luadirly Review, just published, has a smashing article 011 Cnnada. After the bitter- ness of Lord Hrougham, the scornful contempt of Sir Robert set,crity of Lord Aberdeen, and the patient forbearance of the Duke of Wellington, condescending to enlighten and instruct rather than to exult; if the .Melbourne Cabinet had a. particle of vir- tuous shame remaining, they would retire from employment for which daily experience shows them to be utterly incoinpeteiif. But they are determined to linger in office, for the sweets of office—and were it not that the national interests are deeply endangered by their retention of place, we might be well content that they should do so. We ntight lie well content that Whig rapacity, Whig folly, and Whig incapacity, should be made fully manifest; that something more than a fair trial" should be given, in order that the seal should be fixed to their future return that the measure of national disgust should be full, and that the triumph of a Conservative Administration, displaced by the foulest arts and the basest intrigues, should want nothing of completeness on its restoration to power. Of the Canada question, the Quarterly Rtx>ien thus writes We are not now about to discuss the details of the Canadian question as between this country and the Colony, but as between this country and the Ministry, which, by its characteristic and systematic alternation of advance and retreat, of bluster and sneaking, has been the main cause, beyond all other causes of this deplorable rebellion, Lord John RusseU made, on the 16th January, a. long speech (six columns of the Ttmts J on the subject of Callflda-one of the most uustatesnianlike, narrow-minded, and inconsistent expositions and exposures we have ever read from a British Minister; a speech which, affecting a certain historical tone, details every possible cause of the difference between the parties- except tilerealotic; and elaboralely examines every point of the case—except that OH which the whole turns. That real cause is neither more nor less than the determination of I the House of Jlssembly of Lower Canada to ihrow -w offlhe BRITISH AUTHORITY, a7id lo erect the pro. vince into an INDEPKNDENT REPUBLIC, afler the manner and model of the UITED STATES. "That such would probably have been the result-of a. successful rebellion, whatever were its cause, any one might guess; hut in the pre- sent case C tbe wish was father to the thought,' and the real gi ievance of the Canadians, and the real source of their dissatisfaction may be told in one word—the Monarchial Sovereignty °f England. To throw off this—the lightest yoke and the easiest burthen that ever Colony bore — is the sole pnnciple of the Canadian "revolt, and they are egregiously mistaken who attribute it to minor causes■" In allusion to Lord Glenelg's praise of the Duke of Wellington, the Review says :— When, even in the most awful national calamities, did any Whig deserve from a Tory Administration such a tribute as is here paid to the patriotism, the magnanimity of the Duke of Wellington? When could it be said that it is to the leaders of the opposition in both Houses that the Ministry owe the power of carrying on the Government even for a week, or can entertain any hope of their own extrication from a culpable and personally embarrassing di- lemma? His quondam colleagues in repelling the attacks of Lord Brougham seemed to forget that he did no more than they had always done, and would at this hour have done again, had the Tories been in power, and they in opposition, and that they applauded in the Duke of Wellington a nobleness of conduct of which they themselves had, during their long political life, given no example, and which they, in truth, would have been incapable of appreciating, if if had not happened to come so opportunely to their personal rescue. Lord Brougham's speech was full of what in any other man's mouth would have been truth and justice, but from a prize- fighter of his class,—from one who, as Lord High Chancellor—the keeper of the King's conscience, atul the first guardian of the law—was resron- sible even above his colleagues for the culpable neglect, evasio: S juggle with which Cana- dian affalts were conducted from 1831 to 1835-his clever, amusing, and in many points undeniable statements, can have no other effect than to convince the public that it is fortunate that he is no longer a Minister, and that it would be equally desirable that his old asso- ciates should become, as soon as possible, com- panions of his official exile." The article thus concludes;— "Can there be any reasonable doubt that in- flammatory advice from England, accredited amongst an ignorant and credulous people by the supineness of the Government at home, has encouraged the Papineau faction' in the ascending steps of their audacity, 'till it burst out into the violence of actual insurrection, and could only be extinguished, if extinguished it has been, by the necessary but terrible chastise- ment of blood and fire. We ask again, whose consciences ought that fire and blood to blister? It cannot give the Ministry and their associates greater pleasure than it will to liS, zealous of the honour of our country and our Queen, if further discussion shall be more successful than their advocates have hitherto been in fixing all, or even the greater part of the guilt, on Papineau and Mackenzie! cc We have exhausted our limits, but not this painful and disgraceful subject—painful to every one—disgraceful to the ministry, and even we fear in the eyes of the world—to the country itself which can submit to be endan- gered and degraded by a Cabinet whose medio- crity and perversity of intellect would be hardly trust-worthy for the petty duties of one of their own town councils, whose policy is a vibration between seifish apathy and splenetic rashness, and who seem as he. their old colleague, who knows them best, told them the other night, the most perfect and practical illustration of the Swedish statesman's melancholy view of the 'small quantity of wisdom or talents by which mankind will occasionally submit to be go- verned.' n n

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