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SALE OF LAUDED PROPERTY IN IRELAND. I Mr. SADLEIB, in a Bpeech of details, having it-ference to pro- ceedings in the Court of Chancery in Ireland oa the subject of giv- ing titles to effect the sale of incumbered estates in that country, called the attention of the House to the legal circumstances which unduly impede the sale of landed property there, and to those f ic-.lities which might safely be afforded tor its transfer. Mr. J. O'COSNET.IJ seconded the motion. The SMJCITOR-GHNKKAI. apprehended that the motion was in- tended for the purpose of calliug the attention of the House to those subjects which formed the staple of the speech with which it had been introduced, and that the hon. gentleman did not mean seriously to press the subject further. With respect to the bill of which he I a g'ven notice of moving for leave to introduce, for facilitating the sale of estates, all lio would now say was, that the attention of Government in preparing that measure had been earnestly and carefully directed to all the points to which the hon. gentleman had referred, as well as to various othars which had not bfcen particularly enumerated.. O'Conski.l was glad to hear that it was intended to bring h a bill to remedy the evils complained of as to the sule of landed property, as well as other measures, but could not draw an omen tif, tile or success of them from the phraseology which ths lion, arid learned gentlemllnhad med in reference to them. At the suggestion of aa hon. gen lenian the House was counted, when, oniv thirty-one members being found present, it stood ad- journed at iizlif-pa.it sevea o'clock, until Wednesday, at twelve f'clock. HOUSE OF COMMONS.—WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18. The Speaker took the chair ai twelve o'clock, PETITIONS. Mr. W. PATTBS and a hon. member presented petitions against tlL Public Roads Bill from G'he-ter and Carmarthenshire; and a gieat number of petitions against the Roads Hill were also p atented; and Mr. Evans presented a petition from a place in Pembrokeshire, in favour of arbitration. ROAD BILL. On the motion for the second reading of this Bill, Mr. DRNISON moved that it be read that -lay six months. Tne Bill was also opposed f,y Sir W. Joi,i.lrfg, Sir It. PEEL, MR. HUME. Mr. Spoo.VEA, Mr. AGLIOMBY, and Mr. HKNLBY, and supported by Mr. RICE and Mr. C. LEWIS. The Govarumeut ul- timately withdrew the AFFIRMATION BILL. p, Wood moved the third reading of the Bid. Mr. liOuLBUHsand Mr. IIKNLRY opposed it. The House then divided, when there appeared— For zlie third reading 70 Against it I 46 Majority -24 The Bill was then read a third tune, out not passed, it being six o'clock. 'nie House then adjourned. ,¥-ç TO GROCERS AND TALLOW-CHANDLERS. It MOST favourable opportunity, and of rare occurrence, for A Embarking in Business. -TO BE LET, with Immediate obsession, a House, Shop, Chandling House, and Store Houses, with all other necessary conveniences, situated in a flourishing and rapidly rising town iü. South Wales. Tho shop is adjacent to the market-place, in one of the principal streets of thoroughiure. A H.od ready-mouey trade has been carried on for many years by the present proprietor. Satisfactory reasons will be given for lesign- iiv. The shop, fixtures, and chandiing utensils to be taken at a valuation, and a lease of twenty-one years grautedTf required. Application by letter, post-paid, T. K., care of the Editor. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. "J|TANTED a STRONG ACTIVE BOY, of unexceptionable ,• Yy character, from 15 to 16 years old, as an Apprentice to the Grocery Business in Cardiff A,-) L He must be conversant with the Welsh and English Languages, aad will be treated as one of ttie Family. A MODERATE PRKMIUH REQUIRLID. Apply to the Editor of this Paper. ANTED a RESPECTABLE RESIDENCE for a W SMALL FAMILY, in CARDIFF, or witkin four or five wiies of it. „ „ Apply, by letter, to Tlios. Griffiths, at the PmarciPALiTY Office. BAPTISI QUARTERLY MEETING FOR B ii GLAHOItiiAiNsaiRK tI nus NESTING, intQ.ided to be holdon at FOX-HOLE, is JL to be heid at th.> BAPTIST CHAPEL. PYLE, on WBD- AuHOAi-and £ ^V][i) "JONES, Secretary, To Monsters' Wives, and Heads of Families. HA IIP Eli' T VVELYETIiEKS respectfully solicits attention to tile following leicar, -siiich was a'l iressed to the editor of the is.irlhern Warder, and which appeared in that journal of February Mt-li last:—■ <! Dundee, February 7th, 1849. Si a,—Allow me. through the medium of your valuable journal, tu impart to Free Cliarch"minister*' t'ainiiiea and others, a wash- iatr process they will find of considerable value with their small i biases. The writer was induced tu try a new process for washing clothes, whiuh.had been advertised as_a saving ot time, labour, ana iuaoev' At'ner repeated trials, it has been proved to be so valuable, tiat it would be selfish to withnoid ic irosa others. The process is whiten:; th«s •ciu.h.H, «ud in uo way injurea them; but, in- 4 .yd, -aayes .tiw-n, by avoiding tne hard rubbing of the old method. About oae-tiiird of.soap, at ieust, is saved one-fourth of time and 0[' ¡;,b.¡u¡. Two oi the public institutions in this town, r..H A*ylu u and the Infirmary, beside* private families, have tried i^ita great sUi.eess1, and v, a us only 'to. be known to recommend i "A I'RKS CliUBCil JllSISTBii'S '• Harper Twr'w-trers' Iii; ovod Washing Directions," in a gold blue ehv .Hviy t-e h -,d 'ox. every bo k<eller in tho United <iiafdo.n for. •'<> »r £ >r ;;iu:y one stamps, and a large directed f.ATelope, oi' T vV El,V ETKISES, 11, New Miluian- .h.t. aTe. e.iiiie w-t, out the gol(i cover, K i.N i aud RICHARDS, Paternoster-row, London. jig'eats wanted in every town iu Wales London and Paris HAT EMPORIUM, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. JOHN WILLIAMS AND CO. 1) KSPF.CTFULLY acquaiut the inhabitants of Cardiff and the | surrounding country, that they have just received their if :t-lt Lot of Spring Hats, will be found the Largest and most Fashionable Stock of tiw kir.d in Wales. J.W. and Co. take this opportunity to return their thanks for T,h, very liberal supp rt they have received, and beg to state that i ii.-jy are enabled, owing to their extensive trade, to fix. such prices Hi-no in the Kingdom cansurp;iss. French Hats U-. &L Do. Fine 4 0 ÐQ: Superior 5 Y)a. SLtiii Nap 6 6 -I)o.- 8 0 1)0. Superfine 0 8 Do. Velvet Nap 10 ti Do. Superior 12 0 Do. Superfine 13 0 Eaaver and C.oth Hats from 3s. 3d. to 1. CHTtDEl-:K'S ASt) CAPS IS liVFILT T X ItlETY. The Loice-st Price asked. OsttBHVE!:—EAST SlDH OF Tins TOWIV-HALL. POTATOES. i 'A TUST ARRIVED. — A PRIME CARGO of GUERNSEY PURPLE POTATOES, well -J adapted for Seed or Domvstie use. Orders thankfully received and exc-etitel by W. "OCK, at his Warehouse, near the Wharf Bridge. C-mliif, April 12th, 1819. TOWX OF CARDIFF. To Sold by Auction, by M'. Mark Marks, Ib T.iM*<fay t the-lUh tL-iy of 18-19, and'following dayt, liiii., WUOLiS of tbo IIOUSEIIOLI) FURNITURE, { Forfeited Pledges, Stock in Trade, Shop Fixtures, and other i'Het'ts, tlie-property of Mr. Silas Phillips. 15, Dllke-street who .ti"doelitiing ;tusine*s and leaving the lieighbjurhood. ECC h",adblus. Ap-.ilISi'.}. stc Arrival of Dr. Burns in CardifE MR. BURNS, CONSULTING-SURGEON of the WEST- MINSTER FRIENDLY BOTANICASSOCIATION, instituted for the purpose of advancing the principles of Medical Reform, in the cure of Disease by tho sanatory practice of Medical Botany, respectfully inforuis the Public, that he has discovered a remedy for the efrectual cure of that general exterminator of man- kind, CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS, which has during the last seven years rescued thousands of youth of both sexes from an early grave.. Dr. BURNS will arrivo in Cardiff on Saturday, when due notice of his residence will he given..