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Telephone No. 7. Telegrams—SHEFFIELD, l-H Y L. Telephone No. 7. Telegrams—SHEFFIELD, RH\ L. 1' A. SHEFFIELD I SON 1 < t Ironmongers and Gunsmiths, t. 6 Welling-ton Road, RHYL WE ARE NOW SHOWING Double-barrel Breechloading Guns from £2 Single-barrel Breechloading Guns ffrom 15/6 I GUNS MADE TO ORDER AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE. Rook Rifles, Air Guns and Revolvers. REPAIRS TO GITNS, Lye., A SPECIALITY. -n- I i /lApmT) TT\ H-TT Q. Kiev's Cartridges^oafed with (E.C ) Amberite xjIxjlv A JLhjLJlJ \.TXJ U or Schultze. Always in Stock, & other Powders. L Cartridges for Pigeon Shooting or Special Purposes loaded on tlie premises to order. 1 -_— I I GLEANING BODS, GAlrIE AND CARTRIDGE BAaS IN GREAT VARIETY. EVERY SHOOTING REQUISITE SUPPLIED. i A. SHEFFIELD aid SOU, RS7L RIDER AGENTS WANTED l, One in cach district to ride and exhibit a sample 190t> Cycle. Write for special offer. Highest grade fully warranted /fk British-made Cycles HHL Latest Models9 £ 2. 10 to £ 6 IIMili MEW DEPARTURE COASTER HUBS, BEST MAKES TYRES AND WMWUBFT LALLMR BEST BKITISH-MADE EQUIPMENT. KIBHH200 SECOND-HAND CYCLES v Issi'w' laf all makes, good as nev.r, £ to £ 2.10 < 8rm( ^rcat factory til ear inn- snlc at half fuclon/ prices. We send on approval and aHow TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL on ( A/ u W overy_ cycle. Money with carriage charges refunded without '\K i Sv m taking orders from wimple mnrliino furnished »SLW £ € £ W€aBG'nV u«- °ur awnts aremnkinK In.re i-rolils. *0 u%m Writc at oncc for FREE CATALOGUES. Tyras, Sundries, Sewing Macliincs, Phonographs, &c., at jlKctlf Prices. MEAD GYGLE COMPANY Dept. « A 85 to 97 Paradise Street, U'¡1PODL, and 19 to 2 f CSarinj Cross Road, LONDON. NO PRELIMINARY FEES CHARGED. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY. IIn large or small sums (not less than £ 10), ON PROMISSORY NOTE ONLY. During the last 20 years the total amount lent by the mndersigned EXCEEDED £ 1,250,000 v He has received hundreds of unsolicited letters of anks, and has annually, for the past nine years, issued selections from these in pamphlets, of which > more than 300,000 copies have been printed Protpectnees, terms for advances, or any information -asired, will be supplied,free of charge, on applicatioD sther personjill) or by letter, to :— » CEORCE PAYNE, Accountant ¡¡¡X. 3 CRESCENT ROAD, RHYL JEstablished 1870 -Wi1iL MONEY. B5 to £ 500. MONEY. IMPORTANT NOTICE. IN esfooae to the reluct of UMKROl TS CLIENTS, the w«4!known firm of D. WHITE huvo docided to re-open AN OFFICE IN THIS DISTliIOT, where ADVANCES will be made on the same KEASONABLE TKRMS hs hitherto TO ALL RESPECT ABLKHOUSE- i HOLDERS, FARMERS, TRADESPEOPLE ALL I > TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY PRIVATE I TERMS LOWER THAN OTHER LOAN OFFICES I DISTANCE NO OBJECT. V Upon reccipt of letter, I will wait upon you by appoint- ment AT YOUR OWN HOUSE, and advance you the money required thus saving you a journey and waste of time, repayable by easy instalments TO SUIT YOUR I OWN CONVENIENCE. k SPECIAL RATES for SHORT PERIODS. „A.PPLY BY LETTER in coniidcnce to D. WKITJT, M 7, ABBEY STREET, RHYL. ) be seen personally Tuesdays from 4 to 8 p.m.) t iklao 17, MAESGWYN ROAD, near the General Railway Nation, WREXHAM. i ;l,'r Journal Office. Agreement Forms for house letting, 4d. each. Notice to Quit (Landlord to Tenant and Tenant to Landlord), 2d each. Window Bills-Rouses to Let Fur- nished, &c., 2d. each. Lodging house Keepers Visiting Cards—cheap and good. Pri ned in Rhyl, by Rhyl virkmen. F. & H. PUGH, Cycle Agents and Repairers, 22 BEDFORD STREET, RHYL. Dealers in Second-hand Cycles, Muilairln, &e., Pneumatic Tyre Kcpairiug, Electro-plating and Stovo Enamelling a speciality. Machines on the gradual payment system at 10s. a month. Mailcarts re-tyred and repaired. 2;-)2 aBHHraHnMavHHBBBHMnBnnnMBHnv J-or Printing GC TO [The Journal Works,,

IRhyl County School Bazaar.


Rifle Shooting in Flintshire.


IThe Local Bisley.

- ------+-"---Meliden.

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