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COLWYN BAY. KELLY & CO., STATION ROAD, have a choice selection of Fur Necklets, Mulls, and Coats at very moderate prices. The Millinery Department is under Mrs. Kelly's direct control, and all orders entrusted have personal attention. Mantles, Coats, and Paletots are in abundance.. 2369 VICTOR ALBERT, watchmaker, jeweller, and optician, Conway-road, Colwyn Bay. for all kinds of jewellery, silver plate, watches, clocks, and repairs. Specialities: Beautifully enamel- led Souvenir spoons, 4s. 6d. each; reliable watches, 5s. each. 2302 MISSION TO DEEP SEA FISHERMEN.—A charmingly interesting! drawing-room meeting, organised1 ibv the kindness, of Mrs. SchiLl, took ■place on Friday afteirnoon.,att her beautiful resi- dence, Nant-y-Glyn Hiall, Colwyn Bay, to fur- ther- the interests of that excellent institution, the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fisher- men, of which Her Majesty Queen Alexandra is. patron. Though the weather was unpropiti- ous, there was a. numerous attendance, amongst whom were Mrs. Schill, MfIS. J. LVI. Porter, Miss Porter (Pwllycrochan Hotel), the Misses Whilte- house, IMirs. J. H. Hope, Mrs. Nuittall, Mrs. G. Osborne- the Misses. Fiarrar (The Grange), Mrs. iCou,siinis:, Miis. W. D. Houghton (Queen's Lodge). Mrs. Turner (Haddon Lodge.), 'Miss Barlow (Ard- more), the Misses Briggs. (Coed Pella School), Miss. Morrils (Wilton House), Mens. David Gamble, Mrs. Brock, Mrs. Charles. Reynolds, Mrs. W. Hortion (Bryn, Diinarth). Mrs. White- house Mrs. Bo'sttoc'k (Rh.o.s), &c., Canon Ro- berts, Rev. J. H. Hope, Rev. William Huighes (Congo Institute), Rev. H. T. Cousins, Mir. Voute, Mr. Bracksitlone, Dr. Lloyd Roberts, Mr. Harrison (of Abergele, Secretary of the North Waleis Branch), Mr. C. Grc-nviile Hutchinson, (Deputation Secretary), and Captain MacDon- ald.~ The proceedings were presided over by Dr. Lloyd Roberts, and after the sringinfY of the hymn for those at sea, "Eternal Father, strong to save." the Rev. Canon Roberts offered prayer. -The Chairman isaid it was the second time thev had met in that hospitable room. The Rova.l National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen appealed strongly to them,, for tberv lived by the sea in Colwyn Bay. The Society had attain.ed to nothing like the limits it ought to do. al- though it extended to the shores of Labrador, where there were hospitals. &c.. in connection with dhe Mission. Since thev met in. that room two yeans ago- they had to ilamenit the deaitih. of Mr. Hnworth, who- presided on that occasion. He was, very much interested in. the work, which he took up whole-heartedly. throwing .into, it energy and enthusiasm. He hoped others would come forward to help Itlhe work among the people whose lot was the providing of certain food for the people of Ithes.e islands!. A new Secretary had been found in their worthy hos- tess. of that afternoon,. Mrs. Schill— (applause), -and he holped she. would find willing hellpers in the necessary work of collecting.—Mr. C. Grenville Hutchinson, the1 Deputation Secretary, then addressed the audience in a miost, interest- ing and decidedly eloquent manner. By his graphic account of the good work done, the pic- t-UTeisi he depilated of the fisherman's lot. his good qualities, the manner of dealing with him. all were ably painted in living words that kept his, hearers; iiapt din attention and interest.— Captain Mac Don aid, bronzed with the breezes of the Northern Ocean, also told. in truly nau- tical manner, the story of his life upon the sea for many years and the efforts made to win the hearts of the fishermen unto Him who was .Fisher of IMen,A collection was made for the Mission in the- room amounting to £ 6 1 os, After the singing olf another hymn. the Benediction was pronounced by the Rev. H. T. Cou.sin,s.- A vote- of thanks to the Chairman and Mrs. g,s, Dr. Robert?s Scliiii te-.rm,ii,ated the n-.roce,ed,iin replying on bebialf of MIlS. S,chi,ll.-A L,(-o,d num- ber off intending workers enrolled their fiames with Mrs. Schill. Y.M.C.A. RIFLE CLUB.-The annual meeting of thi.s club was held in the Associa- tion Rooms, on Monday night. The Secretary reported the club was in a thoroughly siatis- factory position, financially, and he expected several fresh entries for membership. Mr. E. H. )F!'lie.e;ti was appointed ais Sergeant, in place of Mr. James; Ellis, who had recently removed from Colwyn B,ay. M,r. R. Jackson is "Colonel," Mr. J. W. Adamson Captain., Mr. A. J. Parsonage Sergeant-Major, Messrs. Chap- man, Fleet, and Thomas, Sergeants, Mr S. John- ston'secretary. Practices are held two- or three times a week, and a competition has. been ar- ranged for December 16th. The rifle used is a B.S.A. air riflta, the pattern approved by Lord Roberts. MR. J. HERBERT ROBERTS. M.P.,and Mrs. Roberts have kindly consented to distribute the prizes at the Colwyn Bay Council School (Boys' Department) on Monday, December 2nd. RHIW CHAPEL—At a bright service held on. Sunday evening at this cosy chapel a pleasing sacred solo was sung by the popular precentor, Mr. T. R. Owen. THE PROPERTY MARKET. To-day (Thursday) Messrs. Booth & Sandy will offer for sale by public auction, at the Central Hotel, Colwyn Bay, two' freehold semi-detached villa residences situaited in Brompton-avenue, Colwyn Bay, and known as "Winrereux" and "White- field," also plots oif freehold building land ad- joining the first-named properties. The sale is advertised tn Itla:ke 'place at half-past seven. Mr. William Booth. 78, King-street, .Manchester, is solicitor for the vendor. THE HYGIENIC DRYING OF NEW BUILDINGS.—Much interest was aroused amongat1 those, pelopile concerned with the erec- tion of new buildings and the acquisition of houses: that have. been, made diamp-prooif, by the exhibition that was. made last week in a new house in Grcisvenor-road of the Tuerk system -?st,re,et, Man, Messrs. S,etzeT & CO 16 T a,r,i ff ches?t,e:r. T.I?ie,hou,se was vi-slited bv many of our townspeople, who. were, agreeably surpris,ed at the marvellous effectiveness of the apparatus, which is under the charge of Mr. Baur (Messrs. Setzer's- representative). It inay be interesting to our readers, t'o know that there are eight thousand, of these apparatuses, in use on the Continent eight .hundred of them in the city of Berlin.' The demonstration, was a great sue- cess. Amongst ithoise who visited the place of demonstration were Mr. H. B. Jones, Mr. Tupk. M,e?s,s,rs. Davies & Jones (Hope, Bank), MT. er T. Biracks(Lbn,&, Me,s?sr. O,s,wald J,o,n,e,s & Hushes, all. connected with building operations in 'Colwyn B,ay and other places; Dr. Liloyd Roberts' Medical Officer of Health for St. a c,cment m,e,rcb,anit, Asaph; Mr. W. J. H _rr.i,s!, 'Conivay; Mr, 'John Willi!ams, chai,r,m,an of the Urban, Di,-it(rict C'ouncil, ac,c,ompan.le,d b,, Mrs. Williams Mr. Edwin Davies, Abergele-road, OM Colwyn; Mir. Fred Hawxby, architect, Col lege-avenue, Rhos-on-Sea Mrs. Heriber,t Munphv. The Haven. Old Colwyn Mr. Mellor, Mr. Newall, Councillors. Bevan. E. H. Davies, and Bernard' Lowe; Mr. David Willi amis (master plumber),. Mr. S. E. Warhurst, 26. Greenfield-road Mr. Earp, architect.. Many of the. above1 Icalled several times to observe -the progress made with the drying from, dav to. day. Messrs. Porter and El cock speak very highly of the method, and consider it a very useful and valuable invention. Dr. Lloyd Roberts is ■highly in favour of the mode of drvir> and -)eak,s in praise of it from a health standpoint, whilst all who visited the place were astonished at the woindterful success, ,u~ demonstration. COTTAGE HOSPITAL.—Sister Marguerite begs to acknowledge with thanks the following gifts:—Mr, (Raynes, rabbits (2 lotis); Mrs. James Bennington Wood, leg of lamb; Dr. Russell, grapes Mrs. Halliiwell, illustrated papers; Mrs. Eden, illustrated .papers; Dr. T l? ),.d, books; Mrs. la,mt) M,'ss Llo Booth vegetables Mrs. Ash-croft, chicken broth .YIr. A. A. Sarson. illustrated papers; Mrs. Edwards.. chicken. FEATHERED FRIENDS,—The writer of "A Country Diary." in .the "Manchester Guardian" makes the following note under date November 23rd :—Throughout the winter, in mild weather, the mistle thrush will sii-lig, but when the first signs of spring appear he pays no attention to weather, an,d indeed seems at his very best on wild and stormy days. Twelve months ago to- day one early bird had begun his song in Bow- don, nearly a month, before my Old Colwyn and Colwyn Bay correspondents reported him from the North Wales Coast. This- year, however, the former is, before me, for he heard (the "storm- cock" at Llanddulas on the 2oth,an unusually early date. The harsh note of the flying mistle thrush is not .muisical, but for .strength, clear- ness, and defiant vigour his song is hard to beat. Yet there are ima,ny? who, can-not di,st*ni, i,sh it 1, "U from the full notes of the blackbird, or, stranger still, from the varied phrases, of the sOIljg thrush. FREE CONCERT FOR MEN.—The weekly concert for men, held iilll 'the Y.M.C.A. Rooms, on Saturday last, was a great success. The room was crowded-, and everyone present thoroughly enjoyed the social cheer and the excellent programme. The following contribu- ted to ithe evening's enjoyment: .JMi,Sis Alma Jones, Miss B,aitesoin, Mr. Davie, Mr. Bird, Mr. Moore, Mr. Robert Roberts, Mr. J. Roberts, Mr. W. J. Hughes, Mr. Joseph Parry. The four latter had come,in, from- Glanwydden, and they met with a mOist hearty reception. Mr. William Jones had kindly lenit a gramtaphone, Mr. H. Greenfield attended to the instrument and some popular selections were given. Mr. A. H. Summers acted as accompanist. Mr. S. Jones, in proposing a vote of thanks to the artistes, remarked how glad he was to see such a splen. did gathering and how much he appreciated this effort on the 'part of the young men and the ladies to provide a pleasant Saturday evening, free of all charge, for their fellows. Mr. Pickering seconded, and the vote was carried right heartily. Miss Alma Jones, in a very neat speech, responded. The meeting closed with the singing of "God Save the King." SUNDAY AFTERNOON MEN'S MEET- ING.—At the Sunday afternoon men's meelting held weekly in the Y.M.C.A. Rooms from 3.15 to 4.1 v there was an encouraging attendance. Mr. C. E. Elcock presided. The address was given by Mr. S. T. Frost; he had chosen as his subject "The Utility of Christianity," and was listened to with marked attention. He claimed that a personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christenabl,ed men to withstand temptation, to endure trouble, to suffer affliction, and to go through life's' conflicts generally with a calm- ness and assurance that was impossible to un. believers. Mrs. R. R. Phillips gave two very appropriate solos, which we're much apprecia- ted. ENCTEDI LITERARY SOCIETY.—Owing to unfor-seen circumstances Mr. Charles Ro- berts, Town Surveyor of Prestatyn, an ol,d mem- ber of the Society, was not able to give his eagerly anticipated paper on "Napoleon," and the meeting of a good number of members, presided over by Mr. Rowland Jones, Colwyn Council School, was turned into one of a mis- cellaneous character. Readings were given by Mr. T. R. Owen on "Character," and Mr. D. F. Davies, Ashbourne House, in Welsh, on Christ's claimi on young people." Solos were .given by Miists, Jones,, Ilarland House, and short breezy speeches by Mr T. R. Lewis, Mr Robert Roberts (Hazlehurst), and several lady mem- bers. THE FORTHCOMING GILCHRIST LECTURES.—On Thursday a meeting of the Executive Committee of the albove lectures was held in the Council Chamber. Mr. John Wil- liams, J.P., Chairman of the Urban District Council, was in the chair, and the Chairman of the Executive Committee, the Rev. John Edwards, was also present. The whole of these present were formed into a general committee, Councillor John Williams bein.g elected chair- man, and Messrs. R. Williams, (Metropolitan Bank) and Samuel Johnston (Central Buildings) are the hon. secretaries. It was, stated that the, average attendance at the first series of lectures given in Colwyn. Bay was eleven hundred, and this constituted a record even for the Gilchrist movement. Benlefititin,g by the experience of past lectures, the management will introduce many improvements that cannot fail to be appreciated by the public. WOMEN LIBERALS.—On Thursday after, noon there was a large .attendance of local lady Liberals at the Liberal Association's Rooms, Sea View Crescent, at a meeting called ,to consider the advisability of (forming a Col- wyn Bay Women's Liberal Association, and the' proceedings were of a, very enthusiastic charac. ter throughout. It was a great disappointment to all that Mrs. Herbert Roberts, ithe esteem-fed wife of -the Member for the division, was unable to be present owing to a prior engagement. 'Miss E. S. Robinson, who is the organiser to the Women's National Liberal Association, and ha-s done remarkably good work in North Wales, was voted to the chair and delivered an address which met with frequent applause. She also read letters from. Mrs. Herbert Roberts:, Mrs. Herbert Lewis, and Mr. J. Herbert Roberts, 'M.P., which served to add very greatly to the prevalent enthusiasm. On the proposition of Mrs. Thomas Lloyd, ,seconded by Miss Lewis, it was unanimously decided to form a branch. The following officers were elected:—President, Mrs. Herbert Roberts.; secretary, Miss Sugden treasurer, Misis E. Lewis; vice-presidents, Lady Barlow, IMrs Herbert Lewis. Mrs. Cromp. ton, Mi.ss Cro,afield, 'Mrs, J. Berth Jones, Mrs. Lloyd, Dr. Lilian Blake Committee, Miss Lewis, Mrs. Elcock, Miss Roberts (Penrhyn), Mrs. Coulter, Mrs. J. Tones (Grimsby House), Mrs. Blackwe.il, Mrs. T. R. Lewis, Mrs. T. R. Jones. Miss Brown, Mrs. K-enyon,' Miss Bate- son, Mrs. Jones (Briarwood), and the Misses Davies (Glyn Dwr). It was decided to ask Mrs Herbert Roberts to be good enough to deliver her presidentiialaddresls in January. All the ladies present became members of the Associa. tion. THE CAKE AND APRON SALE.—Over fifty pounds was realised at the oake and apron, sia,1,6 held last Wednesday at Itlhe St. John's English Wreisleyiain Schoolroom, in aid of Foreign Mis- sions. OXFORD LOCAL EXAMINATIONS.—The distribution of prizes and certificates -to. the suc- cessful candidates- in the Oxford Local Examina- tions will take place, to-morrow (F.riday) after- noon, at three o'clock, ,a,t the Public Hall, by Professor Hudson, of Bangor. The chair is to be taken by County Co unci 1 lor J. M. Porter. Miss E. M. Osborn and Mr. W. Jones are the local Hon. Secretaries. "SUDDEN DEATH OF MR. FRED. J. REECE.—We deeply regret, to record the sudden ,death of Mr. Fred. J. Reece, of the Argyle Restaurant, Abergele-road., on Monday ni.ght. Mr. Reece had not been in good health for a long while, but had shown signs of much im- provement lately, and on Monday he had gone out with, hiiisi two. little children for a walk. So much better did he appear that when he retired to rest the usual attention, was, not given owing to his apparent improvement. However, about five minutes after he had gone upstairs, the bell was rung, and Mr. Reece was found dying, having burst' a blood vessel. The greatest sym- pathv is felt with Mrs. Reece and her three iiittle children. Mr. Reece, who had only en- 'tered his 36th year, was a native of Birkenhead, but for many years had lived in, Newtown, and for the benefit of his delicate health he cam- to reside in Colwyn Bay some three years a,,o, AI,rs. Reece looking after ?the busin-es?s of I the restaurant. He was of a quiet disposition, and was a member of the- Congregational body at Newtown,, and had, when his health per- mitted. attended the English Congregational Church hens. The funeral"-takes place at New- town to-morrow (Friday), the cortege leaving Colwyn Bay about seven a.m. TIL THE H?OME SECRETARY AND MA(;ISTRAT'E'S.-A rumo;ur is cur-T th?,it. ari,sinig out 'of the action of the C-ol-vvy-n B,a? Ju,,ti?c,?ts in ?ie,fuisiiing,a vacolna-tion exemption certificate at the November Court becaus,e the application was. madte. four days late, a letter has been addressed to the Bench by the Holme Secretary. The matter, it will be remembered, wtas the subject of criticism in the pages of "Truth." COLWYN BAY FOOTBALL CLUB.—It is, very gratifying to learn that the above club have willingly consented to give thie&r services for a benefit match on 'Christmas, Day, the funds to go to the benefit of the Colwyn Bay District Nursing Association. lit is pleasant (to see that the club is doing -such good work. SATURDAY'S FOOTBALL "BATTLE ROYAL."—Much interest is centred in. the con- test to .take place on Saturday on the Penrhos .ground between Colwyn. Bay and the Llandud- no Amateurs in the Coast SenioT Cup tie. There will be strong sides ito represent the sister water, ing places, and the only anxiety will be con- cerning the weather, which it is hoped will be favourable to a good game. The following are the respective slides: -IColwyn Bay: Goal, Hall- wood backs, W. Jones and O. E. Williams; halves, Ned Griffiths, Tommy Wellings, and Dick Rowlands; forwards, MalSls Jones, Bob Rowlands, T. McCann (captain), Stanley Hughes, and J. Ll. Owen. Llandudno Goal, Bob Lunlt; backs, J. H. Jones and Jack Lunt; halves, Jacob Williamis, Geo-rgie Davies. and Harold Pearson forwards, W. A. Williams, Alderson. J. E. Williams (captain), Brookes-Evans, and Will Stone. EIGHT WEARY WANDERERS.—Yesterday (Wednesday) morning the local temple of Jus- tice looked imposing with a squad of eight weary Knights of the Road, who had been charged by the Llanddulas constable, Isaac F. Rowlands, with sleeping 'in a lime-kiln at Llysfaen on the previous night. They presented an interesting sight as they faced the administrators of Justice on the Bench, Messrs. David Gamble and John Williams, The names of those men, who are now sheltered in His Majesty's Home of Com- pulsion as guests for seven days' hard work and nourishing diet, .are John Barnes, Belfast; Thomas. Stone, Manchester; William Bennett, Flint; James Nolan, Galway John Ward, Man- chester Jdhn Thompson, Manchester; James Bird, Chester, and John Riley, Liverpool. Ser. geant Rees-Jones said, some of the men were a great nuisance begging all dav and getting cheap lodgings at night. The train journey to headquarters was a boon to the men as a change from the itramp, tramp, tramp. TOWN ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION'S CONCERT.—-A very attractive concert, full of variety and merit, was held last night (Wednes- day), 'in the Victoria Pavilion, in aid of the funds of thalt excellent institution, the Colwyn Bay Town Advertising Association. It is an institution that .should have the hearty support of .every resident who has the welfare of the town at heart, and credit must be given to it for the laudable efforts it has made to bring the natural beauties of the place before the British public. Owing to going to Press early our full report is held over until next week. The follow- illlg was the, arranged programme, which was gone through, subject to certain modifications —Part songs, (a) "Song of the Pedlar" (b) "In the hour of softened splendour, Philharmonic Society (70 voices), (conductor, Mr. Gurney Barnett) song, "Deathless Army," Mr. W. T. Tucker; recitation, "Geiriau'r Dewr," Mr. J. E. Williams; song. "The Promise of Life," Miss Gertrude Hoskinis; descriptive quartette, "Mulligan Musketeers," Comedy Quartette Grecian dance, "Danse Classique," Miss Daisy Cartwright; .song, "Star of the Desert," Mr. J. O. Davies; dramatic sketch, "The Dream of E uo ,?ene Aria?m," Mr. A. E Bixid seletoion, (a) "National Airs" including "Bys Imaiii Ann") (b) "Sreenadle," Shoa- shaa's J apranesre Band (in native costume) (conductor, Gen. Sho-oshaia) competition, the best humorous song (prize, silver crown), adju- dicators. the audience; gymnastic di,splay. by a troupe of gymnasts under the direction of Mr. J. D. Cartmell chorus (a) "Ffarwel i ti, Gymru Fad" (b) "The Heavens are Tenin" Colwyn Bay Choral Society (80. voices) (conductor, Mr. J. O. Davies) recitation, "Y Pentewyn," Mr. J. E. Williams; .song, "The Kingdom Beauti- ful," Miss Gertrude Ho skins competition, the best humorous story (prize, silver medal), adju- dicator. the audience; ,skirt dance from "The Merry Widow," Miss Daisy Cartwright; humor. OilS quartette, "Mrs. Cosy's Boarding House," Comedy Quartette; dramatic sketch. "Owning speech of Richard III. Mr. A. E. Bird (in character) coon song. "Lily of Laguna," IYfr. W. T. Tucker (in costume,) selection (a) "Tschupkwinsfcfei's Patrol" (b) "Marchei Fun- ebre," Shooshaa's Japanese Band (in native cos- tume.) song. "Unwaith eto yng Nghymru anwyl," Mr. J. O. Davies; petmillion singing in Welsh. The accompanist was Miss Muriel Haimmersiley. CHILDREN'S EFFORT.—For some weeks past Miss- Lilian B. Crompton,, the yoiun,o daughter of -our townsman, Mr. John 'Cromp^ ton, of Victoria-park, and her friend. Miss Doroithy Hall, have been busy doing "fancy work" and plain, sewing as a token of their love for and desire to. aid rtheÎI destitute Another s and sisters. The little .sale of work was, held in; the .green-house at Bryn Arthur, on Saturday ■anterncon last, and was opened bv Mrs, Highiam, o.f Farnworth, under the presidency of Mir. Will' liam Stephen,son, J.P., of Wor&ley. Miss N-ita Bell assisted ait the confectionery stall and tea was also provided for the visitors. At'the c.losi° of the day t was found that the sum of Z,2 17s. 6d. had beetn realized. This amount will be equally divided between Dr. Parniardb's, Homes and the Church of England Homes for Waiils and Strays. BETHLEHEM LITERARY SOCIETY. Ait the last, meeting of this Society masterly' and excellent addresses: were delivered last Monday evening, enit.iltiled "Why I aim, a Protestant," bv Mr. Robert Jones, Hofmileigb, and "Why I am a C'alviniistic Methodist," by Mrs. T. M. Jones Bodgwenalilt, and these subjects, were, after- wards discussed by the following members: — Mrs. Jones, Chester House; Mrs°. Owen, Rose Villa Messrs. O. L,l. Evans, West End Stores.; ,Samuel Parry, Rihiw-road E. G. Jones Aber- gele-road D. Ll. Davies, St. Tudlllo; Owen Parry. Sinai!shaw O. Pierce Jones, Woodhill. There was a large attendance, and a very enioy able and instructive evening was spent. "Is .-there any danger from the inert/ase: of the Labour Party in the Parliam.e,rit" was the subject of a very interesting and lively debate on Monday evening. Mr. E. G. Jones., chemist, opened with a paper, in which he very ably held out that there was danger, while Mr. Edward Hughes, Bryn-y-Mor, replied with a strong de- fence of 'the Labour Party, after which tihe, fol- I;ow:i?ng members took part in the d,i:s,cuss?ion:- 'rhe, Rev. T. !M. Jo,n?e;s. Me,ssusi. J. Hu,h.es,, 0. 1,1..Evan.s, J. W. Thomas, and R. H. Williarn,s. When -the matter was. put before the meti nlg it was found that in, the opinion of the majority there no dfain,- ,,ie?r,fr.om dihe?,inicire.a;s,e c?f I.:ab-o,,tir Members in Parliament "THY WILL BE DONE."—At the very suc- cessful Men's Biible Class, at the English. Con- gregational Church, on Sunday, the above por- tion of _the Lordl's Prayer, which has been reached in.- discussion, was ■considered, Mr. W. Newall taking' the lead. Each sentence of the Prayer is to be considered to the end. RAILWAY TEMPERANCE WORKERS.— A meeting of Ithe Railway Temperance Union was held last night (Wednesday) in the Lecture Hall of the English Congregational Church The Union comprises over 40,000 members, and is doing excellent work amongst railwaymen wherever a branch exists. The local branch has' done, much good work in 'Colwyn Bay, and last night's meeting seemed an excellent index to future success- A PLEASANT EVENING AT THE CHURCH ROOM.—The Church Room was filled to overflowing ,on. Monday evening, when the first of a,series, of "pleasanlt evenings," under the auspices of the C'.E.T.S., was held. Mr. G. Hartley presided, and the Vicar, Canon, Roberts, delivered a most en,tert,ainiin,g illustrated lecture. Solos were contributed by Miss Clarkson and Miss C.rowther. IMrs. Eden very kindly lent a gramaphone, whose records were much appre- ciated. Another pleasing feature was a varied programme with a reading by Mr. Wood. WELSH CONGREGATIONALISTS' SALE OF WORK.—A two-days' sale of work was commenced yesterday (Wednesday) .at the Pub- lic Hall. The object of the sale is. to reduce the debt remaining on the Salem Chapel, in Abergele-roadi, which cost £2.400 when, erected some four years, ago. During that period the sum of £ 1,000 has been paid off. The Public Hall looked attractive: with the various stalls,, and there was a numerous attendance at the opening ceremony. The pastor (the Rev. R. H. Williams) (rnad-ei a few introductory remarks. The singing oif the Doxology was followed by prayer by the RelY. W. Eivans-Jones ("Penllyn"). of Colwyn. Cbuncillor J. Dicker:, who pre- sided, made an interesting speech, in which he s ill described bazaars as "hardy annuals" and "a necessary evil." He, however, did not know of a better way of obtaining money, and there- fore he did not see where the evil came in. More than that, they might, indeed, be turned into means of grace as well as money making. He was glad to see Mrs. J. Berth-Jones there, and to, ask her to perform the opening cere- mony. (Applause.) Mrs. Berth-Jones made a charming little speech, and wished the sale every success. (Applause.) Councillor J. Jones (Grimsby House) proposed, and the Rev. W. E. Jones seconded, a vote of thanks to Mr. Dickeri and Mrs. Jones. The' following were the stall-hoiders :—No 1 (variety) Miss Davies. Devon House; Mrs. Roberts, Tea Exchange, and Mrs-. Williams, Ede.rn House. No. 2 (variety): Mrs. Davies, Warwick House; Mrs. Williams, Oakfield House Miss Jones, Sum- merhiill Mrs. C,rai, and Miss Archer, Devon House. No. 3 (young ladies' stall) Miss S. G. Williams, Ede,rn House; Misis M. J. Rowlands, Glyn Farm,, and Mis's Jones, Gwylfa. China stall Mrs. Davies, H udders-field House; Mrs. Roberts, Penyimaes Misis Roberts. Penymaes, and Miss Rowland's, Glyn Farm. Men's stall Messrs. T. Lloyd Jones, Lewis (Grove-park), David Morris (Lvndhurst-terrace.) and Wi.lliiams (Trevor Villa). "Children's stall: The Misses Sissie Jones (Tea Exchange), and Olwen Ro- berts. The following ladies were in charge of the rleiÍresihmenit stall Mrs. Davies, Devon House; Mrs. Bel lis, Radcliffe House; Mrs. Hughes, WOodcroft; Mr!s. Jonesi-Rees, Police Station; Mrs. Morris, Railway-terrace; Mrs. Roberts, Railway-terrace; Mrs. Williams, Rhiw- bank-terrace; Mrs. Williams, Trevor Villa; Mrs1. Williams, Plymouth Villa; Miss Jones, Summerbill Miss Griffiths, Llys Cynfelyn, assisted by Miss Williams, Rhiwbank-ter- race Miss Maggie Morris, Gwyndy; the Misses J. and A. Morris, Railway-terrace Miss Lilli'e Hughes, Queen's Lodge; Miss Williams. West- bury Miss Jones, Park-road, and Mrs. Hughes, Grove-park. TRAP ACIC'ID ENT. -I?V/ h-il,st a young man, a nephew of Mr. Water worth, florist and green- grocer, was driving a horse and trap down Pwllycroc.han^aivenue, one of the shoes of the horse became lose, and caused the animal to fall, overturning the trap and its rider. The shaft of the trap was- broken, and the' young man received a .shaking and an injury to his hand. DEATH OF MRS. ROBERTS, FERN BANK.—We regret to record the delatth of Mrs. Catherine Roberts, wife of the late County- Counaillor John Roberts, of Fern Bank, Colwyn Bay, which took place early yesterday morning ,at a Medical Home in Liverpool, whither she had gone to undergo, an operation from the effects of which she succumbed. Mrs. Roberts was a native of Conway, and a sister of Mr. Richard Davies. printer, Llandudno. She was 65 years of :age. By her death many a poor neighbour has been deprived of a .good friend. THE WEDNESDAY F. C.-Owi,ng to the wretched state of ,the ground at Penrhos the Wednesday League match between, the Col- wyn Bay Wednesdays and the Llandudno Cor,inthiailis Was abandoned. THE LIBERAL ASSOCIATION.—The Secre- tary of the above Association has received a communication from the Rev. Spinther James, M.A., announcing hISi 'inability to be present to deliver his projected lecture at the Association's Rooms to-morrow (Friday) night upon "Dis- establishment." As there is a debate at the Y.M.C.A. RcOms on the .same subject and on the same 'evening, ,the member-s of the Association. are joining in the debate with the members of the Y.M.C.A. TEMPERANCE SUNDAY—At Colwyn Bay, as elsewhere, Sunday was observed as "Temper, ance Sunday," and sermons were preached at Salem, by the Rev. H. R. Williams; Engedi, Rev. W. Thomas, Lianrwst Horeb. Mr. J. An- eurin Jones; Hermon, Rev. H. Hughes, Llan- 'r' d.?dno,; T,abel n,a.,cle, Rev. Peter jonieis, anid B?eithi,eh,e?m, Rev. D. E-no,ch Aniwyl, Ad?fa. A united meeting at Salem after the evening ser- vice had been, arranged, but the only minister present was the Rev. H. R. Williams, Mr. Noble (sitationmiastfer) presided, and addresses were delivered by Mr. Pryce, Williams, Mr. Francis Evans, Mr. E. Williams (Gwynllys), Mr. Thomas Jones (Llyis. Cynwal), Mr. T. M, Griffiths (Eirw Wen-road), and the Rev. H. R. Williams. THE PARK TAVERN.—The Coffee Tavern, in Park-road, particulars of which have ap- peared in these columns, will be formerly opened on Saturday week. iM.r. and Mrs. H.a.r- senit, of Caninling Town, have been appointed as managers, and en'ter upon their duties on Satur- day. It will be remembered that many pro- mises were made by kind friends of articles of use for the tavern,, and Mrs. Thomas Lloyd, who. will be tiin attendance all day Saturday, w 'i,ll be gla,d to, receive -same. THE DISTRICT COUNCIL BY-ELECTION. -Up to the time of going to Press, two candi- dates have been nominated to fill the vacancy in the re presentation of the Western Ward. These gentlemen are Mr. J. Berth-Jones, re- tired contractor, Cantrefle, and Mr. H. Bliss- Hill, solicitor. Rhos-on-Sea. It is possible that further nominations may be handed in before noon to-morrow (Friday). The polling takes place in the Board School, Conway-road, on December 9th. Considerable public interest is being taken in the contest. (MESSRS. LEWIS & THOMPSON'S SALE. —Messrs. Lewis and Thompson are to be con- gratulated upon the exceptional degree of suc- cess which has already attended itiheir fourteen days' special isale, which was opened at the two smarit Station,-road establishmiants on Satur. day. Bargain-huniters have had a good time at both shoms, not only because the articles are cheap but because they are also in good taste an,d style. Messrs. LeWisi and Thompson have established1 an excellent reputation for quaMty.








Methodists and Drink.