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Ikli entertaining trio of instrumentalists and realists, the Bodinis. lu the novelty line W Salmon, trick cyclist, has been working wonders, ?d Miss Rose Tilly (serio singer and dancer) and "?iss Bella Moody (mate impersonator) have been Dually captivating. There isal'o the boy soprano, Alfred Dickens, a vocalist of great taleut. There re as usual intervals for dancing, and no effort IS spared to make the programme from week to Week a thorough attraction. Carmel Congregationa Sociat. %ilir Arthur Rowiands. town cierk, kindiy Ilnderraok to give the third "social tea" at ?arme! Wetsh Congregations! Schoolroom on ?bursday afternoon. Mr Row]a,nd? had entrusted tbe whole arraogements to Mr and Mrs Roose, ""ho on this, as on former occasions, p]pced upon tbe tables a choice selection of the bestedibfes, I "hich were thorough!y enjoyed. The fo]h'wing ladies presided at the tables:—Mrs Ai]pn Evau". ,20 Water Strpet; assisted by Miss Roberts, :3:3 ?bbev Street; Mrs D Rees, Morlan Park, assisf?d ?y M'!ss WiHiams, 56 West Parade a)so by Miss ?oose. Qaeen Street and Miss Magg!f Jones, of ?Wydvitte, West Parade. The tea m.?ker wns Mrs l{oose, who was assisted by Mts Ilia,- 1G QuPen Street; Mrs Af'bott, Water Stref: Mr- B iIliams, Swansea House; and Mrs WDiiams, ¡chapel keeper. Bedford Street, reEdered valuable Qssistancp. Tbeteawustoha.vebeenservedat ? o'clock, but owing to the gas supply of the !-0wn being disarranged, it was served at the mencenient w th the aid of the ohj-fnshioned, ib,latn nevertheless re!iab)eiHuminant, the simpie ppnny taper"—At 7p.m. a mihCeiianeons ei. .?tainment was he)d, presided over by the Rev '"?id Lewis. Tuefoi!owing programme was i?Pp through :—Pianoforte solo, Mi?s S C Jones, Bedford Street; soug, Mr John Jones. 48 West ?rade; recitation, blaster JBuckley, Ccci! ()use song, the Masters Roose; recitation by Jones, of Emmanue] Schools song, ,Ili,s Alinie uabes. Abb'y Street; Eong, Mr Edwin 'ones, Aquarium Str, t t also recitations by Mi.s n- n'e Wi!!iams, Abbey Street; Miss Maggie ''ynn?; Miss Myfanwy Edwards; song, Master Il\rtbur Roose; t h' f! were a)so some amusing ICOIlJp!'titiom, under the charge of Hawco PenmRen. !"tiss Bt'nbiw accompanied the various songs en Itbe piano..At the c!()e, votes of thanks were laS8ed to Mr Rowlands for cbe tea, and also those ho had taken tables, &c. Morfa Bach Mission Choir. The second annual concert in connection with j'?e above mission, which is an offspring of the '?'yd Street, C.M. body, and is doing ?ood work j? the "suburbs.took place in the Town Ha.11 !?t night, and was well atten.ied, a, feature ?hieh must have been very gratifying to the i?omoters. MrJ. Roberta Jones presided. ??e iirst part of the programme comprised a eritorious rendering of a temperance can- ta. entitled "Slaves or Free," under the nductorship of Mr Jack Thomas and wiGh M iss da E Jones as accompanist. For this the pIatfoTm )¡as elaborately fitted with "scenery,"and the h' :\Vlef characters were as follows: .Mr Right, Mr hH Jones; JMr Wrong, ?trRHoweIt Jones; ?s Victim, Miss M E Davies Mrs Thoughtless, ?'ss ?J Jones Bobby Thoughtless, Charlie '?y the policeman, MrJ Tudor Jones while ?'eral children were attired in costumes Presenting factory and fisher giria, soldiers} i lid sailors. Throughout the different parts iere well sustained, and the choir's reputation for ?eet singing was well maintained. The second part ? of a miscellaneous nature, and the performers "eluded the Two Little Sisters, Miss L Bathgat. ''ss Bertha Hewitt. Miss BIodwen Roberts also ?k an active part as accompanist, and several it ell-known action songs, amongst other pleasing etn, were given by members of the choir.— j?e Chairman, in the course of his remarks, sa,id ? had always felt a great interest in the work '"ichwas carried on at Morfa Bach and in mission ?rk generally. He said that the city of New ?rk had taken up this work, and had voted a .rge sum of money towards rescue work in that ilty. But although there was excellent work none t Morfa Bach, it was hardly to bo expected in the !?e of such high rates thab the town as t'ch could vote them any financial suprott. ?e Mission, therefore, depended upon individual ?P, and if we could not co and help we had an ?portunity in attending such meeting, as the "esent, and in subscribing. The meeting showed *? many-sidedness of !?he mission and the great ?pe there was for good work in the locality. .?fin addition to gospel preaching, there "'as ?perance, and he was glad to n:id the children 4) well versed in temperance knowledge. He thought the proceedings throughout reflected 1 I'eat credit upon the promoters.—A vote of thanks <?s pussed to the Chairman, on the motion of ? J 1'ierce Lewis, seconded by Mr R Bromley. he secretarial duties in connection wit)) the Ottcert were discharged by Mr Ivor Morris, and ?'hers whose help proved very acceptable in- i'?ded Mr Robert Jones (Itheltryn), superinten- !)?t of the mission, T J Davies and W Salisbury !ues. The proceeds were inaidof the funds of -? mission. Christ Church Cuild. l' Yesterday the second soeialwasheld in connec- '?Q with the above, and was given by Mrs Walton ''arlborough House). The room was tastefully ?Corated. The chair was occupied by the pastor, '? Rev E E Ingham, and the following programme .?capitally rendered:—Pianoforte solo, "Noc- ?foes Miss J?nes solo, Eileen Alannah Miss t <I¡.; capItally rendered:—Pianoforte solo, "Noc- ?foes Miss J?nes solo, Eileen Alannah Miss Alger solo. Mr Hanlon (encored); pianoforte solo, ?st Movement Sonata, Master Gus Cheetham ?'o, Mr Walton (encored) violin solo, "Elegy, ?'ss Bibby (encored); solo, Miss Amos; duet, .?Ssr.s Walton c<rd Hanlon recitation, Miss J\Jur- ;LY 'larke (encered); song, "Ave Maria," Miss ?uie Williams. Refreshments were served during ? evening, utter w?hich the guest.s amused them- :'?'es with a few parlour games, &c. An enjoy- ''e evening was brought to a close by the singing "Auld Lang Syne" and the rational Anthem. The Election amounted to JL3 lls 6d. Next week's feting will consist of interesting papers with dia- ?saioQ. Wetsh Westeyan Chape! Thanks to the generosity of Mrs J Pierce Lewi s, tea. was given last evening in the schoolroom con- ?cted with the Brunswick Chapel, and was well ?tended, and greatly enjoyed, the on)y 'tch in the proceedings being the incon-. ??ience suffered through the temporary cutting of the town's gas supply. After tea an enter- t4inment was given, when solos were sung hy Miss Lily Evans, Miss Proctor, Miss Louie Williams, ?d Mr Matthew Williams, a recitation ?'ng also contributed by Miss Mabel Wii- ,?ms. At the close Mrs Pierce Lewis was eartilY thanked for her hospitality, as were also ?6 other helpers, on the motion of Mr Thomas ?'a.ns seconded by Mr Richard Edwards. A Election in aid of the heating apparatus fund Counted to dose npon f5. Concert in the Church House. .TbeViea.rofRhyI(RevT Lloyd) presided last 'ght at a. concert given in the Church House, wh<n krl interesting programme was gone through; inclu- In¡;: a pianotorte solo by Miss Cissie Wifliams, btaulOphone selections by Mr Llewelyn Price, songs 'V the Rev Peter Jones and Mr P Hughes, duets ? the Misses Ethel Williams and Mabel Reveley tQd Messrs R Davies and E Williams, a recitation Y Mr Humphreys, a dialogue "From South Jfrica,'¡ :Mis! Polly Williams and Messrs Wallace '?Qea and W C Williams, a glee by Mr P Williams Ild party. The concluding item waa a farrt Titled "F<&at of Pancakes." Miss Evans acted ? accompanist. The concert was ?got up by the ?rish Church Choir. MUSICAL POSTCARDS.—The latest Novelty in '?st Cards are to be obtained at Taylor's, Stationer, igh Street. Post Cards made to talk and sing. I





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"I A)N'T Til)?: BOY."
