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ig^UJlPP and BRISTOL. flllilflS. The New and Beautiful Fast Sailing Steam Packet NAUTILUS, s3^]»liii535|B 60 Horse Power, *^titen<l^ JOHN ALLEN, Commander, °f Octohprt0 during the whole of the month -» with Passengers and Goods, as follows:— Movtwv FR0M CARDIFF. >VKL„tY 4i Afternoon tl)NESBAV 30 5| Morning Toesdav FR0M BRI8TOL. THPRSDIY 9I MORNIN& P» 31, 11 Morning J^ldrST.m7 t*' ?abin' 69 —po«-e Cabin, 3s. **eh. "Twelve years of Age, Hall Price; Dogs,Is. *'ar(^ altends the Ladies' Cabin. Refresh- \vv, e. Board on moderate Terms. It;e™, Carriage, 21s.; Ditto, drawn by One ^ch-'ii '» wo Wheel Carriage, 10s. 6d.; Horses, 6s. G<*d* ?*, an,d Rider- After Cabin,9s.; Fore Cabin,7s. 6d. h* n en be Shipped per this Packet in Bristol, In IT* *° the Packet Warehouse, No. 12, Quay 0 *he p„ 1 oare of J. G. Jones, whence they are hauled 1 beirm n/k at Company's expense. it be. Qckct at the Company's expense. b4Ve Bri» 1 utmos' importance that the Packet should J^Sage .1 she fleets, in order to make her images lhe same Tide, it is requested that f ^Sht d Horses intended to be Shipped, may be V3'1'11"Q 8a 110117 previoUS 10 the time Rdvervised *t0°* cawf'. Cowbridge, and Bridgend.—Coaches to and > ace Dai'y- ^n'ris*e«# ^erdare,. Merthyr, Cowbridge, Bridgend, in r* and Caerphilly.—Goods forwarded to these vrk^^va] °C^"UP Canal Boats and Wagons immediately cas Un!CSS ordered by any particular conveyance, in I ehon8p,-lii y w'l' be deposited in the Steam Packet I <1 ^Hed for. Freight paid on delivery. J ^irous of'p 8ta,'°ncd at Penarth to take off Passengers U Two \Vh parking °r Landing there. ^dge to errics are in constant attendance at the Canal » Lists of Passengers to and from the Packet. "thly Sailing of the Packet will be published J PACItTO ACK FPICES,-St. Mary Street, Cardiff, RICHARD I f GRIJ?D» Agent; Tfo. 12, Quay-street, Bristol, ^*oke<j PITH JONES, Agent; where Goods are to be K0TlCE eXJ!ry information may be obtained. §ve \otir Proprietors of the above Steam Packet that they will not be accountable for any £ °<Hlg, j> u £ Sage, nor will they be answerable for any -j°oked at • v?C* or f*arcel ('f l°st or damaged), unless ,'above ti e' ler of their Offices in Cardiff or Bristol, and 1,1 proport-e va'ue of 40s. entered at its value,and Carriage On paId for the same at the time of Booking. aijv CARDIFF AND BRISTOL EWHSBN STEAM PACKET NAUTILUS- V/v5rietors of the above Packet, HEREBY .riCE, that the NAUTILUS will CEASE ^Pose f™ lhe 1st of November Next, for the fetter aJ uQdergoing certain alterations for her erVal w'lf ifl'on to sa'^ station, and that the in- e en>ployed in the formation of a Road \rfeParat ln^ ^ace or Places for her accommodation, l*Ce to resuming her station, of which due will be given. o, R1CHD. JONES TODD, Agent. —lst Oct. 183S. CHKAP and expeditious CONVEYANCE between ?0<TUVERPO°I' 44 SOUTH WALES, ,rel.Ctcommunication with Manchester, Oldham, fr°fd<;K'0 P0rt, Leeds, Sheffield, Shrewsbury, Leek, the lotteries, Wigan, Ulverstone, &c.,&c. j*. YJVlAN and SONS'established Vessels— BROTHERS, Thomas Lewis, Master. H EN It Y, William Thomas, Master, ELIZA, James Thomas, Matter, •«, k-diM H, Rees Junes, Master, tvr 1*AH, John Thomas, Master. gOODS, at GEORGE'S DOCK, LIVERPOOL, &fa' Neath, Aberavon, Lloughor, Hand Ho, Llan- etttf^rthen, Haverfordwest, Cardigan, and all places delivered at S wansea. W at to ^e8srs* Vivian and Sons' Capper Ware- street, Liverpool, will be received, Ware- ^al char5 *0rwarded by first Vessel, subject only to the ever„ f 8 the port. Inland Carriage paid on Goods, tC° Tfaj y afforded. ly esmen and others ordering Goods from any of 4(|^icSi lowns and neighbouring Manufacturing I th tita node of Conveyance will be found very V-^e wifi °K8 'n point of expense and expedition, as 'ans'v usqally two, aud frequently three, of Messrs. jl* easels leaving Liverpool every month. ;kt for f tt egrr. urther particulars to the Master on Board; ,vian and Sons' Copper Warehouses, Water ^ttsea. erP°°l» or to Edw. Evans, Agent, 8, Castle-street, v r" StC^ ^'at Goods be directed to be deli- srs- Vivian and Sons' Copper Warehouses, ^Cr. et> Liverpool," to be forwarded by their first ^ct- 2nd; 1833. w^GOW LOTTERY. t#iIV « £ ALLALIEU, GAZETTE AND GUAR- V S(1'S Offi OFFICE, MERTHYll TYDVIL, Agent <v» tlie ace, London, has on Sale Tickets and Shares Hn*h'ch ND GLASGOW LOTTERY, the Scheme 'ii>aodC?main3 Prizes of £ ^,000, £ 10,000, &c. on Th-te'y; au ftds, or the holders may have Money imme- djj'ds 0r 1 BlSH sold last Lottery upwards of Two tj/^tly the Capitals, all of which he paid in Money ey Were drawn.—The whole Lottery will be ONE DAY, IN LONDON, AT COOPER'S j|,f H A LL,22d. January, 1&34. T,,J BISH'S AGENTS ARE (•ec"n,% '> W. Mallalieu, Gazette 8c Guardian Office. c/ W. Morgan, Bookseller, Post Office. W. Bird, Bookseller. btJierforit.~ Evans, Carmarthen Journal Office. est"J- Potter, Bookseller. **••• -J- Nash, Merlin Office. pen .J- M, Fear, Timber Yard. j' Price, Grove House. Cn^or j Davies, Auctioneer, Post Office. tf.nar*on* "r°wn, North Wales Chronicle Office. *■*•••• Potter and Co. Herald Office. J. Davies, Bookseller, Cross-street, k 5 — urt for fcUlter of Snsolbmt Scbtors. fit.p^naUer8 of the Petitions and Schedules of the ■^t ti11 th« C* ^ere'nafter named (the same having been I of Cou-f°«rt) are appointed to be heard as follows:— ^0nr1 sanje 0 °U8e at the City of Bristol, in the County W in !uty' on l^e 15th day of November, 1833, at Qe! the tt°raing, precisely .WILLI AM BA DGER, Shonk°Wn of Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire, ^*a, and late passenger on board the ad to the United States of America. ^ti^i^ycred- • TAKE NOTICE' 'H %~r ?f 8Ucjl "'tor intends to oppose a prisoner's discharge, thr ,ntent'on must be given to the said prisoner *tjcj1Ve of s c« clear days before the day of hearing, ex- 2 ^°tice ari jay and exclusive both of the day of giving itj °f the said day of hearing. lo^ved by j case of prisoner, whom his creditors have I l'0H ^°r he of the court, from a gaol in or near be in the country, such notice of opposi* 3. riri 9 IClent if given one clear day before the day ?f fo°a- aRd schedule will be produced by the "ri(U court iJ ,,nsPfcction and examination at the office betwee ?ndon, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and ^Itir i'0tl and's'u ^ours °f ten and four and copies of chedule, or such part thereof as shall be » N b ct 7 /> Provided by the proper officer according VPi\ £ tui°\4'c- 57, sec. 76. 4. d«. e 0 the Office, in Portugal Street, Lincoln's ,Papef8 °f the petition and schedule, and all »t ace 4!r itisp'ec.n Wr'tings filed therewith, will be pro- Ik1'' h a ClerV*1 and examination by the Clerk of the ^6 offi4ve been h- °r ot'ler person with whom the same I °f sUcf. V^cted to be lodged for such purpose at I A 'I bi» *le Petit" °f the Peace or other person, and I y_ct 7 q Tetlnircj L0P schedule, or such part thereof as *• ,u°" c «i78 there provided according to the e case ma* 77» or the Act 5 Geo. 4- c. 61. see. StTp.?y,be- i 21 7{U^ and FREEMAN, I art'ets Buildings, Holborn, London, For DAY, Bi-istel. Q ([)Wli1" lI!([)W' [2Jl!J[]¡ BEGS leave to inform the Inhabitants of the Bo- rough of Merthyr Tydfil and its Vicinities, that he has this day finally declined Business in favor of Messrs. J. and H. WHITE, for whom he most respectfully solicits a continuance of that kind and liberal Support, which he has so eminently experienced for nearly Seven Years, and for which he will ever feel grateful. The Creditors of J. H. are requested to forward particu- lars of their claims (under cover, post paid) to his Suc- cessors, at, or before Christmas next, in order that the same may be examined and discharged. Merthyr Tydfil, October 23d, 1833. JOHN & HENRY WHITE, BOOKSELLERS. BOOKBINDERS. PRINTERS, SrA- TIONERS, CHEMISTS, DRUGGISTS, OIL AND COLORMEN, &c. &e. Most respectfully beg to inform the Inhabitants of Merthyr Tydfil and its Environs, that they have just succeeded Mr. JOHN HOWELL in the above Businesses, and hope, by strict attention and punctuality, to obtain their kind Patronage and Support, which will be their constant study to merit. J. & H. W. flatter themselves, that the experience they have acquired in some of the most influential London Houses, will enable them to supply all articles on much more advantageous terms, than could reasonably be expected from their predecessor. Magazines, Reviews, Music, and all other Books, pro cured at the shortest notice, and at London Prices. Mail Parcels every Week. Ledgers and Account Books of all sizes Ruled and Bound to any Pattern, in a superior manner; and Printing of every description done in a style of Neatness and Dispatcn. Prescriptions carefully prepared.-Genuine Patent Me- dicines. A good assortment of Oils and Colors on moderate terms. High-street, Merthyr Tydfil, Oct. 23, 1833. PARISH OF MERTHYR. AT A MEETING OF THE PARISHIONERS OF MERTHYR held on Thursday, the 24th instant, at the VESTRY ROOM, it was resolved, That on account of the absence of many gentlemen whom the overseers were in hopes of meeting on that occasion, and with a desire that the fixing of A RATE FOR THE RELIEF OF THE POOR for the ensuing quarter should be effected with consent of the greatest possible number of the Parishioners the M REnNG BE ADJOURN ED 1 ILL THURSDAY NEXT, 31st October, for the fixing of a rate. As it will be necessary, from circumstances which will be then explained, that a Rate, considerably larger than the present, be fixed it is the hope of the Overseers that as many Rateable Inhabitants as can conveniently do so will attend. nbertiare gttrupiftt Crttot. NOTICE IS HEREBY~G1VEN, that the TOLLS arising at the TOLL GATES upon the ABERDARE TURNPIKE ROAD, called or known by the names of Craig Evan Ley son, Cefen Glas, and Aberdare Village Gates, be %tt autiton, to the best bidder, at the house of Levi Thomas, at ABERDARE, on THURSDAY, the 21st Day of Novem- ber next, between the hours of eleven and two, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 3d year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, For re- gulating Turnpike Roads," which Tolls produced the last year the sum of f91 above the expenses of collecting them, and will be put up at that sum. Whoever happens to be the best bidder must, at the same time, pay one 111011th in advance (if required), and give security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turn- pike Road, for the rest of the money monthly. By order of the Trustees. Signed, WM. JENKINS. October 21st, 1833. TO SPORTSMEN. ALL SPORTSMEN are respectfully requested to refrain from Shooting on the Lands of J. H. Allen and 1. B. Bruce, Esquires, in the parishes of Aberdare and Lanwonno; and also upon so much of the lands of the Marquess of Bute, Lady Glyn, C. K.K.Tynte, Esq., M.P., William Thomas, Esq., Messrs. the Aberdare Co., Rees Williams, Morgan David, and others, within the hamlet of Cefnpennar. r All Poachers and wilful Trespassers will be proceeded against according to law. Dyffr.yn, Aberdare, Aug. 19, 1833. NOTICE- ALL Persons are hereby desired to abstain from Shooting, Hunting, or otherwise Trespassing on the Lands of the late Anthony Bacon, Esq. in the parish of Aberdare. Whoever is found so trespassing after this public notice will be proceeded against. By order of the Trustees, ROBERT REA. Aberaman, August 31,1833. GLAMORGANSHIRE. AT THE GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS, held at SWANSEA, on the 15th day of October, 1833, the following orders for Payment of Money were made:— For Cardiff Gaol.—Balance for} maintenance of Prisoners, and > 45 5 Ij for the last Quarter 3 On account of next Qaarter 150 0 0 Quarters Salaries of officers 117 10 0 312 15 4J For Swansea House of Correction. For maintenance of Prisoners, > j j &c.'for last Quarter J Quarters Salaries of Officers. 59 15 0 181 12 11 The Clerk of Peace his Quarters 35 5 q Gratuity •) For amount of his Bill 58 5 4 For money paid for the use of the g 0 4 County J 103 10 8 Quarters annuity to James Reynolds, retired) Keeper of the Cowbridge House of Cor- > 5 0 0 rectiou ) Thomas Meyrick, years Salary as Inspector J 5 0 0 of Weights and Measures at Bridgend. • J ..£607 18 llj C. WOOD, Clerk of the Peace. DR. WRIGR T'S- Celebrated Pearl Ointment. Under the sanction and recommendation ofemiiietit Surgeons, andpatronixed by the Nobility, Clergy. ,Gentry, tyc. F)R the cure of cancerous, scrofulous, and indolei.t tumours and inveterate ulcers; glandular affections of the neck, erysipelas, scurvy, evil, ring-worm, scald head, white swellings, piles, ulcerated sore legs (if of 20 years standing,) chilblains, chapped hands, burns,scalds,bruises, grocers' itch, and all cutaneous diseases; also an infallible remedy for sore and diseased eyes. In every one of the above distressing complaints this invaluable Ointment has effected the most triumphant cures after all other means had failed, and it is strongl/recom- mended to families, schools, especially to grocers, never to be without it. TESTIMONIALS the undersigned Surgeons, do certify, that we have known numerous instances of the great cfficacy of Dr. Wright's Pearl Ointment, and we have much pleasure in recommending it to the public at large :— John Roberts, Thomas Fercday, C Cartwright, Jun., G. Read Shaw. D. Shaw, W. Mainwaring, Francis Geast, and Marmaduke Toinpson, Dudley, Worcestershire; H. J. Perry, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire; Charles Reynolds, Wednesbury. ditto; W. H. Freer, Stourbridge, Worcester shire; W. Evans, ditto; Thomas Horton, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire; T. M Watet house. Se,j,Iev, Stafford sh ire J. H. Culwick, ditto; Edward Williams, Bala, Merioneth- shire; C. Short, Betley, Staffordshire; J. M. Bloxham, Halesowen, Salop; ,T. Haaleh«i,st. Cl^vinley, Salop; R. G. Jones, Pwllhelli,"Carnarvonshire. N. B. As much l¡:ischid is fn'quently ,\ccasilJned by the indiscriminate use of strong purgative iiiseicir.es," Wright s mild Aperient Pills," WITl ^ie found a roust invaluable medicine for keeping the stomach and bowels in proper order during the use of the Ointment. Sold in boxes at lltd, each, byjall Meditine Venders. r CARDIFF ROYAL EISTEDDFOD. AMOUNT OF SUBSCRIPTIONS advertised in the GAZETTE & GOAKDIAN of 19th inst. £ 548 8 0 Mrs. Barrett, Cardiff 3 3 0 Henry Morgan..ditto 2 2 0 J J. Watkins ditto.. 2 0 0 John Bradley .ditto. 2 0 0 James Lewis A. £ .ditto..» 2 0 0 William Rose (White Lion).ditto. I 10 0 T.H.Anthony .ditto 110 H "'t"on William Davies (mercer).ditto. 1 1 0 J.Hughes .ditto. 11 0 O. Hughes .ditto. 1 1 0 William Jlnkin., .ditto. 1 1 0 W. L. Williams .ditto. 1 1 0 Edward F,6,aus ditto .I1 0 Wm. Davies (Angel) d itto .II 0 Chas. M'Carthy .ditto. 1 1 0 Job^Jatnes. diito. • 110 Philip John .ditto. 1 1 0 Wm. Harris .ditto. 1 1 0 John Gower. ditto.••••••. 1 1 0 John Hopkins .ditto. 1 1 0 Christopher French ditto 1 1 0 Daniel Brown ditto 1 1 0 George Bird ditto.. "I 1 0 Wm.Thomas, (Auctioner) •«..ditto. 1 1 0 Robert Daw.«.ditto. 1 1 0 Richard Jones .ditto. 1 1 0 Thomas Hopkins.ditto.. 1 1 0 Ann Williams .ditto. 1 0 0 D. W. Davies ditto. 1 0 0 G. Phillips, ( Druggist). ditto. 1 0 0 Henry Phin;ps .ditto. 1 0 0 Edward Thomas, (Customs).ditto. 1 0 0 Wm. Pritchard ditto 1 0 0 Wm. Pritchard ditto 1 0 0 Lewi* Williams ditto 1 0 0 Josepn Davis .ditto. 1 0 0 1. B. Woods .ditto. 1 0 0 Miss Price ditto 1 0 0 James Williams ditto I 0 0 T. S. Todd. ditto. 1 0 0 Thomas Minnitt ditto 1 0 0 Wm. Bradley ditto 1 0 0 Adam Davies ditto 1 0 0 John Edy ditto 1 0 0 Thomas Watkins .ditto 1 0 0 Watson and Co ditto 1 0 0 Mr. Suiith, (Glove and Shears)..ditto 0 10 0 Thorna3 Lloyd .ditto. 0 10 0 William Allen ditto 0 10 0 J. and W; Williams ditto 0 10 0 T. H. Loder .ditto. 0 10 6 R. P. Davies.ditto. 010 6 Joseph Rees.ditto 0 10 0 Solomon Maiks ditto 0 10 0 William Reed ditto 0 10 0 Richard J. Todd. ditto 0 10 0 Joseph Brown.ditto. 010 0 Thomas John. .ditto 0 10 0 J>ts. B. Kidman d"to 0 10 0 William Thomas, St. Mary's.ditto 0 10 0: James Petherick ditto .010 6 Robert Thomas ditto 0 10 0 Thomas Thomas (Rumnlcr). ditto. 0 10 0 John Robotbam ditto .0IM 0 Evan dittt, o 010 0 John Jenkins..ditto. 0 10 0 Samuel Hicks ditto 0 10 0 Mark Marks.ditto. 0 10. 0 John Skyrme. Splot 0 10 0 ,rhomas Qiiclcli Cardiff. 0 10 0 R. Savours .Cowbridge 3 0 0 Thos. Heme Cardiff 0 10 0 Hugh Entwizle Lanhlethian 2 2 0 Mrs. Powell .Cowbridge 2 2 0 James Ballard. ditto. 2 0 0 Rev. W. Rayer .TidcombeTwerton.• 5 5 0 T. Bassett.Welsh St. Donat's.. 2 0 0 H. Lewis Park 2 0 0 W.Williams .Roaih 2 0 0 Hon. Sir J. B. Bosanquet 10 0 0 P.Thomas .••••••••Newbridge. 110 Subscription List transmitted from Bridgend. Mrs. Knight Tythegstone 2 0 0 Mrs. Davies Tregrocs 5 0 0 Mr, Edwarcis Bridgend 0 5 0 R. T. Turbervillc Ewenny.10 0 0 The Rt. Hon. Sir J. Nicholl, Merthyr Mawr. J. Bennet Laiestor) .3 W. Betterton Bridgend 0 10 0 J. G. Bird ditto 0 10 0 L. H, Davy.Penyfai. I 0 0 D. El wart Bri,igend. 0 5 0 T. Evans, Junior ditto 050 Rav.T.Hancorue. ditto 2 0 0 Rev. J. Harding. Glansgwr.•• • 200 John Jenkins Bridgend 0 10 0 R. H. Jenkins. Lanharran. • 500 Rees Jenkins. Bridgend. 10 0 Evan Jones Newton 1 1 0 Thomas Janes.Bridgend 080 Rev. R. Irytilegstone. 10 0 W. Lewis..Bridgend. 100 W. Llewelyn, Olantiafar. 1 1 0 W. Llewellin.Bridgend. 0 10 0 John Miers ditto 3 0 0 W-Morgan ditto 10 0 W.W.Morgan ditto 0 10 0 D. Prothero,Jun .ditto. 0 5 0 P. Price ditto 0 10 0 M. P. Smith. New House 200 E P. Speckett .Castle-upon-Alum 1 0 0 D. Thomas ditto. 0 10 0 W. Thomas.Bridgend. 0 5 0 M. P. Traherne.Coytrehen. 220 W.Truman .Bridgend I 1 0 A. Verity.ditto 10 0 H. Verity ditto 2 2 0 Williaiiis ditto 0 10 0 B. Hall, M-P Lanovcr 5 0 0 Mrs. Hall.ditto. 5 0 U Mrs. Waddington ditto. 3 0 0 M. Leigh, Pontypool Park.. 20 0 0 Rev. G. Thomas Ystrad 5 0 0 Rev. W. P. Lewis New House 5 0 0 Rev. John Williams Marcross 2 2 0 Evan Evans Caerphilly I 1 0 George Insole Cardiff 1 0 0 £ 757 5 6 The Subscribers are respectfully requested to transmit the amount of their Subscriptions either to the Honorary Secretaries at Cardiff, or to the Treasurers Messrs. Towgood & Co. Bankers, Cardiff; or to Messrs. Rogers, Towgoou & Co. Clements Lane, London, on or before the 1st January next. J. 111 TRAHERNE, H T. W: 5 onorarySecretarlcs.' Cardiff, 24th Oct. 1833. CARMARTH ENSHIRE. VALUABLE BLACK MARBLE QUARRY. ø be art, FOR A TERM OF YEARS, AND MAY BE ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY. THE celebrated BLACK and BLACK and WHITE JL MARBLE QUARRY, situate at LLANGKN- DEIRNE, The produce of this Quarry, which is now proposed to Re-open, was, until of lale, well known in the London aud other Markets by the name of the Welsh Black, and was renowned for the purity, lustre, and size of its Blocks. fhis Advertisement is well worthy of attention, as the Quarry may be worked on a large scale for a comparatively moderate outlay. Specimens may bescen'hy applying to Mr. C. H, Smith, 29, Clipstone-street, Marylebone; H. G. Jones, lsq. 1, Middle Temple-lane or Messrs. Holme, Frampton, and Loftus. Solicitors, New Inn, Londou and for further par ticulars apply (if by Letter post paid) to J. D. Berrington, Esq. Swansea, or to Mr. Rhys D. Berrington, Sjlicitor, Swansea. STONE COAL COLLIERY. Also to be Let. and may be entered upon immediately, a VALUABLE STONE COAL COLLIERY, situate within about seven miles of a.convenient buipping place at the Port of Pembrey, to which t.c is a communication by Canal. The Veins are eight or nir.,e in uomb;>r, .and several of them of VERY SUPERIOR (iitait,y. atici lie under the Fawns of Plasbach and Caer C.tn, ;11 the parish of Llaneify, for particulars apy t<™^ .Berr,:nglon, Swansea, or 10 "r. Rhjs D. Berrington. ( One Cortf W j • 1 MONEY.— £ IOOO, IN ONE or TWO SUMS, is ready to be advanced on good FREEHOLD SECURITY. Apply, if by letter post paid, to Mr. Walter Morgan, Solicitor, Merthyr. TO TAILORS. WANTED a Person competent to CUT OUT, and to assist generally in a long established Tailoring Concern. The most respectable references to character and pro- ficicncy will be required. Apply, if by letter post paid, to Jlr* Rees, St. Nicholas, t udilf. Oct. 20, 1833. WANTED ZMOTSDIATELTf, AN Active, Clever Youn» Man, who perfectly un- derstands the LINEN and WOOLLEN DRAPERY BUSINESS, conversant in the Welch Language, and with reference to his last employer for his honesty, sobriety, and good conduct. Also a respectable Youth as an Apprentice. about 15 years of age. A premium will be expected. Apply, if by letter, post paid, to Rice Lewis, London Warehouse, Merthyr. Otoninontitottire Canal Habtsatton* TVTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the HALF YEARLY GENERAL M RETING or Assembly of the Proprietors of this Navigation, will he held at the CANAL HOUSE in NEWPORT, on WEDNESDAY the 6th day of November next, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon. THOS. COOKE, Cierk to the said Company. Newport, October 22d, 1833. r THE CAMBRIAN, GLOUCESTER, AND !;f(!),[j) ([)!iY 113çfJ[l8W"i:l "1 A T a MEETING OF IRON MASTERS AND A OTHERS, held at the CASTLF. INN, MERTHYR TYDFIL, on Friday, the Hth day of October, 1833, to take into consideration a plan of a RAILWAY TO LON- DON, proposed by Mr. Wooddeson. At was resolved,—That the formation of a Railway from Saath Wales through Gloucester, to join the projected roads from Bristol to London, with a branch from Glouces- ter to Birmingham, would be of great national importance, inasmuch as it would afford a speedy and cheap communi- cation between the important Mineral Basin of South Wales and the Metropolis, and between it and the inte. rior of the kingdom. That such a Road would also be of very great advantage to the Agriculture of the several Counties through which it maybe carried, as by means of the same, their agricultu- ral produce would be expeditiously, and at a smallexpence, conveyed to the best markets. Resolved,-That, in the opinion of this Meeting, the Revenue, which would arise from the transport of iron, Copper, Tin, Coal, Agricultural Produce, and Passengers, would be sufficient to afford an ample renumeration for the sum which will be necessarily expended in the for- mation of such road. Resolved,-That entertaining these opinions, this Meet- ing will use every means in their power to promote the formation of the said Railway, and that a Committee, con- the following gentlemen, be appointed to draw the att^uion of the public to this undertaking, and to pro- mote its formation. That the following gentlemen be requested to act as fwch Committee:— J. J. Guest, Esq., M.P. Benjamin Hall, Esq. M.P. T. R. Guest, Esq. John Russell, Esq. Joseph Bailey, Esq. Simuel Houifray, Esq. Anthony Hill, Esq. William H. Forman, Esq. J. n. liruce, Eq. William Crawshay.Esq. Summers Harford, Esq. W. Thompson, Esq. M. P. Rowland Fothergill, Esq. Richard Hill, Esq. Crawshay Bailey. Esq. Robert Smith, Esq. Watkin George, Esq. James Hunt, Esq. Lancelot Powell, Esq- William Needham, Esq. Thomas Brown, Esq. Chas. L1. Harford Esq. Thomas Hill, Esq. Capt- Brown, R N. Morgan Morgan, Esq. Willi am Meyrick, Esq. William Thomas, E*q- Archibald Kenrick, Esq. George Brewer, Esq. Resolved,-That the foregoing resolutions be published in the Merthyr Guardian, Cambrian, Gloucester Chronicle, Gloucester Journal, Aris's Birmingham Gazette, Felix Far- ley, and Mercury, Bristol Papers, Monmouthshire Merlin, Courier, Globe, and London Guardian papers. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that application will be made to Parliament in the next Session, for a Bill to alter, make navigable, and otherwise IMPROVE the PORT and HARBOUR of ABERAVON, in the county of Glamorgan, and to take powers to deepen, widen, straighten, and divert the entrance to the said Port and Harbour; to erect and maintain Breakwaters, Piers, Jetties, and other Works necessary for that purpose, together with Wharfs. Quays, Warehouses, and other Buildings upon and adjoining the sides of the said Port and Harbour, and to make and construct Docks, Basins, Slips, and nfhrr conveniences for the use of Ships and Vessels coming into and using the said Port and Harbour. And that it is intended to take powers to alter. I'divert deepen and improve the course of the Rivers Aberavon, and Frwdwillt, and which Rivers, Port, and Harbour and Works are situate in the parishes of Margam and Aber- avon, in the county of Glamorgan. And that it is also intended to take powers to raise and borrow Money for the purpose of carrying into execution the said several Works and Improvements before mentioned, and to raise, levy, and collect Rates and Duties upon Ships and Vessels using the said Port aud H aibour, or the Docks, Wharfs, and other Works connected therewith. WILLIAM LLEWELLYN, Solicitor NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing Session, for 1CMve to bring in a Bill to repeal an Act passed in the Eleventh year of the reign of his Majesty, King George the Third, for repairing and widening several Roads, leading to the Town of Lantrissent; and also the Road leading from Newbridge to a place called the Old Furnace, all in the county of Glamorgan." Also an Act passed in the Nineteenth year of the reign of his said Majesty, for enlarging the term and powers of the said Act, made in the Eleventh year of the reign of his said Majesty." And also an Act passed in the 53rd year of the reign of his said Majesty, for continuing and amending two Acts of his said Majesty for repairing several Roads, in the county of Glamorgan, so far as they relate to the Roads comprized in the Lantrissent District," and for granting further, better, and more effectual powers for repairing and otherwiseimproving the said Roads, in which Bill provision is intended to be made to make a diverion or new line of Road from and out of the said Road, at or near the South Turnpike Gate, situate at the south entrance of the Town of Lantrisscnt to a culvert on a certain part of the same Road, near Pont-y-Park Bridge, all in the parish of Lantrissent, in the said county of Glamorgan. P' Also a diversion or new line of Road from and out of the same Road, at or near a certain Dwelling-house, in the occupation of Benjamin Jones, victualler, called the Horse and Groom, situate in the town of Lautrissent, to a cer- tain Dwelling-house, in the occupation of Nathaniel Junes, victualler, called the Carpenter's Arms, situate near the village of Newhridge, in the parish of Lantwit Vardre, in the same couuty and which diversion or new line of Road will pass through the parishes of Lantrissent and Lantwit Vardre, all in the said county of Glamorgan. Also a Brauch Road from the said last-mentioned diversion or new line of Road, at or near to the entrance of a certain Common, [adjacent to the town of Lantrissent, called Kymdna, to or near the North Turnpike Gate, on the same Common, all in the said parish of Lantrissent. Also a diversion or new line of Road from and out of the said Road at or near a certain Bridge, called Rhondda Bridge, at Ithe village of Newbridge, in the parish of Lanwonno to or near acertain other Bridge/ called Cymmar Bridge, in the said parish of Lanwonno which sa'J* diversion or new line of Road is all in the said parish of Lanwonno. And in which Bill provision is also intended to be made to increase or alterthe Tolls authorised to be taken upon thtl said Roads which said Roads and also the said diversions, or new lines of Road andBranch Road, pass or are intended to pass from, into, or through the several- parishes, and townships of Lantrissent. Lantwit Vardre, Lauwono, Landyvoduck, Ystradyvoduck, Llan- harran, Pendoylon, and Bonvilston, all in the said county of Glamorgan. i Dated the Fifteenth day of October, 1S33. t T. LLEWELLIN WILLIAMS, Solicitor. ARYRSHIRE CATTLE. 80 bt ol1'. A BULL, rising Three Years', Old, and not exceed- ing, and Four DAIRY COWS in Calf, of different ages, of the above genuine and superior breed. Apply, if by letter post paid, to Air. J. Bingley, Doffryn, St. Nicholas, Cardiff, ¡.. ¡ Oct. 20. 1833. 1!t foe itet, and ENTERED lJPON IMMEDtATELY. 'T1HE FARM OF CRAIG A, in th-.VALK NKAT^ I containing about 100 Acres—of goe A'K ABLB PASTURE LAND, situated in the Parish of.Cj-.ioxt in the county of Glamorgan, and Within seven miles of tl town of Neath. Apply (if by letter post paid,) to Mr. George Halkei Brinawel naar Neath. Brinawel, 19th October, 1833. VALE OF GLAMORCaN. œO foe kaltr fog iprtiLitc Contract, THE PERPETUAL ADVOWSOV or the NEXT PRESENTATION to the RECTORY or PARISH .CHURCH of LANHARRY; consis t of a Parsonage House, Barn, Stable, Outbuildings, and Yard, and about 18 acresodf Rich glebe Land, in part adjoining the Loase- nd Yard. The parish contains about 1,100 acres of good Land, the Present Incumbent advanced in life. The Tithes at present let at a low ruut. and the estimated annual value of the Living, exclusive cif the Glebe, i.'2o0. It has only single duty, and is under value in the King's Books. A small Grass Farm witT, a suitable Dwelling House and Outbuildings will be aoid with the Advowson if de- sired by a Purchaser. There are two excelie'it packs of Harriers in the imme diate neighbourhood. Further particulars, may be had on application to Mr. Cuthbertson, Solicitor, Neath, (if by letter the postage, must be paid.) I • BOROUGH OF MFKTHYR TYDFIL 410 foe Soltr fog Stuctimt, By Mr. DAVIES, On WEDNESDAY, the 30th of October instant, on the Premises at PENYDARRAN, THE most valuable portion of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other Effects, the property of Mr. JOHN PETHERICK, who is about to leave the Neigh- bourhood. The Furniture consists of a very large Mahogany Cabinet and Book-case, Mahogany and other Tables and Chairs ot various descriptions, Hair-bottom Sofa, Carpets. Firr Irons, Fenders, Chimney Ornaments, &c.; also, A VERY ELEGANT DINNER SERVICE, and other Earthen- ware, together with a superior assortment of Paintings, Prints and Books, and an extensive collection of Mineralo- gical Specimens. The Sale to commence at half-past One o'Clock ill the Afternoon. Penydarran, October 23, 1833. CARMARTHENSHIRE. dfov Sale fog Auction, .A VERY DESIRARLIC I" FREEHOLD ESTATE, Situate in the several Parishes of Llangan and Llanboidy. JiIl ill (t}. ræ (j) ':B (J) (J)!:D[j) HAS the honor to announce that he has received instructions from the Assignees of the Estate of Messrs Waters, Jones, and C.)., to offer for Public Com- petition on THURSDAY, the 31st day of October next, it the WHITE HART INN, in the town of Narberth, a: Thrce o'clock in the afternoon, All that extremely desirable FARM and LANDS, called PWLL-Y-WHIAD, Eligibly and delightfullfsituated in one of the most pic turesquc parts of Carmarthenshire, together with the fast thriving Plantations, Farm House, Farm Baildings, Smith's Shop, Cottages and also the well known Inn, called the Farmers' Arms, situate on the Lands and adjoining the Turnpike Road, and containing by admeasurement up- wards of 330 Acres of very Rich, Prime Meadow, and Pasture Land, all in the best state of cultivation. Mr. Goode, in offering to the Public this most desirable Freehold, regrets his inability of giving that description which this much admired property deserves, but is desirous of observing, that the Lands are so situated as to command many inviting situations for the erection of a Family Resi- dence, which, from its proximity to all the necessary mate- rials, can be built on very reasonable terms. There are upwards of 20 Acres of fifte thriving Plantations of about 25 yeárs growth, which are so arranged and diversified, that they cannot fail to give satisfaction; to which are added the advantages so much sought after, namely, a 6ne Sporting Country which abounds with Game, and is within ten minutes walk of one of the best lrout and Salmon Rivers in Wales; and its being in the vicinity of the good Market and Post Towns of N <1rberth ix miles, Saint Clear's seven, through which the London Mail and other Coaches pass daily, is another peculiar advantage which this favoured property possesses, and altogether offers to capi- talists a very rare opportunity for pecuniary Investment. Further Particulars may be obtained on application at the Offices of Messrs. Crowder and Maynard, Solicitors, Mansion-House Place, London; Messrs. Vaughan and Bevan, Solicitors, Brecon Messrs. Jones and Jeffries, Solicitors, Carmarthen Mr. Downman, King-Street. Car- marthen and Mr. George Goode, Land Agent and Auc tioneer, White-House, near Carmarthen White-House, near Carmarthen, September 26th, 1833. 5 TO IRON MASTERS, CAPITALISTS, AND OTHERS. Valuable and HIGHLY IMPORTANT PROPERTY, near ABERGAVENNY, SOUTH WALES. aa1 mæ 3KQ&&ia3izp9 At the Mart, on FRIDAY, November 2^5, at Twelve, unless an acceptable offer should be previously made by private contract, 1' ''ffJHE BLAENAVON IRON and COAL MINES, JL a concern of the very.first magnitude and importance, and now in full work, within six miles of Aberjtf&venhy, twenty of Monmouth, eight of Ciickhowel, aild about twenty-two from Brecon, comprising about TWELVE THOUSAND ACRES 0If )ri.IND, the greater part containing exceedingly profitable veins of ironstone, Coal, and Lime Stone, a great portion of which has been let off at considerable rentals, leaving the re mainder, consisting of more than half of tlc mineral part of the estate, in hand, at an exceedingly low rental. A capital exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand pounds has been invested in the erection of five blast furnaces, steam engines, tram roads, agents' house four hundred and eighty workmen's houses, machinery, a*»d implements. Also a very Valuable FREEHOLD, MINERAL ESTATE adjoining, of about FOUR HUNDRED ACRES, which contain the same Veins of coal and iron stone as are under the leasehold, and upon which have ben erected an excellent Mansion, with numerous offices, gardens, and pleasure grounds. These furnaces have bGen long carried on with very considerable profit, in makin/g the best kind of iron; and there is a very extensive saLle for coal, with the facility of carriage by tram roads aind canals. The supply of mineral is abundant, and it is calculated that the five furnaces would make at least Seventeen Thousand Tons of Pig Iron per annum. There are a forge and mill, two steam engines, and workmen's houses on the freehold, which are only a stiort distance from the furnaces, and capable of finishing One Hundred Tons per week of the hua.. D. -1: P T 1 .fi.™ nf lanital .,hn <U'f, "ar anu non ironi auu iu auj mm ~-i ■• might feel disposed to enter with spirit into a concern of this magnitude, there can be no question that an immense annual income may be derived, Attached to the property is an Advowson, producing about OOl. per annum. A considerable portion of the purchase money may remain for payment by instalments. I May be viewed by application f.o T. Hill, Esq. on the premises, Blaenavon; and particulars may be had of Mr. Hoggart, 62 Old Broad-street, Rtjyal Exchange, London or of 1\1 es1'S. Gabb and Sccretau,1 Šolieitors. Abcrgavl'nny. Particulars will also be sent to the Inns in Liverpool, Man Chester, Birmingham, Bristol, an d Sheffield in a few days. ■T ALU X*. anr prtsi Liar eitl air r ¡ ¡ Lol t N to#; I LOT LOT g.- vf EieuiVitjb. GLúUeESTEI LOT 10 -MiSES'S GROVE arvf WOQt>S,-CD»?a;ii;ng At. of Ti'Jenfca.W. Noel K -h-'k •'•■h, cf fJi' will James • v- pst,wPa,kAi Philit, f the New Mifl.^ 1. hom7 sf Tr.iv- Mr. Therna- iwir: ys. of Piacivor J:II Mr. Jolin Edwards, of Norton Fame Willi* u: Tbursujc, Chare House, T- N.B. Wood which roa 8, and 9, rc be used for the am of the and 150 Cords m Lot 4, and 350 Abbey Ty':teru Iran Works, the Vetiq per Coril. Farther particulars maybe known Oil I House, or d rbè Auctioneers at Cjlcford October PI, S:1¡t THE MARKET^. CARDIFF. Wheat, ItiSia.lTs. OdtolSK 0J. { Lamb Barley 9i. 0< ids. 01. [ Butter Oats. 2*. Gd. Us. 3 j Sftli. do. Beef, per lb. Os. 1).1. Os. (>■ I Fowls, < uupie asi-t veal. 2m Mutton ..os. w Os. ewh i-, t MERTHYR. «• d. s. d. j t. d. 4. Pine Flour 4 ;JtoH 0 J Beef, perStt. rt 4 g, Best Set.'i!a» 4 3 0 0 j Mutton. ft g Butter, fresh, per fc 0 iP 0 0 J Veui 4 a Ditto, sait i) 8 0 i* J Lemb, per is f> « ft" Fowls, per couple 2 (I 2 9, J (jiieesc i) Ducks, ditto 2 6 3 C j Uaccn Pigs (201US., 7 » Eggs, per liuii'iie-i 4 OtoO 0 j i'ut tofis, p ;r 7tb.. 0 2 a CGWBRIDG12. Wheat(W W.to-ss. as, Barleyditta .3*. fid, os. od. j Pork .(Is. tut. Oats • -•'i- os- j kamb 0s, 6<f. o4?:$-i> Mutton tV'• > fi.i. € £ u. j i-'restibuttr, Os.IId. «*. <1 'Beef "s 4<i. os. &<1 J Eg.^s (periloaen)0s. frd, N FWB lt!DC. YVheat(lt>#!ti}]83. M. to 2!s. 04. t Oats S3 M. to 0s. CV j Barley. •• 5>s. Od. to I Us. Od. j SWANSEA. VVTieat (Wir.ch. 0. 7s, Oil. j Oats vs 4d Barley 1*. o<i. | ileiuM Os. 0 d MONMOUTH- i WbeB-t.* 8s. 6 d. | Hoatis 0a. J Barley 4s. f rf j Feage 08. Oats. 3s. 6 d. | ABERGAVENNY. Wheat, ;>e» quarter.. £ 2 lit c- i Rai-key Z; & 9 Oats 0 j Betuia a o o Pease 0 0 i> | CHEPaTOV/. W11eat. 4x,¡. (hi. I 0:1. ,n. f.. 24 Barley. 3os. Be, lilÁ, — v BRECON. 'd 'rjm Wheat (;0 gais,;?ii. 0.1 t»«s. Od. Beef -•—•>. ft-; <-> J 31 Barley 43. 0<S. 4s. 3d. Muttou& ~9 Oats 4 Ci. 4a. 3a. Veal .i*. >. • £ M*. V Malt 0s. Od. Os «M. !> Pease U3. Od. 0* OU' | Fine'Ftourip': CRICKHOWKL. Wheat. Wtlb hosiiel.. 8s. (hi. ¡ Vetciies t^. 1)6; 6 ilarley 4i. ;id. I Psas* o Oats Os. Od. { Butter, per th. j* :,s CARMARTHEN. 4 Wheat >>i. 0 d. j Oats U. 3d Barley 2s. 0 d. BRISTOL CORti EXCHANGE. FEB ftfJAHTti!. PER qi."AJlTS*. t. d. s. «/. s d. e. d. Wheat, K"-a. 44 a to 48 o Hye — » to White r.4 o to 'S 0 ijeans 36 o to 38 o 3arley Grin.li'U24 o fi> 25 o Tfcfcs 4« O Ut fl o Malting 39 1 o to S3 o Feus, White 40 O to 41 <> Oats, to o to !t> o Halt. 02 Q & Potato.. 18 .0 to 2! o ""K SACK OF iltOfil. Flour, Kine « « to 44 C Seconds A7 o to 40 o Thirds SO 0 to 33 •> P-attard. per ton 105 o to 110 o 1 jr.-m .iiiy ■> to 1 (»0 <t AT BRISTOL » Hid. d. d Crop Hides.p;;r lb- l»tolS Calf Stuis. 26 to22 English iiutu Ij -i UvBi Pattern Skias Bnffali.oa H '3 Com.uon ditto 22 24 n Uravy Sfciiw, per lb. 21 (Jutts J4 H Calf SiUtw, Irish .I ti Extra Strong diuo. 21 Carried 1* Best Sit idiers" Hiites. If. iS H ti Shaved ditty 14 18 1 Kipi, Kn^iisb6; Wdaii.. 15 la Shoe 13 14 I bii^vcd ditto Oommou ditto. U 13 Foreign Kips 15 IS Bull ditto 12 13 Sma!. tieat SUns J« Bull d.. Horse liiuea(IinpUsh).. 14 17 j Lanrs J.tto i.3 16 Welsh Hides. 13 16 j b'lails It j- German di'to 15 19 1 Foreign Shoulders jj 1* Spanish ditto-, 18 22 j 7 Shave-! do. without butts, DiCcssiii^HicicSboulaeri IV J 2 9s. Cd. to I4s.t'»d each. tiellic2 I L, Horse itmts 13 j 11 < AGE. Ilrsl Quarter, Oct, 28, at 4-1< mifates past 3 ;t.rse<m. TIMES OF HIGH WATEIL A, THE FOAikOWING 1'IiACKS NEXr p N\;WPuh: 'BOKS. EVEN. iMOHTi" jTVf.N. jj MOitS.(SVHf. ijMOKN.jfiVcliS, DAYS. n «.! a. m. i'i a. M. B. *• «• £ Ij =• "-I «• *• Sundu- .I 0 37 ti M & 23 6 39 • 12 6 20 tj 6 "4 0 41 Monu- 7 12'. 7 30 5 t" 6 i5 ( » 7 & jt 0 59i 7 17 Tuesday 7 4S! 8 0 !i « S3 r &« '• 7 VJi 7 «| 7 35! 7 £ >2 Wedm^fcv.j 8 22; » 40 j| f 1 7 »S)< ? W 15 8 9] i 27 Tburs3 5r. 9 ID i! 7 4* S — j! » 32: 8 Ij „ 41: 9 9 Fridnv S 3i! 9 &'• H S '9 S 40 j; 9 '» 0 30 !| 9 2l| 9 yi SatoiUisj* 10 1S!10 38 l| 'i —I 0 V3 0 5»il0 JSijiO 2 10
