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-------POETRY. .




CHIT CHAT. The immense number of eggs continually im- ported at Kamsgate trom France is truly astonish- ing. Scarcely a day passes that does not witness the arrival of one or more vesseh laoen with them. They are carefully packed in long wooden brnev put on shore there, examined by the Custom I!otige oibcers, all(i ittiniediately si)ipped for London by the hoys. In this manner upwards of 20 vessels are constantly employed. DEATH OF JUE ('.RIMALDI.l his celebrated character died sud- denly last week., at his house in Southampton Street, Pentonville, at an advanced age. He survived his son five years. One of Smith s last jokes is, that a clergyman preaching a sermon for the "Penitentiary," and seeing olliv shillings in the plate, said it ought to be called Th:.> Ttvelve-PSr-tentiary." Another is of a penny Latinist who said that there was a battle before the creation of the world, even in Chaos. for he had read in Ovid that "IIIILjif," (fought.)— A gold watch was found on theclin near Herne Hav this spring, which was lust by a visitor fast summer, and after lying such a length of time, and through such a severe winter, it proves to be en- tirely uninjured. No owner ha yet pllt in a claim "or Sidmouth attained the age of 80 on Tuesday se'nnight, on wliicn occasion his Lordship entertained a large and distinguished party at his seat, Richmond Park. —^ ^AT SKELETON.— During the American war, whilst Colonel I-irgoyne commanded in Cork, he saW a corpulent soldier ainon-, the spectators on parade, whom he "Who are you, Sir ? you must be drilled twice a day to bring do«n your cor- pulency. Who are yon Sir? Please your honour," replied Pat, "I am the skeleton of the 5th regiment of Foot, who have just marched over from America." he tact was so, for such was the carnage of the disastrous war, that only this fat soldier and Captain Webb returned to Europe, out of an entire regiment that went to America. I'tie keeper of the State Paper, on examin- ing some of the papers of the reign of Klizabeth, lately discovered some in the handwriting of the Queen, and marked "The Thirde Booke." On carefully searching further, he found the papers of four other books, which turn out to be the transla- tion of Bietius de Consolalione Philosophies. Nearly ihe whole of the work is in her Majesty's own hand- writing.- The delicate state of the health of the Duke of Devonshire prevenis his Grace from accepting any invitation* at present, and the mag- nificent hospitalities of the Noble Duke, which usually take place at this season, have been post- poned sine (lie. Qousque tandem I" Sö id a Conservative, on hearing the Radical candidate's speech at Westminster. The tandem must go where the Leader pleases," said a bystander. -Great crowds were last week attracted around the shop of a fishmonger, in London, by the exhibi- tion of a line young shark, seven feet long and 300 lbs. weight; the spread of its tail was above two feet. It was said to have been taken off Margate on Tuesday. -The Marchioness of Londonderry's display of brilliants at the ball at the Opera House, on Thursday night week, surpassed all others in profusion and value. Consolation to a Spendthrift. Tho'you're wasting your substance, don t be in a fright Tho' you squander utl left. Tom, yon must be all right Nearly 2,0;10 dogs have been destroyed in Sheffield since the two recent cases of hydrophobia in that town. The Cork Operative Conserva- tive Society has forwarded a congratulatory address to Sir F, Burdett, by the president, Dr. Adams, it was printed upon parchment, mounted on rollers, ornamented tvith gold devices, and trimmed with purple.-Cork Standard. —FOREIGN ORDERS. — A great traveller boasted that he had the honour of receiving" orders" from almost every crowned head in Europe. Ye- said Kogers, (aside) "orders to quit then-dominions." TURNING THE TABLE. -The table at FontainebleaulIPon which Napoleon signed his Act of Abdication, is the same upon which the contract of marriage between the Duke of Orleans and the Princess Helena was signed. VVhat a change! I"apolenn- ho saw the end of one Duke of Orleans-himself, an Emperor and an exile, gone! The son of that duke now occupies the throne of Napoleon, and he who bears that duke's name is a bridegroom at the table where an empire passed away. WATCHES BY TH E PECK. -In a silversmith's shop-window, in Tottenhani- court-road, there is a peck measure full of silver watches, with a note to this effect, "This imperial peck measure of watches, 132 in number, to be sold for £ 105." FRIENDSHIP. -A navy chap- lain being anxious to shew a grateful recollection of his patron's kindness, brought him home a club from the South Sea Islands, adding that it was the instrument with which the inhabitants of the Friendly Islands slaughtered one another! Mr Lavelle, the proprietorof the Free man's Journal, died at Dublin on Sunday week. The O'Connell subscription in that city on the same day amounted to £ 1,600. Thursday se'nnight was the anniversary of Lord Howe's Victory in 1791. Eight only of the veterans who fought on that day are now in Greenwich Hospital. To each the King sent a present, and the day was celebrated hy a grand dinner at the Naval Club House, in Bond Street. An Emir bought a left eye of a glass eye-maker, supposing that he would be able to see with it. The man begged him to give it a little time: he could not expect that it should see, all at once, as well as the right eye, which had been for so many years in the habit of it. In examining the apartments of an eccentric old gentleman who lately died at Dieppe, a sum of 50,000 francs was found concealed in some straw and rubbish in an apple-garret, all in old gold and silver coin, but chiefly in six-franc pieces YVe learn with regret that the plague had made its appearance in the Greek Island ot Poros. A GOOD OSE I-A dashing Kentuckian intimates to you the richness of the soil saying, "11 YOII plant a nail at night, 'twill come up a spike next morning.'1 There is a new rumour in the Continental papers on the subject of the Princess V ictoria, according to which the second son of the Prince ot Orange is to be her husband. These writers ore as well informed as usual.-It is with great pleasure we announce that an addition of £ U)0 a year has been made to the pension of Mrs Soinerville and that a pension ofXIOO a-year has been conferred on Miss M itfo,d.- Observer. "Mr Stevenson," says Sir Walter Scott, in his Diary, happened to observe that the boat of a Sanda farmer had bad sails. ♦ if it had been His (i. e. God's) will that you hadna built sae many lighthouses hereabout, answered theOrcadian with great composure, should have haduew sails last winter., unpleasant rumours re- specting the African settlements of France, circu- lated in Paris on Saturday, are repeated in the French papers, one of which even says that Abdel- Kader had gained a victory over General Bngeaud. -Baron Werther, late Ambassador of the King of Prussia, at the French Court, left Paris on Saturday for Berlin. -George If. used to say, when riding through Brentford in dirty weather, «' I do love this place,it is so like Yarmony." The Courrier Francois of Sunday states, that already a naval expedition against St. Domingo, under the command of Admiral Gallois, had been ordered by the French Government, to give effect to the negociations already opened with the President of the Republic of Hayti. The expedition is to consist of a ship of the line and a frigate, two corvettes, and two brigs. Amongst the missiles at the Westminster hustings was a dead cat, which touched Mr Hume. "No wonder it stinks," said D-, for it has just been ex-humed." The Hon. Member good humouredly replied," No Sir it stinks because it is a pollcat.The Courrier Francois states, that a naval squadron, under the command of Admiral Hugon, will in all probability be ordered to the coast of Catalonia. The ships are ready to sail; but the government will wait until no doubts remain respecting the intention of Don Carlos to make Catalonia the centre of the civil war. At the sale of some of Lord NI-attr- ford's horses, at Tattersall' one of his hunters was called in the catalogue Salt-fish• General G. (we never mention names) asked the Marquess why he called the horse Sait-fishl %vily," said Lord Waterford, "I call him Salt-fish because he is good for a fust day. Since the general election, S2 Peers, besides Bishops, have died; and the va- cancies, during the same period, in the House of Commons, have amounted to 60. "T-cele- brated has amateur rod-fishing in the Tweed lately become, that the fashionable Loudon tailors are vieing with each other in the production of Tweed fishing trousers."—Berwick ^Swift having been acurvily entertained at t e sign of the Three Crosses," owing to the violence 01 the landlady, wrote on the window ot his bed room- Landlord," Three Crosses" grace thy door, Hang up thy wife and she'll make/our. -The Carlton Club has contributed X200 to- wards the erection of the new church in the popu. lous and extensive parish of Si. James .— Union Street, Borough, over the door ot a vendor of varieties^' is the following: —William Smith, Licentious dealer in Backy and Snuft. 'I here still remains upon the window of a green grocer s house the following inscription, which, tor a long time, remains upon the window of a green grocer's house the following inscription, which, tor a long time, baffled the investigation of the curious—Hoy, I Sack, and Flour to let; which is intended to sig- nify, a second floor to let. -When the canal was stopped for cleansing, the other day, the quantity of goods waiting for conveyance to Liver- pool for exportation to America, was 10 tons; on the same occasion last year the quantity uas 200 tons I.Birptinghum Journal.


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