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t.i.A.NiOKO.A.NSHfRL. t. the GENERAL QUARTER SESSION* held ,,I III'! k'i,-t I)iy of JUI,Y, IS:tt, the Orders for Payment of Money were trade:- £ s. d. £ s. ll. Fur Cardiff Gaul and House of Correction. B ilance of maintenance of Prisoners paid for the lust Quarter 53 7 1; On account of next Quarter.. 150 Q 0 Quarter's Salary of OSiceis.. 1: £ 9 5 0 33-2 1-2 ih For Swansea H>usc of Correc- tiun. For (till maintenance of Pri- soners. &c. for the last Quarter 90 15 11 Quarter's S:lar\i;s of Officers.. 50 0 0 It6 15 11 Clerk oi Peace, his Quarter'* G;atuit> 86 5 0 Coroners. ft. L. Recce, Esq in lull "f his Bill 16 3 0 -Charles Cjlinis, tiio inte 15 0 6 —————- 31 3 6 J.i!i;es Reynolds, iiis Quarters Annuity us Reined Keeper o: t!.e late Hu.ise of Correc- tion at Coy-iiii ige 5 0 0 William Bird in fu'l of his Bill for Printing I) 7 0 Wiiliani Reed, the like lor Bind in<j 1 3 0 William VVhitunglon, Surveyor of County Bridges, his Year's S St) 0 0 '1);1l! Hoi eiscn, Keeper ur S ,i!l5f'a G:o!, for bringing i:j> Insolvent 10 hearing. li 15 9 Samuel Thomas, late Chief Con- stable, :1I1.\r, Money ¡,i,! by liiiii for tl.e Conveyance of Offenders to Piisor. 6 18 6 Portion of the late T. M**y rick's Salary as Inspector of Weight-* a;i>! Mu-asnres at Bridgend.. 2 18 4 Dalton, for his troui le in preparing Rules of Practice for Quarter Session? 20 0 0 £ 619 19 2 The Sinn of £ 12 was ordered to be advanced for the Repairs of Polity nis) bout Bridge, in the Parish of Cadox ton juxta Neath, ami £ 15 for the Repairs of Irwain Bridge, in the Parisli of Al)er,iare. WOOD, Cler fir Peace. PURSUANT TO A DECREE OF THE UIGH COURT OF CHANCERY, MADE IN A CAUSE \VK EREIN WILLIAM FLEXMAX IS THE PLAINTIFF, AND DAVIIJ GEORGE AND OTHERS ARE DEFENDANTS. IIJE Creditors of GEORGE HAZEL, late of Swans- a, in the county of Glamorgan, Gentleman, (who in the month of October, lh27) are to conic in and prove tiieir debts before Henry Martin, Esq. one of the Masters ol the said Court, at his Chambers, in South aiuptoii Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, on or before the 21st day of J-ily, 1S34 or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded the benefit of the said decree. PURSUANT TO A DECREE OF THE HIGH COURT OF CHANCERY, MADE IN A CAUSE MEREDITH AGAINST BOWEN. r ['N" [,' Creditors of ELIZABETH late the wife of THOMAS WI IjI-1 A M S, of Crossfoot in the paiish of CVirow, in the county of Radnor, but which said Elizabeth Williams was at the time of her death, which happened on the 29th uay of January 1B30, residing at Bronith Cottage in the said parish of Clirow, are forthwith to come in and prove their debts before Francis Cross, Esquire, one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers, in S lulhamption Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, or, in default ihereof they will be excluded the benefit of the said decree, FRANCIS AND SON. Plaintiff's Solicitors, Monument Yard. Pursuant to the Act for the Relief oj Insolvent Debtors in England Zhe Coitrt for iiicltef of aJnolbettt Qebtors. ON the FIRST day of JULY, 1834, upon Ihe filing; ol the Petition and Schedule ot THOMAS SMITH, torineiiy giving near the Rosemary Branch, Islington, 'Middlesex, Bricklayer, then in partnership with William Hone)sell, and living in the tWhitcihapel Road, Middle- sex, under the iirin of Hooeyselt and Stuith, Bricklayers, then of the Cheshire Cheese, Fieur dc Li. Cott: t, Firet Street, I.I),t. Victualler and Bricklayer, then oi Wrex- ham, Denbighshire, Bricklayer and Victualler, th<;n of Coventry. Warwickshire, Bricklayer, Dealer in Fruit and Fish, and late of the Grapes Tap, Soutiiwark Bridge Road, Surrey, Bricklayer and Builder, and also retailing Brer and Spirits under Mr. Bingley of the Grapes, a Prisoner in the County Gaol, for Surrey, in Horseinonger Lane, in the County ot Surrey. IT IS ORDERED and APPOINTED that the Matters of the said Petition aud Schedule shall be heard by the Court, at the Court House in Portugal Street, Linco'n's Inn fields, on the T U IR I'Y-FI KS 1' day of JULY instant, at thc bVllr of in the Morning precisely of which all Creditors and Per,ons claiming to be Creditors of the said Insolvent for the Sum of Five Pounds or more shall have Notice by Service of a Copy of this Order made within such time and in such Manner as is prescribed by the Rule ot Court in that Behalf. BY Tilt COURT, I.J. RICHARDSON .Yv. 3G, Btluidere, Pluce> Souihwark, Bridge Hoarl, Surrey, Attorney. TAKE NoTICE. 1. If any Creiiitov intends to oppose a prisoner's dis <irge, Notice of such intention must be given to the said prisoner in Writing, three clear days before the Day of i!nng, exclusive of Sunday, and exclusive both of the day of giving -,uch Notice and of the said Day of Hearing 2. But in the case of a prisoner, whom his creditors ha>c removed by an Order of the Court, from a Gaol in or near London, for hearing in tile cou-itr Y, Notice of Opp.-sition will be sufficient if given one clear J¡¡y before the Day of Hearing. 3 The Petition and Schedule will be produced by the proper Officer for Inspection and Examination at th- uftic, of the Court, in London, on Mondays, Wednesdays" and Fridays, between the hours of Ten and Four-and Copies of the Petition and Schedule, or such part thereof ■is shall be required, %i i;i be provided by the proper Officer according ;o the Act 7 Geo. 4, c 57. sec. 76 !ll. Entrance to tiie Office, in Portugal-street,LiucoVs fun Fields. 4. The Duplicate of the Petition and Schedule, and all H..oks. Papers, and Writings tiled therewith, will lie pro- duced ,or inspection and Examination by the Clerk of the" ,L'^e' i'o'-vn C!ern, or other Person with whom the same )»rt-ave ')eetl directed to be lodged for such purpose at i ie. Itice of such Clerk of the Peace or other Person, and opies of the Petition and Schedule, or such part thereof as shall t be required, will be there provided according to the Act 7 Geo. 4. c. 57. sec. 77. END OF LOTTERIES. ON NEXT TUESDAY WEEK, THE TWENTY-SECOND OF THIS MONTH (JULY,) rrHE VERY LAST AND ONLY LOTTERY A that is or will be sanctioned by Parliament, must be all Drawn, when all the Capitals and every other Pnze wil" be decided, after which ALL LOTTERIES will cca"c in this kingdom. The Scheme contains the following Capital Prices ] of. £ 16,000 £ 16,000 1 10,000 10,000 1 3,000 3,000 1 2,000. 2,000 1 1,600 1,600 1 1,500 1,500 2 1,400 2,800 1 1,100 1,100 Besides other, of JSOO, 1500, 1400, &e. &c The Prizes will be Paid in Money on demand as hereto- fore, the Capitals only being subject to a small discount as set forth in the Schemes, which may be had gratis of the following Agents, by whom Tickets and Sharpt; are now on Sz,Ie. PRESENT PRICE:— Ticket £ i3 j 3 0 Ha,f iJ 6 0 Eighth £ 1 18 6 Quarter £ 3 15 6 | Sixteenth £ 0 19 6 Ihe Tickets and Shares divided agreeably to the direc- tions of the Act, are oil Sale at all the London Offices, and by the following Agents in the country :— Merthyr Tydnilt^f. Mallalieu, Gazette & Guardian Office, H. W. White, Bookseller. Cardiff W. Bird, Bookseller. or idy end J. G. Bird, Bookseller, &c. Post Office. Cowbridye P. Bird, Bookseller and Tea Dealer. heath T. M. Fear, Timber Yard. Swansea T. Davis, Auctioneer, Post Office. S. Grove, Bookseller, 17, Wind-Street. 77* J Williams, Cambrian Office. Monmouth T. Nash, Printer, Merlin Office. Abergavenny Watkins and Son, Printers, & Booksellers. Brecon S. W. Morgan, Printer, &c. Post Office. Carmarthen W. Evans, Journal Office. J- Evans, Cross. Llandovery J), R. and W. Rees, Post Office. i testeiyn W Price, Grove House. "st(,t B. Barry, Bookseller, 21, High-strert. -Browne and Reid, Booksellers, Clare st. -1. Norton, Bookseller, Corn-street. George Tremlett, 43, College Gr«en. TO BOTCHiiRS AND OTHERS IOil Sale, ut Clemensfoiu-, near Cowbridge, NiNE 1 PlUME FAT OXEN. COWS, and HEIFERS. TO WHITESMITHS. A MAN capable of undertaking the WHITE- SMiFil WORK. GENERALLY inav hive a situ- ation by applying to Mr. Joseph Coates, Ironmonger, M onniouth. SITUATION WANTED, All PREPARATORY GOVERNESS, BY a young person, THE DAUGHTER OF A CLERGYMAN, who is competent of teaching the nlllimcnts of English, French, and Music, and who would have no object ioi) to travel. Apply, ii by letter, p()St paid, to II. and S. Rose,M;lh"el'c> 25, Wine streN. S wansea. Salary not so much an object as a comfortable situation. 10th July, 1531. TO CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. \MOST eligible opportunity presents itself to any active person wishing 'l> COMM KNC E CH EM IS and DRUGGIST, by succeeding to a highly respectable and established connection in one of the largest towns in the Principality, the proprietor entering into a different line uf business. Tne Boils" isituateù in the best street, and the Relit moderate. Ihe Stock, which has been recently laid in> and ti e tixturea, emiiely JAL: A, may be taken at a fair "i luution. Further particulars may Lc known by addressing, post paid, to Mr. VV. nrlY, Accountant, S-vansea. A MATCH OF CRICKET WILL BE PLAYED AT RAGLAN, ON TUESDAY NEXT, the 15th instant, between the W YES1 DE and MON MOUTHSI1 IRE CRICK ET CLUBS. Wickets to be pitched at Eleven o'Clock.— Dinner at Five. MISSVAUGHAN'S SCHOOL "ill AGAIN OPEN JULY the 24th, 1834. Crockherbtown, July 12th, 1834. Broad Street Establishment. rrHE MISSES WILLIAMS inform the inhabitants of MERTHYR and its neighbourhood that their SCHOLASTIC DITIES WILL BE RESUMED ON MONDAY, the 21,t instant. Merthvr, July 10th, 1834. Prospect Place Academy, Bristol, WILL he RE-OPENED on MONDAY the 21st instant, on which occasion Mr. POCOCK will be gratified by the early attendance of his Pupils. rjMHE REV. J. JONES and Mr. W. JAMES, trom Lampeter, (who is to be Assistant Curate vi 'WILL RE-OPEN THEIR ESTABLISHMENT for the Instruction of Young Gentlemen in the Classes, on MONDAY the 21st instant. Merthyr, July lith, 18-34. Cf) NEAR NEATH. rj^HIS ESTABLISHMENT FOR THE EDUCA- L TION OF YOUNG LADIES will RE-OPEN on MONDAY, the 28th instant. Caids of Terms may be had on application to the Misses Thomas, at l'yi,yrlc(; July, 1834. SPRING GARDEN VILLA Boarding School, LONDON ROAD, CARDIFF. j% /J R. BERRY acquaints his Friends and the i\A Public, that he has engaged a Gentleman fully qualified to teach the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Languages, this aid combined with his acknowledged capability of Tuition in other uepartments of a liberal education, hp doubts not will permanently establish the support of his friends and ensure him an increase of public patronage. At thn, Establishment Young Gentlemen are prepared for the Universitit s, and for professional and commercial pursuits—The SCHOLASTIC DUTIES WILL BE KES U.M E D on MON I) AY, '20 th instant.-— Terms moderate. An Articled Pupil wanted, (premium required) application by letter, post paid- J'lly 10th, 1834,. AT CARDIFF ACADEJY, CONDUCTED BY uZfiD* OF ST. JOHNS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE YOUNG GENTLEMEN are BOARDED, and EDUCATED ia the Latin and Greek Languages, Mathematics1, English Literature, &c. at £25 per ann-iii. An English Course of Instruction, 20 Guineas. Mr. B. having been for many years engaged in Schools of the first respectabiiiry, flatters himself that his expe- rience enables hun to adopt such a System of Tuition, as most effectually promotes the Mental Improvement of his Pupils, The maternal attention given to their Domestic Comfort, in a great measure removes the unpleasant feel- ing usually attendant on separation from home. The present Vacation will terminate on Monday, July 21. AT MONMOUTH ACADEMY? CONDCCTID BY THE KIEV. fEa a @/LL@t'j OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, YOUNG GENTLEMEN are educated on the J. followinj TEKMS. perAnnum- Board and Instruction in English Grammar, J Writing, Arithmetic, &c. for Pupils under/- £ 20 nine years of age J Ditto, ditto, from uine to fourteen, ditto 25 () 0 Ditto, ditto, above that age 30 0 0 (;reek and Latin Languages, after the Eton method. 3 0 0 Mathematics 3 0 0 Geography, with the use of the Globes 2 0 0 French. 4 4 0 ENTRANCE, ONE SOVEREIGN. 'This School will Re-open on Monday, the 21st of July, on which day a punctual attendance is requested. COUNTY OF BRECKNOCK, GROUSE, jVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that anv Person L FOUND SHOOTING, Breaking of^Dogu, or in any way trespassing on the several Manors of Penkelly Castle, English Penkelly, Penkelly Cwmoergwm, Skethrog and Wenallt, within the Hundred of Penkelly in the said County, WILL BE PROSECUTED. A REWARD OF FIVE GUINEAS over and above what is allowed by Act of Parliament, »ill be paid on Conviction of the offender or offenders, by Mr. John Griffiths, Agent to Major Gwynne Holford, Lord of the said Manors. Buckland, July 9, 1834. BRECONSHTRET MANOR OF BUILTH. Valuable Right of Sporting to be Let- feo fce Het, I^HE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT CF SHOOTING and SPORTING over the very extensive Grouse Hills within this Manor. For further particulars apply to Thomas Thomas, Esq. of Penkerrig, near Buiith, or at the office of Messrs. Jouna and Powell, Solicitors, Brecon. The postage of all letters must be paid. = LONDON CORN EXCHAN(;E. S. S. 8, Wheat, Essex Red 40 a 46 White a 40 *'ne 47 a — Boilers 43 a 4 "1 a — Beans, Small —. a Wtotc 40 a 49 Ticks a 35 *me 50 a 51 Harrow a -j- oupertine 52 a — Oats, Feed 18 a ai 2ew — a — Fine 22 a 23 £ ye 26 a 32 Poland 24 a — J>ar'ey 22 a 20 Fine — a — ™alt a CO l'otatoe. 25 a 27 a Fins a _L reas.Hog 2g a 32 Bran — a — Maple a l'oIlanl, fine. a — PRICE OF HOP:) IN LONDON, I'ER CW-T- New Pockets. £ a £ s New Bags. £ a « s Paruham 10 — al2 12 Kent 7 0a8_ £ ent lo a 8 0 EastKent 0 a 0 — fc-ast Kent 8 0 ajo 0 Yearlings u 0 a 0 — 10 a 7 0 Old Hops 0 — ao_ learhngs 0 OaO — learhngs .00 a 0- GLOUCESTER. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d WHEAT. BEANS. English per bush. 6 0 to 6 6 Old, per imperial Irish,White 5 6 5 9 bushel 4 8 3 2 Red 47 59 New 4 8 52 foreign 6 0 6 6 PEAS. RAULKY. Boilers, perimpe- Malting, per imp. rial quarter H 0 54 0 ..quarter 28 0 31 0 Grinding 28 0 30 0 Irish, ditto 26 0 28 0 MALT. Grinding, quar- Fnglish, per inip. ter, 392ib 25 0 27 0 j quarter 42 0 60 0 OATS. | FLot'R. English, White, English, Fine, pr. quarter .?0 6 250sack of 2801b 34 04,1 0 1mb perqr, ..21 6 25 (5 IrLb 0 0


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