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TO BE LET. AN OLD-ESTABLISHED SHOP, situated at Jackson's Bridge, Merthyr Tydfil, where the Grocery and Drapery business has been carried on for 40 years, now in the occupation of Mr. T. Prichard, under a Lease which will expire on the 29th of Sep- tember next. The House is replete, with extensive and commo- dious cellars. Any Stock in Trade which Mr. T. P. may have to dispose of can he taken at a fair valuation, if required. Apply to the Rev. JOHN HUGHES, Bcthania, Dowlais. ADMISSION FREE. OPEN EVERY EVENING. THE BUTE SALOON, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. Prcprietor, Mr. VI. TAYLOR. MR. TAYLOR most respectfully begs leave to inform his Patrols, Friends, and the Public generally, that no expense ieen spared to render the Entertainments of his Saloon worthy the attention of the lovers of harmony and in order further to add to its attractions, he has engaged the following talented company -Miss E. CLIFFORD, of the Liverpool, Dublin, and London Concerts. This much admired Sentimental and Characteristic "Vocalist will appear each evening, and sing most of the popular sonars of the day. Miss E. GUEST, the Morning Star. Mr. T. EVANS, the laughable comical Extravaganza and Buffo^Singer, late of the Royal Concerts, Belfast and Dublin. Mr. J. I4. VAN BRAMER, the great Juba Dancer. The Concert will be under the direction of Mr. J. BEALE, Pianist. Doors open at Seven o'clock, the Performance to commence at half-past. Deafness and Singing in the Ears effectually Cured, without Pain or Operation. The application of this wonderful discovered remedy to the ears of those afflicted with deafness for 40 or 50 years; enables them to hear a watch tick at arm's length. T\R. JAMES VERB RUG AN, Surgeon Aurist, and consulting J j Surgeon to the Infirmary for the Cure of Deafness, begs to orter this valuable discovery to the public from benevolence rather than gain, and will forward it to any part, carriage free, with full directions, packed in a small case, on receipt of five shillings in postage stamps or money order, directed to Dr. James Verbrugan, 6, Beaufort Buildings, Strand, London. This is not one of the usual Quack Advertisements, the effect produced on the application of this remedy being honestly and truly magical, painless in its use, even to an infant, many of whom, born deaf, together with grown up persons who had not heard the human voice for fifty years, have, after using this remedy, enjoyed the society of their fellow creatures. Dr." V. daily applies it, and has cured thousands in his private practice, and also at the Ear Infirmaries, in the presence of the most eminent physicians, who have been utterly astounded at the cures effected. N.B.—No Agents to insure the genuine, apply to Dr. V.. CURES FOR THE UNCURED! ■ -i\ £ ) HOLLOW AY'S OINTMENT. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE FOR SCROFULA, OR KING'S EVIL. Extract of a Letter from Mr. J. H. Alliday, 209, High-street, Cheltenham, dated the 22nd of Januarg, 1850. To Professor IIOLLO'WAY, SIR,—My eldest Son, when about three"years of age, was afflicted with a Glandular Swelling in the neck, which after a' short time broke out into an Ulcer. An eminent medical man pro- nounced it as a very bad case of Scrofula, and prescribed for a considerable time without effect. The disease then for four years went on gradually increasing in virulence, when besides the ulcer in the neck, another formed below the left knee, and a third under the eye, besides seven others on the left arm, with a tumour between the eyes, which was expected to break. During the whole of the time my suffering boy had received the constant advice of the most celebrated medical gentlemen at Cheltenham, besides being for several months at the General Hospital, where one of the Surgeons said that he would amputate the left arm, but that the blood was so impure, that if that limb wereHaken off it would be then even impossible to subdue the disease. In this des- perate state I determined to give your Pills and Ointment a trial, and after two months perseverance in their use, the tumour gradually began to disappear, and the discharge from all the ulcers perceptibly decreased, and at the expiration of eight months they were perfectly healed, and the boy thoroughly restored to the blessings of health, to the astonishment of a large circle of ac- quaintances, who could testify to the truth of this miraculous case. Three years have now elapsed without any recurrence of the malady, and the boy is now as healthy as heart can wish. Under these circumstances I consider that I should be truly ungrateful were I not to make you acquainted with this wonderful cure, ejected by your medicines after every other means had failed. (Signed) J. H. ALLIDAY. CURE OF ACUTE RHEUMATISM OF FOUR YEARS' STANDING. Extract of a Letter from Mr. John Pitt, Dudley, 19tlt Jan., 18.50. To Professor HOLI-OWAY, Slit,-It iz tco pfi"»at8St pleasure that I write to thank you for the be j have ^"eived from j-our Pills and Ointment, which have eorp.Mv:y cured me (,the Rheumatism, under which I sufferer! f last four yen. at times I was so bad as hardly to bs able to /• I had tried very kind of Medicine that was recomm receiving My benefit. I at last thought I would gi, Le, '.ics a trial, and purchased Mr. Hollin, I, m is: Le, Town, two Boxes of Pills, and two of Gi'vimei.t, and in three weeks, through them and the blowing of Gdl, I v. restored to health-and strength, and am now as well able to as ever I was in my life. I am well known in this parish, having been sixty-five years in it, with an exception of ten years I served in the 24th Regiment of Foot. (Signed) JOHN PITT. CURE OF A BAD LEG OF MORE THAN SIXTY YEARS' STANDING. Mr. Barker, of No, 5, Graham's-place, Drypool, near Hull, had ulcers on his leg from the age of eighteen until upwards of eighty, and although for many years he had sought the first advice in the country, nothing Was found to cure them. He very often suffered most excruciating pain for long periods together, which incapaci- tated him from attending to his business. He had given up all hopes of getting a cure, when at last he was persuaded to try Hollowav's Pills and Ointment, which he did, and however won- derful it may appear, the leg was thoroughly healed by their means, and by continuing to use the Pills alone after his leg was well, he has become in health so hale and hearty as now to be more active than most men of fifty. N.B.—The truth of this extraordinary statement can be vouched for by Mr. J. C. Reinhardt, 22, Market-place, Hull. February 20th, 1850. CURE OF A DESPERATE CASE OF RINGWORM, OF SIX YEARS' STANDING. Lima, 13th of November, 1849. One of the most eminent Surgeons in Lima (the Capital of Peru) had a child covered with Ringworm for more than six years; in tain he exhausted all his art in his endeavours to effect a cure. Not succeeding, he consulted among his brethren, the most celebrated m dical practitioners of the city, but nothing was found to do the child service. When he was persuaded by Mr. Joseph P. Hague, The English Chemist and Druggist, residing at No. 74, Calle de Pa- lacio, to try Hollowav's Pills and Ointment, which was done, and fter uing six large Pots of the Ointment, with a proportion of the Pills, the child was radically. cured, to the surprise of the whole medical profession. The name of the parent, from motives of dTicacy, is withheld. The Pill? should be used conjointly with the Ointment in most of tie following cases:- Bad Legs Bad Breasts -Burns Bunions Bite of Mos. chetoea and Sand-Flies Coco-Bay Chiego-foot Chilblains Chapped hands ,Corus (Soft) Cancers Contracted and Stiff joints Elephantiasis Fistulas Gout GlandularSwellings Lumbago Piles Rheumatism Scalds Sore Nipples Sore-throat Skin-diseases Scurvey Sore-heads Tumours Ulcers Wounds Yaws Sold by the Proprictot, 1, Strand, (near Temple-bar,) London, and by all respectable Vendors of Patent Medicine throughout the civilised world, in Pots and Boxes, at Is. I id., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 223, and 33s. each. There is a very considerable saving in taking the larger sizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of Patients are affixed to each Pot or Box* THE LONDON MUTUAL LIFE AND GUARANTEE SOCIETY. Established for Granting Assurances on Lives, Guarantee for Fidelity, Endowments, Loans, Annuities, and Interest on Deposit Accounts. INCORPORATED BY ACT 01" PARLIAMENT. All Policies indisputable, except in cases of palpable fraud. The Premium per cent. for Fidelity Guarantee Policies, in com bination with Life Assurance, will be found extremely moderate. Guarantee Fund, £ 50,000. HEAD OFFICES, No. 63, MOORGATE-STREET, LONDON, near the Bank of England. TRUSTEES Stephen Olding, Esq., Clement's-lane, Banker. Thomas Spalding, Esq., Drury-lane. Henry Tucker, Esq., Stamford Hill. Edward Swaine, Esq., 185, Piccadilly. DITECTORS Peter Broad, Esq., Tavistoch-street, and Shepherd's Bush. Jonathan Carey, Esq., Abbey-place, St. John's Wood. Thomas Chambers, Esq., Devereux Chambers, Temple. Joseph Davis, Esq., Stock Exchange, and Providence House, Hackney. William Coles Fuller, Esq., 9, Arthur street, West. Benjamin Wigg Hickling, Esq., 9, Noble-street, and Norwood. Stephen Oldiug, Esq., Clement's-lane. Charles Reed, Esq., Paternoster-row, and Hackney. Joseph Tucker, Esq., Gresham-street, and Woodford. George Wilson, Esq., Westminster, and Notting Hill. MEDICAL OFFICERS. Thomas Bevil Peacock, Eq., M.D., ILinsbLiry Circus. Ebenezer Smith, Esq., Billiter-square. AUDITORS. William Hopwood, Esq., Aldine Chambers, Paternoster-row. George Moor, Esq., Hofborn Hill. George S. Hinchliff, Esq., Chelsea, and Hammersmith. J. Parrington, Esq., 16, King-street, City. COUNCIL. Robert Lush, Esq., Inner Temple. C. J.Forster, Esq., Stone-buildings, Lincoln', Inn. BANKERS. Messrs. Rogers, Olding, and Co., 29, Clement's-lane. SOLICLTOIIS, Messrs. Tyrrell and Matthews, 30 Basinghall-street. SECRETARY. Hi C. Eiffe, Esq. PROSPECTUS.—The proprietors of this society are a body of prac- tical business men, who have seen the evils on: he one side of Pro prietary Offices, where profits are made from Assurers for the sole advantage of the shareholders, varying from 50 to 750 per colit. or a portion of the profits being divided among the Assured, high Premiums are paid for the benefit of future survivors and on the other hand, those Mutual Societies where nobody is responsible, the only security being the mutual funds of the Society, in which case, should the Societies' business not realise a sufficient income, the Assurers must be left without payment either of the Sum As- sured, or the Annuity contracted for. To avoid these evils, and afford at once perfect security to the Assured, with full participation in the gains, the" LONDON MUTUAL LIFE AND GUARANTEE SOCIETY" is established, and the Proprietors have secured an ample capital to meet the expenses of building up the Society, and to guarantee the prompt payment of all claims. The interest on this capital, until sufficient funds accumulate to pay it off, will form the only claim on the profits of the Society and afterwards all the profits will be divided among the Assured. This Society being established upon the MUTUAL principle, with the additional advantage of the guaranteed capital, to render cer- tain the prompt settlement of all its engagements, must and will afford benefits not to be exceeded, if indeed to be found, in any similar Institution. £ A most important feature in the arrangements of this So ciety, by which litigation will be avoided, and perfect confidence rendered to the public, is, that NO POLICY WILL BE DISPUTED ex- cept in cases of PALPABLE fraud; all claims, therefore, on Life Policies, will be immediately discharged after the usual proofs shall have been submitted to the Directors, as likewise the age of the Assured will at any time (upon satisfactory proof being furnished) be admitted by endorsement on the Policy. The business is conducted at the Head Office, under the super- intendence of the Board of Directors; and by the terms of the Deed of Constitution, the Accounts are annually audited by four Auditors (one of whom is to have no interest in the Society, either as a Share or Policy Holder), and their report submitted at a General Meeting of the Members, so that every party possesses ample security for the proper management of the affairs of the In- stitution. The General Board meets every Tuesday at three o'clock; but Assurances can be effected daily from ten to four o'clock, on ap- plication to the Secretary, or to any of the Provincial Agencies. Prospectuses, Forms of Proposal for Life, Guarantee, and Loans with every other information, may be obtained of the Secretary of the Society's Office, to whom likewise persons desirous of being ap- pointed Agents in London or provincial towns, or Medical Referees in the country, are requested to apply either r.y of by letter. (By order of the Board) H. 0. Hotfetary. A liberal commission allowed to f -'mors, Sur veyors, Mi- nisters of Congregations, and the Compa A fJj • e' Parties having simple Life P.ui^cs. j ■ y a. any time ex- change them for those containing GiiaranUe i'orirHc:. v in combina- tion with Insurance. SOLD BY PHILLIPS, MORGAN, JAVES, CARDIFF. EVANS, BRADLEY, KERNICK, late Vachel, M'CARTHY, NEWPORT, And every Chemist and Druggist in the Principality. All who value the Blessings of Health would do well to take SYDENHAM'S FAMILY PILLS. "Meet Approaching Disease. Prevention better than Cure." DR. SYDENHAM'S APERIENT ANTIBILIOUS FAMILY PILL OF HEALTH, FOR BOTH SEXES, ENTIRELY VEGETABLE, Prepared from the !V?seH ion of that eminent Physician, Dr. SYDENHAM, who was jusuy *rylod the Father of Modern Me- dicine." A MOST "d Bilious Complaints, l\_ Indigestion. ■" the Stomach and Bowels, i rowsiness, Loss i c' t..4 •■<->•>•. t>\ Sight, Pains and Giddi- i:.i s of the Head, ■-•■ravel and Dropsical Complaints, Spasms, and Lovaiess uf iSpirits, PIF-P C> great Purifier of the Blood. It is important and worthy of remark, and very much to the honor of the eminent Physicians as well as the Medical Profession in general of our country, that one of the most extraordinary and exalted characters of the age, Louis Phillippe, ex-King of the French, has always had recourse to the remedies of the late gifted and celebrated Doctor Sydenham. Dr. Sydenham's Family Pills have been faithfully dispensed by the present Proprietor for more than thirty years, and have ob tained from all grades of the community the highest reputation. This valuable preparation contains a happy combination of the mildest and most valuable aperient vegetable medicines, and re- quires neither confinement nor alteration of diet during its use. Moderate exercise increases its good effects. It may be taken at any time when the bowels are costive or uneasy, and in obstruc- tions or stomach complaints; and Sydenham's Pills should be taken by persons of all ages, as they assist digestion, correct ex- cesses of the table, give a healthy action and tone to the stomach, remove all complaints to which the digestive organs are subject, and combining tonic and aperient properties, will lead to health and cheerful old age. The most delicate females will find these Pills beneficial to their general health. Ample directions will be found in the wrapper which surrounds each box also testimonials of the virtue of these celebrated Pills, from an eminent Physician practising extensively in Bristol and Clifton, and individuals of the highest respectability. Small boxes, Is. ld. and 2s. 9d.; Family Boxes,4s. 6d. and Ils- On the Family Boxes there is a considerable saving. Prepared by the Sole Proprietor, J. REES, Bristol; sold, by appointment, by all the respectable Chemists and Dealers in Patent Medicine in Bristol, Clifton, Bath, and throughout the United Kingdom. Attention to the following method of taking them is strongly re- commended :— Sense of Fullness in the Stomach, and Indigestion from feeding too heartily—One Pill to be taken sitting down to dinner. Sick Head Ache and uneasiness of the Stomach—Two or three Pills to be taken at any time when troubled with these complaints. Costiveness-One or two Pills may be taken at bed-time. Head Ache and Stomach Complaints from drinking freely—Two or three Pills to be taken at bed-time or any other period. Loss of Appetite-One Pill to be taken one hour before dinner and supper. In Bilious Complaints and Sallow Complexions—One Pill to be taken night and morning. Gouty Habits—Two Pills at night and one in the morning oc- casionally, Eruptive Faces-One Pill night and morning for a fortnight, according to their operation. FOR CHILDREN—Where the Stomach and Bowels are out of order, a Pill or half of one according to their age. CAUTION.—Ask for SYDENHAM'S FAMILY PILL OF HEALTH, and be especially particular you do not purchase any Pills bearing similar titles, as unprincipled persons too often attempt to foist nostrums of their' own, instead of the truly valua- ble SYDENHAM Piz-x. LEGAL AND COMMERCIAL LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE SOCIETIES. OFFICES, 73, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. ADVANTAGES OFFERED TO ASSURERS BY THESE SOCIETIES I lFE-Bonuses every fifth year, equal to 80 PER CENT. OF PHO. J FITS: ECONOMY OF RATES, especially for young lives An Assurance of £100, at age 25, for El 18s 3d. per annum or on Bonus Scale for 1,2 13. 8d. or at age 30, for E2 3s. lOd. per annum on the Bonus Scale, JE2 7s. 8d.: Several NEW TABLES have been added to the pros- pectuses of this Society exhibiting features of great advantage to Assurers, and attention is especially called to the plan for acquiring Assurances by the payment of small sums at convenience. Payments to cease at any time. Half-yearly or quarterly payments received: ASSURERS for £999 are entitled to ATTEND AND VOTE at the General Meetings of the Society. FIRE—All extremely hazardous risks are excluded: LOWER HATES of premium, are therefore charged on various important risks A REDUCTION of 50 per cent, will be made on the seventh year's premium of all policies continued for that period: Losses settled liberally and promptly paid The receipts for policies falling due at MIDSUMMER are now in the Agents' hands, and should be paid within fifteen days of that date. For full particulars, with rates and prospectuses, apply to the Secretary at the office, or to any of the undermentioned Agents PLACE. AGENTS. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. CARDIFF Mr. Jas. Barry Savings- T. Evans, Esq. bank. ABERYSTWITII Messrs. Parry and Att- R. Gilbertson, Esq. wood. BRECON W. Games Esq. T. Armstrong, Esq. BRIDGEND E. Loveluck. Jno. Williams, Esq. BANGOR I. Aronside Dr Roberts. BARMOUTH J. H. Jones, Esq. T. P. Davies, Esq. CARDIGAN W. Thomas. W. L. Noot, Esq. CARMARTHEN John White. John Jenkins, Esq CoWBRIDGE David Davis. COIIWEN R. Williams, Esq. CAERNARVON J. Thomas. R. Connell, Esq. DENBY John Jones, Esq. Evan Peirce, Esq. DOLGELLY G. J. Williams, Esq. W. Williams, Esq. TESTINIOG J. Cooper. FLINT J. Evans. P. Williams, Esq. HAVERFORDWEST Messrs. Greenish and G. Miller, Esq. Dawkins. HOLYHEAD H. G. Hughes. H. Duncan, Esq. HOLYWELL C. E. Ashworth. P. Williams, Esq. LLANELLY. R. W. White. LLANDOVERY John James. David Thomas. LLANGOLLEN C. Richards, Esq. J. Price, Esq. LLANAVIST. E. Jones. W. Hughes, Esq. MOLD. C. Parry, Esq. W. Williams, Esq. MACHYNLLETH C. J. Lloyd. Dr. Lloyd. NEATII T. H. Wood, (Craig H. Green, Esq., Fawr) (Queen-street). NEWPORT W. T. H. Phelps, Esq. NEWCASTLE EMLYN Timothy Thomas. Jas. Thomas, Esq. PORTl\lADOa E. Anwyl. It. Williams, Esq. PWLLHELI J. C. Pring.. J. G. Jones, Esq. PEMBROKE W. Trevent. J.W. Payntee, Esq. RUTHIN J. Pierce. J. C. Jones, Esq. SWANSEA John Tripp, Esq. TENBY Thomas Thomas. TREMADOC D. Jones. R. Williams, Esq. WELCHPOOL E. Price. WREXHAM J. Hughe. W. Rowlands, Esq. EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS OF THE NEW REMEDY, Which has never been known to fail. A Cure effected or the Money returned. DR. DE ROOS' CONCENTRATED GUTTJE VIT2E has, in all instances, proved a speedy and permanent cure for every variety of Disease arising from Solitary Habits, Youthful delusive Ex cesses, and Infection, such as Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, &c., which from neglect or improper treatment by Mercury, Copaiba, Cubebs, and other deadly poisons, invariably end in some of the following forms of secondary symptoms; viz., pains and swellings in the bones, joints, and glands, skin eruptions, blotches, and pimples, weakness of the eyes, loss of hair, disease and decay of the nose, sore throats, pains in the side, back, aiid loins, fistula, piles. &c., diseases of the kidneys and bladder, gleet, stricture, seminal weakness, nervous rnel sexual debility, loss of memory, and finally such a state of drowsiness-, lassitiv'o and general prostration of strength, as, unless skilfu; iy "••rested, ■>>. ends in a miserable death. In th l' :-ve?t:- ret?zoval of the foregoing symptoms, and/, g a restorative of "¡.ly vigour, whether deficient from early im- prudence, or residence in hot climates, &c., this medicine has obtained an unparalleled popularity. From its properties in removing leucorrhoea or whites, head- ache, giddiness, indigestion, palpitation of the heart, dry cough, lowness of spirits, barrenness, and all disorders of FEMALES, it is admirably adapted to that class of sufferers, as it not only purifies and strengthens the whole system, but it creates new, pure and rich blood, and soon restores the invalid to sound health even after all other remedies (which have usually a depressing tendency) have failed in this lies the grand secret of its universal success. Sent securely packed, to any part from the Establishment only, price 1 Is. per Bottle, or four quantities in one large Bottle for 33s., with full instructions for Use, on'receipt of the amount by Post Ofice Order, payable at the Ilolborn Office. PAINS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL, L BAGO, Rheumatism, Gout, Debility, Indigestion, Stricture, Gleet, cc. DR. DE ROOS' COMPOUND RENAL PILLS Are a certain cure for the above dangerous complaints if recently acquired, as also all diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs gene- rally, whether resulting from imprudence or otherwise, which if neglected invariably result in symptoms of a far more serious cha- racter, and frequently an agonising death. By their salutary action on the acidity :the stomach, they correct bile and indigestion, purify and promote the Renal secretions, thereby preventing the formation of stone in the bladder, and establishing for life the healthy functions of all these organs. They hav» never been known to fail, and may be obtained of Mr. J. W. WlVce, Cheu-ist, Guild- aall-square, Carmarthen; Shum, Chemist, .High-street, xirecon; Philip Price, Post-office, Bridgend: .li. V'obber, Gur~:a:vn Office, Cardiff; Walter Thomas, Chemist, (opj.co :he Angel,) Merthyr; W. „ Williams, Chemist, High-street, >. r> "an: O. ,M. 3>»vies, Chemist, and Joseph Potter, Herald 0.< !i > "'CA It. C. Treweeks, Chemist, Pembroke; Thomas Evans, C..cmist, High- street, Swansea; Mr. E. J. Phillips, 20, High-street. Newport; and through most Medicine Vendors, price Is. ld., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6i. per box, or sent free on receipt of the price in postage stamps, by Dr. De Roos. Lasting benefit can only be reasonably expected at the hands of the duly qualified practitioner who, departing from the routine of general practice, devotes the whole of his studies to this class of diseases, the lamentable neglect of which by ordinary medical men, and their futile attempts at cure by Mercury and other equally dan- gerous Medicines, have produced the most alarming results. Sufferers are invited to apply at once to DR. DE R—, who gua- rantees a speedy and perfect cure of every symptom without hin- drance from. business, change of diet, &c., in comparatively few days, or return the money. Country patients wishing to place themselves under treatment will be minute in the detail of their cases; and to prevent trouble no letters from strangers will be replied to unless they contain £ 1 in cash, or by Post Office Order payable at the IIolborn office, for which Advice and Medicines will be sent. Patients corresponded with till cured. At home for consultation daily, from ten till one, and four till eight (Sundays excepted). Post-office Orders payable at the Ilolborn office to Walter de Roos, M.D., 35, Ely-place, Holborn, London. Read Dr. DE ROOS' CELEBRATED WORK THE MEDICAL ADVISER, The 64th Thousand of which is just published, containing 144 pages, illustrated with numerous beautifully coloured engravings, de- scriptive of the anatomy and physiology of the generative organs of both sexes in health and disease; also chapters on the obligations and philosophy of Marriage diseases of the male and female parts of Generation the only safe mode of treatment and cure of all those secret diseases arising from infection and-youthful delusive ex- cesses; with plain directions for the removal of every disqualifica- tion—the attainment of health, vigour, &c., with case, certainty, and safety. May be obtained in a sealed Envelope through most Booksellers, or of the Author, 2s., or (free) by post for 32 postage stamps. [OPINIONS OF TEE PRESS.] Extract from the Medical Gazette and Times. Fortunately for our country a remedy for these deplorable complaints is at last found and we hail the time as not far distant when such diseases shall be comparatively unheard of; we hope all persons so affiicted will lose no time in availing themselves of Dr. do Roos' skill." This work is indeed a boon to the public, as it has the two-fold advantage of plainness, and being written by a skilful and duly qualified man, who evidently well understands his subject. "-Daily 'rimes. This is a work cf superlative excellence, and one we should re- commend to the of all; in fact it is quite essential to those of either sex who contcreplate marriage." -Record. Addrcsa-WALTER DE ROOS, M.D., 35, Ely-place, Hol- bora Hill, London. v