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F r TjiHE 0HEAPEST JJOUSE TBE TOWN FOR GOOD SOLID LEATHER, Boots, Shoes, and Slippers, IS G. F. Gunner's DICK'S BIRMINGHAM BOOT DEPOT, Ki8, WELLINGTON ROAD, RBYL. iLstbes' Ela*tic Side Boots • • from 11 .„ Button and Oxford Shoes H-e&*a Strong Nailed Boots » 5/11 „ Balmoval Boots » 5/6 „ Oxford Shoes •• » Boys3 and Girls'School Boots • • >» CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SHOES, & SLIPPERS, very cheap. TENNIS AND CANVAS SHOES In great variety. I; Repairs neatly and cheaply done on the premises. CONTRACTOR TTO HER MAJESTY'S Øj GOVERNMENT. G. tTlyne, IPUHVEYOR OF THE FAMOUS WELSH MUTTON TO )HlS GRACE THE DUKE OF BEDFORD, LORD ROSEBERRY, Etc., Also recognised by -HIS KOYXlj HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES. the Addresg- ,,23, STORE STREL,"]- ,TOTTENHP.M COURT ROAD, LONDON, and of sg4 ABBEY STREET, & 28, MARKET HALL. RHYL. "inrWELLXVGTON BOAD, RHYL .(Between Mr Sheffield's, Ironmonger, and High Street.) 8 A A (1 0 N E S, ?VAMILY GliOOEll AND PHOVISIOH DEALER, &EVJU:NE HCMK • MAI>K BilE AD, &c FRESH DAILY. (1114 (Established 1869). C MASS, CHINA, AND EARTHENWARE ESTABLISHMENT, 3 STREET. BHYL. M WEDGW00D' D.i ij Snperior Brown 8to».»«. 8Ut ,0d Buckley W»c: Ch„ 1UH. »a B°l,i* ",PPl'C'i Special Terms. 4, patching executed, B' rerJ De8 v,^„pd bat allowed when retained All I 'ackages charged B1 (0033 }|in RO( condition.. t? OBERT PRICE, R, FAWL-'V GROCER fc TEA DEALER, BAKER, no 13 IGH STREET, £ Hv.YV A cent ft >r tbe Scottish Union and x,*tWual A*> Insurance Co. <- fnr t e General Accident and Employers] Agent ^-a loility Association, Limited. NOllCE.— -Public Baking daily at 4 p.m. Saturdi tys exct pted. SE BEECH, M A «% CHIN.'A, AND EARTHEN WARE QJJAO^>> DEALER, WELLINGTON HALL, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL. Also Dealer in all kind of Buckley Brown Ware. Orders promptly attended to. 2283 SOLO THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. l | CURE FITS 1 ■ TO PROVE IT r>i\/E A BOTTLE of my Remedy for Nothing, •4<'T' will t cufVerers may have an opportunity of I SO tnat truth of W.iat I fearlessly state." testing -qjtj.es OF THIS MARVELLOUS THOUSANDS CF BO EVERY YEAR. MEDICINE *■« tho (lii-enso of FiN, EpilepSy, I have made a life-Ion,. ,• < Llli' 1 flo not mean «r Falling Sickness, ana ime ftn^ th-m have them return merely to stop them for a j b(ive known mv Remedy again, I mean a Radical C othCvs have tailed to cure Pure the worst cases. HV1 to suffer. f-end at youis no reason why yon BOTTLE of medicine. £ £ for my TREATISE and a Fhf ,LL CURE! It costs you nothing for a trial, ana i t n £ t <J. BOOT, 73, Farringdon St., LONUUK, js.u BOVRIL. A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE FROM PURE BEEF ONLY. Never be without it Keep it on the shelf, Give it to your children, Take a cup yourself. BOVRIL WINE, Most strengthening & stimu- zn lating for Invalids. Sold Everywhere. t (2560 piSH, GAME pOULTRY 1' U i DEPOT, 18, BODFOR STREET, AND 22$24, MARKET HALL, RRYL. Joseph Mudd, PROPRIETOR. All goods in season supplied on the shortest notice. BRANOH SHOPS AT ST. ASAPE AND WREXBAM. FISHING TACKLE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CAN BE OBTAINED AT SANDOE'S, QUEEN SQOAUE, RHYL. HUBBARD'S FOR Good, Cheap, AND Stylish MILLINERY I taT aØ 25, Wellington Roall, NEAR THE MARKET HALL, RHYL. ar INSPECTION INVITED. GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY, COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 12, 14, 16 AND 18, PEMBROKE PLACE, LIVERPOOL. FURNISH FOR CASH, OR ON THE HIRE PURCHASE SYSTEM A? C-ASF. PRICES. THE GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY, tlia eldest- established, and by far the most extensive, Furnishers on the Hire-Purcbase System in the Provinces supply every requisite for the complete Furnishing of Cottage, Hotel, or Mansion considerably cheaper than the majority of those firms who sell for cash oulv. This we »re able to do through having a large capital at coiprsand and being the bona fide manufacturers of the principal gooda we sell. NO SECURITY REQUIRE. NO EXTRA EXPENSES j ON OUR HIRE PUKCflASK SYSTKM. j The fair and equitable msnt-s- ahu-h cur bnsij.esf | is carried on, and our rea-o>.»!'le V'iee-< fjr" so known throughout the Nor'h If Ejiyund acd VS alo I render further comment nnne' c>-ai General, terms which however can he nl»ered t,i the convenience of customers paplleulS Wc-ekiy Monthly, or Quarterly Amount of Purchase.. £10 Pavroent 3s 6d. per Week £ 20 .>s.i:d. „ „ £ :>() 109. od. „ „ £100 17s. t;<i. £ 500 Os, Orl. An inspection of onr stock will at once satisfy intending purchasers that we give better value and otter easier payments than any other house furnishers on the Hire Purchase System in the Provinces. All goods are Delivered Free in onr own private vans, and no expenses of any kind are incurred hy customers. Furniture sent to any part of England or Wnles. CAUTION.—As some firms mlopt various meRYIS- such us copying our Prospectus, &c.—w:th evident inten- tion of inducing the public to believe they are connected with ns, please note our addresss FVKNISH FOR CASH OR ON THE Hire-Puhchask SYSTEM. New prospectus, large illustrated catalogue, press opinions and price list sent post free on application— Kindly mention this paper. GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY, 12, 14, 16, AND 18, PJSMBEOKK-PLACE, LIVERPOOL. M R. yitOMAS UKYN (From London) DENlAL SUHQEON, M \Y BE CONSULTED DAILY AT Merion House, Russell Road, (Facing St. Thomas' Church) RHiL. DENBIG H-EveryWednesdav at Mr J. Harrison Jones', Apothecaries' Hall. RUTHIN-First Tuesday and Third Monday in each month, at Mr R. Joyce's, Jeweller (next door to Post Office). N.B.—The Practice of the late Mr Williama, 18, West Parade, is removed to Merton House, Mr Lukyn's only address in Rhyl. (07b8 « SPRATT'S PATENT LIMl TED. PAMPHLET ON CANINE DISEASES, POST FREE, DISTEMPER CURE. 2s. 6d. per box, or post free 2s. 8d. ANGE LOTION. Is. per bottle, or post paid, Is. 8d. ECZEMA LOTION. E Is. 6d. per bottle, or post free 2s. 2d. WORM POWDERS. Is. per box, or post free Is. 2d. SPRAIN AND RHEUMATIC LINIMENT. Is. per bottle, or post paid Is. 5d. CURE FOE EAR CANKER- Is. per bottle, or post paid Is. 5d. DOG SOAP. 6d. per tablet, 3s. per box of six packets, or post paid os. ba. Of all Corn Dealers, Grocers, Chemists, &c., or of SPRATT'S PATENT Limited, London, S.E. REDUCTION I IN iJ|T THE TEA DUTY. JONES & SON'S .L 1 J J 1 STANDARD 21- TEA. -m_ [ At tin; pifseni, time it matters little in what newspaper, periodical, or other publication you may look, whether you turn yoifi- eyes to right or left when travelling by ROAD or RAIL, you will see, in the largest of type, and, in the most pro- minent positions, THIA advertised and puffed by known and unknowu vendors in some cases the price asked renders the article almost prohibitive, while in others the quality is disappointing. Now it must be known that this advertising costs an im- mense amonntof money, and it must be equally well known that this cost mist be paid for by the purchaser. AGAIN, in aome cases TEA is not ouly advertised at a greaji outlay but considerable expense is also incurred in packing it—this, too, is a tax upon the consumer. Now to obviate all this, JONES & SON have made arrange- ments to offer TEA at 2s. a pound, the quality of which will be found, unprecedented. It con- sists of fine TEA fropi INDIA, and from CHINA, carefully selected, scientifically blen- dell, and purchased iu the very best markets FOR CASH, and in; ORDER to make the foregoing FACTS well known, and ALSO to popularise this dexirahle land economical quality, they intend giving it the'name of 1 "JONES & SON'S STANDARD 2/ TEA iolv-Es 9" 801VS because it cannot be obtained elsewhere STANDARD, because the quality will be kept up to one of unvarying excellence; and 2s., because that (and that only) will be the PRICM at which it may be purchased. JONES.. & SON, '1 LIVERPOOL SOUSE, ST. ASAPH, ABBE? STREET, BHYL. c I Alfred Torkington, JOINER, BUILDER, £ CONTRACTOR. (REPAIRS OF BTEay DESCRIPTION PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO). WoRKSHOP-WEST KINMEL STREET. RESIDENCE—3, CLWYD STREET. (2691 | J A M K S p AVIES, REGISTRAR of MARRIA GBS, IGWYNFA VILLA, RKYL, HOUSE > E8TAT& AGENT HOUSE > ESTATE AGENT COLLECTOR OF RENTS, &C. I Instructions for AUCTION SALES promptly attended to.. Office—Gwyma Villa. Agent for the 'ALLIANCE,' PROVINCIAL,' 'QUEEN'S, Fire and Life Assurance Companies. MORTGAGES CAN BE PKOCUH M> (0023 I E. P. JONES, .£jo WATER ST R lET, NOW SELLS ALL KINDS OF Farinaceous Foods AT WHOLESALE PRICES. s. d. Neave's Food b. size for 0 S, Netle's „ Is. „ 0 9; 2s. tt 1 41\ Dr. Ridge's Is. It 0 9} Savory & Moore's Is. It 0 8. 2s. „ 1 Du Barry's Revalentia 2s. 1 8 ff )f 3s. 6d. 2 10 6s. 4 9 Hs. „ H o 0 Benger's Food Is. 6d. 1 o 2s. 0(1., 2 Mellin's Food h. til1." 12 2s. tid. '2 0 Robinson's Patent Bailey. (id.pkts.,t O 4i „ Is. size 0 8 Price List all application. Issued Monthly. COMPTON HOUSE, HIGH STREET, RHYL. -DANIEL EVANS- Respectfully begs to announce that he has REMOVED TO HIS NEW PREMISES. CORNER OF High Street & Market Street Where, all arrangements being completed, be is r., now prepared to show the LATEST NOVELTIES IN DRESSES, MANTLES, AND "MILLINERY. AN I$SPECTION IRESPECTFULL Y Z:1NVI2ED.% Motri.ci, fSoarlritig }l)otIs££'t Slr. | M P E RIAL OTEL COLWVN BAY. Re opened ivder entirely new management. NACHJ Furnished throughout. "OIRST-CLASS accommodation for Fami'ies.Tourists, _L' and Comino-^ial gentleman. Drawicg Uoom a-id large Kecreatiou Room free to Visitors staying in the Hotel Public DinntTs, \Y.'billing Breakfas's, Ball Suppers and Picnic Parties cstcred for. COM -VfFRCIAL & STOCK! ROOMS. MRS. JANE LOWE, Proprietress. w EST M 1 N « T F R If OTE L', RHYL. PRINCIPAL HOUSE, BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED JL on the PROMENADE, facing the Sea. MRS. JANE LOWE, Proprietress. Nant Hall Hotel, PRESTATYN, (FIVE MILES FROM RBYL.) mmS newly-furnished and well-appointed hotel is situ- i nt.. in its "WII weii-woo led grounds, which abound in deliclitfnl w>ilks. It is clise to hoth niouctnin and sea, and there are excellent bathing facilities. Situate Half- a-mllu from the Railway Station. GOOD STABLING AND \CRES OF CAPITAL SHOOTING. A Fi,(od(!s FINIUTII IH-.TD. and A toe'L-adapted Re,,o,t. Ten»n« 1 awns. ••:< > jdendid Billiard Room fnr- «iti. hi.- f Burl'luighes and Watts' tables. L»r«e ElItrauc Had, rr.e t', ;shrt¡ staying at the hotel, Sanitwrv »rrai-g- innrs most complete. (2633. Queen's Hotel, Rhyl. HOME FROM HOME. jP RON TING THE SEA AND piER, FURNISHED IN THE BEST OLD. ENGLISH STYLE. THE MOST CHARMING, Cosy Smoke Room & Buffet in the kingdom. TEEMS MODERATE. Wines and Spirits of the Choicest Quality, and Cigars of the finest Brands. MANAGERESS— Mrs. Griffiths. 2062 Electric Treatment is a sure, natural, and per- manent remedy for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver and obstinate constipation. JUST ADDED, ELECTRIC BATHS Aud the I MASSAGE TREATMENT, At the ElliKOPATHIC. BATHS AND SPLENDID BILLIARD ROOMS OPEN TO ALL. 1 L A W R E NOE'S GLYCERINE QOUGH T INCTUS, For Coughs, Coldsi Hoarseneis, Whooping-Cougti, lofta. oVs. .Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing. Iriltation of the Throat, and all disorders of the Chest and Lungs. THIS LINCTUS is faithfully prepared from a valu- I able Recipe, and has been pecttliarly successful is relieving and curing the above complaints. It has a twofold action. Being comfosed in part of well tried RESOLVENT and EXPKCTORANT MKDICINES, it quiekly dissolves congealed phlegm and causes free expectora- tion. The overcharged Brorchial Tubes are thus relieved, and the opptession and difficulty of breathing at once disappear. The soothing and curative properties of GLYCERINE are well known. Judiciously combined, as in the GLYCERlj\;E LINCTUS, it very speedily heals the soreness and irritation caused by constant coughing, and fissists Natqre to perform a cnre, by bringing about the hiTected organs the conditions most favourable to quick recovery. The iirtt dose invariably affords relief, and in mos cases :olte or two bottles will affect a, cure. A dose slowly swallowed on going to bed will allay the tickling sensation caused by the change of temperature, and will ensure a good night's rest. Sold in Battles at Is. and 2s. 6d. Prepared only by G R J^AWBENOE M.P.S., 1: HA KM A CE UTICA L CHEMIST 20, HUH STREET, RHYL i) USSELL'S GOLD AND SILYEB X/ WATCHES, their own pure English munufactore, with all Russell's latest patented improvmeute, raDge in price from £ 3 to £35. They are bandeome, strong, and peifeot time-keepers repre- sent the largest stock and beat value in England, there beirg no intermediate prod' between the manufacturer and the wearer. Sent free everywhere at Rupsdl'a risk and cost on recipt of draft or pofitordera Illustrated. Pampblot sent free on appl"- cation. RUSSELL'S BINGS DIAMOND," •ENGAGEMENT," -WEDDING. The Diamonds are bought direct from the laige importers, pased by experts as white and perfect, and then mounted by skilled workmen on the premises, giving the greatest security, and value with the minimum of coet. Finger-size Cards aent free. RUSSELL'S HALL MARKED SILVEB GOODS comprise every variety from Tea-sets to Tooth-picks, and include the largest selection of these elegant and Valuable articles. The neweet design*, upon which only able artists aod the most skill, d workmen are employed. Every article is marked in plhin figures, and assortments for selection aent when asked for. WATCH REPAIRS PROMPT AND PERFECT. Estimates given and coet of carriage takeD. Firm Founded 1745. T. 8. RUSSELL, MAKER T,) THE QUBES. Cathedral Works, 18, Cburch Street, Liverpool. New Seeds! New Seeds!! T. D. Jones, SEEDSMAN, FLORIST, &C., Wishes to inform the public that he has OPENED an Establishment at la, MARKET STREET, RHYL Where a collection of best selected New Seeds of all description can always be obtained.1 Plants and Flowers for Cutting in great variety. Ball and other Bouquets made to order. 2286 1:.



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