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BANGOR. BANGOR PIER AND FfERRY PROFITS.— Though there are slight decreases in the ferry and pier promenading receipts, tHe 13a 'gar Pier during the season just concluded ha$ yielded an increased profit of £250 as compared with last year. The receipts from the Beaumaris traffic were [1,134 14s. 5d. j NO CHILDREN ALLOWED.—Mr. Hugh Thomas presided at Friday's meeting of the Ban- gor and Beaumaris Board of Guardians, and cordially welcomed the freappearance amongst them of1 Mr. C. F. Prieltley after an absence through illness of nearly twelve months.—For the posts of Master and Matron thirty-seven ap- plications had been received, and these had been reduced to eight.—Air. D. Williams asked; if an application had been received from the. late Mas- ter and Matron.—The C|erk I have only had this: -"I beg to give yoii notice that I shall ap- ply for reinstatement athe next meeting of the Boiard." But that is, nGt an application.—Mr. D. Williams I propose that the Master be rein- stated. At least for six monrths.- The Chair- man I am very, very sjhrry, Mr. Williams, but I can't take that. You sfiould have given notice of motion.—The Clerk: It is a pity he did not apply properly.—Mr. Ohadwick: He was. re- quested to resign by the Local Government Board. They would notjjjaccept a reappointment. 7~With a| view of shorteifing the list still further, it was proposed that jjall applicants who had children should be elirriinated.—This was car- ried.Mrs. Saunders (warmly) I think it is a very great shame of 35011, gentlemen, and as a protest I will not vote fqr anyone without child- ren. (Hear, hear.) Ultimately, by a series of c votes, the. Board reduced the number of appli- cants to four, who, with their wives, are to be requested to attend thje next Board meeting, when the appointment wfll be made. POLICE COURT.—]\|r. Thomas Lewis pre- sided 'at this court on Tuesday. Alfred WiL uams, a youth apparently of about seventeen years of age, was charged with being drunk., He said he tasted drink Hor the, first tim.e that night, and only had Mo glasses of beer, which might have turned his head'. He was fined 2S 6d and costs.—Jabez Williams, Upper Bangor, another youg fellow of about the. same age as the last defendanit, was charged with using profane language. iThe Bench character- ised Williams's languagefas "abominable" and villanous," and fined him ios. and costs.— James Hogan, Bangor, for being drunk and dis- orderly, and saying, "I admit the case I dis- serve it," was fined 5s and costs.—John Wil- liams, Bangor, went to tfie Polite Station on Monday night drunk. Advised to go home, hie Went out, but immediatel returned1 'and began' swearing at the police,! onle of whose watch chains he smashed. He wtHS also said to have "kicked the door like a horse." Hie was, finedl los and costs, andi ordered to pay the cost of repairing the chain or to provide the officer with another.—Mary Williams !the last defendanit's mother) was fined 2s 6d afd costs for drunken- ness.





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