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alt fig Auction By MR GEORGE PERKINS. PRESTATYN, NORTH WALES. To Brewers, Wine and Spirit Merchants, and Others. MR GEORGE PERKINS has received instruc- tions to oflhr for Sale by Public Auction at the WHITE LION HOTEL, RHYL, on TUES- DAY, the 25th day of OCTOBER, 1901, at 3 30 for 4 o'clock in the afternoon (subject to conditions as will be then and there produced and read), all that Valuable. Well-known and Fully-licensed FREEHOLD PROPERTY known as "The Cross Foxes Inn," In the town of Prestatyn (together with the Good- will), and the well-built Shop and Two Dwelling Houses adjoining thereto, known as TY MAWR and STANLEY HOUSE." Possession of all the property (except Ty Mawr) can be had on completion of the purchases. For permission to view, or for plans and further particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, Rhyl and Abergele to Messrs Banks, Taylor, and Kendall, Solicitors, 26 North John Street, Liverpool, or to MR F. J. GAMLIN, 618 Solicitor, Rhyl. LATE NEWS. A Hopeless Project. The National Convention was held yes- terday at Cardiff. Mr Lloyd-George, M.P., presided. The purport of tha resolutions passed is that if the Government attempt to enforce the Defaulting Authorities Act in any area of Wales the local authority will relieve itself of all responsi- bility for elementary schools under the control of the Government, and Nonconformist parents will be invited to Bend such of their children as attend the schools of the Govern- ment to schools in chapels which Free Churchmen will provide from their own re- sources. The Palmists Condemned. The London palmists known as the Keiros were found guilty yesterday of pretending to tell fortunes, and were bound over not to con- tinue their practices. Evidently a Bad Lot. Addressing the Baptist Union yesterday, Dr Clifford said the ethical ideals of to-day were low, selfish, worldly, and idolatrous. The people did not believe in the things unseen and eternal. The Warrior's Grave. The remains of Sir William Harcourt were interred yesterday in the family vault in the old church at Nuneham-park. The Storm. The severe storm of Wednesday night con- tinued for some hours yesterday morning, and on the Mersey the ferry servicefi had to be sus- pended until six o'clock. Many vessels were delayed through being unable to leave the docks. Several shipping casualities are recorded. Locally no damage is reported. WISE AND OTHERWISE Says a country newspaper: A number of deaths are unavoidably postponed." No man ever lost money on fast horses. It is the slow ones that drive men to bankruptcy. ( Some people are rash enough for anything. Wo once knew of a rash man who ate a rasher. "Will you venture on an orange ?" said he. "No, thank you," she replied. "I might roll off." The individual who is continually declaring that he is never understood is one who does not under- stand others. It does not matter which planet a mm is born under so long as he remains on the earth. and is able to walk on his feet. He: "It amounts to positive genius to be stupid on some occasions." She: "But don't you think it can be carried too far ? The man who thinks his wife has disappointed him should consider if he was not the Crst to dis- appoint her by making her his wife. "Do you really love me, William?" 'Course I does. Think I been walkin' six miles a week tcr see you fur the las' year 'cause I hated you ? The letter "o" is said to be the noisiest vowe) of all, because you can't make a horrid, loud noise without it; and all the other vowels aro in audible. Voice: "Get closer to the telephone!" Farmer Hayseed: "Haw! haw! Not much! I seed a feller do it in a show wunst, an' he got flour hloweil in his face." The elder matron: "You shouldn't mind the baby crying a little. It strengthens his lungs." The younger matron: "Oh, no doubt! but it weakens his father's religion so." Didn't matter.—Mary: "O Bella, do you think it right to keep a photo of a young man upon your dressing-table—like this Bella: "But lifl's look- ing the other way." Black: "Suppose we celebrate our silver wedding next week." Mrs. Black: "But we have been married only twelve years." Black: "I know that, but we require the silver." There is a notice up over an inn in a little town in Italy, which says: "Here the long-forgotten secret has again been discovered of making vine from the juice of the grape. There are some things in the world that one can't understand. One is that you catch a cold without trying; that if you let it run on it stays with you, and if you stop it it goes away. Experience is a teacher good And makes his lessons understood, But then we learn a thing or so That we'd much rather never know. You ought to feel at peace with yourself and the world when you have had a good dinner. But some people are melancholy even at dessert. They habitually sit down to whine and to pine. "Steam has rendered man inestimabio service," remarked the observer of men and things, "and woman also, since it. has enabled her to open her husband's letters without his knowing it." Jessie: "What made you remain such a long time in the conservatory with that young lieutenant?" Bessie: "Our conversation turned on war. and he was shewing me how an officer should use liistrirs." Until the stock disappeared.— Zim "So lie failed in business owing to the too sedulous attention of his clerks to their business? That's odd." Zam: "Not at all. His clerks, you see, were always taking stock." "Good gracious, Maud, it cannot be possible that you are going to marry a newspaper man—a mere salaried person?" "You must not breathe it to a soul; but I intend to break the engagement as soon as I get all my poetry printed." "Some dogs have more sense than their masters," said Will. "No, no," said Frank, who was dreading a dog story. "You do exaggerate so." "It's per- fectly true," said Will. T "Such a dog is rare, of course. isut i iinow ior i iiave one. In a case heard recently in the Court ot Session, Edinburgh, an artist was giving evidence, when the opposing counsel asked: "Do you draw everything larger than it really ought to be ? The reply came prompt: "Everything but my salary." Clara and Emily both had new frocks last Sunday, and they looked very nice indeed r vc forgotten mv text," said Clara, as they walked to school "I haven't," said Emily. "What is it?" asked Clara. "It begins, Blessed are the dressnvikers. Mrs Younelove: "John, do you know that you 1, "en'-t kSS me for a tn»k ?.» Mr. Younglove: "Yes, darling; I was just waiting tc see how long it would take you to notice it. John, it will be observed, had his presence of mind with him. Mrs. Fogg: "For mercy's sake, Daniel, what are you doing down there on your knees,^ peering under that bureau?" Fogg (who has lost his collar button and is not in a sweet frame of mind): "Leoking for the Spanish fleet; what do you suppose I was look- ing for?" Fuddy "Do you think it's possible for two persons to live on half-a-crown a da}? ? Duddy: If a half-crown is as big as it looks in the eyes of some men, I should say that two persons might lye on it indefinitely, and have plenty of room to walk about on it." Mrs. Mishaw: "You praise yourself too much, my dear. People would appreciate you more, and would tell you so, if you were to cultivate a little modest reticence." Mr. Mishaw: "There's where you are out. I did that for years, and nobody took any notice of me but you." Little bov: "Mr. Blake, won't you bend some for me ? Mr: Blake: "I can't, my boy." Little boy: "Aren't you a contortionist ? Mr. Blake: "No, child; whatever gave you that idea. Little boy: "Sis said that every time you opened your mouth you put your foot in it." An old man who was taken to a poorhouso in the south of Scotland, on looking round his new quarters, exclaimed{ "Hech me. I H no Jeeve lang noo! Naw," said one of the inmates. Dae ye think ye cam' here tao leeve ? Ye ai'C jist like tha rest o' us; yq cam' here dee). 1- alt b)1 auction. By Mr FRANCIS GEARY. No 1 THORPE STREET, RIlYL. Mr FRANCIS GEARY, F.A.I will Sell by Auotion on the above premises on FRIDAY", OCTOBER 14, 1904, The Household Furniture and Effects, Briefly comprising :-The Contents of 2 Sitting Rooms, 4 Bedrooms, &c. On view morning of sale. Terms strictly cash. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock sharp. Auction and Estate Offices, Market Street, Rhyl. 510 1. (ftotmtrg departments ani) dfuvmgjKti ottøt. DYSERTH, NEAR RH\L.-TO LET, a charming Villa, a six-roomed Cottage and af five-roomed Bungalow, each standing in its ownl garden. All well furnished, having an uninter-i. rupted view of the sea, and mountain scenery. Convenient to the highways. Apply-J. Ellis, Woodstock Villa Dyserth. 618 MRS AND MISS GANQON, Teachers of Dancing and Calisthenics. < "~ji Schools and Families attended. The latest Fashionable Dances Taught. Private Lessons by arrangement. Juvenile and Adult Classes. Ayondale, Orescent Road. 522 Rhuddlan. Tea Party and Leoture. The Welsh Baptists held their annual tea party on Wednesday, which was well attended. Io the evening a lecture was delivered by the Rev W Oynon Evans, Blaenycwm, on the Alusc of the Pulpit" (Cerddoriaeth y Pvvlpud). Mr C W Jones presided over a large audience. Tha Welsh C. M. Chapel. The members of the above chapel have decided to hold another competitive meeting at the beginning of next year. Rev David Jones has been elected chairman of the eommittee Mr W J Roberts, Clough's Row, treasurer; and Mr Wm Parry, secretary; and with the same officers at work as in previous years, ther., is eure to be a meeting equal to its predecessera. The Parish Church. The usual weekly services on Wednesday even- ings commenced this week. Also the Band of Hope had its first meeting on Tucsdiy night, and the choir practices began on the same night. Holywell Determined Fight with tha Sea. The neighbourhood of the nQC encroachment near Holywell presanted a remarkably busy scene on Wednesday, some 600 men being hard at work upon the protective works which have been devi- sed by Mr Dawson, the Company's Engineer, to prevent. the encroaching sea froin attacking the railway embankment. The dam across the fields from the sea embankment to the railway line was practically finished on Wednesday, and will suffice, it is hoped, to prevent I he sea-water from flooding further than the)ild which has been attacked by the sea. The dam is of clay earth and, with the cross-cop on which it is raised, is about eight feet in height. In order to prevent any interference with the work of stone-facing the railway em- bankment by the high tides of Saturday and Sunday next, a Etone-pitched wall is being built by the Company midway between the railway embankment bod the "cop." The Company for the first.time turnad their attention to the big breach in the" rop," and th-3 workmen were busily engaged t'ir i > it the day in filling it up with bags of earth mixed up with faggoting. It is hoped this measure wil serve to break the orce of the h'gh tides St Asaph. Desosndante of Bishop Morgan. The funeral took placo on Monday of Mr W Lloyd-Williams, head master of Dolanog National School, and a descendant of Bishop Morgan, the translator of the Bible. The last lineal df s jendant of Bishop Morgan is now sid to be P.S. Roes Williams, of the Montgomeryshiro Constabulary, at present stationed at Welshpool. Departure of Mr Kappar. Many will regret to learn that Mr E W Napper, who has for aome time been a prominent resident of the city, is leaving for Manchester. He has given a helping hand in many undertakings, and his interest in Church matters were very depr. He will also be miased in political circles, for by his assistance from time to time he has placed the Constitutional Club under an obligation to him. Cwm. Harvest Thanksgiving. The usuil services were held on Sunday and Monday. The vicar (Rev T Major Rees) officiated on Sunday, and at the Welsh service on Monday evening, which was well attended, the Rev J L Williams, curate of Dvaerth, officiated. The Elixir of Life. The millennium is at hand-according to Prof. Elie Metchnikoff, of the Pasteur Institute. 11 What we n*ed," he say?, "are old men. It is very erroneous to regard aged men as a burden to society. They can serve the most useful pur- pose, and there is a certain consolation in the thought that when we ourselves are incapable of studying old age we may still be of use as subjects for other scientific observers." It seems that the human system is poisoned in many ways, but in no way so frequently as by the innumerable microbes which swarm in the large intestine "-an organ which is one of the proofs of the simian origin of man, and is not only useless in his present state, but positively harmful. Thili intestine is a great hunting ground for countless microbes. We nourish as many as 128,000,000 000,000 of these per day The professor's idea is to establish a method of cannibalism among the human miscrobesby sstting the harmless ones to feed npon their evil brethren. The miscrobe to be found in sour milk is one of the best for waging war. The Bulgarians, who drink quarts of sour milk, are noted for their longevity. To sour milk cure must be added teetotalism, the abstaining from all uncooked vegetables and fruits, the strengthening of the vital elements of the body, the nerve cells of the brain, and the muscular fibres of the heart. A LIST OF VISITORS. Grove House, Clwyd Street (Miss Jetsum)- The Misses Wilson Jones, Colwyn Bay. 30 Water Street (Mrs Myerscough) —Mr and Mrs Piper, Bradley Mr & Mrs Archer, Ardwiok. 7 Crescent Road (Mrs Sarson)—Mr & Mrs John Pnrcell, Redditch Mr F J Sarson, Llanduduo. We are requested by Mr H MMurray, Cana- dian Government Agent, Western Mail Build- ings, Cardiff, to state that he will place at -the disposal of clergymen, school teachers or other gentlemen (for lecturing purposes) a set of lantern slides depicting scenes of Canadian life and work from the Atlantic to the Pacific. As the demand for these slides is groat early appli- cation is necessary, so as to arrange dates ahead. A printed lecture describing each view accom- panies the set. Mold. Great Prize Sale. On Wednesday last Mr Charles P Sheffield conducted his usual monthly prize sale of fat and store stock in the Mold Cattle Market, when he was again favoured with a tremendous entry of all classes numbering, over 2,000 head. The cattle shed was packed to its utmost capacity, upwards of 250 head of fat cattle, dairy cows, calv- ing heifers, bullocks and heifers, barrens and bulls. The show of sheep numbered about 750, and the array of pigs was one of the finest for quality exhi- bited for ralo at this auction mart, and met a grand trade, as evidenced by the rapid and spirited bidding, the whole (600) being sold at tip-top prices without a single exception. Sucking pigi were sold at increased prices on last week's market. Calves were a fine show, and were eagerly bought at prices which proved that they were much in demand, r j&ileg fcj) attction. By MR FRED WALLIS. Important Sale of useful and modern Household Furniture and Effects comprising the contents of 3 Eritertaining Rooms, 6 Bedrooms, Entrance Hall, Kitchen, &c. 39 KINMEL STREET, RHYL. MR FRED WALLIS has been favoured with instructions from Mrs Rosenberg, who is going abroad, to S 11 by Public Auction on the above premises, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13:h, 1904, the whole of the useful and modern Household Furniture, consisting of Capital Walnut Suite in Leather, Virge Gilt Pier Glass, Marble Timepiece, Mahog- any Pedestal Cupboard Sideboard, Walnut-framed Suite in Rep, Walnut Inlaid Work Table, Brass Fenders, Curbs, and Fire Implements, Coal Vases, Telescope and other Dining Tables, Sweet Toned jFull Compass PIANOFORTE in Walnut Frame, J;- arble T(,p Hat and Umbrella Stand, Mahogany Hall Chairs, Cuckoo Clock, Pictures, Prints, and Ornaments, Carpets and Oilcloth, Singed Treadle SEWING MACHINE, Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Spring and Wool Mattresses, Mahogany Half-round Dressing Table with two drawers fitted with compirtments, Marble-top and other Washstands, Mahogany and other Chests of Drawers, Toilet Glasses, Towel Rails, Toilet Ware, Chairs, Carpets, &c., ANTIQUE MAHOGANY DOUBLE TOILET GLASS, Kitchen Table, Chairs, &c., Wringer, Step-Ladder, 8-day Clock, Breakfast, Tea, and Dinner Ware, Bed and Table Linen, &c., &c. Oa view day prior to sale, from 2 till 4 p.m. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock prompt. Auction Offices 47 Kinmel Street, Rhyl. 515 flottcto. Re WILLIAM MILLS, ESQ Deceased. ALL PERSONS having any claim against the estate of William Mills, Esq., late of The Cedars," Brighton Road, Rhyl, deceased (who died on 22od September, 1904), are requested to send particulars thereof to me, the undersigned, forth- with. Dated this 29th day of September, 1904. A. LEWIS JONES, Russell Road, Rhyl, 491) Solicitor to the Executrix RHYL COUNTY SCHOOL BAZAAR. A MEETING will be held at Stonehurst, Bath A Street, Rhyl, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11th, at 11-30 a.m., to make arrangements for the holding of a BAZAAR in aid of the School Funde. The Lady Governors cordially invite the attendance of all ladies desirous of helping. 517. &- FLINTSHIRE EDUCATION COMMITTEE. THE ABOVE NAMED COMMITTEE require the Services of TWO PUPIL TEACHERS at the Gwaenysgor (Mixed) National School, near Prestatyn. Applicants must be not less than 16 years of age, and must have passed a qualifying exami- nation such as the Junior Examination of the Central Welsh Board. Applications to be sent in as eoon as possible to the Director of Elucation, Mold. 521 —n ||M |B|li nlunrrr-rT"™™ I GEORGE GREGORY, Junr, Tho Cottage, 1 Windsor Street, Khyl, wiilNOT be Respon- sible for any of my Wife Margaret Gregory's DEBrS from this date, September 30th. 1904. 525 Signed, GEORGE GREGORY, Junr. Re MR ROBERT HUGHES, Deceased. ALL persons having any claim againBt the estate of Mr Robert Hughes, late of Carlton, Marsh Road, Rhyl, Surveyor, deceased (who died on 30th September, 1904), are requested to send particular.! thereof to nip, the undersigned, forthwith. Dated this Gvh day of October, 1904. A. LEWIS JONES, Russell Road, Rhyl, 510 Solicitor to the Erecutrix. ouMBBMBanaanHDDiaBsnBmBBDaHnDnsMnMa^BBaBm COUNTY OF FLINT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tke next GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE for the County of Flint will bo held at the Coutty Hall, iu Mold, in the raid County, on TUESDAY, the 18th day of OCTOBER, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the Trial of Prisoners and the hearing of Appeali, when all business relating to the County, and over which the Court has jurisdiction, will then be proceeded with. All Jurors, Prosecutors and Witnesses are re- quested to be in attendance at the above-named hour. All depositions and instructions for indictments must be sent to my Office, it praoticable six days before the said Quarter Sessions, otherwise the costs will not be allowed. RICHARD BROMLEY, Clerk of the Peace. Mold, 6th October, 1904. 619 GILCHRIST LECTURES. ] FIRST OF THE COURSE AT THE J OWN HALL, RIl YL. On MONDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1904, at 8 p.m., By THE REV. DR. DALLINCER, Oa New Spider Studies." Illustrated by Lantern Slides. Chairman A. L. CLEWS, Esq., J.P., Chairman of the Rhyl Urban District Council. Doors open to holders of Course Tickets only at 7-30. No money will be taken at the doors until 7-50. Pamphlets containing Course Tickets and Syllabuses, both Reserved and Artisan, with Por- traits of the Lecturers and of Dr Gilchrist, the I Founder of the Trust, may be had from the stationers, or from the Hon. Sec. ARTHUR ROWLANDS, Hon. Sec. Council Oiffces, Rhyl. 514 TEG EN 10 AL INSTRUCTION, RHYL. CLASSES will be held in the Intermediate Schools, Grange Road, and the Christ Church Council Schools, Crescent Road, Rhyl, as follows, k- provided sufficient students present themselves 1 INTERMEDIATE SCITOOLS. V- T Physiography, or General Elementary Science. -On Wednesday evenings, commencing Oct. 12ih at 6.30. Teacher-E Clwyd Jones, RoSe. Fee for Session (28 lessons), 3s 6d. 1 PliimsT flmmnir CnnxnTT. RfiHnnr.9. .a. "A.O'J. Art.—On Tuesday evenings, commencing Oct. 11th, 1904, from 7 to 9, in the following subjects jjf —Freehand, Model, Geometrioal Light and Shade, and Perspective Drawing, Elementary Design I Drawing on the Blackboard. Teacher-C. S. 1 Dobbins, 1st D. Certificate, S. Kensington. Fee for Sessi jn (28 lessons), 3s 6d. S Shorthand.—On Wednesday evenings, com- g mencing October 12th, at 6 30. Teacher—David t Rees. B.A. (London). Fee for Session (24 lessons), 3s Od. J Book-keeping. -On Wednesday evenings, com- mencing Oct 12th, at 7 35. Teacher—David Rees, B.A. (London). Fee for Sessicn (24 lessons), 3s Od. ( Mathematics. On Friday evenings, com- mencing Oct 14tb, at 6-30. Teacher-H Clwyd 1 Jones, B.Sc. Fee for Session (28 lessons), 31 6d. ( I Writing, Composition and Reading.—On j Monday evenings, commencing Oct 10th, at 7. ] Teacher-Mr Edwards. Fee, One Penny per evening. Mercantile Arithmetic and Commercial Geography.—On Tuesday evenings, commencing Oct 11th, at 7. Teacher—Mr Fred. Phillips. Fee, One Penny per evening. Knowledge nHiommon Things, or Nature Study.—On Thursday evenings, commencing Oct 13th, at 7. Teacher—Mr P Caradoc Williams. Fee, One Penny per evening. Intending Students should at once send in their names to the undersigned, from whom full par- ticulars can be obtained. I J. ROBERTS JONES, 525 Solicitor, Rhyl, -t 1- air By Mr fL TUESDAY, 11th OCTOBER, 1004. MR JOSEPH WILLIAMS is instructed by G. L'ewelyn Wood, Esq, who is leaving, to Sell by Auction, without reserve, Modern, Coatly, and Serviceable Household Furniture and Outside Effects. Very briefly comprising :—Walout [Overmantel, Dining and 03caqional Tables and Chairs, Brussels Carpet, Brass Curbs and Appliances, Handsome Hrasing and Illuminating Oil Lamps, HIGHLY POLISHED WALNUT and ASH BEDROOM SUITES with WARDROBES, Brass-mounted Bedsteads, Spring and Hair Mattresses, Chest of Drawers, ^Dressing Mirrors, and Tables, Biths, 0.1 Drum, Mowing Machine, Summer House, Garden Tool?, Flowers and Pots, Revolver in case, Harmonium, Gaat's Bicycle, &c &c. STRICTLY CASH SALE. S-tle at 2 30 o'clock prompt. On View Morning of Sale. Further particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneer, County Chambers, Rhyl. Tel. 0179. 544 STANLEY HOUSE, PRESTATYN FRIDAY, 14th OCTOBER, 1901. TV/fR JOSEPH WILLIAMS is instructed by JAJL A. L. Clews, Esq., J.P., Executor to th# late Mrs Evans, Cross Foxes, to Sell by Auction the whole of the costly, artistic and serviceable Household Appointments, very briefly comprising CANADIAN WALNUT SIDEBOARD, ROSEWOOD SETTEE, Easy and Occasional Chairs to match; Walnut D.ning Suite, Superior Overmantel*, Walnut Octagan Table, COSTLY JAPANESE CLOCK wit'i Crystal Dial, Inlaid :Crd Table, Biasa Curb and appliances, Bronze Marie Horses, Brass-mounted Bedsteads, Wire and Ila-r Mattresses, Polished ASH BEDROOM SUITE with Wardrobe, Cnest of Drawers, Wilton and Axminster Carpets, 0 I Paintings, Engravings, EXPENSIVE WALNUT HALL STAND, O..k Barometer, Kitchen Utensils, Bed Linen, China, Glass, Dinner Service. No Reserve. Strictly Cash Sale. Sale at 2 o'clock prompt. On view on Thursday, 13.h October, from 1 to 5. Further particulars and Catalogues may be ob- tained from the Auctioneer, County Chambers, Rhyl, and at the Cross Faxes, Prestatyn. Tele- phone 0179. 545 d MR JOSEPH WILLIAMS will Sell by Auction Valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE at No. 5 LILY TERRACE, Marsh Road, on THURSDAY, the 20th OCTOBER; and at No. 20 WEST PARADE, RHYL, on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, the 25th and 26th OCTOBER and at County Chambers Auction Rooms, on TUESDAY, the 1st NOVEMBER; and at AQUARIUM STREET, RHYL, early in NOVEMBER, 1904. County Chamber! Rhyl. Tel. 0179. 498 Any Sale entrusted to Mr Joseph Williams Auctioneer, County Chambers, Rhyl, will receive his prompt and personal atten- tion with a guarantee of IMMEDIATE GPSH SETTLEMENT. Very Large Warehouse for Storing Furniture &o. :&- JriiniisljEti Ruartniento. IADY highly recommends her Combined J Bedroom-Sitting Room, also Sitting Room and Bedroom, for Boarders or otherwise. Terms moderate.—Address, XX, Journal Office. 516 SITTING and BEDROOM, permanent central; 10ii pir week, inclusive; two joining, 15?.— Apply, A. B., Journal Office. 5å9 TSoMPORTABLE APARTMENTS at reduced C Rates for Two Young Ladies or Gentlemen. Nice Rooms and every attention.—Mrs Edwards, yS West Parade. 529 COMFORTABLE APARTMENTS for Young Men. Permanen!\—Mrs Jones, HalkynHouse, Oxford Grove, Rhyl. 500 HYL^—WINTER APARTMENTS" Terms moderate. 0;:e minute off Promenade.— Pt moderate. Oze minute off Pro-.iienade.- Apply H., Journal Office. 478 COMFORTABLE APARTMENTS for gentle- C men or ladies. Good cooking. Moderate winter terms.—Apply No 111, Journal" Office. __431 COM FORTABLE APARTM ENTS—Home from Home. South aspect.—Mrs Yardley, Sunny- side, Brighton Road. 400 OMELY APARTMENTS for young gentle- JjL men, eitter singly or to join together.— Cymryd," 38 John Street. 433 T) HYL. — 4 CHURCH STREET. Superior _LV Winter Apartments, board if required sheltered and sunny position, every convenience and home comfort; terms very moderate. (420 TO LET, for winter months, iu King's Avenue' 1 sitting room, 2 bedrooms reasonable terms.-Apply, 11 King's Avenue. 440 RHYL.—Apartments, permanent or otherwise: most reasonable terms for winter months. 13 Abbey Street. 457 INTER APARTMENTS. Sea view. Good cooking. Low terms.—Mrs Kinsey, 26 Abb(y Street. (492 ARGE SITTING and ONE or TWO BED- ROOMS.— Three minutes from Station.— Miss Stubbs, Cartref, Paradise Street, 542 HYL -Winter Apartments or furnished house to let, within 3 minutes to Promenade and same to Station. Terms moderate for Winter months^ddreesJj^V^Journa^^iffoe^547^ 3 £ mplo#nunt @ffertlJ. RAPERY.Vantel APPRENTICES for JL7 Millinery Workroom, M illiuery Sales, and Dressmaking. Good-class trade. Also You-h as Apprentice. -Apply J Talbott, Rhyl, 513 OUNG WOMAN Wanted in Liverpool as General. Small family nochildren.—Apply, Miss Lloyd, Halkyn House, Oxford Gro/e, Rhyl. 499 WANTED immediately, a good ri.iin Cook, near Flint.—Address by ietter to C.E.O., Rhyl Journal. (4S5 rpo PARENTS & GUARDIANS. —EDUCATED JL YOUTH Wanted as Apprentice.—Ashfield and Co., Dispensing Chemists, Rhyl. 464 AGENTS Wanted for sale of British Widows PENSION TEA very liberal terms benefit in 26 weeks.—For particulars apply 26, Cathedral Street, Manchester. 806 ANTED APPRENTICES to the Millinery. Apply, Mrs Edwards, Compton House, Rhyl. 580 RESPECTABLE Country Girl; private family > call e\ enings, 6 to 7 o'clock.—14 Brighton Road. 504 -&=- WAJNXi<iL», WAii'BJtiSS ior nrst-class notei > Cook-General and Housemaid for country house. Wanting Situations: Cook-Generals, Housemaids, and Generals.—26 Wellington Road, Rhyl. 508 W~ ANTED at once a CARETAKER for Rhyl County School. Duties include clenning Schools, attending to Electric Light Engine, Play- grounds, &e. Apply in writing, with two recent testimonial", and stating salary required, by Monday, 17th Octobar, to the Clerk, J. Roberts Jones, Solicitor, Rhyl. 516 ANTED.-A Strong GENERAL, about 18, Y Country Girl preferred. Apply Mrs Reee, Cartref, Morlan Park. 523 A.NLY.ED-AGENT, either sex, who has a ff la'ge circle of friends, to sell Piivate Christmas Cards. Commission good. Apply for full particulars, Universal Xmas Card Publishers, Liverpool, N. 524 WANTED-Good Cook, House-Parbmr Maids, TV Nurse (age 25, 1 child), Gcod Cercial. 14 Queen Street, Rhyl. 528 WANTED—Daily Governess, to uach Three W Children, aged 11, 8 and 5. References exchanged.—Apply, stating agp, experience and ealary, to St Asapb," c/j Journal Office, Rhyl. 5'38 WANTED a YOUNG LADY to Canvass for Orders. Must be of nice appearance and good address.—For terms apply, The Manager, Rhyl Steam Laundry, Rhyl. 53l ANTED in Rhyl, good Plain COOK and Housemaid-Waitress. Private family.— Apply A, B, C., Journal Office. 537 I Salts 1111 gturtion. By HUBERT R. HOLBECHE. ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18TII, At 2 o'clock sharp, at 160 Wellington Road, Rhyl. Hubert R HOLBECIIE will Sell by Auction -1 the Household Furniture and Effects. Auctioneer's Offices, Town Hall, Rhyl. 530 -t' Under Mortgagee's Power of Sale. SALE OF DESIRABLE Freehold Cottage and Garden, Known ai PENYCEFNDY, situate on the High Road from Rhyl to Rhuddlau, one mile from Rhyl. UBERT R. HOLBECHE will sell the above JLJL by Auction at the White Lion Hotel, Rhyl, on TUESDAY, OCT. 25th, at. 3 30 for 4 p.m. Further particulars may be obtained at the Auctioneer's Offices, Town Hall, Rhyl, or from Mr F. J. CAMLlN, 531 Solicitor, Rhyl. OITY OP ST. ASAPH. AT AN EARLY DATE. HUBERT R. HOLBECHE will offer by Public T_L Auction several Freehold Cottages Situate in Gimig Street and Mill Street, St Asaph. OTHER LOTS CAN BE INCLUDED. Auctioneer's Officcs, Town Ilall, Rhyl. Telephone No 3v4. 532 Co bt Utt. D- YSERTH.-To Let, UNFURNISED HOUSE and Cottage.—Apply, Greenhill, 482 MALL FURNISHED HOUSE to let at Rhyl, minute from Parade—Gas Cooker, 12s 6d a week for the winter.—Apply, Banquet House, Rhuddlan. 446 HOUSE TO LET at Rhuddlan— 2 Entertaining rooms, 2 kitchens, 3 bedrooms and bath room. Rent low.—Apply, W. Edwards, Castle Cottage, Rhuddlan. 414 0 COTTAGES TO LET at Rhuddlan. Also JL good APARTMENTS.—Apply for particulars to Miss Davies, Stationer, Castle Street. 201 OA HIGH STREET, Rhyl (The. Old "Journal" OU Offices).-s-TO LET, the GROUND FLOOR of the above premises, and in addition to the Shop, one or more Rooms suitable for Warehouses or Workshops. A new shop front will be put in and structural alterations made to suit the require- ments of a tenant.—For particulars apply to Joseph Lloyd, Solicitor, Rhyl. 331 TO BE LET UNFURNISHED. HAFOD ELWY, ST. ASAPH. — Semi- detached Residence, containing two Enter- taining Rooms, 5 Bedrooms, Bath, Laviitur3,, &c. Vacancy 1st November. Rent £20. Apply, Francis Geary, Auctioneer, Rhyl. 317 rpO LET, Partly Furnished, for a few months, n X OFFICE, No 4 Wellington Chambers, Rhyl. Apply Edward Jones, Beechwood Read. 256 F AKE AVENUE, TO LET newly erected AiP Modern House3, containing dining room, breakfast room, 4 bedrooms, kitchen, scullery, and out offices. Rent £ 18.—Apply A Wiiliams, builder, Shirley Villa, Lake Avenue. 729 rrO BE LET (now vacant) "Hall de Hill,' JL Seabank Road, Rhyl. A charming residence, close to the Marine Lake south aspect, with lovely uninterrupted views of the Vale of Clwyd; contains 3 Reception Rooms, 5 Bedrooms, I Drawing Room, Box Room, Lirge Kitchen, Scullery, Pantry, &c., Flower Garden. Rent £55. For further particulars and view apply to Mrs Greenhalgh, Auburn House, fLabank Road, Rhyl. 547 ~NOTICE. |70R the Largest and Best,LIST OF HOUSES X. (Furnished and Unfurnished), Properties and, and Businesses to Let and for Sale, apply or write to MR JOSEPH WILLIAMS, Auctioueei and Estate Agent, &c., County Chambers, Rhyl Tele )hone 0179. 425 TO LET. NO 9 EAST PARADE. Immediate posses sion. Apply Thomas Whitley, King's Avenue, Rhyl. (417 GOOD SHOP and HOUSE centrally situated in the principal street of Rhyl, Immediate possession. Rent an application to Joseph Wil- liams, Auctioneer, Rhyl. 543 HOUSES TO BE LET OR SOLD modern "1 conveniences, pleasantly situated. Rente from jE32 to JE50. Also, several good plots of Building Land for Sale cheap.—Apply, W. J. Simcock, Architect, Surveyor, and Valuer, N. & S. Wales Bank Chambers, Rhyl. (146 rriO BE LET — "BOD MEURIG," BATH JL STREET, Rh} I. Superior private residence, containing Three entertaining rooms, nine bedrooms, dressing rooms, &c., with all modern conveniences.- Apply Messrs T. Foulkcs and Son, Builders, 71 West Parade, or Mr J Shaw Green, 11 Mill Street, Warrington. 142 HOUSE in Morlan Park House in Wellington Road, Rent £L9; House in River Street, with immediate possession. Apply Jos. Williams, Auctioneer, Rhyl. 480 HOUSE TO LET, Sandfield Place, Rhyl. Rent £ 14.—Apply, Jos. Williams, Auction- eer, Rhyi. (150 HOUSE TO BE LET, contains 2 sitting, 4 bedrooms, kitchens, bath, hot and cold ^ater, and all modern improvement! Sunny aspect. Rent £ 22. Also others at f25 and up- wa.rds.-Hatwood & Co, Agents, Rhyl. 458 SPECIAL NOTICE. TO LET, with immediate possession, 3 excellent Houses on the West Parade. Suitable for Boarding Establishments.—For particulars apply to Joseph Williams. Auctioneer,Rhyl ( 379 rJ^O BP] LET, first-class BUSINESS PREMISES X in Bodfor Street, with immediate possession, —Apply Jos Williams, Auctioneer, Kinmcl Street. Rhyl. 467 TO LET, 1 Tottenham Buildings, High Street.— Large shop and dwelling house ;l>est position in town; immediate possession. Rent £ 75.— Apply, Joseph Williams, auctioneer, Rhyl, or Henry WynD Parry, solicitor, Gateshead-on-Tyne. (442 TO BE LET, UNFURNISHED. LAKE TOWER, Seabank Road, Wcstbourne Park, Rhyl; 3 Entertaining Rooms, 5 Bed- rooms, Bath, Lavatory, good Kitchens, &c. South aspect, lovely views, close to Lake. TO BE LET, OR SOLD. HOUSE and Double-fronted SHOP, Tudor JLjL Buildings, Wellington Road, opposite Town Hall and Market. House contains 1 Sitting Room, fi Bedrooms, Kitchen, &c., with good workshop in the rear. For further particulars apply to FRANCIS GEARY Auctioneer, Rhyl. Gwen. A na, ni henwir genym byth, Am dani nid oes si Ni wiw i'm tafod adrawdd mwy Ei henw melus hi Yn Ilawen ceisiant fi i fod, Er gyru hi o'm pen Pan wenaf fi, meddyliant hviy I mi anghofio Gwen. 0 wlad i wlad y gyrant fi, Er denu 'm meddwl trwm Os dros y mAr y rhaid i'm fyw, Fy ngbalon fydd fel plwm Oad er na chaf fi weled mwy Y cae na'r deiliog bren, Lie byddcm ni mor ddedwydd gyub, Bydd ni anghofiaf Gwen. Ond, 0 mae llawer peth yn do'd A hi i'm cof yn ol, Y mor a'i dorau gwynion gwyllt, A'r awel dros y ddol Yr awyr gcch ar fachlud haul, A'r brain yn llu uwch ben Ac hyd yn nod pob deilen werdd, I'm ccf a eilw GweD. Dywedant hwy ci bod mor lion, Hcb neb mor Hon a hi Ac iddi fy anghofio 'n llwyr, Ond hyn ni chredaf fi Ood gall ei bod rhag hiraeth mawr, Yn ceisio codi 'i phen Os carodd hi fal cerais i, Bydd ni'm anghofia Gwen, TEGID. G. R. L A WRENCE, m. P. S Pharmaceutical Chemist by Examination, 20 HIGH STREET (aa), RHYL Prescription Dept.—Medicines of First Quality, with prompt and careful attention, are our leading features Free Delivery to any part. proinpt and careful attention, are our leading features w Surgical Appliances and all Rqulsltes: for Invalids. r Choice Perfumes. ? Photographic Department. CAMERAS, Dry Plates, P.O.P., Mounts, Albums, And every Requisite for Amateur and Professional Photographers. '1- instructions Free to Purchasers. Jf IK ROOM FOR CHANGING AND DEVELOPING BLIGH-CLASS CASH CHEMIST. Telephone No. 13 -=-=: ALLEN JONES and Co., FANCY DRAPERS, The Paragon, High Street, Rhyl. Noted for Smart and Superior Goods at POPULAR fPRICES. INSPECTION and COMPARISON INVITED. A constant supply of all the Latest Novelties always on Show. THE PARAGON, HIGH STREET, RHYL. I 896 ftsn^HEni^EaBHnaBBBEMS9HiBsaMaH33raC)tiL2SEmiSSEBS99REX8i5VHi EEiaaxsmnnaaacQ&sKBessaBaBicsarimxsvnntatMmnaBna^ A Few Reasons why all Pianos should be Tuned Regularly. 1 The Piano remaius longer in Tune. 7 Superiority of woik guaiauteed. 2 An uniform pitch is inainlain-d. 8 No charge for broken steel strings 3 Regularity of touch is s,,cured. 9 Increased pleasure to hearers. 4 Brilliancy of tone is preserved. 10 Satisfaction to the performers. 5 The Piano lasts longer. 11 No trouble in ordering the tuter 6 The Tuning is not forgotteD. 12 Satisfaction to all concerned. SINGLE TUNINGS from 3/6. One Order will ensure u.11 the above advantages until countermanded, if addressed tt. W. A. BEDDING-TON, EDWARD HENRY STREET. (Who tunes for nearly 800 families) The Absolutely Reliable Tuner. Compton House, 57 HIGH STREET, PIIYL. MRS EDWARDS respectfully invites a special visit of inspection to he Millinery Showroom, which is replete with a choice selection of French Novelties for the Spring Season Millinery in all its branches being a speciality, she has every confidence n soliciting a continuance of your favours, which shall receive prompt and careful attention, Early Autumn Show. .Y n I t rp LBOTT is now sliTowi"s. th.c LA-TEST Millinery, Mantles, Inverness Capes and Costumes, Also a very extensive stock of CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS, COSTUMES, HATS, The remainder of Summer Stock is now offered at Reduced Prices. 60 and 61 High Street, Rhyl. Is now showing at her Bigli-class BWBHS&S^ Kb I? if P Millinery Establishment, 19 & 20 The Arcade, Rhyl, A Choice Selection of all the latest designs in PARISIAN MILLINERY. ¿. -J- p;¡ jfurntaftdJ ltoucø. TO LET, Furnished, 18 Church Street, con- taining 2 entertaining rooms, 3 bedrooms (4 beds), w.c., kitchens, &c., and small privato yard. For particulars apply at 16 Church Street. 441 FURNIShED HOUSE TO LET, for any F period, two Entertaining Rooms, five Bed- rooms, one Drawing Room, large w.c.'s, Kitchen, Scullery, large gas stove every modern conveni- once. Kitted throughout with electric btlls. Also bathroom, cycle house. South aspect, lovely view, Vale of Clwyd: near Lake.—Terms, &c., Address, Mrs Greenhalgh, Auburn House, Seabank Road, Rhyl. 247 i, IIHIW M »I ■ U«MIJWI JI II ,fltl WANTED, Good Fet. of Black Driving Harness VT for horse 14-2 to 15 hands also Pony Harness, for 12 to 13 hands Good Gent's Saddle and Pony 1 rap, back-to-back. All second-hand. -Apply, P. Journal Office. 533 OUSE wanted to rent immediately about f25 JH to £ 30. Would take to whole or part furni- ture if p:ice reasonable. Address R. T., Journal Office. 90. WANTED, small Country COTTAGE with Garden, near Prestatyn or Meliden. — M., care of Miss SummerEkill, Prestatyn. 4S3 ANTED, at once, Complete HOUSE cf FURNITURE.—W. N. Martin & Co.,Ltd, lown Hall, Rhyl. 534 HOUSE OF FURNITURE WANTED — Apply, first inztarce-535, Journal Office, Rhyl. SERVANTS' REGISTRY and Enquiry Office.- S Public and Private APARTMENTS. Moderate Winter terms.] re Hay, 14 Queen Street, Rhyl (late of Sandon, Staffs). 431 JOST or Strayed, Young COLLIE, Light Sable .1 with White Collar. Answers to the name "Roy." Rewaid at Lyndhurst, Russell Road. Anyoae detaining the dog after this notice will be prosecuted. 535 i £ mploi>mmt SBantcfl* NURSE ANWYL, open for general and q maternity cases. —Apply for terms at The Hollies, Victoria Avenue, Rhyl. 509 dFor Sale* Property to Let and for Sale at Rbyl TO LET, WEST END PRIVATE HOTEL, West Parade.—A Double House, containing a large well-lighted Dining Room (will seat 60 persons at table), Two Drawing Rooms, Writing Room, Smokeroom and Sitting Room in basement; 16 Commodious Bedruoms, almost all large enough for double-bedded rooms Two Kitchens, Pantries, Sculleries, &c, Billiard Room, and One Bedroom outside; Two-stall Stable, Coach-house, and Wash-house. Sanitary arrangements perfect. Proprietor will grant a lease or sell one of the beat built houses on the Parade. Also several Good and High-class HOUSES FOR SALE.— Apply to Elwy Williams, Rhyl. 62 MARSTON'S, LTD., 24 BRADFORD ST., D'HAM O AHRIAGES.-GREAT STOCK, 100 NEW and SECOND-HAND, REAL BARGAINS. EASY I TEltM. SALE OR HIKE. CATALOGUES FRKK. LANDAUS Broughams, Hansoms, from E20 Sdfety Imperial Brougham Hansom, £ 30 DRAGONETTES, light, sty- lish Char-a-bancs, Brakes, Wagonettes, Omnibuses, some equal new also Funeral Carriages, Hearses Drawings. 801 HOUSE, STABLES, and f of an acre of LAND in Brynia, Dyserth. Cheap. Apply, Jop. Williams, Auctioneer, Rhyl. 481 fT^O BE SOLD—A Freehold House and large JL double-fronted Shop ia High St., Rhyl. The house has 16 roomp. There is also a two-stall Stable and large Coach-house at the rear.-For price and particulars apply to Mesars Williams and Williams, Solicitors, Rhyl. 486 rpo COLLECTORS OF OLD (^H IN A—Two I handsome pieces of very old GR^VN DERBY for Sale.-H. G., Journal Office. 497 1~~TOR SALE—6 by 3 COMBINATION BED- STEAD, Wool Mattress, Good Feather Bed, Bolster, and Pillows.-Miss Stubbs, Cartref, Para- dise Street. 543 FOR SALE, the finest BIRDS living. Norwich, Yorkshire, and Adreasberg Roller Canaries.— For prices apply to T W ROOSE, Town Crier, 2 Rhuddlan Place, Bedford Street, Rhyl. 536 FOR SALE—A Cottage Pianoforte.—Addrest» G.C., at the office of this paper. 548 Printng of every description neatly and promptly executed at the "Journal Works.