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Detailed Lists, Results and Guides

SMITHFIULD. -i MONDAY.—Daring the week ending on Saturday the import of foreign stock into London was on the increase, and somewhat large, even the time of year considered. The total arrival was 6/250 head. Large numbers of beasts and sheep having been landed from the Large numbers of beasts and sheep having been landed from the Rotterdam, and Harlingen steamers this morning, the show of foreign stock was large, but of very middling quality. From our own grazing districts, especially from Lincolnshire and Leicester- shire, the arrivals of beasts fresh up to-day were considerably iu excess of those reported on Monday last; but at least a moiety of them were beneath the middle quality. The attendance of buyers was good, and the primest Seots, ,De vons, Hereford?, &c., moved off steadily at about stationary prices-táe extreme value of the first-named breed being 8s. 8d. to 3s. lOJ. per 81b.; otherwise the beef trade was in a sluggLJl state, and in some instances the quo- tations had a downward tendency. The numbers of sheep were again Oil the increase, and, for the most part, of full average quality. The primest old Downs were disposed of, at last Monday's cur- rencies, viK., 3s. lOd. to 4d. per 81b., being a decline in those of Friday last of 2d. per 8ibs. but all other breeds met a slow in- quiry, at unaltered figures. We were tolerably well, but not to say heavily, supplied with lambs, from which the demand ruled steady, at late rates. Prime small calves soid to a fair extent, but inferior qualities of veal commanded very littie attention. Pigs were in moderate supply, and heavy inquiry. In prices we have no change to notice. Price per stone of Sihs, (toaink the offitl). s. d. s. d. Coarse and inferior beasts 2 6 to 2 S Second quality do 2 10 3 i Prime large oxen 3 4 3 6| Prime Scots,~&o 3 8 3 1"> Coarse&inferior sheep 3 0 3 2 Second quality do 3 4 3 6 s. d. 3. d. Prime coarse-woollcd 3 6 10 3 10 Prime Southdown do. 3 111" 4 0 Large coarse calves. 2 10 H 3 0 Prime small ditto 3 2,, 3 10 Large hogs 3 2,, 3 6 [ Neat, small porkers 3 8 4 to is. Sd, Suckling calves, 18s. to 21s.; and quarter-old store pigs, 16s. to 21s. each. HEAD OF CATTLE ON SALE. (From the books of the clerk of tho market.) TOTAL SU..PPl.¡LlŒ Beasts 4,109 I. Sheep and Lambs 31,92!> Calves. 2 8 Pigs 20a j FOKEION SL'PI'LIKS. Beasts 887 Sheep 3,820 Caives 185 Pigs 29 A statement and comparison of the supplies and prices of fat stock exhibited and sold'in Smithheld Cattle Market, 011 Monday, Aug, 13, 1849, ami this da i' Monday, Aug. 12, lsso. Per 8 lbs. to sink the ofi'als. Aug. 13, 1849. Aug. 12, 1850. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Coarse and inferior beasts 2 8 to 2 10 2 6 to 2 8 Second quality ditto 3 0 3 2 2 10 3 2 Prime large oxen 3 4 3 8 3 4 3 6 Prime Scots, <fcc 3 8 3 16 3 8 3 10 Coarse and inferior sheep 2 10 ,,3 0 3 0 3 2 Second quality do 3 2 3 4 3 4 3 6 Prime coarse-woolled do 3 6 3 8 3 8 3 10 Prime Southdown do 3 10 4 0 3 10 ,,4 0 Lambs 4 0 „ 5 0 3 8 „ 4 8 Large coarse calves 2 10 ,,3 2 2 10 ,,3 0 Prime small do 3 4 ,,3 8 3 2 ,,3 10 Large hogs 3 2 3 6 3 2 3 6 Neat small porkers 3 8 4 0 3 8 4 0


PONTYPRIDD.- Auc«. 10.


MERTUYli.— ACQ. 10.

Family Notices

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