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OTNGIIAM versus CALICO.—SOLOMON S MEASURE. terslts CALICO.-SOLO}IO'S }IEASURE. BY laughing at a man in a passion you may sometimes cure him of liTs folly; it is, however, a desperate remedy. We are almost afraid to try the specific upon otir honey- tongued contemporary the Guardian, lest the fury into which he lashed himself last week should be increased to Sillph a degree as to cause the bursting of a blood-vessel, to induce brain fever, or to lead him to take a leap Anywhere, anywhere out of the world." Laughter certainlv would be more in accordance with our Imnour, but rather than run the risk of a crowtici-Is quést" although the verdict would doubtless be justifiable homicide," we will endeavour to rein in our merriment, and venture nought beyond the gentlest smile, while we advert Some spumy fiery ignis fntnvx matter, Such as the sAijchtest breath of air may scatter." There can be no doubt now as to the mental unsoundness of the Guardian. Every line of his last two-columned leader attests the fact. His craniologieal aberration par- takes of the ludicrous and the melodramatic. Strange indeed are his hallucinations. At times he is haunted with a mo-'bid desire to gibbet some miserable mortal. He becomes :1 veritable Shvtock, and relentlessly seeks the blood of his vic'tiiii. The pound of flesh he demands. If the public i'li-ercodf. his violence becomes excessive. In his creed ,ruv is 'almost crime. "The last dying speech and con- fession," arid a portrait of the wretched culprit, he prepares in anticipation of the finishing of the law." He glories in the "allows, and were no other found, his hand would be reidv to adjust the rop and draw the bolt; and to tell the t ile of horror to the inhabitants ofour "abominable purlieus," his voire so musical in tone, and even so chaste in its utter- anee, that it makes "Augets lean from heaven to hear," is "ealv for the cry. and his pocket for the pence. Last week, however, in one of his transccndant nights, he actually imagines himself connected with an honourable profession' which" he assumes to represent," and quixoti- c-allv bedight. forth he sallies upon lines as halting as the > steed of the Spanish DOT., wirh lightning in his eye and I outspread gingham in his hand thus ii ««As a Sir Knischt abandon* dwelling, And ont he rides a coloiWiiufj," valiantly to battle with some spectral illusion of moral hideousness," heroically to sweep away the cobwebs of a brain which has the inclination to be misclrievous, but lacks the power," and with a gallantry befitting the pretensions,' and an object so mighty, to run a tilt with the baseless fabric (tape and calico) of a visionary's dream Of course in combat so unequal, between a doughty knight and "cobwebs," "baseless fabrics," "most miserable failures," and other ghostly adversaries, it were little praise to say rhat Sir Solomon, with umbrella for his only weapon, 11 di(I s nash then- fragile frame," and after the manner of Saint George and the Dragon, trampled thern "in the dust, writhing, twisting, and grinning with horrible contortions, under the heels of his Rosinante. Far be it fr ,<m our desire, to rob a madman of his pleasures. If it suits his humour, as long as they are harmless, let him I. enioy his fancies. We would not stop his masquerading. As Shylock. Quixote, or honest Dogberry, he may amuse himself, and set others wagging. But should his humour lead him to play with edged tools and fire, humanity demands that he should be taught to feel the cutting of the one and the scorching of the other. And should lie seek amusement by wallowing in the mire, and by assaulting men's cars with noisy bullying and brazen bravado," then, for human nature so depraved and so far beyond rational endurance, the only fitting place is Bedlam. When a man gets angry, and begins to make use of abusive, bad, and vulgar language, it is a sure sign that he is beaten in argument, and that he is on the losing side. This is eminently the ease with our contemporary. At best <i His barin r,,Lge but Iialf !L grain but whrn. he is worsted by an antagonist, his mouth is as foul as an open sewer, and his brain is very light indeed. We shall not attempt to follow him through the misty in izes of his logic, and the "noisy riotings" of his arguments. Last week he did but reiterate statements the fallacies of which we have already exposed. As. however, "The ill-bated jar will stund its fault," we will trv our "ill-haked" friend with an easy fillip. We have dared to say, and we now dare again to say, that the t -,vft, -a i.wir inii nf the ret)ort of the late Swansea Assizes which we falsely alleged, dishonestly and falsely sent forth as the re- sult of our own exertions." In proof of this, we say that our honesty is patent to all but those who will not see, inasmuch as the information we copied from the Guardian was given ver- batim, and included observations of the reporter in support of opinions peculiar to the Guard inn, with respect to the mur- der by John Connors—opinions which we had publicly com- halted. Surely had we wished dishonestly to-appropriate the report of the Guardian, and to send*, it forth as the re- sult of our own exertions, we should ijot have given-cur- rency to observations by which we werejsure to be detected Had we a desire to be dishonest, we might have inserted the report without the sliglrest chance of recognition. This we would scorn to do. The real fact is, we have been too honest to please the Guardian. He is chagrined at the fact that: our acknowledgment of our indebtedness to him appeared at the same moment as his vile calumnies. He hoped that we| should have imitated the example he had set us, when some twelve months ago he appropriated the whole of a report from thecolumns of ihe Herald, withouthaving acknowledged it at all. The fowler has been taken in his own snare. It is said that the report appeared as original matter." We simply reply, not more so than the assize reports which appear in the Guardian in like manner as original matter," although taken from other journals quite as surreptitiously. The charge made against us by the Guardian, that we were not represented at the Swansea Assizes, we before stated was fa he; and now again, notwithstanding the Guardian calls it an "unequivocal untruth," we repeat the words. It is false. We were represented by our corre- spondent. We say more; the circumstance, which was heard openly mentioned in Swansea," about our writing to our correspondent some time before the assizes, to ask him to send a report of the proceedings, but to which he de- murred, on account of remuneration, is a pure invention. Oar contemporary seems to go upon the principle of telling a He and sticking to it. In this way it is indeed easy to demolish italics." It is further alleged, ill opposition to what we advanced in a former article, that it was at our instance that our correspondent called at the Herald office, and by "pitiful supplication (or, we will say, solicitation)" obtained a copy of its report of the second week's assizes. To this too we give the lie direct, and defy our contemporary to gainsuy it if he can, upon anybody's authority. This, we know, lies beyond his power. lie has hazarded a statement in the hope that it was true. Oh, Sir Solomon, Sir Solo- mon, however disposed we maybe "to wink at" our own most abominable and scandalous untruths," we are not pliable" enough to wink at thine. Our article has already extended itself beyond the limits we had assigned it. We have, however, something more to say. We are glad our portrait of the literary courtesan has been properly appreciated. We did not expect to give satisfaction. Our object was to make a likeness. Had our contemporary been pleased, we should not have been. To please, we must have left the warts and wens uypainted; but, as the character altogether lay in these, that, we could not do. We anticipated that our con temporary would feel disgusted Z5 with seeing himself as others see him, but really we were z;' not prepared to hear him wish himself banished from de- cent society." How touching to hear him talk of the blush of modesty mantling the cheeks of purity and innocence." y Dost thou, then, Sir Solomon, feel compunctions for the past ? Go, and sin no more. Continue not to advertise works on the; filthiest of subjects. Cleanse thy fetid columns" from their impurities. Be no longer an aj/ent, as thou hast been, for the sale of those obscene volumes which are suitable alone for the abominable purlieus of Whitmore-lane, Cardiff, and,; Friars-field, Newport;" and then., as the head of a respect-, able newspaper," thou canst talk of purity and innocence": without making thyself a target for the shafts of ridicule and scorn. We have scarcely space left to advert, most gratefully, to the patronising declaration of the Guardian, that the Welsh are a religious people, a moral people, and a right- thinking people in the main." We are thankful for the sen- tence, and promise that it shall be remembered. We say nought now of our leadership of this religious,; moral, anil right-tliioking people. Facts are stubborn things. It may suit the interests of the Guardian to pretend to doubt the alliance, the power of which his scutrility alone shows that he has felt, and to vilify, defame, and maliciously libel our principles and practices; but he may depend upon it such a course will be liis ruin. Men who hate falsehood and per- sonality will speedily withdraw their countenance from a Journal that loves it. Our adherence to the main points of the Charter we have always avowed; but in our condemna- tion of the Chartisms, who have endeavoured by force to turn things upside down, we have been equally as loud. The insinuation of the Guardian, therefore, is, it knows it full well, an atrocious attempt to injure us. In connexion with, this subject, an allusion has been made to those who makel "nocturnal visits to the British Seliool-rooni.11 The Eclitor of this paper is one of the Secretaries to that excellent in-f stitution, and in respect to it he has this to say, that thef committee under whose management it is includes the oldest layman and the oldest minister in the town, both of whom, for respectability, moral worth, and the esteem in which they are held, stand as high as the very highest, and are in themselves a guarantee that the nocturnal visits to i their school-room are, at least, for purposes is proper as| the nocturnal visits of an Editor to an inn, in the praise oP whose "fair and lovely principal" he last week wrote ar- paragrftph. We have now done with the Guardian, and, in taking our leave, we would counsel it in the future to abandon the personalities in which it has of late so freely indulged. It has been taught that it is a that two can play at. We may have been severe we may have, With disportive wit, Rallied our friend, and tickled while we bit; but it was our humour. We hope soon again to see our contemporary b tck from the realms of imagination in which he has been so lately strutting. When his reason returns, we have no doubt that our Sir Knight, in doffing his lofty plume, will resume the quill with more temperateness, truthfulness, and suavity; and he will be only too grateful that "He has been beaten till he knows W-bat wood a cudgel's of by th' blows.