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GLAMORGAN MIDSUMMER QUARTER JJ. SESSIONS, a! Math, TUESDAY, June 30th, before J- NICHOLL, Esq. M.P. D. C. L. Chairman. Sirr orr's» Bart. J. N. Miers, Esq. S B° ,<K C-B- T.D. Place, Esq. jjj i 'lwyn Llewellyn, C. H. Smith, Esq. J B n ff T. Slacey,Clerk. p[ F; *{r!)ce> Esq- T. E. Thomas, Esq. j i» ^"cks, Esq. Edward Thomas, Clerk. Cant u.ant* ^8(1* N. Edwards Vaughan, Esq. T r "'°key, R. Capt. Warde, II. N. Ley»ou, Esq. r. "'Iler th I the proclamation had been read, and the How ahtles of opening the court gone through, for GWYX, Esq. qualified to act as a Magistrate pE e county of Glamorgan, and the Rev. PIIOSSER c°Unt'E as rector of Llannindock, same T». Mr pf Grand Jury having' been sworn in, of which £ lla- e,Mamin Howells, of Neath, was foreman, the observed that be was happy lo fiud that the e.tc ° •' W3S vei*y I'ght, ai,d ^,at 'here was no case °ne which presented any difficulty, or that 0f KCa" ^or any remark from him that was a case 'he m ezz'etncl,t. They would observe that under gffjact.lJassed, it was necessary that the person char- emD|VV',t^ em,Jezzlement should be actually in the elerk°y ,he f)ar,les by whom he was charged as a cl 01 as clerk and servant. The prisoner now so pror^ had been in the employ of certain coach. heh !ft0rf5' ahd was' lie thought, quite clear that *iri PPn 'n Capacily of clerk or servant. By Poss!>e such.en,Ploynient, he had taken into his sSSI ) but mouies tor and on account of his masters; but It were proved that he did not take them for and j e accour,t ot his masters, the indictment could not ^h' "as for them, the Grand Jury, to consider or le! was so employed in the capaciiy of clerk atn e'va»t- If the requisites which the Act of Parli- w e?, demanded had not been complied with, they the" n,1 8 trvte bi'l. It 1"ras that point he, onl lriua"j would refer them. That was the J importance. They would now retire. £ 've that and the other cases preseuted to them consideration. i e witnesses were theu sworn to give evidence S^^and jury. »P I''6 a'rman sa'd that in the case of embezzlement the* ICat'?n bad beeu made that the examiuation before jur "1a«'s'ra'es should be given as evidence. '1 he <,j "'ist take the whole, not a part they might ^redit to one part and not another, but they abound to take the whole together. Some words s. een struck out it appeared, but if they were a| ,out before the deposition was signed, the ex- '"ation must be taken as proof. iktrates then adjourned to the Grand Jury ()ji 0,11'0l''he discussion of the county accounts, and or,er Matters relating- to the county business. It was ered, that with reference to an application from the pernor of the Gaol at Cardiff, for some additional jj ?Wance for conveying his prisoners to Swansea, Q e "afe custody of them while there, that his sli n.a"0Wance was considered sufficient, but that he I) lould be allowed for whal he should actually ex- uii* ass's,ants. The allowance, not to exceed in 1^ase 5s. per dav for each individual. "eGaoler of Cardiff's accounts were produced and the Chairman.. he Guoler of Swansea produced a summary of his -unts, which was audited. of he Gaoler had made a charge for the conveyance Prisoners, because a similar one had been allowed ° the Cardiff Gaoler, but it was struck off by the a?isii ates, who said, however, that theofficer- would eJ?, on the same footing. "e Chairman said, with regard to the proof of ^roneiV charges, he should in future have the oath nj'nistered as r: matter of course. P 11 tbe proposition of J. B. Bruce, Esq- W. Williams sq- Ol'Aberpei-gwnn, and N. E:. Vaughan, Esq were ^Ppoihted by the Court to ascertain whether the Bridge, on the Aberdare and Aberwant 'Cwm an f lrU9t was ''ab'e to be repaired by the county 'o report thereon to the ensuing Quarter Sessions. "e Clet-k (If the Peace read the Attorney-General's p r John Campbell) opinion, that he, the Clerk of the t^ace> was not entitled to be remunerated out ot the u°ly rates for making certain returns, but that the nea?t,rt>r was authorised to pay the fees taxed by the of Assize. be Clerk of the Peace, it appeared, had written to It Atlorney-Genera1 for information on these points, ltd to know whether in the event of a refusal to pay 0/lhe county rates, he, the Clerk of the Peace, as justified in refusing the said return. In reply to 'e latter quesiiou, the Attorney-General said, that if e returns were refused, the Clerk of the Peace would ar from him again.—Laughter. t was also ordered that in all future appeals against Uovals, the copy of statement and notice should be j te« with the Clerk of ihe Peace; and that the appel- '"ts, where removal has taken place, should produce e Pftuper, and the respondents where removal has •ot taken place. It was proposed to increase the fee r.°ni 2s. to 7s. 6d., but 5s. was agreed upon os a suiTi- Clent sum, and for drawing the statement 10s. The Roy. T. Stacey Rector ofGelMgaer, and Curate Cardiff. was unanimously appointed Chapluiu to the c°unty Gaol, in the room of the Rev. H. E. Graham, resig-i,ef| T'he Chai,.niaa assured him, in the name of ll,e Magistrates that such appointment was most ifratiiyu,^ lQ t|lejr fee]ings. Mr Stacey, in very handsome terms, acknowledged e high compliment which had been paid him. Ue bad had six years experience on a former occasion, a, w'ouId do all in his power to merit the support ew'i him. The Clerk of the Peace was desired to prepare pro- P?r shelves to receive the Public Records which had ee" presented to the county by the Commissioners At the request of F. Fredric-ks, Esq. the Chairman, ^fdertook to give advice as to the best mode of pro- c^cdhig against the overseer of Llanguke, for misap- j i"g a fine of £ b, levied and paid into his hands for cut'i«g timber. A county rate of three farthings in the pound was Qrdred for the ensuing quarter. The Mag istrates then adjourned into the hall. I he first case disposed of was that ot Llangybi, Cardiganshire, appellants, and Merthyr Tydvil, re- .pondente-order of removal confirmed with costs. Hanjlet of Coity (Lower) against Morgan Howell, "r the maintenance of a bastard child. In this case J. I' Price, one of the overseers of Coity, claimed to be eXallli lied en his affirmalion as being a Moravian. .} The child was boru J7th March, and became charge- 4th April, consequently there was not time to "lve the required uotice of fourteen days before last Se"sions. Mr E. P. Richards contended that the overseers '.ad now no right to enter application; but the objec- Wou Wa9 overruled. Margaret Rees examined.—Lives with her father a"d mother at Newcastle. Was delivered of a child |°lr months and a fortnight ago. Morgan Howell is he father of it. He was a maltster. Saw him now "in court. (The witness here pointed out the person Inferred to, who looked sillv, and simpered) 0 the night of Sf. Mary Hill Fair was ia the °Use of oue Jenkins. Morgan Howell ran after er—-tried to close the door, but Howell pushed it Pt:II. Two or three months after she became preg- a"t she told Howeil of it, and he said he would give *^er money if she would five it to somebody else." n aUempt was madetoshakethe witnesses testimony, u' it failed. Much of the evidence which is now equired by the operation of the New Poor Law Bill jTe "ecessarily suppress. The witness stated that she 'ad never been able to work constantly since she was jteen years of age, in consequence ot weakness and "health. The putative father had denied that the ^•'hilj was |.u( witness told a tale ot a" place, So lonely a place for lovers and lovers only," whisth lIet the matter clearly at rest. Ann Rees, mother of last witness, stated that when ».le discovered her daughter's situation, she went to 1 0rgan Howell and a-ked him" i f he were not ashamed ? having brought her child to the shame he had." He .nir down his head and gave her no answer. Saw "tt the day the child was born, met him on the bridge, him his child was born, and asked him when he to send for it. He told her not to make any riots," that he would send for it directly. Saw IYKOII the Monday following. Asked him why he send for the child as he had promised He ^id |le would look for a place to send the child to. l^im afterwards. Told him she would go to the ^verseers. Howell begged her not, aud said he would "d a ijurse. She afterwards weut to Proctor, the °vfrseer. Her daughter Margaret, the mother of the had had a fit when about six years old, and had °^en very weak since. Had very bad sight, and ^°uld |lot gee sew^ Q,. thread a needle. On her (wit- S) oath, her datigliler was unable to get her living Y work. She, witness, was sure Morgan Howell was he father of the child. It the child's face was there ^°uld tell plainly enough he was the father." *he overseer confirmed this testimony in some ie- fau.CtB' an<* lhe Court made an order on the putative her for Jg. per week. Atler the above case had been disposed of, the Chair- man said that he would postpone the other bastardy case4 utitil the felonies and other county business had been disposed of, in order to save expence to the county. Charlotte Griffiths, against whom no true bill was found for stealing a watch from George Goodman, jeweller, at Bridgend, was discharged. Charles Morgan was then put upon his trial for stealing two silk handkerchiefs from the dwelling- house of John Eynon, at Reynoldstone, in Gower. John Eynon extimined- Lives at the parish of Reynoldstone. Remembers Sunday, the 27th of May. Left home that day at a quarter to ten o'clock. Locked the door with a padlock outside. Returned and found the doors broken open. Missed two siik handkerchiefs, and two pocket-knives. The handker- chiefs were worth 3s. Obtained search-warrant, and went with constable to the house kept by prisoner's father. Prisoner was not in the house when they went there, but came in shortly afterwards. I said. if the handkerchiefs were in the house we would find them. There was a coat hanging up. Prisoner said, unhang that coat and see if you can fiud anything. I did so and found the handkerchiefs. Prisoner had before shewn me a coat cf his father's, which he said was his At the time! found the handkerchiefs the constable was gone into another room to search, and Mr Davis, a surgeon, was with him. An attempt was made, on the cross-examination of the witness, to shake his testimony, and to shew that he could not in reality identify the handkerchiefs. The prosecutor said that he knew the handkerchiefs because 4 one was whipped with brown silk," and he had never seen any handkerchief but that whipped ot- lietnixted with brown silk. The answers of the witness gave some amusement to the Court, but his evidence was uot considered shaken. The attorney for the prisoner endeavoured to shew that the prisoner Nyao-of weak iutellec', and the pro- secutor admitted he was a silly fellow, or he would not have gone iuta his house 1110 he did. The constable said, he kept the prisoner in bis custody front Salurday till Monday that the prisoner told him he took the handkerchiefs, &c. and he hoped the prosecutor would forgive him, and he would do so no more. The witness used no inducement to obtain this admission, and did not tell prisoner it would be be:ter tor him to say anything about it. The Learned Chairman recapitulated the evidence, and the Jury immediately found the prisoner guilty of stealing the handkerchiefs, but not of breaking into the bouse. The Chairman in passing sentence said, their could be no moral doubt that the pr:soner had both broken into the house and stolen the property. The Court could iio(bllt view the case as one of a serious charac- ter. Had there been a child, or any other person in the house when the prisoner broke into it, murder might have ensued and the Court therefore, taking all circumstances into consideration, could not do less than sentence the prisoner to transportation for seven years. Daniel Blue, who was also black, was then arraigned for stealing some articles, of sveariiff apparel, and a OE!c pair of moccasins,-he property of George Wa!lis, an apprentice on board the ship Nereid. The prisoner it appeared from ths prosecutor » testimony, had been shipped at Valparaiso on the 27th of April, as a cook but was discharged from the ship while lying jn the port of Swansea. After he, the prisoner, bad left, witness missed the articles in question. Thomas Jones constable of Swansea, said that he was told by the prisoner that the moccasins were at the Three Cranes Swansea, and that he had sold the shirts for 4s. and' pledged the jacket. The prisoner took him to the pawnbrokers where he had left the shirts. He, the constable, held out no promises to the prisoner to induce him to make tbosc admissions. Michacl Moves son of the person who had bought the shiits examined. Was 13 years old. His father isastopsdier. On the 8th of May prisoner offered two shirts for sale. Witness said to him the shirts were too short for him, and prisoner replied he had received them as a present from the steward. Witness and his mother were ill the shop at the time. Gave 4s. for the shirts and placed them on the !;he'f where shirts are usually kept. The value of the shirts was about 2s. 6d. each. His father sold Mich for 2s. fid. sometimes for 2s. 3d. This witness gave his evidence in a very clear and intelligent manner. Aloses Moses, who had received the pea-jacket in pledge, said the prisoner had received 3». for it. It was about the middle of the day when the transaction took place. Could not say particularly, but it was before dark. The Chairman here asked how it was that he had sworn before the mazi,trates that it was between seven and eight o'clock in the evening, and the wit- ness replied if he had so sworn, no doubt he was then correct; but some little time had now elapsed and he might have forgotten the precise hour. The prisoner, who had no witnesses to character-, s-aid he was a stranger and hoped the Court would have mercy upon him. The chairman enquired of the prisoner if he should ask The prosecutor what his, prisoner's, character had been whilst on board the ship, aud the prisoner, apparently, most willingly consented. Thepro,ecMtor, on being questioned, said, the pri- soner was an entire stranger when taken on board, and had been discharged for stealing beef. The Learned Chairman recapitulated the evidence, and the Jury found the prisoner guilty.-Sentelice- Three months'imprisonment and hard labour. Isaac Poutsford pleaded g-uilty of robbing John Lewis of he clothes,-Aiiiie drunk and lying on the ground at Swansea. The prosecutor and the prisoner had been both drinking ou the night in question, and the prisoner declared that, though he took the clothes, he was not guilty of stealing them, for that he was so drunk he did not know what he did. The Chairman, in passing sentence, said, that although intoxication was no palliation of crime, yet it appeared, from the statement of the Governor of Swansea Gaol, that his conduct had been good, and he was a stranger to them. The Court was willing to believe that taking the clothes had been a foo ish rather than a tel juious act. The sentence of the Court would therefore be as lenient as possible. The prisoner would be confined for six months in Cardiff Gaol, with hard labour, and he, the Chairman trusted that this crime and its consequence would operate as a warning, to the prisoner against that vice, which almost always terminated in (lis,,t-ace-- into ric(ttion Benjamin Davis pleaded guilty to robbing Morgan Leyshon, of Coity, ot a coat—Four months imprison- ment and hard iabour, one week solitary confinement at the end of each month. William Clement, pleaded guilty to stealing a old watch from John Padley, of Swansea, under circum- stances of great depravity and ingratitude. The prisoner had beeu taken into the house of the prose- cutor from motives of charity and humanity. There were two charges against him, but the heavier charge was withdrawn at the merciful suggestion of the Chairman, (as it would have subjected him to trans- portation for life) and he was sentenced to seven years transportation after a very feeling and impressive address. PhiHt) Woolcott pleaded guilty to stealing a leg of mutton from the shop of Mr Lewis, of Merthyr Tydvil, two months imprisonment and hard labour one week solitary confinement at the end of each month. John Blade. boatman, pleaded gui.ty to steal.ng oats and chaff the property of Messrs. Hill ot Plymouth Works, Merthyr. (This prisoner was also detained in gaol under three separate charges of breach of the peace.) -Sciitelice-Sil months imprisonment and hard labour, the la«t fortnight 60 1,81 y- No true bill having been found against Edward Daniel for robbing John Harry ot wheat in the parish, of Wenvof-, he wus discharged with a very severe and impressive lecture from the Chairman, who warned him of the fate which would most assuredly await him if he did not amend his course of life. lu the case of David Thomas, the prisouer who was charged with the embezzlement ot certain monies the property of Messrs Purchase, i argett, and others the Chairman said that Mr E. P- Uicnards had looked at the depositions and be was o opinion, as a so was he, the Chairman, that there was no case for the Jury. The prisoner was therefor discharged, and he, the Chairman hoped that the lIanow escape the prisoner had had, would not be toigot by him that he would endeavour to redeem his tanted cha- racter, and that he would not be unnnudlul of the mercy fchown him by his employers. The parish of Margam failed iu obtaining an order for the maintenance of a bastard child,against theputa- t ive father,iii consequence of an irregularity msigning the required notice. It appeared that one of the overseers of Margam (four in number) not being on the spot, another person had sijjpeo for him. The parish of Margam v. Daniel Rees. Ititliiscare, the woman not appearing, the cause was dismissed. The hamlet of Neath middle (Cadoxton )v. William Davis. This was a case of bastardy. Notice had been Berved on the putative father, Janet Thomas, a female about Vt) years ot ai<e, and, apparently, in ill-health, one of those who had loved, not wisely," exainiiied.-Is unmarried. Had borne a child. William Davis is the father of it. Had been very ill since thebirth. Mr Lishen, surgeon, attended her. Had a watch. (Produced it.) Had the watch from the father of her child. He left it with her till he came to put up the banns, as he had promised I,er marriage. Has no property nor money, and W/L<¡ un- able to maintain the child. William Rees, overseer.—Had some conversation with the father of the child. Asked him to maintain the child to save the parish trouble. Davis said she, the mother, had got his watch, and that would keep it for a time. The putative father denied that the child was his. This case failed, in consequence of the want of the corroborative testimony," and was dismissed The parish of Penmark William Arnold. This was also a case of bastardy. William Arnold, the wilful," and Mary Davis, the weak," had been fellow-pervants in the employ of Mr Llewellyn Williams, and it was while in that service that those nameless acts took place, of which the "living plede," whose maintenance was now sought, was the conse- quence. Order for Is. 6d. per week confirmed. The parish of Aberdare failed in a like application, on account of the notice not being signed by < major- ity of the overseers. The Court adjourned about half-pa-I seven, having in one day, finished the business of this laige and im- portant county. SWANSEA AND NEATH HORTICULTURAL SHOW. The 2d Show was held at the Town Hfill, Neath, on f*i i • i J .1 i'n.. flio 1 -.let (Ki'na i iiursuay, t»e iimgtii, aim, us usuni »ui un year, there was a good deal of rain, although the after part of the day was fine. There were several rare and valuable plants in the room, but not we think so full a collection of fruit or flowers as at some former meetings, nor were the company so nu- merous. The Censor, from Mr Maule's, was prevented attending by the Bristol steamer being incapable of performing her voyage and putting into Cardiff, by which the exhibition lost a valuable collection of Pinks, Cactuses, Alstroemerias, and Ranunculuses, and other things, which Mr Maule had sent to de- corate the room, and which had to go back from Cardiff to Bristol. (It is a great pity Swansea has not vessels of greater power.) This occasioned some delay, but the Managing Committee and Gentlemen present particularly requested the Hon. Secretary to take the office upon himself, and he, aided by Mr Bentley, of Neath, got through the business so well I as at two to have the doors open for the company. The following prizes were awarded :— Flowers. To whom adjudged. Class of Prizes- Pinks, the best 12 sorts Mr Andrews .Bronze M ed. Roses—Ohina, the best..Mr Vivian, i\f.P. Ditto, the besttv.-elveDitto Silver Med. -Dutch, the best £ M'"j. {)"Lleweiyn 2 Mr Viviar, M.P.SilverMed. Onto, be*t 24 Llewelyn 2 -Scoteli, the best MrV.vian. M.t\ 1 Ditto, best twel%,e..I)ittO Bronze Med. v, ..$Ditto 1 Moss, the best Miss Llewellyn 2 Do. 3 best of differ- > fr j D, Llewelyn Bronze Med. ferent so Heart's ease, the best ',W Byers Silver N twenty-four Mr 3. D, Llewelyn 2 n. t Mr Byers Bronze Med. i>itto, best Seedling Mr j p. Llowelyn 2 Best four in pots Mr Hyers Bronze Med. Herbaceous Plants. Gaillardia Picta Mr*- D. Llewellyn, Bronze Med Potentilla Hopwoodiana Ditto •" Best Seedling Ditto Bronze Med. I Ditto Silver Med. t Best twelve £ Ditto 2 Hardy Creepers', best six Mr Vivian, M. P. Silver Med. Hardy Annual, best I j D Llewelyn, Bronze Med. bouquet S „ Hardy A mericanPiants, Mr H. Gwyn Bronze Med. six varieties rut .{ Mr ViviaD, M.P. 2 Exotic, or Half Hardy, c'imatixed. Tcnoria Fruticosum .Sir C.Cote. K ,o,n, Bronze !\fed. Hypericum Balearicuni.. Ditto 2 (Ditto silver Med. or the best Collection Mrg w,uiaru9) Duffryn 2 Geraniums, cut, best ( Mr Andrews *•••••••••• 1 flower Mrs Jones, Fisher-street.. 2 Ditto, hest twelve cut t Mr J. D. Llewelyn Bronze MeJ, specimens ( Mrs Jones, Fisher-street •. 2 Bouquet jl v-m-ions Flowers j S" Vhia'n.'M.P.'V. 2 Ditto, the best of any sortMr J. D Llewelyn Taney Prize. In Pots. Nympbaia Cierulea .Mr Grant. Bronze Medal. Salpiglossis Picta Mr J. D. LlewdyuBionze Medal. A Istræmcria A urea .Ditto 2 Six b-st Greenhouse 5 Ditto IMauts > Mr Vivian, ;.1 P 2 Heat s Geraniiiiiu-, blest speci- ) Mr J. D. LtewelynBronze Medal. men > Ditto 5 ni,t(, Silver Medal. bcsl d,tt0> m PotV Mrs Jones, Fisher-street.. a Six best Herbaceous i M j D LlewelynBronze Medal. Calceolarias Best Seedling of ditto..Ditto Bronze Wiedal. Extra Prizesfor Flowers. Bouquet Miss Gough I Gladiolus Blundo-car- 1 „ 1 dinalis J Mr Byers Collinsia Bicolor .Mr Vivian, M.P*•••••• • 1 Collection of Mimuli. Ditto Ditto of Petunias .Ditto Ditto of Georginas .Ditto t«««. 1 Ditto of Cockscombs.Mr Grant Mdlope Grandiflora .Mr Byers 1 Stapelia Mr GWjn Fruit. Grapes. White S Mr ( Mr Grant Black I I ( Ditto Two best Bunches,# Ditto .Silver Med. Melon Mrs Williams » Two best pUtes of i Bronze Med. Strawberries t A J>>nea Extra Prizes for Fririt. CarnbridgeBotauicGar- i „ „ l den Grape Mr Byers Nectarines y Goujh I Apples.. Mr J. D. Licwelyn 1 Vegetables. Mushrooms Williams 1 Cucumbers J < Mr Grant 1 Green ]leas ;N'ir A, Jones ] { Mr Da vies, C iiiliflovvers, four beet Mr Grant Bronze Med. beads Mr .A. Jones 2 — I Ex'i'o- Prizes for Vege- tables. Onions Mrs Llewelyn « 1 Carrots Mr liitton I Beans. Ditto 1 Art chokes Mr'j. d! LVeVe'lyn I Mr J. D. Llewelyn obtained the Challenge Silver Box. CUTTAC, E RS' PRIZES. Strawberries. Ed ward Cook, N cath 2s. 6d. Nos.-gay David Edwards, Bryn.. 2 6 Ditto Margaret Harper 2 6 Vegetables David Edwards.. 2 6 Basket of Ditto Ttvis. Davies, Swansea.. 5 0 Ditto Thomas Shone 7 6 Collection of Plants David Cienient 2 6 MERTHYR POLICE. Before J. B. Bruce, Esquire. JUNE 29.-Margaret Lewis, and Ann Davies, alias Jane Thomas, were committed for trial at the ap- proaching Assizes for robbing the dwelling-house of Patrick Duggan, a tanner's workman at Cardiff, of various articles of wearing apparel, with which they decamped to Merthyr. Margaret Lewis is a native of Llanstephan, Car- marthenshire, and has not long worked out her sen- tence in the House of Correction at Usk, for stealing f5 from the dwelling-house of Ann Franklin, at Newport. Ann Davies, who called herself Jane Thomas, is daughter of the late William Davies, formerly a druggist at Merthyr. JULYS The pensioners of the district (upwards of 6.) were sworn this day to their quarterly af- fidavits. Thomas Morgan, butcher, was fined 2s. and costs, for being drunk in the public streets, on the 25th ult. Catherine Vaughan was fined Is and costs for profane cursing and swearing. The same woman was also required to find sureties to keep the peace towards a very respectable inhab- itant of Merthyr, and in default of paying the fine and costs for drunkenness, and being unable to find- security, she Was committed to the House of Cor- rection. David Lewis, Labourer, was fined 2s. and costs, for drunkenness, on Sunday last; and I.,j. for a tres- pass on he premises of Philippa Davis, and com- mitted for non-payment.




[No title]


Family Notices