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We near that lid ward Jones, Esq. Llandovery, has been appointed Clerk of the Peace for the County of Carmarthen, in the room of the "late Charles Morgan, Lscj. deceased; an appointment which- reflects high credit upon the Lord Lieut. Lord Vynevor. Small POX—We are sorry to find that the Small Pox rages with great violence in some parts of Carmarthenshire, and many cases have proved fatal. At a recent examination of the pupils at the Beaumaris Free Grammar School, at which the Right Rev. the Bishop of Bangor presided, the college exhi. bitions of201, were given as. usual to the three candi- date supposed to be the most meritorious. The Bishop of Bangor liberally conferred upon a fourth cauditate of merit, a similar sum, from his private purse. FLINTSHIRE EISTEDDFOD.—The tJon. Mr. Mostyn has consented to act as president of the Eisteddfod to be holden at Holywell, in 183,53 and has headed the list of contributions with the munificent donation of oifEiflUNDKED POUNDS. The- secretaries are now making application to the noblemen and gentry of Powys and Gwynedd to become patrons and vice- patroOs of this National Festival. The inhabitants of Holywell have come forward on this occasion with tbeir .well known liberality, and intend to erect a Spacious and suitable building (for the purpose of e^leWitiug the Bardic Festival amongst them), and afterwards to serve as a Town HaM, &c.-&C-at the expense of upwards of two thousand powids. DENBIGHSHIRE DISPENSARY ANNUAL B^ll.— The 19th of December-is fixed for this meeting. The patnm of this- excellent institution, his Royal High- ness the Duke of Sussex, arrives at Kinmel Park on the 15th, and it is fully expected that be will honour thentwith his presence. HOLYIIEAD.-At one o'clock onFriday morning the sloop Amity, of Cardigan, laden with pig iron, from Newport to Liverpool. went on shore at Crigill, in Citrnarvon Bay-crew saved. The hull not much damaged, sails blown to rags. LLA,NELLY. On the 14th instant a complaint was preferred by five commercial gentlemen before W. Chambers, Esq. against the Road Surveyor of Llanelly, who allowed a large heap of stones to remain on the tuiupike-i-oad leading from Swansea to that town. One of the gentlemen who was driving in his gig the preceding night, drove in contact with the stones and was nearly upset, and on his arrival at Llauellyj knowing that the other gentlemen were to folldw him in a short time on that road, very judi- ciously sent lights to be placed on the stones to pre- vent any accident occurring to them.—The surveyor was fined, with costs.-C'arniarihen Joiti-rial. ELOPEMENT.—An elopement took place from this town Monday last. The parties were respectable, and their arrangements, were so well contrived, that they got clear off in ft chaise aud four. They took the rodte to Hereford, of which place we learn the geiitle-naii to be a resident, atid where we'undersftincl it is their intention to bL- d aX.the^hrine, of Hyoieu tie the Gordiau knot, and make tnvolovers liippy.4 ibid. • ■ SilipwitECK,-We regret to state thea (lie sloop • -Inn, laden with corn .butteiy. bouo«l.^frotn ■ St. f Clears to Gloucester, was wreek^d od-. Teuhy Oil Wed. Tie»-;iay se'nnight, in sight of the inhabitants, who r'tVoni thf2<stormy state of the weather, were unable to render the .crew any assistance.. Fortunately, how- ever, a short time before the vessel sunk, the crew betook themselves to the boat, and, we are happy to say, th"y reached the shore, to the gratification ofthd numerous spectators who were every moment appre- -'hen^jve they would meet a watery grave.—-Jltid, MILFORD, NOV. 2Sth, 1H33.—The Speedy, cutter, Lieut. Roepel, commander, which arrived here from Portsmouth last week, was unexpectedly and suddenly ordered off to Waterford, with all possible despatch, ou Thursday, the -21st inst.; and although the wind was west, and blowing n-early a gale, she proceeded on her voyage on Friday, to the Emerald Isle. This circumstance is another proof of the eligibility of Milford Haven for a rendezvous for /nen- of-war, its they call so coot, get away to the westward. Indeed, until lately there was always a man-of-war on the station, but tor the last few years, the port has been entirelv unguarded by sea; surely, the attention of the Admiralty need only be called to the fact, to have the omission remedied. It is only surprising their ideas have not hitherto been attracted to it; an cneiuy—should-a sudden fracas occur between nations —may even in an open boat do a considerate injury to the Naval Arsenal, as they would meet no resistance from the Admiralty. Qaery—otlght not some in office to correspond with their lordships on the sabject? CLERICAL LIBEIIALITY._ [.it these times of dis- union and complaiut, we readily avail ourselves of the opportunity of staling what is more harmonious and .acceptable. Thursday last was the Tithe receipt of the Rev. A. B. Evans, rector of Colnc Rogers, in this county; upon which occasion he liberally returned • 10#. per.eeiit. to his tenants. So gratifying has his conduct beeu to them, that the wish to make it public has emanated entirely from them, without Mr. Evana* knowledgie or concurrence.—Gloucester Chronicle. AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATIONS.—We have made some general observations on this subject in àr- ticle which was in type before we hlid the satisfaction of learning that several influential agriculturists had determined to form a society for the pvoniot ion and encouragement of good farming, and -for the fair protection of the interests of agriculture. We un- derst«uiflr>that on this day week a meeting will be hel,nt.th,Spead Eagle, in the Nortligate-street, at ■Which it is expected that such preliminary measures, will be taken as witt ensure the immediate forma- tion of an Agriucltural Society'ifta" this county?—Ibffl. GLOUCESTER Ews' FAIR.—:Our Fair on Thurs- day last, was one of the worst known for many years. The cattle of all descriptions (except pigs) here of a vei'y inferior quality there was scarcely "a good yoke of oxen, aad very few fat beasts or,slieep;. those of gVod^quality fetched high prices. Mutton sold from'Sd.to (iid -pCr lb- TThe impiove-fbreed of Irish •pigs-,would not disgrace any agricnlt.ural show in the kingdom some of them were sold as low ,!is five shiHluitS per score..—Ibid. CIRENCESTER AGKICULTURAL un- derstand from our correspondent at Cirencester, that the next annual exhibition of stock, at their agricul- tural meeting, is expected to he particularly inter- estiiig, and that an uiutsually large nutnber of pure bred cattle, slieel), and pigs, will be shown for pnZes, iu the cattle yard. The show takes place oil the 5th of December next Ibid. Inquest.—On Thursday last as some men were felling-timber in the woods of Earl Bathurst, a tree tailing against the branches of another tree changed its cors and killed OIlC of the men. An iuqnest was ut,se and killed one ofthe me on Friday taken before J. Mountain, Esq. when a verdict of" Accideutal death" was returned. Ibid. INCENDIARISM.—A contemporary suggests, that as the misguided wretches, who commit the ciime ot 'nceoriiarism, in most instances isflict no loss upon the farmer, but only oil the Fire Insurance Companies, and thereby injure persons whom they probably never saw or heard of, it might be attended with some good, if every farmer, &c. were to have painted upon his barn, or in some other conspicuous place, t:KJ woids—— I" The my property is fully insured. This may be effected with a very tritlingexpeiise, and cer- taaily appear" to merit a tt,ial.lbid. Register OF CITY VorEts.I,Ilc- number re- gislered tills year is 1037, of whom 192 are registered twice over, making the total number 845. Lust year the iluinber registered was 9-20, of whom 33 were te- gistered twice, making in 1S32 the total number re- Register OF CITY VOTERS.—The number re- gistered this year is 1037, of whom 192 are registered twice over, making the total number 845. Last year the nutnber registered was 920, of whom 33 were te- gistered t yvice, making in 1S32 the total number re- gistered 8S7. There has consequently been a decrease in the constituency of 42 voters.—Hereford Journal.


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Family Notices