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r rjiHE QHEAPEST J^OUSE IN THE TOWN FOR GOOD SOLID LEATHER, Boots, Shoes, and Slippers, IS G. F. Gunner's I DICK'S BIRMINGHAM BOOT DEPOT, 168, WELLINGTON ROAD, RBYL. Ladies'Elastic Side Boots from 2/11 Button and Ostord Shoes 3/6: Men's Strong Nailed Boots 5/11 fl Balmoval Boots S/t) „ Oxford Shoes 4/9 Boys' and Girls' School BG.ts v 2,6 CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SHOES, & SLIPPERS, very cheap. TENNIS AND CANVAS SHOES In great VARIETY. Repairs neatly and cheaply done on the premises. CONTRACTOR TO HER MAJESTY'S m GOVERNMENT. G. tTLYNE, PURVEYOR OF TEE FAMOUS WELSH MUTTON TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF BEDFORD, LORD ROSEiiERRY, Etc., A!«o recognised bv HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES. Note the Address— 23, STOKE FETREET; TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, LONDON, AND OF 82, ABBEY STREET, & 28, MARKET HALL, RHYL. H. Palethorpe's FANCY PORK GOODS. ONLY RHYL BRANCH: 3, BODE OK STREET (Near the Station). Sausages As made and supplied to Her Majesty the QUEEN. MELTON PORK PIES. BOILED HAM (English). OX TONGUE (Collated). COLLARED HEAD OR BRAWN, &c. All Prepared and Supplied from Head Establish ment, Dudley. (3317 171, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, (Between Mr Sheffield's, Ironmonger, and High Street.) JSAAO JONES, FAMILY GROOER AND PROVISION DEALER. GENU LNE HOME-MADE BREAD, &c. FRESH DAILY. (1114 RHYDWEN JONES and DAVIES, Cabinet Makers, U Upholsterers and furniture Removers, RHYL. Our Showrooms are now re- plete with New Goods in all Departments. Furniture, Carpets, Bedsteads, Bedding, Lace Curtains, Household Drapery, Blinds, &c., INSPECTION INVITED. IR. 1'HOMAb LUKYN, (From London) DENTAL SURGEON, MAY BE CONSULTED DAILY AT Merton House, Iiusseil Road, (Faeing St. Thomas' Church) RHYL. DEN'BlGR-EveryWednesday at Ur J. Harrison Jonos', Apothecaries' Hall. RUTHIN First Tuesday and Third Monday in each month, at Mr R. Joyce's, Jeweller (next door to Post Office). N.B.— The Practice of the late Mr Williams. 18. West Parade, is removed to Merton House, Mr Lukyn's only address in Rhyl. (07 oS ESTABLISHED 1869). jjASS, OHINA, AND EARTHENWARE ESTABLISHME NT, i. BODFOB STREET, RHYL, MRS. M WEDGWOOD, Oealer in British and Foreign Glass, China, and Earthenware of Wedgwood and other noted Staffordshire Makes, Superior Brown Stoneware and Buckley Ware; Charitable Institutions and Hotels supplied at Special Terms. Every Description of Matching executed. AU Packages charged bat allowed when returned In good couditloB. (0083 A. Sheffield, WHOLESALE, RETAIL, AND G ENE RA L IRONMONGER, 170, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, BUYING largely dirert, from the Manufacturers, and for C'tsh, I am enabled to place my cus- tomers upon the very best trrms. The Shop Showrooms and Arcade Warehouses are the most extensive in North AVales fo., this class of business, and will be found well stocked ftith the fulluving, amongst other goods: il! d8tl.;qJ"" from I Olf- to ilo. Bfthling •"pring, lluir, and Wool Mat- Hv>sc,s Ki chen Hiiiigos, American Stoves. ¡',r¡'L. n: (i Knamelled Chimney Pieces. Register Stoves and Tile Hearths. L kWN MOWERS. .(.t:c- %-■A THE NEW AUTOMATON. (The best in the woild.) New Automaton," "New Paris," Manchester," Green's, Shanks, &c. Garden Rollers, Lawn Tennis Goods, Golfing Goods, Garden Seats. TANNFD GARDEN NETTING. 50 yds. by I at 3d; by 2, -is. Gd by 4, 9s. CHURNS. Ladies' Dn-ss B-tsker Trunks. Portmanteaux, Bags, &c. Blushes and Brooms. Bird Cages. All New Designs. All Goods Carriage Paid, and Discount for Cash. Grate-setters, Tinsmiths, and Plumbers in constant employment. A. SHEF-FIEL D, RHYL. FISH, QAME AND pOULTRY DEPOT, 18, BOD FOR STREET, AND 22$24, i MARKET HALL, RBYL. Joseph Mudd, PROPRIETOR. All goods m season supplied n on the shortest notice. BRANCH snops AT ST. ASAPH AND WREXHAM. J# QUTH'UE, BOOK, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS and FINE ART EMPORIUM, 29, IIIGH S T It K K T HUYL. BAGS PURSES, CIGAR and CIGARETTE CASKtr, and LEATHER GOODS in grea' variety NEWSPAPERS I C U Lj7, ;{çc:- J. >/ 'j'-■ [:4- RUSSELL'S GOLD AN*> SJLYKL WaTCiES, tb«ir own pure v. > v-i. manufacture, with all • Jitif-seli'd :ar<-t, pat9tittd irorrovaM-ttio, rui ge u ] from £3 to £35. ri h y are h;<; uc fitrong, and perfect tu;H •k^' p' rri; t' j• c- esct the largest stock <.t b?st in England, there. hu g o ir.tercJ-ut protir. between the mat.ufaetu er M fl F, wearer. Saot fr<!e(-v ?y\\U r^at L'1 1 rhk and ecstonrecptoJ or Pit"; od, r lUustrtited. cation. RUSSELL'S IiIvOS —" Pi A VOX* IV' "ENG A O h M1:N T," 'WEi -DIN'-L T; o Dtauioudt; are bonght difect 'rem the large importers, pat-^vl by ex- erts m white and jrerfeot, sp j thtii n tsy skilled workmen on tbo g>v-o.g the greatest security and value with the minimum of coit r:!jg r-sz Or-lds snt free. C. RUSSELL'S HAT,L hi t.III'D SiLY- GOODS comprise every variety fsoru Tea-seta to T. eth-pic! largest eeie:ti>)u of ?itt fhgar.t fer-u TJ'iuub'e £ »riicle: Tiio Cs-wefrt dc<-igf??, upon v?b'ich eniy abl.- i-Misis a d tl; most skill, d w.-rkmeti ro p!;iy Every art'cle is m&.k <■ in P" i'< lig'sro. and a^sortai'.rt-? for s:-m i < n :«ct asked tor. 'XT AT C. F. It p p I PROMPT A-S!.> u P E F F, co.-t of Oiinage Sakeu. Firm Fiiiieuei ITiO. T. B. RUSSELL, MAKEH. TO the Qros, Oathedr Worke, 18, Church 8i eet, I iv-;» t o i. J^TOTICE OF || EM O V A L W. Brient Begs to announce his REMOVAL from 8, li TG "I cl STREET, to more extensive premises at LYRIC BUILDINGS. MARKET STREET, where be will be able to keep a greatly inrreas,ot stock of Pianos and other instruments lor his Customers' selection. PIANOFORTES, &c TUNED & REPAIRED Pianos by all the leading English aud Foreign Foreign makers for Hire, All new Muic at gd. in the Shilling discount for cash. Violin, Banjo, Guitar Strings, &c. GALVANISED GALVANISED CORRUGATED IUON JiOOFING Sheets. Large cnuintity of Slightly Defective bh: eiS — 5 ft. long uy 2 ft,, \1, 1/3 f-aeh. 6" 5' Jl 1) 1/(j t 5, J) H 2'I ,} •> i> A. M. () v )J •} 1 <1 J 10" 3/- For all prac!i.al purposes the nb:ve f; i-e as good as perfect sheets, being water-tight, fire proof, &c. 11 painted with Red Oiide. 2d to Gd per sheet extra. AW Oxi-le raint specially jircLlUrtd for iron work and ready for use. Price on application. -f.'Ovan'z-d Rid gill GuiU-Vr-, Spouting. Nails*, Seivws, Wnsh»-rs, (o.¡,c., Mid all Materials for lixing, BRUCE & S S ILL, CONTRACTORS FOR IROY ROOFS & BUILDINGS. (Designs and Estimates free) 75, NORFOLK ST., LIYI EPOOL. JADE'S I" GOUT AND H E U C JJILLS INSTANTLY KELIKVS AND RAPIDLY CURE t1? <* v.-nrst form of GHJT, RilEUMAlIJ'M. RHEUMATIC GOUT- Li:i>HiAGO, PiTXS T THE HEAP. FACE, AND !L,\f! a;.d Are the Safest and most Effeeiu&i Ucixe-Jy. Jh-. F'stik Wrisbt, t>,e Cowctlixii, vit-itiujr from Pr.'n-ic ci W Thontre, Birmi- gV&i/J, uu Feb. IPlh, 18s7 SS-.e: — Your piliis will keep oflany attack of gotif if ta); CIllit th<s first twinge as j,r- Tjh;:d, aro if after tfcr di.'C se ims ter ii wiU curt' in tw. (I" throp davi. IvLr. W. Acutt, <f 1'. J"csùo, o\Jgr1-r(),i. S', .T\(h", | 1 have been subject to gout for tweuly- live years. Previous to 18'7 I fttfferfd wit" very frcqn.ut <■{ Cout thro- or t'mes a j( r I lu-ar i ot your Pills esij v that year, a->d trird rh-m. eg-To lue t relief"fr-.m p^in, and th- s«-eli:.T g s<-on ahseci siv. ay. S is<-e the whenever so a'.tac'r so one 8mall foul- wi 1 put m » ri^bi. Tke «fifVet ot th." Mis is ie !ly Ulu.O¡Jf-nc,t suppressing tne disestse only, but c earirg it cu of the 8 -Rtp.in. Mr. G. Cu'rel1, -1, Grib='r.n')! conrt, I\:an-,r-»traet, Hull, Yorkshire, on Jul} li:h, lt-90, sayp I sent fir one small bottle on Thursday, find b7 bedtime on Friday the jiam bad plmo-t «n<>'r -lr tnne, :1 i I was ab ,o get TefrCBh;n .1"l'p and to -far (H nda-, ) c'm walk boii io 1y, Th^s f ess are strictly trUt, ind c -ii i>e çcrLied by my ueig biurs." Mr. Peter Sit,»rc, St, F Ci iswiek, J,oudon, Jan. 2, ¡S9iJ, wr'le "They are worth a guinea a Pill for Rheu- matism, SCi;ólièR, an Lumbaco. I hall been a great snfferer form ltf euiiai ism for 0 y -a;s J. ha-<"h. an •-••it-p-tien at Rt. ThrmaB's IIospit:\l London, anrt 1 have b. en tbroupb t''« heeds f a humir d d etors I was aovi ed t,y a (>•< nd to try K.uV Pills, d se-ai iay wife for II. small bottle, and In four days I coubl walk and go about, ant after taking another hhlf-bottte I was ab^e to go to woili." Prepared only by GEORGE EADE, 7i, Goswcll-road, London. Sold by all Chemists in Bottles, Is ltd and 26 9d. AliA D E 'S PILLS. JL 2821 X Bcarymg J M P E R I A L 0 T E L jL COLWYN BAY. Re opened uruhr entirely neve management. ¡Ye¡,¡;}y Famished throughout. J7UIIST-CL,ASS accommodation for Fami'ies,Tourists and C'irDicerciHl gentleman. Drawing Room and :.irg, liccre ation ltoom free to Visitors staying in the Hotel PuLIic Dinners, Vv'edding Breakfas's, Ball Sappers i and Picnic Parties caterfd for. COMMERCIAL & STOCKI ROOMS. M?.S. JANE LOWE, Proprietress. I E 3 T M I N >s T E B JJ OTSL, RHYL. RHYL. DHECIPAJ. HOUSE, BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED I JL on the PHOMEKADE, facing the Ses. MRS. JANE LOWE, Proprietress. t— — —- Ell YL TEA EXCHANGE. -0- J. O. JONES, FAMILY GROCER AND PRO- VISION MERCBANT, TEA AND COEFEE DEALER, 34, High Street, I RHYL. I Choiee Selection of Finest Provisions. Dullish. Kiel, Irish and Welsh Butter. Home cured H amis and Bacon. Our Teas are renowned for Strength and Quality. J O. J. invitee all to trv his SPECIAL BLEND OF CHINA & INDIA t TEA at 2s PER LB. !"n->ss>ed for Flavour and Strength." i "ch I Rich-drinking Tea at 15. lOd. Flesh Butter and Eggs Daily. Ordvtti by Post, and solicited, carefully and promptly executed. Special alue'in Baking, Flour, 8, 9, & 10 lbs for Is. (3137 T .H OMA S OWE NS^ DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF LADIES' AND GENI'IEM-EX'S LEFT-OF-F CLOTHING, BOOTS, &r., 30; BEDFORD STREET, RHYL. Parties liaring Articles to dispose of wUl be waited upon on receipt of Fost'&rd or other intimation. Second-hand Books, Old China, &c., bought THE BEST PRICES GIVEN. (3439 SOLE AGENT FOR THE | FORTUNE VALLEY CEYLON TEA. M. S. Holloway, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONER, j ENGLISH AND FOREIGN FRUITERER, LA BONBONNIERRE," HIGH STREET, RllYL. Huntley & Palmer's Biscuits and Italian Ware. house Goods of every description always in Stock. BRITISH WINES. (2536 I' QLOBE FGRXISHING 0OMPANY, COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FURNISH FOR CASH, OR ON THE HIRE PURCHASE SYSTEM A? CASH PRICES. THE GLOBT5 FURNISHING COMPANY, the oldest established, and by far the moqt extensive Furnishers on the Hire-Purcbase System in the Provinces supply every requisite for the complete Furnishing of Cottage, Hotel, or hirns:on considerably cheaper than the majority of those firms w; o sel for cash only. This we are able to do through having a large capital at command and being i the bona fide manufacturers of the principal goods we sell. NO SECURITY REQUIRED. t; NO EXTRA EXPENSES ON OUR HIRE PURCHASE SYSTEM. The fair and equitable manner in which onr buaiaess is eprriei on, and our reasonable prices are so well known throughout the Norih of England and Wales render further comment unnecessary. General, terms which however can be altered to suit the convenience of customers; payments Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly A.mount of Purchase £ 10 Payment 3s. 6d. per Week „ £ 20 „ 5B. Cd. „ „ f50 „ 10s. Od. „ JEtOO „ 17s. 6d. „ „ t, £500 „ 80s. Od. „ An inspection of our stock will at once satisfy intending purchasers that we give better value and offer easier 's payments than any other house furnishers on the Hire Purchase System in tbe Provinces. All goods are Delivered Free in our own private vans, and no expenses of any kind are incurred bv customers. Furniture sent to any part of England or Wales. CAUTION.—As some firms adopt various means- such as copying our Prospectus, Arc.—w;th evident inten- tion of inducing the pub!ic to believe they are connected with us, please note our addresss FritxuH FOR CASH OR O THE HIKE-PCRCHABK STETBM. New prospectus, large illustrated catalogue, press opiuions and price list sent pott free on application— Kindly mention this paper. GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY, 12, 14, 16, AKD 18, PEMBROKE-PLACE, LIVERPOOL. 3419 A. WILLIAMS, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, BIRMINGHAM HOUSE, BODFOR ST., RHYL. Bread and Biscuit Baker, Wedding, Madeira, Plum and Seed Cakes, of the choicest quality always kept in stock. (2213 JOHN ROBERTS, General,Furnishing,& Builders' IRONMONGER, 4, Queen Street, Rhyl. -0- Large Stock of Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Wool and Feather Beds, Hair and Sprir:g Mattresses. Straw Pailia-ses. Best Sheffield Cutlery, Electro-plated Goods. I Cruets, Spoons and Forks Replated. New and extensive selection of Copper aad Bnll Fancy Artioles, suitable for Presents, at exceedingly low prices. Kitchen Ranges, Tile Register Stoves, Kerbs, Fenders, Fire Brasses. Enamelled Slate and Marble Chimney Pieces. Special Grate for Smoky Chimneys. Brushes of every description. Largo assortment of Paper Hangings Wringing and MaDgling Machines. 1 Baths for Sale or Hire. Sole Agent for Foo Chow Enamel. COMPETENT PLUMBERS, TINMEN AND GRATE SETTERS. 8043,

