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GENERAL ELECTION, 1900. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF FLINT. BROTHER ELECTORS,—Colonel Howard has consented to allow himself to be j^minated at the pending General Election as 'Zionist Candidate, in support of the Govern- ment of Lord Salisbury. As you are aware, e is, at present, serving his Queen and ^°untry with the Army under Lord Roberts in °uth Africa, and as the Election will take PIace somewhat earlier than expected, it is 1111possible that he should address you in the Usual manner. However, as we have had recent communication with him, and are well acquainted with his political opinions on all Objects of interest, we are able to speak to You on his behalf. Q The very gallant fight which he made in the County at the last Election, when the majority our opponents was reduced by more than a -*0 votes, entitles him to our full confidence a.s a Candidate, but at the present time he P^cially deserves our most active and earnest ^Pport. an^ mos^ important question with c" the Electors have to deal is the settle- eilt of the extremely important portion of rp r Colonial Empire which lies in South Africa. War there has now practically come to an thanks to the gallant efforts of our Army, not least to those who like Colonel Howard so many others from our neighbourhood, given up the peace and quiet of their d life, to encounter the hardships and ajigers of War. Colonel Howard, we know, 11 heartily support the Government in their f ^ared aim of securing for these countries the n I0w'ng conditions, so completely absent n<ler Boer rule :— j-' —-Equal freedom for all white men. ^•-—Justice and equity for the native races. Security and fair play for trade, mining, and agriculture. ^•—-Absolute prevention of the recurrence of the troubles of the last year. th Military rule must prevail for a time until Passions aroused by the War have subsided, nen the same local Government, which tQeVa^s in all our Colonies, may be expected I weld the population of these provinces into ?yal, united, and prosperous people. will be a great advantage to send to thrhament a representative who has studied difficult problem on the spot, as Colonel ^ard has done. th °ne^ H°war^ a^so warmly support jj6 Government in their general Colonial °*lcy, which in the past four years has done niuch to bind together the mother and a^ghter countries in bonds of both affection interest, a policy which has already pro- Q Ced Confederation in Australia, and in ,,aflada an alteration of Tariff in favour of reat Britain, whilst in South Africa it has |JVen Lord Roberts from all parts of the ^pire some of the best soldiers that he has had, the present time we are engaged with j 6 most troublesome and perplexing questions China, which will greatly tax the skill and ^gitten*- of our statesmen, who have to exact Potation for evils in the past, and secure evention of their recurrence in the future, aintaining the while an open door for our ij^merce. This has to be effected without faking -up the Concert of the Powers engaged us as Allies, whose aims are not all in a ^iform direction. 1t} It is little that individuals can do in this Q atter, but it is much that constituencies can } towards the promotion of peace and the e?est of this country. There is during this ^ection, by returning supporters of Lord ]sbury's Government, an opportunity of Peaking directly both to the Chinese and to j r Allies, and telling them that Lord Salisbury the mouthpiece as 'well as the guide of a '^ed country. o Although Colonial and Foreign questions are niost urgent, domestic affairs will have place, and here it is satisfactory to know at in Colonel Howard we have one who thinks f r institutions should be improved and not the ade'in fact that he is prepared to act in C spirit which gave to Ireland County II oUncils, and which has placed "on the Statute .A. oak during the last five years a number of dealing with Education, Local Govern- ^t, Artizans' Dwellings, Compensation for Indents, the Protection of Workmen in lries and Factories, the Safety of Railway tetvants, and many others, which contrast 0^°urably with the absolutely barren efforts the predecessors of the present Government. llln conclusion, we confidently appeal to you, pother Electors, to give, by your votes to °nel Howard, that support to the Govern- or ^t, which is so important on the present j^Casion, not merely for the purpose of secur- for them a majority in Parliament, but the Marquis of Salisbury may speak to t})6 ^oer> the Chinese, and all the Powers of j. e ^'orld as the trusted leader of a united and Solute Country. THE COMMITTEE FOR PROMOTING THE ELECTION OF °T0NEL HENRY LLOYD HOWARD 1'. W. Hoc HER, Election Agent, Flint, September, 1900. (108

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