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To PARENTS and GUARDIANS WANTED, a Strong, Active YOUNG MAN as an APPREN- TICE to the CURRYING BUSINESS. He will be treated as one of the Family, and expected to attend the Wesleyan Ministry. For Farther Particulars apply to JOSEPH DAVIE S, MARKET-STREET, NABBBBTn. Narberth, 21st May, 1850. CARDIFF TJNIOy. TN Pursuance of the Act of Parliament 11 and 12 Yic., cap. 91, I see. 7, I hereby give Notice that THE AUDIT of the AC- COUNTS for the HALF-YEAR ended on the 25th MARCH, 1850, -will commence on FRIDAY, the Thirty-first instant, at Ten a.m.. at the BOARD-ROOM of UNION. T. BQWRft, District Auditor. Carmarthen, May 6th, 1850. London and South Wales Tea Establishment. WRIFFEN AND COMPANY, TRINITY-STREET, CARDIFF. THE Proprietors of the above TEA ESTABLISHMENT return' their most grateful acknowledgments to the Public for the very liberal support they have received since their commencement in Cardiff. Impressed with the deepest gratitude, are desirous to cement still more closely the confidence that subsists between them and the Public, by assuring them that their present Stock of TEAS and COFFEES surpass all former purchases for Richness of Flavour and extraordinary cheapness. Families are respectfully solicited to try their splendid FOUR SHIIAING TSA, equal to that usually sold at Four and Eishtpence; finest Souchong, at Five Shillings: this is the best Black Tea im- ported. Rich Turkey Coffees at One and Fourpence and One and Eightpence per lb., roasted upon an improved principle, and retains in the highest degree that rich aromatic flavour so highly esteemed. N.B.—Families residing in the country may have their orders punctually forwarded to them when accompanied by a Post-office Order. LONDON AND SOUTH WALES TEA ESTABLISH- MENT, TRINITY-STREET, CARDIFF. WHIFF EN AND COMPANY, PROPRIETORS. TWO DOORS FROM THE MARKET-PLACE. NEWPORT, TO BE LET, with Immediate Possession, NNILAT old and well-accustomed Public House, called the I SHIP AFLOAT," situate in Skinner-street, Newport, and being in the immediateI vicinity of the Custom House, the. Bonded Stores, the "Wharfs, Tiiiber Yards, Canal, &c. The Stock (which is low) and Fixtures to be taken at a valuation. Application to be made to Mr. Cornelius Evans, Auctioneer and Estate,Agent; or to Mr. Chas. A. Spinder, on the premises. This advertisement.will not be repeated. Newport, May 23rd, 1850. CARDIFF NAVIGATION STEAK COMPANY. (PROVISIONALLY REGISTERED.) 1 GENERAL MEETING of the SUBSCRIBERS to this us- I xV dertaking will be held at the TOWN-HALL, CARDLFE, on 'FRIDAY, the 24th dayof M*Y instant, to receive 'the Report of the Provisional Committee, to elect Directors for the ensuing year, and for other purposes. • T. W. BOOKER, ESQ: ■ Has kindly consented to preside on the occasion. The chair will be taken at Three o'clock in the Afternoon. Cardiff, 16th May, 1850. REGULAR FRADER FROM LønON TO CARDIFF, NEWPORT, &E. '0; TT VimHE' Scli)^# THOMAS," JOHN "\LOMA< fvXsv L_ master, isnow loading at TOPPING'S WHARF, Tooley-strcet, London, for. Cardiff, Newport, Merthyr, •GMfmLg?Dowlais, Aberdare, Abergavenny, Brecon, Monmouth, Pontypool, Cowbridge, Bridgend, and places adjacent, and will sail positively on SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1850. W -For, Freight, &c., apply to the Master on Board; Mr. Rd. Burton, wharfinger, Newport Mr." Thomas Richards, Aber- favenny; Messrs. Prosser and Co,, Brecon Messrs. J. H. and G. covell, Topping's Wharf, Loudon or to Messrs. W. Bird and Son, Cardiff. ° London, May 23rd, 1850. CAItSIFF BRICK AND TILE WORKS Y$").. WATKINS and VACHELL beg to acquaint their Customers (f that Government having remitted the Duty on BRICKS, they. have determined to give tjie Public the whole advantage of the, re- mission of this Tax, and to render their BUILDING BRICKS, which have hitherto been charged 28s.. per thousand, as low. as 22s., and other descriptions oi BRICK and TILE at proportionate pri 's, for which they refer to the quotations subjoined. They take this opportunity^ of stating that the superior construction oi their new premises will enable them to supply Bricks and Tiles equal to any that can be manufactured. £ d. £ ». d. „ .„. jwr 1,000" per 1,000 Building Bricks .12 0 Pan Tiles 2 10 0 Best Front do.17 0 Plain Tiles ,16 o Hollow do. 1 14 0 j DRAINING PIPES, £ s. d. £ d. per 1,000 per 1,000' 1 Inch bore 0 11 0 2 Inch bore 114 0 It do. 0 13 0 3 do. 1 18 0 16 do. 0 15 0 4 do. S 0 0 If do. 0 19 0 5 do. 3 15 0 2*_ ,.dq 1,8 0 6 do. 5 0 0 Terms.—Three months' credit, or 2J per cent. discount for cash, w Offices at the Athenseum, opposite the Town-hall. Cardiff, April 12, 1850. L T DUKE STREET, CARDIFF. w. thomas, H'XSS&ISS! SS LINEN AND WOOLLEN DRAPERY, SILK, MERCERY, &c. < Which he has taken the greatest care to select for. the ensuing seasons, and feel# assured that it will be worth the notice of the moa economical buyers. An immense lot of lute-string Bonnet Hibbons, ia all colours, from 3|<J. and upwards. Plain and Fancy Cot tager«f ui all colours, from 6d. Printed Delains in all lfce netr styles, Aid. Past colour Dresses (full lengths), 2s. 6d. eaqh fthawls w great variety. About 40 dozen of Straw and Fancy Bonnets, from 6d. each. 50 doaen of Men's Prime French Hats, from HaWdTsh^'ry &c^cT,&c^arr°Mr m <*>l0U^, Faac? Nestings, Cotton Cords, Molesta^ -Hosiery, GUores, La- VISITES AND MANTLES OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. WARD'S LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF PAPER HANGINGS, FOR THIS SEASON IS JUST COME TO HAND, CONSISTING OF NINE THOUSAND PIECES of the most superb Patterns hitherto witnessed on Paper, both of Foreign and c E ngllqh llauufacture, a4d at such astonishingly low prices that must appear incredible without ap. inspection; for instance, he is able to supply Paper Hangings full 20 per cent, lower this season than that of the last, which will appear from the following list of prices. Wot only does he study to keep that great variety in patterns which cannot fail to please every taste, but also, by purchasing argely, in the first markets, for cash, is enabled to sell at prices which defy competition. About 500 Pieces as Remnants, from three Pieces up to eight Pieces, which will be cleared out at half price. His List of Prices are as follows T> • £ s. d« Rich Crimson Flock per piece 056 All Crimson, Imitation doi 0 3 0 Rich Satin Watered do 0 3 0 Do. do. do. 0 2 0 ElegantDrawing,room Paper „ 0 1 6 Diuing-room, Crimson and Oak „ 020 Very good do. 0 1 6 Parlour Paper (lastyear Is. 9d.) 0 1 3 £ 8. d Library PlIoper per piece 0 1 6 Good Sitting-room and Bed 0 0 10 Very Superlor.u. 0 1 2 Bedroom 0 0 8 Si*?'' » 0 0 7 Ditto. „ 0 0 6 I Dltto 0 0 4 J. W has been appointed by JEFFREY and Co. Sole Agent in Wales for their PATENT GUTTA PERCHA PAPER which is or hn! fin +1, ?S ar,Vcle e.ver yet invented as a cure for damp walls. To prove its genuineness, take a piece make it into a boat ah,b-' ?■ same with water, and you will find at a month's end the outside perfectly dry, which is enough to prove its value. The »bove experiment is to be seen in the Proprietor's Warerooms. J.W., begs to remark that his STOCK of CABINET and UPHOLSTPUING GOODS is so complete and extensive that he has now th i1311 ana willTegularly keep, complete Sets of Furniture, both in solid Rosewood and. Mahogany, together with Common Goods, VK may tit up his house complete at one day's notice,—which must render his: Establishment of great advantage to parties « oout turnishmg on this side orthe Channel,—not only saving their expenses, together with the Carriage of goods, not forgetting the eon titiual- damage that occurs, bu,the Proprietor also makes no charge whatever for hay, bands, mats, &c., which is the custom of all other Houses The Proprietor haying several of the best London Workmen, together with the advantage of Materials of the driest kind « quite sure that he can turn out Goods equal to any House in existence, specimens of which are to be seen in his Warerooms at the nre- sent time. With regard to prices, he is determined that no House in the Kingdom shall undersell him, taking quality into considera- tion but he will also keep a cheap class of Goods to suit his varied customers, the Prices, of which are as underneath • Mahogany Chest of Drawers 2 5 0 pouches, "Print Covers 1 18 0 Sofas', do. do. 2 2 0 Aasy Chairs,.Leather Spring Seats 15 0 };oo Tables, solid Mahogany 16 0 Rosewood do. 400 Mahogany Horse-hair Chairs .each 0 13 6 ^uhogany Cheffioneers 3 3 o "embroke Tables 1 0 0 £ s. d Dining Tables 1 15 0 Sideboards 5 0 Mahogaiiy-Bottom Ohairs .!i"0 3 9 Stump Bedsteads 0 11 6 Tentditto .i"1 0 15 0 Half-testers 0 19 0 Four-posts V.'V i 0 0 French Bedsteads. 130 Night Commodes 0 10 0 » AND ALL OTHER COMMON GOODS IN PROPORTION. T CARPETING DEPARTMENT. hp«f. i ^.U i P^easifreti'} having to inform his Customers that he has on hand an immense Stoek of Carpetings, and does not Dnt i n -0 *^La'es> of the various descriptions now in use; namely, Brussels, Tapestry, Pile, Venetian, 'Kidderminster: Cv C1' 12 Va"°?s W14ths J ^ussels, at 2s. 9d. a yard; very superior ditto, 3s. 6d. a.yard; Druggetings; Plain and Printed do. LT I la vanous W1dths and qualities Hearthrugs, from 5s. up to 63s. each; Turkey Rugs, &c. &c. The great demand e has had for Carpets of late has led him to enter so largely into that department of his Business, in order to prevent parties from fioaf 0VC1 Water ^or Good? which they might as well procure at home at equally low Prices, as well as the great variety to select DAMASK DEPARTMENT. va .^mt"new and magnificent Assortment of Giraffe and Silk Damasks; do. Silk and Worsted; do. do. Union; also, Taberetts in a various colours^"18'^USt C°me t0 with a selection of Wool, Angola, and Lapland Hearthrugs; do. Door and Carriage Rugs, in applications for Iron Bedsteads, the Proprietor has purchased, direct from the Manufactory, a large assort- iVilt 0,1-' ,ents> an(i Stumps, painted in various colours; he has also a Book of Drawings, representing every description manu- tured, varying from £ 1 8s. 6d. up to 60 Guineas, from which he will be most happy to take orders to ;x. "lade a Tei;y extensive purchase in Feathers and Millpuffs, from one ot the largest Houses in the Kingdom, and is abls supply them at remarkably low prices.—leathers, commencinff at 9d. per pound. A large assortment of Gilt.and Wood CHIMNEY GLASSES, do. DRESSING GLASSES, in great variety. PIANOFORTES constantly kept on Siale, and to Let Out on Hire. th* 14 *? q^11,te lmnecessary to enumerate the various Articles now on hand of best Cabinet Goods, the following is a list of a few of many Articles regularly kept, in addition to the before-named• 8 un t Peather Bedg of every, quality, Millpufl', and Flock do.; Cornice Poles and Ends, Brass and Mahogany; Oilcloths from half-yard v.wl ^U(^ian> Dutch, Oocoa, Rush, and Manilla Mattings; Door Mats of every kind; Oilcloths for Wash-stand Tops, r Table Covers ]Bell-ropes; Fringes; Flote Lace, Orres do.; Curtain, Chair, and Sofa Gimp; Blind Line Silk Cords and Sl<oi Vi° rf 1,1 a11 shades, for Fancy Work; Carpet Binding; do. Thread; Carpet Bags; Fancy German Basts- do. Piot n ?ses' .-A-Wgola Wool Hearthrugs; Patent Down Quilts Carriage Foot Muffs -Hassocks; Foot Stools Gamp Stools • Musical iincai1 Chairs; Papier Mache Tables and Chairs, in various styles; Tinie Pieces; American Clocks; 'Slipper Stands „ Work Frames; Tea Poys, &c. &c.. ANC-Y REPOSITORY OF BERLIN WOOLS, and all other Articles thereunto connected. Assortment of English and FOT A«Jjie»y8' Cy Cabinet Goods, as Tea Caddies, Work Boxes, Desks, Dressing. Casps, &c. &c.. with an endless variety of small FAhcy THE PROPRIETOR BEGS TO INFORM THE TRADJTtTHAl H» ?AS OFENED AD H.&T -ENED A 1>RY TIMBEE YAKD. M heaceforth to supply, either Wholesale or Retail, Dry Boards of Deal..Bfedt* Mahogaay. Cedar, Ads, Elm, or uu*» together^with Mahogany and Rosewood Veneers, &c. Patterns of Paper sent to any part of the Country, on application fin* tha. same Sole Agent in Waies for ^MEA AND SON'S FRENCH POLISH REVIVKli, a r&* wpply ofThich is Just come ia. T •a.tt.UooOs-iiBarked in Plain Figures, %ivd no abatement.Spriiaff Waggons to^^ Good»to any part of the countTv Duk. sw5fc £ di«-*0VVl ^«fTE0 r*°*T.. W,».yKwMtmi, [A CARD.] | DAVID LEWIS, I Auctioneer, Appraiser, and General Agent, | HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. .L NOTICE. riiO BE LET, a capital SHOP, with Plate Glass Fro»t, and I fitted up ia first-rate style, situate in Saint Mary-street, Cardiff. For particulars apply to D. RICHARDS, Hatter, on the premises. .dmmo2L, L LAM" on Odom% L } TAFF VALE RAILWAY TIELOW is a LIST of GOODS lyiftg trt MEBTHYR, ABERDAPE, NEWBRIDGE, and TREFOREST STATIONS, -JL# UNCLAIMED and the Taff Vale Kailway Company hereby Notice, that unless the said Goods are churned, th&Bxpeatiea t*Sreon be paid, and the Articles removed from their Warehouses within TWENTY-ONE DAYS of the Date of thfr they will 1) SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, and the proceeds applll 1 in liquidaaon of the Company's Claim thereon. I-1 j,- Otder, 22, I860.. t KENWAY, Secwtary. DATE. COKSIGNEE. ^RESIDENCE. HOODS. — 1848. JL~ ■ \;K} Jttly 18. W. Thomas ..»► Merthyr One Bale Suxtdylea B%\14v"o's Joseph J«ies ..t. „ One Pail September25 W. Franew One P Parcel November 10 W. Stephen One kilderkin B .1849. 'i: January H „ One Flower 8tand t > V Jr* j*1 One Basket Grotty March22 Mr. Sw^bntibk. •' .j. Pendarran One KilderkinB«« April 21 J. Owens- Merttipr Two Barrels of •> i. D. Jones One Paper Parcel May 22 Mr. Barrett „ Two Bags Hair June 6 T. Tenldns Dowlais Stones 1J 8 8a •••• ••••••«, >} f9 July 4 Merthyr One Cask Lard „ 22 Messrs! Hunt and Co. „ One Bundle Steel August l3 Miss Harris )f One PtErcel „ 22 Messrs. Hunt and co OneCaskFuse r t 23 D.Jenkins Abercanaid One Barrel Beer September 17 C. Brewer.. Merthyr One Bag Coffee S- S. Jenkms n.> „ Eighteen Shear Mouafe November lo Messrs. Powell and Co. M One Case Glass December 7 JohnThomas One Box Soap 1860. January 10 Mr. Kirnick One Paroei > 16 R. Lambert Three Sheets Lead „ 19 J. Jones Dowlais One Box Tea •• >• •« One Chest of Tea February 21 Mr.Davies Merthyr One Hamper Sundries 28. B.Thomas One Chest Soap Goods, Carriage Paid for, and left on Premises. J. Jones — Merthyr Five Barrels Beer S.Crook .(• One „ David Harris „ One Cask I No Direction I" I Two Hampers Soda Water Bottles Mr.. McCarthy-I'Lot Scenery AT ABERDARE. 1848. r~ r- ¡ July 21 E. Jones Aberdare One Cask Cider October 13"" M. Price „ Two Mills, one Wheel November 15 Rev. G. Evans One Paper Parcel "w 25 Rev.W. Pritchaid. One Bandbox 184.9, March 16 M.Jenkins Hirwain One Hogshead Cider June 7 D, Miles Aberdare One — „ — „ — 11 T. Davies „ One Cask. — — October 2 G. and W. Thomas One Sack Malt > 13 Thomas Davies „ One Bag Chains i 16 Four Bundles Shovels !i)ecemb6r 21 H. Reynolds „ Four Springs y AT NEWBRIDGE. ,I ¡: 1848. — — — ■ — July 28 New Inn One Paper Parcel ,lA|igust 24 Thomas Morgan One Sack Flour November 18 E. Powell One Truss 24 f. Jones One Bundle Brushes December 23 W.L.Lewis One Bundle Wrappers 1849. may 9 Thomas MHe6 — Three Doors 19 ,t Noah Williams One Hhd. Cider 26 R. Jones One Jar of Spirits 28 J. Green One Table Jwlyll W. Williams One Parcel Aiigust 9 Wm. Thomas .V One Piece of Timber ,,23 Wm. Miles Two Boxes Cheese September 13 W". L. Lewis i. One Bale Paper Ifovember 30 Rev. D. P. Thomas One Parcel 1850. January 12 D. Harris Twenty Sacks of Oats IS., D. E, Davis Four Deals February 2 Edward Richards Twenty-two Sacks Beans Two Barrels of Beans 1 i, 6 Wm. Jones One Parcel 13 SerenGomer Office One Parcel It 28 G. Charlton One Box T AT TREFOREST. ;■ 1849. November Ii..I. T e; Jttne 27 November 23 Wm. Pritcharff x Crosfield "and Co. ,i.i Morgan Evans David Davies Cardiff Newport Aberdare Treforest OnSaek Flour One Barrel Beer One Kilderkin do. One Cask Tar One Cask Soda One Truss DEL I V E E DCA R R I AGE FREE TO ALL PARTS OF ENGLAND < TEAS AT WHOLESALE PRICES, TEA WAREHOUSE, 2, BUCKLERSBURY, CHEAFSIDE, LONDON. THIS Establishment was commenced in the year 1830. Its successful progress during 20 years has gratified our anticipation*. The patronage of the Public has elevated its position to one of the largest in the Trade. Our main object has been, and still is, to supply the Public on TRADE TERMS. Great and assuming as such an undertaking appears to be, it is obvious that to do Business on a Wholesale Scale, it is necessary to have wholesale appliances. In conformity with these idtas, our locality was chosen in a bye thoroughfare, where space.and accommodation are sufficient to carry on trade to any extent, but without those merciless and enormous expenses inseparably attached to retail shops in prominent situations, whereby an extravagant profit is rendered necessary. Hence t will he seen that we are in a position to supply the Public on the best and most economical terms —in fact to supply at Jirst hand, bv which all intermediate profits are saved. The immense variety of Teas now imported into this country, demands the most scrutinising caution. In this we have considerable advantages, as from the extent of our trade we are enabled to employ a qualified and experienced Person, whose sole duty i6 that of carefully selecting, and appropriating Teas for consumption. The fallowing are Our present lfU\1W.HOnS :— ilK'' Black Teas. «• d. Common T&a 2 8 (,lhe duty, on all being 2s. 24d., renders pomment on the if quality of this Tea unnecessary.) Soifnd Congou Tea. 3 0 §A good, useful Tea for economical and large consumers.) St|png Congou Tea 3 4 (A Tea very much approved of.) Fife Souchong Tea 3 8 (PekOe flavour. Strongly recommended.) Fiije Pekoe Souchong 4 0 XThis Tea is more in repute than any other it is (j. very superior Tea.) Fliiest Pekoe Souchong 4 4 (This is a high class Tea.) Fittest Lapsang Souchong 5 0 (This is a rape Tea, very scarce, of an extraordinary fiavour.) Green Teas. «. a. Common Green 3 0 Young Hyson 3 4- (This will mix with the 3s, Black.) Fine Young Hyson. 3 S (We recommend this with the 3s. 4d. Black.) Superior Young Hyson 4 0 Fine Hyson ..5 0 GunpowderTea 4 4 The Finest Young Hyson. 5 0 (Thi8 is, fit for any use.) Fine Shot Gunpowder The Fiiiest Gunpowder Imoorted- o Colfees. i i The Coffee market is very uncertain—prices changing daily, We euote the present nrices-— s. d. Fine Ceylon Coffee 1 0 Fine Plantation (recommended) 1 2 Finest Java Coffee (superior Coffee) 1 4 4, ii. Finest Cuba Coffee (strongly recommended) I S Finest Mocha Coffee 1 8 Finest Mocha Coffee 1 8 -r cWe?ts roasted by the latest improved patent machinery. Much discussion having, recently -taken place in Parliament about Chicory, we are induced to keep on sale the hest at 8d per lb., for those who prefer its admixture.. Having briefly alluded to the principle on which wo conduct our business, we-respectfully solicit the attention of Hotel Kecoer* P%* ana all Jjarge i^stablishments, who will derive 607tsidorctbIs cidvciixtuocs fvowi the&e qvt&yiqBnx&fits —NOTP AIM/ lit LIVEBED CAREIAQE FREE TO ANY PAET OF ENGLAND, carv ^ge of CofEea is not paid unless accompanied by Tea. 5i»d Commendation684 thanks for past ^avQurs' we refer our system of business aa a satisfactory inducement for your further patronag# -2, 8«ckiersbSy, Cheapsid^ i HEAITSEtL» H0JLN33 & Ca. _.A"l1¡!. Agents are appointed in Crlery Town an4 Village. Ro-qtabk Persons, only y&ll he treated with.