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---LITE1L.Jil Y llfc 1-11.


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TO TËD?CTORS OF THE COUNTY 01 CAR LOW. Gentlemen,—MrO'Conncll, in a letter addressed to the -'men of \Ves[)!m;stp; has had Hie daring efffontery to repeat, in a more off'-nsive manner, and !o attempt to justify, the tout and opprobrious Cjdthet< continued in Ins former calumnious reply to my address to you of the 20th of October. It \Va my deLermination,as stated in my letter of the 13th of November, not to take any further noticeof Mr OConneti's audacious assertions, but 'ow,:it patiently untitanoppprtunity was an<'rded before a competent tribunal of refuting his denial, and of proving, by inuisr'utabie evidence,thatthe s'atements contained in my address wcre.e.'ch and every of them, in subs'ance', if not to the very tetter, correct. There is, however, a point beyond which it is impossible for human nature to endure unmerXed calumny and to submit longer in si!ence migl)t be construed info an admission on my part that Mr O'ConneU's assertions are founded in 'act. it maybe mighty convenient for him to talk about 'the privacy of confidence being violated, and private tetters published and misapplied;" but whose fault is it—an-t how stands the case between us on this point? We entered into an engagement binding in honor on us both. i per- formed my part; he forfeited his written guarantee. t had no redress,and the ontysntist'actionlcould have was, by making the whole transaction pubtic, to preclude him from ever deceiving any one else again." H<id Mr 0'ConneH fulnlled his contract, nnd I had divblged either the conversation or the letters that had passed between us, "t admit,! fairly admit," t should have richly merited the epithets he has bestowed; but when he basely abandoned his engagement, am t to be debar, ed the privilege of proving,from his own communications, thatmy clrarbe aainst him was I hold it to be all incotitrovet-table axiom in the Jaws which regulate the proceedings between man and man in affairs the fulnlment of winch depends wholly on the honour of the parties, that, so long as both of them perform the compact they have entered into, so long every thing that passes between them of a conndentiat nature is to be held sacred; but that whenever either of them violates his part of the engagement, from that moment every obligation of secrecy is by him discharged, and all that has occurred becomes the property of the aggrieved person, to be by him used in any manner that circumstances may require, either in vindication of his character, or in support of any charge he may feel compelled to make against the violatorofthecontract. ttf-uchwerenottherule by which the conduct of mankind was governed and controlled vast indeed would be the advantage hich the kua,'e would have over the unsuspecting and honest man; the former would only have to delude his victim by plausible pretexts and pre- mises, and, b.v marking them "conildentiat," pre- clude hi< knavery from being established, whenever it suited his purpose to abandon or betray the party who had relied on and connded inhishonour. Away then, t say.withall the cant and hypocrisy about breach of connJence: whatever implied I u"der.standing might have been supposed to exist, that the communications between Mr O'ConneM, and myself were conndenoal. has been put an end to by Mr O'CcnneM, who, by his previous conduct, justified me in the course I originally pursued; and as he still persists in his atrocious attacks on myveracity.lfeei myself fullywarrantedtn pub- lishing the private letter alluded to in my former .'ddress,of which MrO'tonnell l<as, for obvious reasons, thought it most prudent not to take the slightest notice, t shall, however, refrain from doing soj(ir /lie prese?tt but if he has the hardi- hood to again give utterance to his vile slanders on my personal character alld credibility,twin at one" pot to the test hi-v 1, ei-acity, and by the pro- duction of that tetter, give him an opportunity of preying, either that he had sunicient uut!.nril!J for making the unsolicited and untooked.for communi cations to me,which in that letter he represents he had, and of explaining whether it was in con- sequence of his being called on to account for, and refund the second Jt:t,e00, or for what other reason, than the allurements he then held out "ere not realized—or, if he cannot prove this s.ttistactorHy, to convict him by his own hand- < riting of being litt'e better than an impostor, and "ne on whose word no reliance is to be placed. !n my former address! s'udiously avoided enter- ing into any detail winch )night admit even of .< colourable contradiction. My statement consisted ot tacts provtd tinder Mr O'Connel! s handwriting, with the cxcep<ion only of the last paragraph, ieiativeto his application of the second t0"0/ th!<:iathe nnvoaft of my. tetter wbtch he h? vent"red to contradict, and tn so dong, he now asserts that in cven I ¡nes I have published no less than ix "distinct, direct, and wilfnl falsehoods." In his nrst letter he enumerated only/t'e; like FalstafTN stain, the inventive genitts of thi< "tat- sincator" increases the number each time the fate is told—how he makes out the sixth t know not, unless it be that he reckons his own assertion one That t may not even now do i\!r O'Connetl any injustice, 1 will here insert that paragraph and his reptytoit. iUy statement was, That the second 10001, had been accounted tor by his paying i,t casit 3501 to Mr Uaker, and after repeated applications made t'"r()te balance,by giviogftimabfttfor'tatatong date, drawn by Mr O'Connett on the same brewers as the 80.)/. before alluded to was drawn on." M,. O'Connel¡'s assertion i.«, "that it is false that the iu'iO' was accounted For in the way stated that he never paid 35U/ or Is., to Mr Uaker; that Mr Baker, nor any o her person, ever appl'ed to him, or had any occasion to apply'o him. tor the balance; that he never gave Mr HakersbdHor any sum upon any brewer or brewers, or any btH at any date; that neither the 8JU/ nor any part ot it. was paid to any person by a bit' drawn on any brewer, and that he never in his iit'e draw a bill on any brewer." Now. gentlemen, it is p-st, that Mr O'Conne!) -nay not, wi.h hia owu ha..ds, have either pa.d to Mr Daker ?'a?O. or dpti?ed to himab-tt for the hatance; but this! know, t''atM.O'Cu"n)) re- ceived from mt.?:t,OuU in c.tsh; that he had referred n.e to Mr Baker a-< his a?-nt, between whom and me he w..u)d stand for at) e?e..?. !t 's ?dmttted that E350 was paid to Mr B,Ler t'y -ome pen-o.. or other, and in:,tura))y inferred e.therhy Mr O'Conneil or hy his direction. Hethatatttmay, t was repe-,ttediy totd, and so w..a my solicitor, during the proceedinss before thH('<'m"P< that ?vp.a) ..pp)icMtio..8 were made to Mr OConnt.)) for the!.ajance,<hathea<ten;;thd?.)cco..ntfo..tby ?ivin?ab.h.ata)o.?date,on'heM?onrmon whom the former b.H WHS drawn (said to he brewerx in Puhtin); that that bit) was handed over to Mr ikei- (flat oil renititstratices beiri;r made aktitirt (hit mode of accounting for wtu't had been reeved i..eas)', it wa.,i,t<ttedtltatMrO'Co""eH hadadded the intercut and diacount to the amount due, and t!<a), as the f..rmer bi)l had been discounted, there would be no diffi,.ulty ingeltingthisalso dl!lc.ounlt'd, and that ultimately Mr Btker took the btH, aud ?Whether the whole of this be "pure invention or witfut fa!sehood/' I ..either know uor caro. I origin. al!y stated it, and now repeat it, on information gifen at the time by authority, whtch neither myself nor <ny sol oitor had aoy rt."alWII to ttoubt or s'uRpcct, and which t bctieve not even Mr 0'Conne)t himttelf will venture to impugn. Whether, therefore, the reprpsentationa now made by MrO'Con"e(i, or those communicated tome in A\Iustlast, he the conect ones, I know lIot. They c.tonot bo)h be true, and t'.ey arc none of my fabri- cation. Mr O'Conne)! asserts, thit he acted throughout the business on behalf, anr) as the trustfp, of Mr Vigors, a..d that tkuew it: this I distiitctly ai,d positively deny; i"decd so little <iidlt.ut.peetthat such was the case, th <t at the meeting on the 4til of August,! tod Mr 0"C"nne)tth't''o«p<r'')haf)t kept everything that hn<) pas-ed between ua, t had 1\01 evL etl,ioiied to 0111" word allOut the (etms or nature of our engagement, and in con- nrmation of my stdtrmpot 1 appeated to that g-pntle- 'nan, who ins:antly ''t.t ed it was true; and M) 0'Connell then observed, that my conduct titrou,h. outhadbeeohightyhonourable. How, then, iitit possible that tcoutd have xuapeptfd much tea-. kuown,th?'MrQ'('onne)laettdai!the"nn)t'ty'' and ugent only for M'Vigors? Such a circum- stance was i.ever t-tated to me, and t never Ite.ttd of it until 1 read M'OCounett'ti letter. Indeed,hi*. corret.pondcncf with ".e proves throughout that such was lIut the fact. Thetn is auott)er tuhject tQ w\¡:ch t ought to ad- vctt. Mr O'tot,liell. i" his last address, accuses me ot' havii- ticitide(i hill, ilito it mistaken opinion of entertaining ttottpsfopi"i")tt politics. tutterly dt'uy (hat t uracn-<ed any deceptiou upon him on thm oronauy other poi"t; on every division that took ptace.dmittg'the t-horttimelltad the honour of < seat in P.lrliamelll, I voted with the Government, and t wou)d ItLtve su)'portcd every useful measure of economy, )etrcnch)t)P"t, aud return', which might have been brought forward. If Mr O'Counell (an- cil!(] thitt I -.oul(i go beyotidthii, akid vote for every mpasure which he (night thihk proper to propose, whether i approved ot it or not, he had indeed dciudpd htfnsetf into a mistuktn opinion of what would be my conduct; and he woutd huve found \luu, ou Il GIAVH Dt;cAiious s I should hitvo tH;led M became the rcntty independent rcpresentattve of ihe countyofCartow. Geuttemen, am well aware that in thustentttfinp to cotifittue a controversy with Mr O'Contiell I tabour under atmostin!!u'mount.)b)edi(ncuhies— that I am no match for "iln in the use, or rather abuse, of the Eti,Iisli and thtttsuhjf-ct lIIyself to alllhc venom .I\H1 rancour which hi-- mal ""yandd)sap))!.in)ment(',u)ifiveve))tto.lconsu!c myself, howcn'r, wilt. the /'(ilcetioll that" ¡'¡({gllu e,vt 7.ei.t,tcis, et prænllcbil," and that have d'mn some service to the pnh'ic by exposing the doubte dealitig (,f this mendicant. I hate now done with ,Ill- t)'6'o.mcU. Hif conduct has compeited me to make these transactions puhtic, 'dt appeal with cou6denee to the judgment of every h()nour.tb)eaf)di"!j)artia)mi!!d whether! am "ot <uHy justified in so doing-; and whether hi!' eie?ant epithets of"indescriba)))e vagabond. "fa)th)e-,sereat')rc." and''mighty ?reat)!:)r,in- ste<idofhein?referrib)etomc,mayuotwithn)ore J"snee. propriety,.ind truth, be apphedtoacertain other individual: Beu Juhnson cerfainty foresaw till:< llIall whell lie ctecriLJcd olle Gims f.)rt,ed COllllscl. takc5 provoking gold On either hal'I1, allt! pUl.. it up. Of so pnp!cx '.I a ton¡:uc. ArHllond witha!, thai would not wag. nor Liesfiijuithoutafee." gent'emen, your moitt obedient and ol,l C(i ALEXA'" IH.1t RAPHAEL. Great 17 iS36.

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MYFYHDO,)-\H. DiJEC¡¡{EU.-\…

"'CH.JlURJ 1 LLU81'HA 1'IONS.-No.…

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TO LOiti-P ii i,,u, c-i-1.4…

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