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ofe&v The Schooner affile Cardiff Packet, W. HUGHES, Master, Row Loading, at COTTON'S WHARF, Tooley Street, London, fPOlt CARDIVF, NEIVPORT, MERTHYR, ABERGAVENNY' BRECON, MONMOUTH, PONTYPOOL, COWBRIDGE BRIDGEND, AND PLACES ADJACENT, And will positively sail on FRJ D A Y, Nov. 29th, 1833. For Freight, &c. apply to the Master on board; Mr. R. urton, jtin. Newport: Mr. Thomas Richards, Aberga enny Messrs WiBston€> prosser and Co. Brecon Mr. With, the Wharfinger,London; or to Mr. Fairclough, ° aQd London Shipping Company, at London, November M, 1833. Cambrian, Gloucester, Birmingham, AND LONDON RAILWAY. CITY OF GLOUCESTER. T a MEETING held this day, November 6'h, 1333, for the purpose of taking into consideration the B*pediency of forming a RAILWAY from this city to ^jrmingham in continuation of that proposed by W. Wood- ^n.E,q„ from Swansea and Merthyr through SOUTH The MAYOR OF GLOUCESTER in the Chair. The following Resolutios were moved, seconded, and arrted unanimously :— "oved by W. Price, Esq.-seconded by W. Montague,Esq. h* St" That a Railway from Gloucester to Birming- tr tn». hy wiiich a certain expeditious and cheap 0 *ns,t for Goods and Passengers will be effected through- the whole Line will be attended by great and extensive Vantage$to tliis city and its neighbourhood, as well as pajg*evera' Towns and Districts through which it will Moved by Edwin Maddy, Esq.—seconded by'W. S. « Evans, Esq. ~~That it is the opinion of this Meeting, that a Railway JJ)°U ^E made to pass throngh or near the following namely, Tewkesbury, Worcester, Droitwuch, Kid- ri.illnsttr, Stourbridge, and Dudley, or such other line or as may hereafter be considered expedient °veil by W. Montague, Esq.—seconded by W. Weedon, a Esq. That it is also the decided opinion of this Meeting at over and above the advantages such proposed Rail- must derive from the encreasing traffic to the port of it ticester, the connexion it will have from Swansea and j^fthyr, at this point, and with the Birmingham and ^°icion t'1° other extremity, a prospect will be afforded very considerable revenue, and amply remunerate the proprietors of shares in this undertaking and must also "ve of great national benefit. Moved by .Samuel Bowly, Esq.-seconde by W. Price, 4 Bsq\ That under a dne impression of such an opinion, it *««olved that a Committee be now formed in order to ccrtain the opinion of other individuals resident on the roa<^ n°w resolved by Mr.Wooddcson, Civil Engineer, to Pwt'cularly at Birmingham, and that he be requested P'oceeu thither, and endeavour to promote the calling be/ '5U'>C Meeting there for the above purpose, and lay 0re »uch Meeting the plans now produced. oVed by Wilton, Esq.—seconded by S. "<tIleS, Esq. 5-That the following Gentlemen be the Committee, Ilh liberty to them to add to their ntiaiber.- William Montague, Joseph Gibbins, Maurice Shipton, Charles Sturge, WillialLi Waslibourn, J, P. Kimberly, vdmes Lloyd, Chas. Church, •William Price, Samuel Bowly, Joseph Webb, John Cargill. },roved by T. Sturge, Eiq.-seconded by S. Jones, Esq. f the above Resolutions-be advertised twice in the allowing Newspapers :—The Merthyr hwrdian. t he GIOllo l^'er Journal, the Gloucester Chronicle, the Worcester the Birmingham Papers, the Cambrian, the 'ofce, the Standard, Felix Farley, Bristol, Bristol Mer- Aloved by W. Montague, Esq.—secondedbyW. Price,Esq. to*' That Messrs'. Cuadborn and Whecdon be requested aCt as joint Secretaries pro tempore. J. W. WILTON, Mayor. The Mayor having left the Chair, it was moved and ^'ed unanimously— H the unanimous thanks of this Meeting be given to t}je ^'ght Worshipful the Mayor, for his able conduct in chair, and kind attention to the business of the day. OTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that application Ses^ 's intended to be made to Parliament in the next O for an Act for continuing the term and for altering, Act and enlarging, the powers and provisions of an Mai '>asset' >n 'he .fifty second year of the reign of his late" *fre st>' King George III. intituled an Act for more repairing the road from the Old Furnace to (I e all MerthvrTidvil, in,the County of Giamor- Ttjt* an from Merthyr Tidvil to the bridge over the river 'lid' Y.-)lIch divides thecountiesof Glamorgan and Brecon," icil said road iies in and passes through the several 14t5 Merthyr Tidvil, Lanvabon, and Eglwsillan, all .er *hve 6 counfy °f Glamorgan and it is intended to widen, *1(1 f* atU' 'mprove certain parts of the said Turnpike-road, *^il(| lat P(UP09e to take certain messuages, cottages, Sftjj lnRs, gardens, lands, and premises, lying within the ftjjd Irishes of Merthyr Tidvil, Lanvabon, and Eglwsillan isal-sointeiidetito make a diversion, or new lineof to I}:_fr[n the said Turnpike-road, commencing at or near k„ow We'l'ng-house of one William Jones, ca'lcd or Cert. '1 narne °f the Star Inn, and terminating at a irij, j 1 P°int on the said road, near the Tram-road leacl- #t10tjroni Duffryn Furnaces to the river Taff; and also, Mke.ler diversion, or new line of road, from the said Turn- Ta ro*d. commencing near a certain cottage, 'calledTon *aj,l r' and terminating ,at a certain other point on the >l inte°a^* below the four mile point, where the said road tie *^ecte<j oy tHe Tram-road leading from Morlais Cas- Glatrorgaushire Canal, all in the said parish of 't S)l0 lidvil; or, instead of the aforesaid diversion, if fro,^ u. "e deemed expedient to make a new line of road dwell 'C f31^ Turnpike-road, commencing near to the said *t a house of the said William Jones, and terminating th*-1* l^'nt on the said road, near to a lane leading Doi0*1 l° ^roeu*i''rhew farm-house, and from thence to Sai? on t'le said road below the four mile point where 'roii At f|J 1S '1Itersected by tiic said Tram-road, leading said" l,S to the Glamorganshire Canal, all in *'°n or Par',sh Merthyr 'J'idvil and also another diver- "ic of road from the said Turnpike-road, com- Qtrpe, ? 0r near to a certain dwelling-house, called the tije' ers Arms, and terminating near to a certain point Tr, *a.d road, where the same is intersected by the ^°Pher 'eac*'ng from Collieries belonging to Sir Ciiris- ip1^ Bai'°net, and others to the Glamorganshire divprsj a lfl thesaid parish of Lanvabon and also another °r ne<v liwof road from the said T urnpik'e-road, « ce a(iar the fifteen mile point, anttterminating ''se rLn"1 'aDe leading from the said road to a ccrtain als^ Ty Mawr, all in the said parish of JS»1 wsillan j furripju another diversion or new line of road, from the Se conin,enc'nB at or near to 'he present TCMI *evente C "tgarw, and terminating at or near to tl<e a(sei1 tni'e puint, ail in the said parish of Hglwsillan another diversion or new line of road from the co,ni"encing at or near to a certain bridge iilQ'hoi>a ul 1 «e Bridge, and terminating at or near to the # at Tongwinlas, all in the said parish of Eglws- j^cIJ p0r( 11 's a':»o intended to abandon ami discontinue of the said road l>ing between-the points ih4^hull i61 '"tended diversions, or-new lines of I Cr,:a$e 'wtle and it is also intended to obtain an road°r a'ler:l!j9" of the existing Tolls aii&iug on tjie ^in st' 't is further intemled to inaLc Turnpike a or la"e, commencing at or near to the to 4 c°us^ °f Mr. Rhys Da VJS, and terminating at or I er,ai'u brook, called Morlais -brook, and to make I 1Ili r new hne of road, from the point where the e*roacj ,cri."ii)Rtes to a certaiu point of the s&fd Turn- 0fC»Potion "*(■ °r Ilear to the dwelling house, late in the *>tl 'hyr T J^'r' '^ubert Beaumont, all in the. said parish 8lreet and a's0 t° make Turnpike a certain tle^'kousc f"\ 'ai>e' commencing at or near to the dwel- I'n' '° tlie l Edward Purchase, and tenninatmg at oi lit! V' aU<l r?'1*^r'dge, ali in the said p.nish of Merthyr Of 6 i"oad U IS il'so 'C'ded to make a Turnpike, or new t»i°lle R(>iCO",Int;ncin £ at or near to the owelling-liouse 'ii K Wan.! c i 'tid ^Jie 0v miner, and terminating at a cer- Vij| W'iivjl s.V^.r l'le rivei Cynon,called Pomrhyit-v Cvnon, At,' tUfHpike, or new line of road iies in, and J ry»re> the parishes of Merthyr Tidvil and "'tiber^ lQa3 COUIlly of Glamorgan.—Dated 1st MEYRICK and DAVIES, Sohiatort Jor the Bill, TO BE SOLD, A GRAND PIANO FORTE, by KIRKMAN, with Six Octaves-, it is a very HANDSOMK INSTRU- MENT, and is parted with because the owner wishes to buy one of a different description. For further information, apply (if by letter post paid) to Mr. Lewis, Parsonage House, Merthyr. WANTED AN ASSISTANT, who is fully competent to take the Management of the .Commercial and Mathemati- cal department of a School. Application to he made (if by letter, post paid) to the Rev. E. Prosser, Caerphilly. WAITED IMMEDIATELY, IN A PRINCIPAL SEA PORT IN SOUTH WALES. A respectable Youth as an Apprentice to a CHE- MIST and DRUGGIST, he will be treated as one of the family a Premium will be expected. Enquire at the office of the Gazette and Guardian, if by letter, postage paid. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS- \\TANTED immediately, a respectable Lad as^an V Apprentice to the BOOKSELLING and GEN- ERAL GROCERY BUSINESS. Apply, if by letter, postage paid, to Mr. J. G. Bird, Post-office, Bridgend. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. TT|7"ANTED by a CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, a VV well educated YOUTH, about the age of 14 Years, as an APPRg^j^iQU. *t Application to be made (if by letter post-paid ) to M r. William Richards, Chemist aud Druggist, High-street, Merthyr. TO JYRP&N AND WOOLLEN DRAPERS WANTS a Situation in the above Line no one need apply but of the first respectabdity. The Ad- vertiser can speak, the Welsh Language. For further particulars apply, post-paid, to A. B. at this Office. COURT OF SEWERS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT A GEN- KRAL COURT and SESSION of SEW MRS f,r the Levels of the Hundreds of Caldicot and Wentloege, in the Countv of Monmouth, will be held at the Heath COck, in the Town of Newport, in the said County, on Tuesday, the Twenty-sixt" day of November instant, at the hour of" Eleven in the forenoon,when and where all Jurors, Surveyors, and other Officers of the Court are required to attend early, that the bnsiness of the Court may not be Iinnpr#>ccaril .1 j uLiayeu. ALEXANDE, R JONES, Usk, Nov. 12th, 1635. Clerk. T^T OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that application 1AI is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing Session, for leave to bring in a Bill to alter, amend, and enlarge the powers of an Act passed in the first year of the reign of his present Majesty King IVilliain the Foiii-tti, eutitllled" An Act iar empowering the Marquis of Sate to make and maintain a Ship Canal commencing near the mouth of the River raff, in the County of Glamorgan, and terminating near the Town of Cardiff, with other Works to communicate therewith," and in which Bill provision is intended to be made to alter the course and direction of the Water. Course and Tunnel or covered Aqueduct author- ised to be made by the said Act, for feeding and supplying the said Canal and other Works with Water from the said River Taff; and in which Bill provision is also intended to be made to form a.Scouring Basin for retaining a sup- ply of Water for the purposes of the said Canal; and which said Water Course and Tunnel or Covered Aqueduct are intended to be situate in the several Parishes of Saint John the Baptist and Saint Mary, in the Town of Cardiff, in the County of Glamorgan, and which said Scouring Uasin is intended to be situate in the Parish of Sjint Mary, in the Town of Cardiff, and County of Glamorgan aforesaid. Dated this Ninth day of November, one thousand eigbt hundred and thirty-three. E. P. RICHARDS, Solicitor for the Bill. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the next Session for a Bill for making and maintaining a Railway or Tram-road, proper works and conveniences attached thereto, or connected therewith for the passage of waggons, Carts, and other carriages, properly constructed and for making and maintaining wharfs connected therewith, sucli Railway or 1 ram-road to commence at or near to certain Mineral property of MessieursHarfordsDavies anoCompany, calledTyn-y-Hwyn andKnappwg,situate in the parish ofAber- ystruth, in the county of Alonmouth, and near to certain 'IronWorks of the said Messieurs Harfords Davies,and Com- pany called Ebbw Vale Iron Works, and proceeding from such Mineral Property through or near to and communi- cating with the Towns of Abergavenny, Usk, and Caerleon, and a certain Railway or Tram-road, called the Llanvi- hangel Railway and to terminate Oil or near to the bank of the river Usk, at or near to a certain Pill in such river, called Liswerry Pill, SiLviate in the parish of Christchurch, ..1. • i .unt.\T of Mnnrr"ut.t, j .1-1.. n. '¡"ro. -UiUll, OUU the several Parisnes, i ownships, Hamlets, or places of Aber- ystruth, Llanwenarth, Llanfoist, Abergavenny, Hardwick, Llangattock-Ja,t'a"s^« Llanvibangel-Juxta-Usk, Llanvair- Kllgcddin, Goy trey. MOnkswood, Llanbaddock, Usk, Llan- geview, Llanlowell, Llangibby, Llantrissent, Kemeys-In- ferior, and Christchurch, all in the county ot Monmouth; and also the several Parishes, Townships, Hamlets or places, of Llanelly and Llangattock, in the county of Brecon, taking and using as part of such projected Railway or Tram-road, certain parts of a Railway or Tram-road, Railways or Tram-roads, now constructed or'being or intended to be constructed between Ebbw Vale Iron Works and the Breck- nock and Abergavenny Canal, by the said Messieurs Har- fords, Davies, and Company, under and by virtue of a provision or authority in an Act passed in the thirty third year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Third, estituled, "An Act for making and maintaining a Navigable Canal, from the Town of Brecknock to the Monmouthshire Canal, near the town of Pontypool, in the county of Mon- mouth, and for making and maintaining Railways and Stone-roads from such Canal to several Iron Works and Mines in the counties of Brecknock and Monmouth/' and also using as part of su'ch projected Railway or Tram- road certain parts of two Railways or Train-roads made by Messieurs Juseph and Crawshay Bailey, under the said provblOn or authority ol the said Act, between Nantyglo Iron Works, and the said Brecknock and Abergavenny Canal, and communicating with the said Ca.ial, the one at or near Llam>attock in the county of Brecon, and the other at or near Llaufoist, in the county of Monmouth; and the parts of which said several Railways or Tram-roads so intended to be taken and used pass through, or are situated in the said several parishes of Aberystruth, Llan. gattock, Llanelly .andLlanwenarth, and for reducing the rate ot Tolis payable on the said parts of such severalRailwaysor Tram-roads; and also for authorising the taking and using as part of such projected Railway or Tram-road, a part ot the Llanvihangel Railway, lying between the Brecknock and Abergavenny Canal aiul ,lie town of Abergavenny, and passing through or situated in the said sevtial parishes of Llanwenarth, Llaufoist, and Abergavenny and tor altering and regulating the rate of Tolls be IJalll on Waggons, Carts, and Carriages passing along the said Llanvihangel Railway, after having passed along the said projected Rail way or Tram-coall- 01\150 for making and maintaining a branch trom and ollty,,f ttil said projected Railway or Tram- road, to communicate wiih the Kbbw Vale and Rolling Mills, and „a«sing through the said parish of AbeTy-irtitit, and the parish of Bed^elty in the county of Monmouth aiso another branch from and out of the said projected KaiUay or Tiam-road, to communicate with the lteaufort lro" Works, and passing through the said parishes ot Aberystruth and Llangattock also another branch from and out ot the Sijid projected Railway or I ram-road, to communicate with the J<i»nt\gJ" Iron tVorks, and passing through the saiu parishes of Llanelly and AL)ei,ytrtAlli at, u also another Branch trout and out or the said projected Rail way or Tram-road to communicate with the wiUiued plane of Messrs. Hiil and Company, on the upper side-or the Brecknock and Abergaveni y Canal, III the said parish ot ivlanfoist, and passing tcrough the said parishes of Llan- wenarth and Lialliolst. GABB & SECRET AN, Abergavenny. Solicitors tor the Bill. Novembar, 16?3. GWENT AND DYFED []YI)"ZUJ.8 4Qt/! [}Ju¡;i)[£Jø!:D AND MUSICAL FESTIVAL. To be Hclden at Cardiff, in the Autumn of I834. UNDER THE SPECIAL PATRONAGE OF THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES THE DUCHESS OF KENT AND THE PRINCESS VICTORIA. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF BUTE, Urrníbrttt. Conductor-Ir. JOHN PARRY, (Bardd Alaw.) ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS PROPOSED FOR PRIZE POEMS, &c. By the Rev. Dr. WILLIAMS. I S. For the best Poem (in English) not exceeding 200 lines, "On the Vale of Glamorgan."—A Premium of 1:5 5s. BY GWYNEDDIGESAN. 14. For the best Essay (in English, with a Welsh translation, or in Welsh, with an English translation") On the Advantages resulting from the Preservation of the Welsh Language, and National Costumes of Wales."—A Seal Ring, with a Welsh motto, engraved on a Welsh Pebble, of the value of X6 6s. BY THE COMMITTEE. 15. For the best Ode in Blank Verse, not exceeding 50 lines (in Welsh) "To the Memory of Archdeacon Beynon."—A Premium of £ 5 5s. BY THE COMMITTEE. 16. For the best Epitaph (in Welsh, with a Translation in English) not to exceed eight lines. To be inscribed on the Tomb of 1010 Morganwg.—A Premium of X3 3. 11 The Compositions to be forwarded by the respective authors, in sealed Packets, under feigned signatures (the real names sent sealed up) on or before the 1st of July, 1834, addressed to the Honorary Secretaries, Cardiff, If sufficient merit does not appear in the Compositions sent to the Secretaries for adjudication, the Committee are empowered to withhold the Medals and Premiums. The writers of the several Compositions, both Prose and Poetical, are to send prefixed to them Arguments or Analyses of their contents to facilitate the decision on their respective merits. The several Odes, Poems, Essays, and Treatises for which the Prizes may be awarded as Possessing the greatest merit, are to be at the disposal of the Committee, to be Printed if they think fit, for sale. If any Society or Individual should be disposed to offer any additional Premium or any addition to those already otfered, it is requested that they communicate such intentions to the Secretaries. J- M. TRAHERNE, ) rjn.. Q-rretariex Cardiff, 12Ch Nov. 1833. T.W.BOOKER, Bon. Seer TOWN OF CARDIFF. arc bt Soltr hi) Euctton, BY MR. WILLIAM THOMAS, At the Angel Inn, on Saturday, the 33rd day of November, 1S33, between the hours of two and four o'clock in in the afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced, ALL those FOUR FREEHOLD FIELDS and a BAKN, situate near tbe two Milestone, on the road from Cardiff to Merthyr, in the occupation of William David. Also a MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, situate in St. Mary's Street, in the said town of Cardiff, and now iu the oocuuationof Mrs. Thackwell. Also those LEASEHOLD PREMISES, situate in Trinity Street, in Cardiff aforesaid, now in the occupation of LA«'rence Millwjid, and others. For further particulars anply (if by letter, post paid,) at the office of Mr. ,I{. W. Williams, Solicitor, Cardiff. MONMOUTHSHIRE. be Soiu b auction, Bjr Mr. JOHN JONES, At the WHITE HART INN, in Al ACHE N, near Newport, on TUESDAY, the 19.h instant (if not disposed of l>y Private Contract, of which due notice will bp, given), A Large and Commodious Building,nearly finished, situated butween the Tranj and Turnpike Koad, near Newport, intended for a PUHLlC-H0UsE and SdOP, and which may be converted ;nto pol;v Dwelling Houses, with an Acre of LAND attached, on a Lease ot 70 Yeais. All the Materials for finishing the Building are on the Premises. F,)r further particulars apply to W. Thomas, Esq. of the Court, or to Mr. J. Junes, Auctioneer, Glebeland, Merthyr Tydvil (if by letter, post-paid.) "The sale will commence between the hours of three and six in the afternoon. Nov. 8, 1833. COPPICE WUODS-GLOVCESTERSIURE. VID bt Onr tig attrtion, ny Messrs. WHITE & SONS, At the BP-ADFOIIT ARMS INN, onTUESDAY, the 19th of November, lo33, atFive o'clock in the Afterl noen, subject to conditions then to he produced. filHf' present railage of the undermentioned COP. JL PICE WOODS, Lot l.—NEW WEAR GROVE, in the parish of St, Briavels,(Tjthc free) containing 2lA. OR. 31p. Lot Part °f ALLENS GROVE, in the parish of St. lJriavels, containing 2,1<1.. 2R. 39P. with 325 Oak limber Trees, now growing therein. The above Woods are near the river Wye, and will be shown by William Matthews, of the Florence. For further particulars, apply to Mr. R. W. Purchas, swear, or the Auctioneer, Coleford. MONMOUTHSHIRE 1to fce Jboltr auttion, BY MR. R. JONES, At the King's Head Inn, in the Town of Newport, on Thursday, November 28th 1833, between the hours of four and six in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as shall be then and there proiinced. "['\llE FOLLOWING VALUABLE COPPICE 1^ WOODS. LOT 1.—About five Acres of Coppice Wood called Coed Cae Llan, adjoining Craig y Merchant Wood, III the Parish of Bassaleg, within one mile of the Monlllollthshire Canal. LOT 2 -About five Acres of Coppice Wood, ad- jOllliHg Ruderriu Farm, in the (Huish of tliJsalec\" within half a mile of the Ilumney Rail-way. containing a quantity of Bark, Pit Timber and Cord wood. LOT 3.—About 15 Acres of Coppice Wood part of Mestog Mawr Wood near Cross William Bro', in the parish of Bassaleg, within a mile of tlie Mon- mouthshire Canal. LOT 4.—About 12 Acres of Coppice Wood called Graig Ddifforth, near Aliyiyn, in the parish of St. Woolos, within a quarter of a mile oi the Ciiiial. LOT 5.-About 12 Acres of Coppice Wood, called Cot'Ur^'Mv.'uuws, in the pansh of 6t. within Of the Monmouthshire Canai. For view of the above Lots, apply to Air. Robert Young, Park House. Bassale*. LOT 6.-Abont 10 Acres of Coppice Wood, part of tlie I'liicketts W ood, adjoining M innetts'common and the Stortield road, in the parish of Lanvi LOT 1—About nine Acres of Coppice Wood called the SiorDeld Wood, near .uinnotts Common, iu in the said Parish. Lots SIX and seven contain excellent Bark, Hoop, Ton, and Cord^ood. For view of same apply to W iiiiam Edwards. LOT B.-About 20 Acres of Coppice Wood, called GE.ig Dew, near Goviluii v ii,itge, III t,,e of Ldanwenartii, adjoining the iirccon and Aber- gavenny Canal, and witniu two miles of Aber- gavenny. For view of the same apply to Mr. John Price, Govilon. ,For further Pal-Liciilars aliply at thu Tredegar Office, Newport, or to Mr. George Keyuolds New, S iliotor, New- t port If by Letter, pnM-paid. HEREFORDSHIRE. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY In the Parishes of Bodenham, Marden, and Sutton To be Sola bv Dribatr Contract* LOT I. A MOST desirable and compact ESTATE called the UPPER'VENN,situate in the Parishes 0f Boden ham and Marden, in the occupation of Mr. Edward Jones consisting of a most substantial and roomy Farm House, built within the last three years, with requisjte Out- buildings, and 186A, 1R. 391'. of very capi!AJ JJAN(|> 0F which about 40A. are Meadow, about 126A. Arable, and the remaining 20A. consist of a Coppice Wood of luxuri- ant growth, which may be made an excellent Preserve for Game. Nearly ISA. of the Arable ond Pasture Land, form two most-thriving Orchards. The Estate is situated about seven mile3 from Hereford and Leominster, and affords some most extensive and delightful views. LOT 2.—An Allotment of MEADOW LAND con. containing 38A. lR- situate in the WertAns, in Lug'g Meadow, adjoining the road leaditfa from ■Sutton to Hereford and the Kiver Luo-cr ° This Al otinent will, if morc suuabie for a Purchaser, be divided. LOT 3.—An Allotment of MEADOW LAND, con- taining 29A. 2R. HP- A^O situate in the Weriins, adjoining the last Lot, the road from Sutton to Hereford, and the River Lugg. LOT 4.— An Allotment of MEADOW LAND, con- taining 23A. SR. 30P. ca.led SEGliUlLl', also situate in Lugg Meadow, near the Wergins Bridge, and the ltoad leading from Suttoa to Hereford, and adjoining the River Lugg. The superior quality of the Meadows on the Banks of the Lutrg is so well known as to render superfluous any expression of the excellence of the above-mentioned Allot- ments. Taeir value will be muc I enhanced by the pro- jected alteration in the Rod from Sutton to Hereford, and such an opportunity of improving their Estates by the addition of Meadew Land oi first-rate .quality, is rarely presented to the neighbouring Proprietors. For further particulars and to treat for the S Ale, apply to Thomas Bird, Esq. Drybl"(Jvep ivir. as[on, or Mr. Humfrys, Solicitors, Hereford. A Map ot all the Lots may be seen at the Office of the latter.- 1 he postage of all letters must be paid. TO IRON MASTERS, CAPITALISTS, AND UTHERS. • Valuable and HIGHLY IMPORTANT PROPERTY" near ABERGAVENNY, SOUTH WALES. lIJ Sam* mQJJj..iJœ [PI) At the Mart, on FRIDAY, November 22, at Twelve, unless an acceptable offer should be previously made by private contract, THE BLAENAVON IRON and COAL MINES, A a concern of the very first magnitude and importance, and now in full work, within six miles of Abergavenny, twenty of Monmouth, eight of C.iickhowel, an about twciuy-two from Brecon, comprising about TWELVE THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND. the greater part containing exceedingly profitable veins of ironStone, Coal, and Lime Stone, a great portion of which "as-been let olf. at considerable rentals, leaving ie re inaiuder, consisting of more than half of the unnera part ot thc estate, io hand. at a.n e1\.ceedingly low rental. A capital exceeding two hundred and fifty thousan pounds has been invested in the erection of five blast urnaees, steam engines, tram roads, agents' houses, foi,r j1"11 ied and eighty workmen's houses, machinery, and ii«P Also a very Valuable FREEHOLD MINLtiAL ESTATE adjoining, of about FOUR HUNDRED ACRES, which contain the same veins of coal and iron stone as are under the leasehold, and upon which have been erected an excellent Mansion, with numerous olfices, g^r ens> and pleasure grounds. I'liese furnaces have k)eell [oil,, carried on with very considerable profit, in making the Cs kind of iron j and there is a very extensive sale for f the facility of carriage by tram roads and cal!j* le supply 01 iiiineral is abundant, and it is calculate that the five turnaces would make at least Seventeen thousand Ions of Pig Iron per annum. There are a for, and mill, two steam engines, and workmen's houses on the ree o which are ouly a short distance from the furnaces, and capable of finishing One Hundred ToAs per week of the best Bar and Rod Iron; and to any firm of capital who might feel disposed to enter with spirit into a concern of this magnitude, there can be no question that an immense annual income may be derived, Attached to the propeity is an Advowson, producing about loot. per annum. A considerable portion of the purchase money may remain for payment by instalments. May be viewed by application to T. Hill, Esq on the premises, Blaenavon; and particulars may be had ot Mr. Hoggart, 62 Old Broad street, Royal Exchange, London or oi M essrs. Gabh and Secretan, solicitors, Abergavenny. Particulars wiil aiso be sent to the Inns in Liverpool, Mau cheater, Birmingham, Bristol, and Sheffield in a few days. PEMBROKESHIRE—SOUTH WALES. MR FREDERICK BRAITHWAITE IS DIRECTED 2To rU by ^itfcltc faction, At the MARINER'S IXN, HAVERFORDWEST, on Saturday, the 14th day of Dfcembpr. ls33 npHE "MANOR or REPUTED MANOR of X JOHNSTONE, with its Rights, Privileges, and Appurtenances, together with the valuable and important Freehold Estates of Johnstone Hall, Bolton Hill, Harrold- stone, Silver Hill, and Haylet, situate most delightfully near the Sea Port and Market Town of Haverfordwest, not far from the King's Dock Yarns of v Pater, and only a short distance' from Pembroke and Milford, in a most beautiful and improving Country.- These Estates arc estimated to contain aboitt 14 Acres, more or less, of rich productive Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, with fine thriving Plantations, divided (more particularly the Farm of Haylet, which is tythe free) into lots for the convenience of purchasers. Part of the Property adjoins the Farm of Haverford- west, and the remainder is only a short distance from it. A principal portion of the Estates abound in Calm, and another has Limestcne in considerable quantity. The Property may be viewed by application to the ten- ants, and printed particulars may be had of Mr. Harvey. Gloucester Row, Haverfordwest of Mr. Frederick Braithwaite, 103, Great Russeil-street, Blnomsbury, London; where 4 map of the Estates may be now seen, from Messrs. Hove, Heptinstall and Whittaker, 10. New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, and at the principal Inns at >Swansea, Carmarthen, Cardigan, Aberystwith, and Haverfordwest. GLASGOW LOTTERY. WMALLALIEU, GAZETTE AND GUAR- a PI AN OFFICE, MERrilllyit TYDVIL, Agent to BISH'S Office, London, has on Sale Tickets and Shares I for the SECOND GLASGOW LOTTERY, tlie Scheme of which contains Prizes of zEI5,000, £ 10 000, Sec. on Houses and Lands, or the holders may have Money imme- diately; and BISH sold last Lottery upwards of Two Thirds of all the Capitals, all of which he paid in Money directly they were drawu.-The whole Lottery will be decided ALL IN ONE DAY, IN LONDON, AT COOPER'S HALL, 22d. Jauuary, 1634. BISH'S AGENTS ARE Merthyr Tydvil, W. Mallalieu, Gazette & Guardian Office. Brecon J. W. Morgan, Bookseller, Post Office. Cu?-diff W. Bird, Bookseller. Carmarthen .W. Evans, CUaJarthen Journal Office. Haverf(Irdu,est..J. Potter, Bookseller. Monmouth J. Nash, Merlin Office. heath J. M. Fear, Timber Yard. Presteign .W. Price, Grove House. Swansea. J. Davies, Auctioneer, P°st Office. Bangor .J. Brown, North Wales Chronicle Office. I Caritarz,on W. Potter and Co. Herald Office, Holywell* J Davies, Bookseller, Cross-strecu DR. WRIGHTS Celebrated Pearl Ointment. Recommended by the Faculty, and patronized by the Nobiiity Clergy, and Gentry. FOR the cure of cancerous, scrofulous, and indo- lent tumours, scurvy, evil, ring-worm, scald head, glandular affections of the neck, white swellings, erysipelas, piles, sore or ulcerated legs (if of 20 years standing) sore and inflamed eyes, burns, scalds, bruises, grocers'itch, and all eruptive and cutaneous diseases. In every one of the above distressing complaints, this invaluable Ointment has effected the most triumphant cures after after all other means had failed. In addition to the testimonials of Surgeons' certificates, by far too numerous for publication, the following certificate from tlint eminent and distinguished practitioner, Charles Aston Key, Esq-, senior Surgeon of Gny's Hospital, London, cannot fail to establish the confidence of all in this excellent remedy, and the proprietor strongly recommends families, schools, and especially grocers, never to be without it. WONDERFUL TESTIMONIAL.— From the numerous cer- tificates which I have seen of the efficacy of Wright's Pearl Ointment, I have been inuueed to try it in several severe cases of porrigo, herpetic, eruptions, the ulcus exedens, and some other forms of obstinate cutaneous disease, and I am able to bear testimony to its great utility. 1 (Signed) C. A. KEY. Guy's Hospital, Jan. 23, 1833. Sold in boxes at 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. each, by Barclay and Sons, llondon; Jenkins, Merthyr Tydvil Vachel, Cardiff; Bradford, Chepstow; Williams, Swansea; Crutchley, V -isca Swansea; Prosser, Brecon; Vausjhan, Brecon; Dovvding, Monmouth; Walker and Sons, Glocester; Fouracre, Glo- cester; and all Medicine Venders in the kingdom- N.B. Where also may he had Wright's Mild Aperient Pills, in boxes at 13jd. each.



