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CONWAY. A GOOD PLACE FOR BOOTS.-Yor the best and cheapest of all classes of Boots and Shoes go to Joseph Jones, Comptoin House, Castle- street, Conway. Best shop for repairing. Agent for the "K" and all the Best Brands. 2427 CYFARFOD PREGETHU BLYNYDDOL CARMEL.—Cynhelir yr uchod Rhagfyr iaf, 2il 3ydd, 4ydd, a'r sed. Pregethir y Sabboth am 10 gan y Piarch. O. Evans, Colwyn Bay; am .2 ,a 6 gan y Parch. John, Owen, :M.A., Blaen- au Ffestiniog. Nos Lun a nos Fawrth, y Parch. John Williams, Brynsiencyn; nos Fercher, y Parch. W. Thomas, Llanrwst; nos Iau, y Parch T. C Williams, M.A., Menai Bridge. 2873 MARKET PH.ICES,-Butter is 3d per lb. ■eggs, 6 for is. ALL THROUGH DRINK.-Thomas Jack- son described as a labourer, of Newport, was brought before His Worship the Mayor, at a special court, on Friday morning, charged with being found dru nkat Talybont. P. C. W. Jones (73) stated that at about six o'clock OIL the pre- vious evening he found prisoner drunk in the highway. He told him to go home, but, after proceeding a islhioxt disttaniCe, iprisoneir behaved in a most linideoent manner, an-d was arrested and conveyed to Conway in ,a tr,ap. A fine of gs. and coistsi was- imposed, and prisoner was sent to gaol for fourteen, days in default. FIGHT AT THE WORKHOUSE.—At a special court, on Thursday morning, before the Mayor (Dr. R. Arthur-Prichard) and Mr. Owen Rowland, Aniniie Gannon, (37) and Mary Marsh (Sg), inmates of the Conway Workhouse, were charged with disorderly conduct in the Union on the previous day. Mr. Jones, the Master, .stated that he had received complaints about the two women fighting. Gannon had been before the Guardians in respect to a similar offence on .a previous occasion, when she was cautioned and ordered to be brought before the Bench if she repeated her conduct. Nurse Jonas gave evidence las to :seeing the women fighting. Both defendants admitted the offence, but put the blame on each other, stating that! they lost fhetiir tempers. The. Chairman gave each of them a good lecture and advice .as -to their future con- duct, and they were bound over in the .sum of £$to be of good behaviour for six months. JUDGE MOSS INDIGNANT WITH A 'MONEY-LENDER.-The money-lender is rare- ly absent from: the local County Courts, and Thursday's Court ait Llandudno was no excep- ti on to the rule. The representative of a Man- chester person, was conspicuous for his "pound of flesh" persistency, and in. one cape of his ilt transpired" that the unfortunate person that had got into- his clutabeis was declared tin an affidavit by the prosecutor to. be a "platelayer earning thirty shillings a week." Defendant did not ap- pear, and upon enquiries being made it trans- pired that he was an old man of eighty years of age. The Judge thereupon looked with. con. tempt at the m\an in the box, and ,said "You come into a Court of Justice after swearing an affidavit of that kind. Through you I might have sent an old man of eighty to Carnarvon gaol. Get down." Such are the ways and means of these human hawks. A DRUNKEN NAVVY.—Before Dr. R. Arthur-Prichard, at the plolioe Court, on Thurs. day in last week, another of the Dolgarrog navvies was, put on, his trial upon a charge of drunkenness, A fine of 5s. and costs, or 14 diays in default, 'being imposed. WORKSHOP ON FIRE.Cons:iderable ex- citement was caused soon after 11 o'clock on Friday morning by the ringing of the fire-bell. A fire, it transpired, had broken out at a thatched-roofed workshop at Henryd. The brigade under the able- command of Captain. E. Loyd Jones was immediately on the spot. but not. however, before a certain amount of carnage betm done. The presence of the brigade prevented the flames1 from spreading to s#-veral small cottages in the vicinity. DEATH OF MISS MARY GRACE DAVIES.—It fis with fieelirugtsi of deep tfegiret that we record the death of Miss Mary Grace Davies, of Minydon, Woodlands, which sad event took place last Thursd"-<r evening. Deceased had been ailing for some time, but her sudden, departure came as a shock to her many friends and relatives. Only 22 vears of ae-e. and of a retiring disposition, she had al- ways taken the greatest kit erst in all religious movements. At Sion Congregation chapel, of which she was a most faithful member, the loss will be very keenly felit. The funeral, which was of a representative character, took place on Monday. The Rev. Ellis Roberts, Pentrevoelas, and J. Luther Thomias officiated at the house, the members of the Sunday school class which the deceased attended preceding the coffin on the way to Gyffin Churchyard. The services in the Church and at the graveside were taken by the Rector (.the Rev. R. Jones), who laboured under feelings of deep emotion. Some of the deceased's favourite hymns were sung, and very touching was the rendering of "0 Fryniau Caer salem" at the graveside, to the tune "Crugybar." The coffin, which was covered with the most .beautiful floral tributes, was of polished oak, and bore the following inscrip- tion "Mary Grace Davies, died November 21st, aged 22 years." Mr. J. Griffiths, Bangor- road, efficiently carried out the funeral arran.ge- ments. Wreaths, were sent by the following: — "Her mother." "Robert John," "Auntie Sarah," "Cousin Willie," Liverpool; "Cousin Ellen," Colwyn Bay; "Auntie Maud," "Maggie., Blanche, Jennie. and Shem," Miss A. Owens, Blundel,1 sands; Miss EimiIy Dav. iies, Liverpool; Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Ginntv. Liverpool Miss M. A. Roberts, Eiri- anedd. Cadinant; Mr. and 'Mrs. Rowlands, Dol. wen Mill; Miiss E. A. Roberts, Resent House; Miss Gwen Griffiths, Regent House; Miss Jones, Brvntirion.; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Lan- caster-square Mrs. Rowlands and Miss Jones:, Plascethin, Llanrdudno; Miss Owen, Colwyn Bay; Miss Lizzie Jones, Gyffin; Misses Jack- son, Conway: Mr. R. Jones, Conway Mr. and Mrs. James Jones, Llandudno Junction, and one from the scholars of the deceased's Sunday school class. CONDOLENCE.—Mr William Jones and family, Minydon, Woodlands, wish to convey their sincere thanks to all friends for their sympathy in their recent sad bereavement. 3-00 LEGAT,M,r. George Thome, son of Mr. G. R. Thorne, solicitor, of Wolverhampton, has successfully passed the final examination of the Incorporated Law Society. Mr. Thorne, who thereby qualifies himself as a solicitor, was coached by Mr. H. E. Roberts, solicitor, of the office of Messrs. Porter, Amphlett and Jones. Our brilliant young townsman, Mr. Roberts, at his final, ift will be reimemibeed, was one of the first men of the year. CORPORATION FIRE BRIGADE—Orders for the week ending December 9th: Station. duty, Firemen Robert Evans and Robert Parrv. Officer on duty. Lieutenant Owen Williams'. Monthly wet drill on Saturday, Deoelmber 7th, at 2.30 p.m.—F. A. Delamoitte, Chief Officer. FAT STOCK SHOWS.—Mr. Robert Hughes, J.P., is this, year again exhibiting a number of beasts at both the Birmingham and London ishows. The entitle for Birmingham, were de- spatched from Conway- on Wednesday. A POPULAR LECTURE.—Noson gyda Thai o'r hen bregeithwyr" was the subject of a highly interesting and popular lecture de- fliiverefd by Mr. William Richairlds, formerly postmaster of Bangor, ait the weekly meeting of the Carmel C.M. Liiterary Society, held on Tuesday evening. The Rev. T. Gwynedd Ro- berts presided, and amongst others who spoke were Alderman Henry Lewis (Bryn Hyfryd), Mr William Edwards, Mr. John Edwards. J.P., Mr. Josef E. Jones, and Mr. Cyniwal Jones, There was a large, attendance. A JUVENILE OPERETTA.—The annual performance given toy the pupils -of Mi,ss Leech, Glanafon School, which is always awaited with great interest, is definitely announced for Wed. nesday next. The title of this year's, operretta is "Zurika, the Gipsy Maid," or "The Captive Princess," ,and the proceeds will be. devdted to a most worthy cause-the District Nurse Fund, and other charities. In additiion to the play, in three acts, there will be a few mllSlceHaneous, items in the form of skirt, garland, gipsy, and fairy dances, together with some excelleint gramaphonie .selections. SHIPPING.—The s.s. "Enterprise" con- veyed the -eriodical consignment of goods to Conway in the place of the "W. S. Caine," this week. The' better-known steamer is undergoing a survey.—The s.s. "Dinorwic" landed 270 tons 'of London cement for Dolgarrog, at the De- ganwy Wharf on Wednesday. A MISSIONARY.—Dr. J. Campbell Nichol- son, son of Captain Nicholson, formerly of Con- way, was one of the principal .speaikers at a we 11-attended me-eti-fig held at :the Caxton Hall, London, a short time ago, in connection with the John G. Paiton New Hebrides Fund. MiEN'S GUIjLD.—On Tuesday evening, at the Girls' School, a very successful meeting of the Men's Guild was held, the Vicar presiding at the outset. Owing to indisposition, Mr. Ro- j berts, unfortunately, had to retire early on in the proceedings, Mr. A. G. Kaye taking the reins in his place. After c'ertain committee work had Ibeien transacted-, and refreshments had been -served, Captain Tuxford introduced a highly interestiing debate, the subject being "Whether or not compulsory military training was ad.visable?" Captain Tuxford, whose sym. vathies with ,the, aims of tlbe National Service League are weill known, naturally took the affirmatiw; viÍew, Mr. E. O. Jones, assistant master at the boys' school, being deputed to -lead the opposition. Amongst others, the Rev. John Davies, Curate, and Mr. Owen Williams, Plas took conspicuous parts in the dis- cussion which followed. The attendance wa-s large, and the evening's proceedings were fol- 11 I lowed with the keenest enthusiasm. ST JOHN'S.—A sale of work and tea in aid of the chapel funds took place at the English Wesley an Church Schoolroom, on Wednesday. A very handsome fancy work stall was pre- sided over by Mrs. Theo Jones. Mrs. A. J. Old- man, Miss Lewis (Sycamores!), Mrs. Jones (Berry-street), and Miss Jones In charge of the: flower stall were Miss' May Tones' and Miss Nora Lewis, whille .the superin- tendence of the tea tables* was entrusted to Mrs. Gate, Mrs. Dodd. Mrs. Robert Jones, Mrs. C'rossneld, Miss Brown, Miss. Nevitt, and Miss Edith. Lewis. A programlme of miscellaneous ilt,ems, given during ,the evening was well sus- rt,aillled by Mir. W. E. Jones. Mr. Roger and Miss Nona. Lewis, Mrs. A. J. Oldman, Mrs. Theo. Jones, Mrs. Byrne, and others. The Rev James Feather, Superintendent of the Circuit, occupied the -chair. WESLEYAN BANDS OF HOPE.—The Tabernacle and Soar Welsh Wesileyan Bands of Hope combined gave an excellent concert ait the Town Hall on Wednesday evening. Mr. Hugh Parry (Borough Accountant) presided, and in the -course of a very interesiting and instructive address made some timely remarks on the subject of the upbringing of the young. The programme of miscellaneous items that they were that evening ito, enjoy, he pointed out. could only have been possible as the, result of the existence of such organisations as they were present that evening to support, and as the 'proceeds of these Banldl of Hope meetings gener- ally went towards furnishing -prizes for the scholars during an ensuing season he felt that such movieimenlts deiserved their best and most cordial encouragement. Previous successful concerts held had enabled the urometers: to dis- tribute no less than £8 worth of books amongst the juvenile members. (Applause.) Too much praise could 'not' he bestowed upon the good people who had undertaken the duties of teach, ing these children, and if there, was one trait moire than another that he admired in a public man it was ito see him in the midst of a busy municipal career finding time to do his share in teaching the children and in .helping such movements along. (Applause.) In this: connec- trilo-n he could not refrain from mentioning the name of the late Ailderman Hugh Hughes, whose .strenuous work in that direction would not soon be forgotten. (Applause.) The speaker concluded his remarks with the suggestion, that with the object of giving praise to whom, praise was due the townspeople should annually be allowed to see a joint Band of Hope demonstra- tion of all the churches. It was ithen that they would fully realise what the teachers were really doing. (Loud applause.) Later in the proceedings, on the motion of Mr. Roger Wil- liams, seconded by Mr. Owen Davies, a heianty vote of thanksi was accorded Mr. Parry for pre. siding, whille the Rev. Philip Price (pastor) ,seconded by Mr. T. C. Jones (school superin- tendent:), CadnraM Park, 'proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the instructors and others who had worked with the ,children and were responsible for the evening's arrangements. Mir. Parry, in responding, made a further appeal to the youth of the town to take- seriously to heart the ques- tion of going in for and making use- of the facilities now offered by- the County Council for the conduct of an evening continuation school in the tlown. (Loud applause.)—The very interesting programme of items was as fol- -ows:-Pianoforte solo. Nesta Price; anthem, Y Canaan Gly-d," Soar choir; recitation. Koseitta Jones; action song, "Y Morwr," Soar so^°) Hannah Hughes recitation Frank Williams; action song, "Chinese Umbrella," Tabernacle -girls; selection on the autohiarp, Robert Owen; recitation, M. Alice Evanis • action song. "Housemaid's song." Soar oirls duett, A. Thomias and Hannah Hughe-s &recit- ation, Hugh Robert Jones,; pianoforte duet, A. A. Jones and E, Jones; glee, "Praise and Glory Render," Soar choir recitation, Alice P. Jones; Assam Pekoe, Tabernacle girls; son^ and chorus. Edith Jones- and party • recitation* HE. Cunniah; action, song. "Mr. Nobodee," Tabernacle girls; recitation, Grace Ellen Jones solo and chorus, Annie Jones-Roberts and party; selection on the autohiarp Robert Owen; recitation, John Hugh Jones; colour song, A. J. Evans, N. Price, and G. Polin — The; Misses; Edith Jones sand E. M. Cunnah presided at the piano, and the meeting con- cluded with a hearty rendering of "H^n^Wliad fy Nhadau." SALE OF WORK.—The Braibazon Employ- ment Society will hold their annual "Sale of Work" at the Gonwlay Union Workhouse on Wednesday. December 4th, at 2.30. A musical programme and afternoon tea will he provided. It is to be hoped that: this year's sale will prove as complete a success and that it will receive the same dignified patronage and suppartt as last year. Mrs. Martin Wilson of Eiithinocr Llandudno, has- kindly promised to open the sale, and Mir. David Jones," Chairman of the Board of Guardians, will be the president for the afternoon.









Rhydlydan, Pentrevoelas