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PONTYPOOL. MUTUAl, IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY.—The committee of this institution are putting forth vigorous efforts for its resuscitation. Since its commencement they have not met with that co-opera- tion which they had a right to expect; nor have the working population shown that they have appreciated the advantages put by this society within their reach. The committee have succeeded, however, in engaging several gentlemen of the neighbourhood to deliver lectures on instructive and popular subjects; and it is hoped that the inhabitants of Pontypool will avail themselves of the opportunity now offered, and will step forward, and prevent the necessity of so useful and valua- ble a society closing its doors. On Tuesday evening, the Rev. T. Thomas, president of the Baptist College, delivered the first of the series of lectures. His subject was, "The Origin of Language,"—of spoken articulate speech. In along, closely- reasoned, and cogent argument, he demonstrated that man could not have been the inventor of language. If it were true, as some philosophers had maintained, that language is essential to thought, then since thought is necessary to originate speech, language must have been possessed by man before he could have originated it; and therefore he could not have been the inventor of it at all; and since language is essential to society and civilization, to suppose that man contrived language in a savage state is to conceive him capable of a work almost im- possible in a state of the highest refinement. If articulate speech had been natural to man, then in every age, and in all countries, there would be but one dialect; infants and the deaf would speak it by instinct, and the process of teaching and learning a language unnecessary. He maintained, by a series of arguments, that language had a Divine origin examined critically the theories on the subject of the most celebrated infi- del philosophers, compared them with the Mosaic account of the creation of man, and of his first oral communications, and exposed the crude sentiments of sceptical philosophy to just ridicule and contempt, cleverly conducting his audience to his own conclusion. It was truly a most elaborate and triumphant argument, alike conclusive and unanswerable. He then alluded to the variety of spoken tongues at present, accounting for them by a reference, first to the Divine interposition at Babel; and then to a number of secondary causes, which would tend to produce contrariety. He closed with a brilliant and impres- sive peroration, on the use and and blessings of language, referring in eloquent terms to the happiness resulting from the social compact; to the exhilirating and healthful excitement enkindled by the communication and transmission of thought; and to the triumphs of eloquence, whether wielded by Demos- thenes or Cicero by Burke, Chatham, or O'Connell; by Whit- field, Hall, or Chalmers; by the glorious company of the Apostles or by him who spake as man never spake. It was a composition alike classic in its style, lucid in its arrangement, and logical in its deductions; the result of extensive reading, and of close and laborious thought; a production marked by surpassing ability, and profound research. Mr. John T. Rogers proposed a vote of thanks to the lecturer, which was seconded by S. Vernon, Esq., and carried by acclamation. We understand that the Rev. Mr. Horwood will deliver the next lecture, the first of three on Natural History." ABERSYCIIAN.—The Rev. Thomas Thomas, President of the Baptist College,Pontypool, preached a very impressive sermon to a crowded and attentive audience, on last Sabbath evening, at the English Baptist chapei in this place. After the sermon, Mr. Price, pastor of the church, immersed sixteen persons, three males and thirteen females.