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IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS, JUNE 6. The Galway election committee reported Mr. Daly duly elected, and that the petition was not frivolousi or vexatious. Mr. WlLRS said he should bring" on his motion for the repeal of the Septennial Act on the 20th lIlst, PORTUGAL.—THE MINISTRY- Colonel DAVIES rose to bring forward the motion of which he had given notice as to the relations ot this country with Portugal. His great object, tie said, was to counteract, by a vote of that house, the preju- dicial effect of what had been doue a few evenings ago, in the other house of parliament. He deprecated collision between the two branches of the legislature, but contended for the right of the House of Commons to express its opinion on any great public question, The hon. member next vindicated the policy of ministers with regard to Portuguese affairs, and con- cluded by moving, in effect, "That an humble address be presented to his Majesty, expressing the regret of that house at the protracted hostilities in Portugal, aud, at the same time, thanking his Majesty for the judicious policy which he had pursued with respect to the affairs of that country." The motion was seconded bv Lord MORPETH, who contended that under all the circumstances, the forbearance of ministers and of the country ought not to extend one inch beyond what was strictly necessary, and that neutrality had not been infringed. He cou- ludod by sayitig, ia reference to.miuistersj that he confidently trusted that no efforts of party tactics, or of ambition, could distract those, who, in the moment of need, would form the stoutest rampart against re- volution, from that march of steady improvement in which at present reposed the only prospect of our national safety. (Hear, hear.) Sir H. HARDINGE contended that the neutrality to which ministers were pledged had been grossly violated. It was notorious that Don Pedro had been supplied from this country with arm?, with amunition, and, above all, with men. (Hear, hear.) The very sweepings of the poor-houses had been- vomited forth to take part in these civil wars. (Hear, bear.) If such a system were tolerated, they would shortly have the ports and harbours of this country converted infotiests of pirates. The hon. and gallant member (Col. Davies) had attributed party motives to the Duke of Welling- ton, (hear, hear,) than whom a more straightforward man did not exist. That noble duke would never seek to obtain an end by indirect or unworthy means. Mr. ROBINSON considered the.motion of his gallaut colleague ill-timed and unnecessary, and tending to bring the two branches into collision, which was a state of things it was desirable to avoid. It was already wellknQwn that ministers had a large majority of the House of Commons on their side, and therefore nothing would be gained to them by the vote of that night. Lord J. RUSSELL and Mr. O'CONNELL supporfed the motion. Capt. YORKE opposed it. Sir R. PEEL charged the Whigs with abandoning their principles of non-interference with the govern- ments of foreign states. The hon. baronet concluded by saying --wlipt the vote of the house might be on the present question he did not know. For himself, disapproving as he did of the policy pursued by government with respect to Portugal, deeming it both unjust to the Portuguese people and dangerous to this country and thinking, besides, that the success of the favoured party would be fraught with stiH more danger and injustice, he should refuse to give his assent to the propositions brought forward that night. (Loud cries of hear.) Lord PAEMERSTON, Colonel EVANS, and Sir S. WHALLEY, spoke in favour of the motion. The house then divided, For the motion 361 Against it 98 Majority -263 THE BANK. In answer to a question from Mr. Pease, Lord in A L THORP stated that it was his intentioll to bring two bills during the present session, one to regulate the bank of England, and another to regulate joint stock and private banks.—Adjourned. HOUSE OF LORDS, JUNE 7. Lord WYNFORD presented a petition from an indi- vidual demanding compensation for property purchased by him iu the West Indies, which appeared to him (Lord W.) to be only equitable and right. Lord SUFFIELD observed, that in the remarks he made the other night upon this subject, he had forgot- ten to allude to one authority, than which a better could not be adduced. It was the authority of Chief Justice Best. (Laughter.) In a judgment which that learned individual had given some time since, among other excellent sentiments were the following-that human beings could not be the subject matter of property," and that any law sanctioning slavery was an anti-christian law and one which violated the rights of nature." (Hear, and laughter.) Lord WYNFORD said, the judgment alluded to had been delivered by him some 12 or 13 years ago; and in it there was not a single opinion expressed which he was not prepared now most fully to maintain. It was only in England he recognized that principle in any other country, especially in the West Indies, he was not so ignorant as not to know that it would not obtain. All be declared in that judgment wan—that a slave became a free man the moment he trod the deck of a British man-of-war. The Bishop of LLANDAFF presented a petition from the Chancellor and Clergy of the diocese of Llan- daff, against the Irish Church Reform Bill. HOUSE OF COMMONS, JUNE 7. Mr. HUME called attention to the expensive and inconvenient practice adopted in the House of Lords, of compelling the introduction of a lono. series of clauses, worded after a particular form, into every road bill, on pain of the rejection of the bill. The subject is to be resumed on Monday. IRISH TITHES. Mr. O'Connell, Mr. Grattan, Mr. O'Connor, and others, complained of the severities adopted in the collecting of tithes in Ireland and Mr. Lefroy and Mr. Shaw contended that the clergymen were entitled to enforce the payment of tithes. Mr. BARING said the disturbances resulted from the government keeping Ireland in ignorance as to their intentions respecting tithes, and asked whether the English Tithes Bill was to be proceeded in ? Lord ALTHORP replied, that had there been a house on Wednesday last he would have stated the government plan respecting the tithes of Ireland; he should, however, do so on Monday. As to the Tithes Commutation Bill (England), it was his intention to press it forward this session. Sir R. PEEL wished the government to say which measures they iutend to press this session, as all could not be duly considered. The English Tithe Bill, he thought, ought to be deferred. It would be a month before they could get to that bill, and surely it would be inconvenient to discuss its clauses in the dog- days." Then there was the East India question- might not that be postponed? or was it, together with the extensive question of aholishing imprisonment for debt, to be proceeded with in this session ? Mr. GRANT replied that he .should bring forward the East India question on Tuesday next. ABOLITION OF SLAVERY. The house then went into committee on the resolu- tions for the extinction of colonial slavery, when the second resolution was proposed, to the effect that all children born after the passing of the intended act, or who at the time of its passing shall be under the age of six years, be free, and be maintained by their respective parents. Mr HUME deprecated the rash and hasty manner in which it was proposed to deal with interests so im- portant to this country as the West India Colonies. He contended that, before proceeding to legislate on the subject, the West India proprietors ought to have a fair hearing, and observed, that experience had sufficiently proved the impossibility of cultivating sugar by the labour of free negroes. He concluded by moving an amendment, in effect that the inquiries commenced last session by committees of both houses relative to the efficiency of free labour, and to other points connected with the interests of the West India colonies, be renewed. Mr. BUCKINGHAM advocated the speedy abolitioll of slavery, the continuance of which, he maintained, was not necessary tor the cultivation of colonial pro- duce; and he give notice that, when Mr. Hume's amendment was disposed of, he should move that the term of servitude of the negroes be limited to one year. Dr. LUSHINGTON expressed his astonishment that Mr. Hume, who had always supported the theory of the abolition of slavery, should oppose the reduc- tion. of that theory to practice. He considered that, after the number of years the question had been before the house, they were fully prepared to come to a de- cision upon the subject, and that the appointment of a committee would occasion infinite delay, and be pro- ductive of incalculable mischief. Mr. BARING objected to detay now that the govern- tnellt had brought forward their proposifions, and though he considered the measures proposed were fash, and would ultimately be repented of, yet the settlement of the question, he thought, could not with be lonjjer avoided. Mr. P. M. STEWART stated that the West India body did not wish to throw any obstacle in the way of the measures of government, but they conceived that sufficient compensation had &ot been offered and that 20,OOJ,0001. should be granted to the colonists as compensation for their loss, together with a loan of 5,000,000/. for the purpose off supporting colonia Lord HOYVICK observed that if the colonists were to be compensated for the loss of their slaves, emanci- pation ought to take place at once. His lordship wished the resolutions respecting the apprenticeship of the slaves not to be pressed at present, as it would be impossible for the house to come to a proper decision until the details of tUe plan of apprenticeship were filled up by the colonial legislatures as at present proposed. Mr. Secretary STANLEY replied to the observations of the opponents of the measure, and more particularly to the objections urged by Mr Hume. Sir Robert PEEL said, that having agreed to the first resolution, he was ready to adopt the principle of the second, but suggested that some defintive time should be fixed, after which all children born of slaves should be free. Mr. BUXTON objected to bindtng the slaves ap- prentices for twelve years; and said he should, on Monday, move an amendment, embodying his objec- tions to this plan of continuing slavery. The amend- ments were ultimately withdrawn and negatived, and the second resolution was agreed to. On the motion of Mr. S. RICE a select committee was appointed to consider the clunges on the civil list of his late Majesty which remained unprovided for. A select committee was also ordered to be balloted for on Monday, to inquire ii,to the corrupt practices alleged to prevail at the late election for Stafford. The house then adjourned until Monday. HOUSE OF LORDS, JUNE 10. From the very limited attendance of noble lord. there was no business done. HOUSE OF COMMONS, JUNE 10. On the presentation by Lord W. LYNNOX of a petition from King's Lynn,for an alteration in the laws for electing municipal officers in that borough Lord GEORGE BENTINCK vindicated the corpo- ration of that place, and imputed this petition to a spirit of discontent excited by two persons named Reynolds and Eyre, of whom the former, the noble lord said, had been guilty of perjury and the latter of a fraud. Mr. HOPE JOHNSON presented a petition from the minister and elders of the Scotch church against the government system of education for Ireland. This petition drew forth some angry remarks from Mr. HUSIE, Dr. BALDWIN, Mr. FiNi, and several other hon. members who eu!ogised the government plan, and said this petition was got up to cinbarass government. THE KING'S ANSWER TO THE ADDRESS FROM THE COMMONS. Lord ALTHORP brought up-Itis Majesty's gracious answer to the address that had been voted to him by the house. His lordship stood at the bar and read as follows:- I have received with great satisfaction the expression of your concurrence in the policy I have pursued in re- ference to the affairs of Portugal; and you may be assured that I shall continue to act in the .same way" and will neglect no opportunity to use all the influence that is within my power, as soon as possible, usefully and honourably, to put an end to all the differences that now exist in that un. happy country." (Loud cheers.) Upon the motion of Lord J. RUSSELL, the Stafford bribery bill was referred to a select committee of the house. THE WEST INDIA QUESTION. In a committee on the West India Question, on the reading of the third resolution relating to the ap- prenticeship of slaves, &c Mr. BUXTON expressed his acknowledgments to his Majesty's ministers for the efficient manner in which they had taken up the case of the abolitionists. The various dangers which the honourable member for Essex had pointed out as attending this measure, had in his (Mr. Buxton's) opinion no real foundation. The hon. member for Middlesex had proposed a plan of emancipating the slaves in Trinidad by way of experiment, before we proceeded farther. In his opinion, if this plan were adopted the slaves in the i-e,naiiiiii,- colonies would not be kept in subjection by 100 times the force which now answered that pur- pose. As to the negroes being unwilling to labour, a number who had been emancipated had been placed under the control of Cap,. Gibbs, a most skilful engi- neer who had tried an experiment upon them, and found that at task work they did as much in six hours as they now usually do in twelve. 1 he emancipated negroes were a most industrious body of men and fully alive to the enjoyments to be procured by money In order to show that the negroes were fond of luxu- ries, the hon. gentleman read an account of some of the rarities which the negroes partook of at a ball, namely, roast pigs, fowls, capons, daret, coffee, rum, sugar, chocolate, &c. The dinner generally lasted from one day to another, in the course ofwhicb time some of the uegresses would dress two or three times, with muslin gowns, ear-rin, necklaces, and what was, st.ll a greater proof of civilization, ^hoc, fu t »r.°C I11**8' (He^r.) From all this he argued, tha the slaves, if they had hope, to cheer them on! coutdbemade to do aiiylbiiig- but that fear would not impel tnem toact ag-aiust their inclinations. After some farther remarks tending to show that the negroes are in a state fit for immediate emancipation, the hon. gentleman moved that the third clause be rejected altogether. Mr. FRANKLAND LEWIS was apprehensive, not- withstanding the florid descriptor, of the honourable gentleman, that the slaves would not work so as to produce sugar. Mr. MARRIOTT was decidedly opposed to the im- mediate emancipation of the slaves. He thought it necessary that the slave should be prepared before freedom should be extended to him. It would be necessary that the colonial legislatures should be relieved from the difficulties into which they rilllst be thrown by the present plan, for the local system of taxation would be entirely altered. He hoped the government would not hesitate about a trifling pecu- niary consideration. He should support the present resolution. Mr. WASON and Mr. SLASEY considered that emancipation ought to be gradual. Mr. HALCOMB considered that the slaves ought to be emancipated, but that the present resolution was defective in many respects. He moved as an amend- ment—" That it is expedient that all persons now slaves, and their children to be born hereafter, be declared free subjects, subject nevertheless, to such restrictions as may be deemed necessary for their support and maintenance, and for the future cultiva- tion of the soil." The original resolution together with the amend- ment were then put, and after considerable discussion the house divided, For the amendment 42 For the resolution 304 Majority 2S2 Mr. STANLEY afterwards moved that 20 millions be granted as compensation to the planters, this sum being not to be diminished, but increased if the house saw just grounds; but not to be paid till cmaneipation had completely t, keu place. After some conversa.ion this question, on the sug- gestion of Mr. GISBORNE, was adjourned. The house then went into committee on the stamp duty bill. In reply to a question, S. RICE said the reduc- tion on the stamp duty on advertisements would com. tuence at the expiration of next quarter. Mr. S. RICE moved a clause hiking off the duty oil pamphlets ,hear); but, he made it imperative on the publisher to deposit in the proper office a copy of the pamphlet to serve as a check on the number of adver- tisements inserted. The clauses of the bill after some conversation wei c agreed to, and the house resumed. Oa the motion of Lord MOLYNEUX a bill to legalise Roman Catholic marriages, and put Roman Caiholics on the same footing as dissenters stood, was read a iirst time. Sir J. Gli AH AM moved for a select committee to enquire into the duties, emoluments, of the jad^e oi the admiralty court. Agreed to—Adjourned,


