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The King s Speech


The King s Speech LO s DON, TIU'RSD Y KYEXING. His Majesty left the Palace this afternoon, and pro- ceeded in State to the House of lordi, where he opened the Second Session of the present Parliament. "My LORDS AND GENTLEMEN, It is with great satisfaction that I again meet the great Council of the nation assembled in Parliament. I am ever anxious to avail myself of your advice and assistance, and I rejoice that the present state of public I)Otil at home and abroad, is such as to permit you to proceed without delay or interruption to the calm examination of those measures which will be submitted to your consideration. I continue to receive from my allies, and gene- rally trom all foreign Powers, assurances of their un- altered desire to cultivate with me those friendly relations which it is equally my wish to maintain with them: and the intimate union which happilv subsists between this country and France is a pledge to Europe for the continuance of the general peace. Desirous on all occasions to use my friendly en- deavours to remove causes of disagreement between other Powers, I have offered my mediator in order to compose the difference. which has arisen between Fran be and the United States. Ttiis offer has been accepted by the Kiug of the French the answer of the President of the United States has not yet been received but I entertain a confident hope that a misunderstanding between two nations so enlightened and high-minded, will be settled in a manner satis- factory to the feelings, and consistent with the honour of both. I have still to lament the continuance of the civil contest in the Northern Provinces of Spain. The measures which I have taken, and the engagements into which I have entered, sufficiently prove my deep anxiety for its termination; and the prudent and vigorous conduct of the present government of Spain inspires me with the hope that the authority of the Queen will soon be established in every part of her dominions; and that the Spanish nation, so long con- nected by friendship with Great Britain, will again enjoy thebjessings of internal tranquility and union. I have given directions that there be laid before you the Treaty which I have concluded with the Queen of Spam for the suppression of the Slave Trade. "GENTLEMEN OF TIIE IIOLSE OF COMMONS. I have directed the estimates of the year to be prepared and laid before you without delay. They have been framed with the strictest regard to well- considered economy. The nccessity of maintaining the maritime strength of the country, and of giving adequate pro- tection to the extended commerce of my subjects, has occasioned some increase itt the estimates for the naval branch of the public service. MY LORDS AND GENTLEMEN, The state of the Commerce and Manufactures of the United Kingdom is highly satisfactory. I lament that any class of my subjects should still suffer dis- tress; and the diffieultics which continue to be felt in important brancnes of Agriculture, may deserve your enquiry, with the view of ascertaining whether there are any measures which Parliament can advantage- ously adopt for the alleviation of this pressure. I have not yet received the further Report of the Commission appointed to consider the several Dioceses of England and Wales. But I have reason to believe that their recommendations upon most of the impor- tant subjects submitted to them, are nearly prepared. They shall be laid before you without delay, and you will-dired your early attention to the establishment, with the intention of rendering it more efficient for the holy purposes for which it has been instituted. Another subject which will naturally occupy you, is the state of the tithe in England and Wales and a meaSUre wilt be submitted to you, having for its end the rendering thIs mode of providing for the clergv more fixed and certain, and calculated to relieve it from that fluctuation, and from those objections to which it has hitherto been subject. The principles of toleration by which I have been invariably guided, must render me desirous of remov- ing any cause of offence or trouble to the consciences of any portion of my subjects, and I am therefore anxious that you should consider whether measures may be framed, which, whilst they remedy auy grievances which affect those who dissent from the doctrine or disvipline of the Established Church, wil! also be of general advantage to the whole body of the community. speedy and satisfactory administration of justice is the first and most sacred duty of a Sovereign, and I earnestly recommend you to consider whether better provisions may not be made for this great pur- pose in some of the departments of the law, and more particularly in the Court of Chancery. I trust that you will be able to effect a just settlement of the question of tithe in Ireland upon such principles as will tend at length to establish harmony and peace in the country. You are already in possession of the Report of the Com mission appointed to enquire into the state of the Municipal Corporations in Ireland, and I entertain the hope that it will be in your power to apply to any defects and evils which may have been shown to exist in those Institutions, a remedy founded on the same principles as those of the Acts which have been already passed for England and Scotland. "A further report of the Commission of Inquiry into the condition of the poorer classes of my subjects in Ireland, will speedily be laid before you. You wilj approach this subject with the caution due to its im- portance and difficulty and the experience of th,) salutary effect of the act for the amendment of the Jaws relating to the poor in England and Wales, may, in many respects, assist your del iberatioils. I rely upon your prudence and wisdom, and upon your determination to maintain, as well as to amend, the laws and institutions ot the country and I com- mit those questions of domestic policy, to which! have deemed it inydutv to direct your attention, into your hands, persuaded that you will so treat them as to increase the happiness and prosperity, by promoting the religion and morality, of my people."