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Slhcrtkumiti "PRINCIPALITY" OFFICE, NORTH-STREET, CARDIFF. EYANS AND WAKEFORD, PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, BOOKBIND- ERS, AND ACCOUNT-BOOK MANUFACTURERS. "OYEitY description of Printing, Plain or Ornamental, executed with. Neatness, Accuracy, and Despatch. Books well bound in every variety of style. Magazines, and other Periodicals, Books, Music, Newspapers, <&c., procured to order. The following Books (bound in cloth, unless otherwise men- tioned,) are on Sale at the Office:- Memoir of Dr. William Yates, of Calcutta, by Dr. 8. d. Hoby 10 0 D'Aubigne's History of the Reformation, vol. I. 2 6 The Baptists in America, by Drs. Cox and Hoby 6 0 Principle and Practice, a Tale. 3 6 Thornton's Christian Consolation 1 2 Baxter's Confirmcd\Ghristian 1 2 Puritan Farms, or Old Ways kept upon New Times 1 2 -— liansom on Temptation 2 0 Farewell Services of Rov. Robert Moffat 2 0 Memoir of W. T. Buchanan, Esq., of Ilfraconibe.. 2 0 Searle's Companion during Maternal Solicitude. 2 3 Steele's Remedy for Wandering Thoughts 2 3 Select Psalms and Hymns 1 6 Balllllves on Justification; Preface by John Knox.. 1 2 The Christian Armed; or Weapons against Infidelity 1 0 Cobbins' Bible Remembrancer 2 2 The Juvenile Harmonist, by T. Clark, Canterbury 2 6 The Union Tune Book 10 0 Barnes' Notes on the Gospels, vol. II 1 6 Berridge's Christian World Liitiiaske(I 1 2 Binning on Fellowship with God 1 2 Birds, 16 mo square. 1 6 Bost's History of the Bohemian and Moravian Bre- thren 2 0 Boston's Crook iu the Lot 0 9 Fourfold State 2 0 British Quadrupeds 3 0 Brook's Precious Remedies, half-bound 1 2 ———— Mute Christian 0 9 Bunyan's Way of Salvation 0 9 Campbell's Journey to Lattakoo. 2 2 Case, Thomas, on Afflictions, half-bound. 1 2 Children's Tra.els, with engravings. 1 2 China, the People of, with engravings 3 0 Powell, Rev. Vavasor, Biography of, half-bound ('9 Christian Discretion 1 2 Columbus and his Times 1 2 Short COIlllllents Oil the Bible. 8 0 Cruden's Scripture Terms 2 3 Daily Light 1 2 Daily Rcl¡1embl"allce of a Mediator, half-buund. 1 2 Eastern Arts and Antiquities 3 0 Factory, Young Folks of the, lialf-bd., 2s. 3d., cloth 1 6 Fleming's Fulfilliug of Scripture 1 6 Fraser on Sanctification 1 6 Gems of Sacred Poetry 0 9 Gift Book for the Young 1 6 Hall, Bishop, Devotional Works, half-bound 2 0 11ehrew Lyrics 0 9 Hill's It is" Well, half-bound 0 9 Howe on the Holy Spirit 1 2 Janewuy's Saints' Diligence 0 9 Jesus Showing Mercy 0 9 Kr.ummaeheI3" G,jmÎ:nG of Kin"d,m of Grace. 2 0 Lcigliton, on Peter, in 2 vols., lHmo 4 0 Lewis'i Christian Characteristics, hf.-bd., 2s., si.k.. 2 3 I"oc',yC'"s Hahnto,.gnzbnd 1 2 Sjliriton) Tvoucui-y, jE^'enisig- 3 U ———— J., 'Select Remains, half-bound. 2s 0 9 Master and Mistress, The. i 6 MonitoryMirror,The. 0 9 Naugle's Gospel Lever 0 9 Newton's Ornicron's Letters 1 2 Old Humphrey's Addresses. 1 6 Pithy Papers. 1 6 Pearse's Best Match 1 2 Polhill's Mystical Union, silk, 2s., half-bound 1 2 Poole's Dialogues on Popery 1 2 e Preston's Goldcn Sceptre. 1 2 Psalmist, The 1 o Repentance Explained and Enforced, half-bd., Is. 2d. 0 9 Reynolds, Bp., Israel's Prayer ] 6 Rose and Crown Lane 0 9 Scripture Portions for the Afflicted 1 2 Seaman and his Family 1 2 Shaw's Immanuel, half-bound 1 2 Sheppard, T., Sincere Couvert 1 2 Sinclair's, II., Letter and Memoir 1 2 Spiritual Things Compared 1 2 Steele's Husbandman's Calling 0 9 Uncle Barnaby 1 6 Young Men, Considerations for, half-bound, Is. 2d. 0 9 The above-mentioned Books, at the low prices subjoined, will be found valuable for Country Lending Bibraries^&c. An early ap. plication is necessary, as they cannot be obtained again at the same price. MAP OF CARDIFF. TO THE EDITOR OF THE PRINCIPALITY. Sin, ~jT) FJ RMIT me, through the medium of the PRINCIPALITY, to in- | form my subscribers and those of the public who may feel in- clined to have copies, that my map of the town and port of Cardiff is in a forward state, and will be very s-ion ready for publication. The map will contain an accurate and perfect delineation of every- thing as it is in the ground, with two views—the one of the town and castle, and the other of the docks, shipping, and coast. Hav- ing had several letters and inquiries to ascertain if I intended to publish my map, I trust that this answer will give satisfaction. I am, Sir, youi-s tr.Iy, M. S. O'ROURKE. A NEW MODE OF WASHING, SAYS the Maidstone Gazette of Jan. 30, 1849, which has been advertised by Mr. Twelvetrees, Bookseller, has been submitted to us for trial. We have ascertained by careful experience that the plan pursued is really a great saving. Several per-ons who have purchased the pamphlet have been so well satisfied with it, that they have called at ear office to suggest that we might do great g-ood, and savii much unnecessary labour, by strongly recommending its adoption by our readers generally, in our scientific column. We do this most conscientiously." See further notices ia Evangelical Magazine, The Friend, Leeds Mercury, Mothers' Magazine,, Professional Almanack, and all the principal J ournals. The ah-ivo ;n.lind is so economical and expeditious, that a FAMILY'S SIX-VVKEELS' WASH can be ACCOMPLISHED BEFOitE BREAKFAST, for less than sixpence, without a washerwoman. Tiie Pamphlet can be had of HARPER. TWELVETREES, Bookseller, 14, New Millniaii-street, Foundling, London, for 31 stamps and a directed en velope; and all Booksellers for 2s. 6d. Kent and Richards, Ô 1 and 52, Paternoster-row, Loudon. KEY SERIES. 1 Just Published, price Is. sewed, or 2s. cloth, GOSPEL STUDIES. EY ALEXANDER VINET, D.D., Author of Vital Christi- anity," &c. The Author is known to be one of the ablest Christian Philo- n Wiiiia.n Collins Glasgow and London and all Booksellers. COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, EASTER EXAMINATION Fen;, CERTIFICATES OF MERIT. 4 GENERAL EXAMINATION of SCHOOLMASTERS and SCHOOLMISTRESSES for CERTIFICATES of RIT will take place at EASTER. Trustees and Managers of Schools, who are desirous that their teachers should attend/this examination, may ascertain what Can- didates are admissible on thii occasion, and the time and place at which the examination will be held, hy a written appTieatioll to 9RC.IET.VUY, COMMUTES OF COC.SCIL ON Euuevrtox, Council Oitice, London. CARDIFF UNION. ALL PERSONS desiring to CONTRACT for the following PROVISIONS for the next THREE MONTHS, are re- quested to send in Sea'ed Tenders to the Union Workhouse, on Saturday, the 17th day of March, 1819. Contract to commence on the 24th day of March. Bread, per Loaf of 41bs. each Loaf, £ s. d. to be baked 24 hours before deli- very, and to be made of Brewer's Yeast each, per second Flour at per score, ditto Meat, Beef, and Mutton .per lb. Cheese .per cict. Milk per quart. Oatmeal .per cict. Salt Biitter )ei- lb. Fresh ditto Peas, per bushel Sugar, at .per lb. — Tea, at Soap, at. Candles, (Dips) at Ditto filush) Coal, at .per tOrl Starch I)er lb. Blue Soda, at Arrowroot, at Pepper, at. Mustard Rice, at .per cwt. Vinegar, at per gallon Calicoes, at .per yard Blue Print, at Canvass, at White Flannel, at Blue and Grey Serge, at Handkerchiefs, at .per doz. Men's, Women's, and Boy's Stock- ings, at .per pair Worsted, at per lb. Sewing Cotton, at Thread, &c Sweeping Brushes per doz. Mops and Scrubbers Black-lead Brushes Lining' Brushes each Tin Tankard Pints and Quarts .per doz. Slates for Schools. Terms of payment:—For Provisions, at the end of the Quarter. FORM OF CONTRACT. I I hereby agree to supply the Guardians of the Cardiff Unionj with the Goods opposite to which I have set a price. TO DRAPERS' ASSISTANTS. WANTED immediately, TWO STEADY, EXPERIENCED ASSISTANTS, conversant in the Welsh language. Apply to Mr. P. JOHN, 169, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, AN IRONMONGERS' ASSISTANT, who can speak the Welsh language. Respectable references will be required. Apply by letter, post-paid, addressed D. R. J. C., PKTNCI- PALIXY Office, Cardiff. TO PARENTS~AND GUARDIANS! WANTED, a RESPECTABLE YOUTH, as an APPREN- TICE to the DRtl.I"ER.Y AWi).tt&OCSa¥ TRADE. For terms, apply to D. SEABORN, Newport, Pembrokeshire. TO ASaiOULTUSISIS. OIL-CAKE, FOR MANURE, CONSTANTLY on SALE, at £ 3 per ton, at Messrs. VISGER c and MILLERS, BRO THERS, manufacturers of the much approved JATROPHA LAMP OIL, River-Street, Bristol. Before the introduction of Guano, Oil Cake was in great demand at nearly double the present prices j it is much more uniform ill quality, and more durable in effect, and now much cheaper than Guano, and in every respect more eligible for drilling or top dress- ing to wheat and other grains, and for root crops in gener-n DEXT'S.l!;Pji IMPROVED WATCHES AND CLOCKS, juM 17 J.DENT, Watch and Clock-maker by distinct appointiflH Pi. to the Queen, H. It. H. Prince Albert, aud II. I. Emperor of Russia, most respectfully solicits from the pub'uB^f inspection of his extensive ^9H| STOCK OF WATCHES AND CLOC-KS. j Embracing all the late modern improvements, at the most econo- mical charges. Ladies' Gold Watciies, with gold dials, jewelled 0 in four holes, 8gs.; Gentlemen's, with enamelled dials, 10 Youth's Silver Watches, 4 gs. Warranted accurate going Lever Watches, jewelled iu four holes, G gs. -E. ■). BAV", fc'2, Strand; 33, Cockspur-street; and 34, Royal ExchaageJ^jMghVower Area), TO BE SOLD, A FIRST-RATE FOUR INCH AND A-HALF THEODOLITE, [)Y BRAHAM, of BRISTOL, can be used either for DIAL- |j ING or SURVEYING. For Particulars apply, by letter oalK, pre-paid, to A. B., PRINCIPALITY Office, Cardiff. Parties going abroad would find it an excellent article and cheap. (THIS ADVELLTISEMKXT WILL NOT BE REPEATED.) TO THE NOBILITY, CLERGY, GENTRY, AND THE IN- HABITANTS OF CARDIFF AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. WILLIAM WOODS, HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBER, SAINT JOHN STREET, AVAILS himself of this medium to return his most grateful acknowledgments for the very liberal support he has received in the above Business -dicing the last eight years; and to inform his Friends and the Public generally, that he has RE-OPENED in the same line on the premises situate NEAR SAINT' JOHN'S CHURCH, where he trusts, by strict personal attention, coinbiuud with punctuality and moderate charges, to merit a continuance of their kind patronage. Cardiff, March 1st, 13i9. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT, NOW SELLING OFF, at a very great reduction, ail the im- mense and well-selected STOCK of London and Pans Hats, Caps, and Umbrellas, belonging to D. RICHARDS, 74, S Z. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. This being the largest Stock of the above Goods in the town (nearly the whole of which has been manufactured within the last three mouths), the present opportunity offers peculiar advantages to those who wish to purchase an article of first-ruto style and quality at a very low price. JUST LANDED, ex W/LLIAM, A CARGO of FINE I Lisbon Oranges and Onions, Also a Cargo of Fine French Potatoes. For Particulars, &c., apply to C. 11. STOREHOUSE and CoZ,: Newport, Monmouthshire. .f VALUABLE AGENCY. MANSELL and CO., WHOLESALE TEA and COFFEE DEALERS, LONDON, who have already agents in almost every town and village in England, are desirous of ex- tending the same to Wales. The teas and coffees are packed in neat leaden cases, and very little trouble attending the sale. It would beavaluible addltlon to a light business, such as a chemist or confectioner. None but the most respectable persons will be appointed, who can give undeniable references. The list is fast-filling, but a few towns are vacant. Early applications are necessary, to MASSELI, and Co., 2, Bucklersbury, London. STIVENS'S ORIGINAL GREEN GINGER WINE. MANUFACTORY—TEMPLE-STREET, BRISTOL. BftAxcii ESTABLISHMENTS—BATfGE-YARD, LONDON HENRY & DUItE-STREETS, LIVERPOOL. JOHN STIVENS and CO. beg respectfully to inform the public J that their original GREEN GINGER WINE is in the high- est state of perfection, and especially adapted for this season of the year fHw: excellence is so well known, and so justly appreciated, that <S)mmeiit is unnecessary. Amongst the variety of Stive us's Wines, there are many so nearly resembling the foreign (without their spirituous character), that they are highly recommended as a safe beverage for children, or weak, debilitated constitutions. J, S. and Co. would particularly call attention to their cele- brated ORANGE TONIC. This cordial, combining all the medicinal properties of a fine tonic, possesses the rich and beautiful flavour of the Seville Orange, ren- dering it a pleasant and agreeable beverage, at the same time afford- ing a healthy and vigorous tone to the whole system. N. B.-The UNIVERSAL SAUCE, lately introduced by Messrs. Stivons and Co., is now the popular sauce of the day. All Pickles manufactured at their establishments are prepared entirely with Malt Vinegar, and families may be fully satisfied that all chemical pioeess is as strictly avoided as if prepared by themselves. May be obtained of most respectable chemists, oilmen, and gro- cers throughout the kingdom. iuiEDOOK BRICK COMPANY. HP HE PROPRIETORS of the above BRICK and TILE J MANUFACTORY beg leave to inform you that they shall be enabled during the ensuing Summer to supply good RED BUILDING BRICKS, at 28s. per 1000, Three Months' Credit, or 2 per Cent. Discount for Cash. Also, TILES, RIDGES, DRAIN PIPES, DRAINING TILES, SQUARES, &c. They most respectfully solicit your favours, which shall at all timei receive immediate attention, from Your obedient Servants, RICHARD STOWE, Manager. Office at the Manufactory, eastern side of Bute Docks. Cardiff, March 1st, 1819. "lamb HiH AND SPIRIT SHOP, IN THE TOWN OF NEATII. PHILIP DA VIES, APPRAISER, AUCTIONEER, AND COMMISSION AGENT, T) EGS respectfully to acquaint the Public generally, that he has J[j TAKEN the above PREMISES, where he is Licensed to SELL, Wholesale and Retail, FOREIGN and BRITISH SPI- ltl 1'8 and WINES and hopes, by strict attention and moderate charges, to merit a share of public support. Licensed to Let Saddled Horses. Well Aire(I Beds.—Good Stabling and Lock-up Coach-.House. A SMITH'S FORGE TO BE LET. The HOUSE-WARMING DINNER will take place on the 15th of inarch, 1849. Ticliets, os. each, may be obtained at the Poat-Othce and. the Lamb Inn, Neath. -==========-=-=-=========:===-====. NOTICE. Tilli UNDBHHENTIOXED 8ALli HAS BBE.( UNAVOIDABLY POSTPONED FIWM. THE 1ST TO THE 22.S1) DAY OF MillCil. PEMBROKESHIRE. MR, n. P. GOODE Tj EGS to announce that he has received instructions to offer for 13 SALE Bi AUCTION,.at. the CoM.ituaoiAL INN, iu the o^LXaiui.a v v the 22u i day of March, 1819, m t.tlb'H, an exceedingly valuable freehold i'I:'V 'Hllt.. ARMS, known as and Penywaun, ges, erected by tenants on building leases, MMJMMMBBWMSC ot h ishguard, intersected by the road leading froiu. Newport, fcud bounded by Fishguard Bay on the UOtflHHfi!F&i;ltly placed to participate iu the benefits to be derivedjFutn. the improvements of ttia- harbour when it is made the terminus of the South Wales Railway. The whole of the pro- Pejty contains 304a. 11". 26p., which wiii be divided into ix lots, suitable fur convenient occupation for building and other improve- ments. Printed particulars with a plan and description of the lots will be ready by tne 10th day of February, and may be had on application to B. Cooper, Esq., solicitor, 17, Hatton Garden, Loudon at the piaee of sale, arid the principal inns ill Peuioroiveshirc and of ti. P. Goode, Land Agent and Surveyor, Haverfordwest. Haverfordwest, January 31st, 1849. GLAMORGANSHIRE. To bo Sold by Auction, by Mr. T. Walking, at the Angel Inu, ia the Town of Cardiff, On SATURDAY, the 31st Day of MAUOH, 1849, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall then be produced, (it not sold by Private Contract, of which due Notice will he given), all that FREEHOLD FARM AND LANDS, CALLED "WEDDALL," containing 38A. On. situate \J in the Parish of Saint John the Baptist, iu the Town of CARDIFF, in the County of GLAMORGAN. The Premises comprise a good Farm House, with a newly-built Cottage, Coach-house, 1 three-stalled stable, and 1 single Stable, liarn capable of containing 1110 Llestvads, Stalling, for 7 Cows, &c., with a large Garden, the whole ill complete repair, and now occu- pied, by toe P ktor. The. Roath Brook runs the whole extent of one side of the FremÜws, llml there is an excellent supply of Water to all other of the Land. Imuiediate Possession may be had of the Land, and of the Dwell- ing-house and Buildings on the 1st of May, 1841). For particulars apply to Mr. DALTON, CAHUII-f, at whose Qiik-e a Map may be seen. MIGRATION TO QUEBEC. /'N UiE Kogular T:uk.r, tho Euique EU>0»," f" f- J_ 700 tons burthen, will sail from the Bute ? T Docks, Cardiil, on or about the 12th April, for Qu.bee, and will have room for a limited number of Passengers. For terms, apply to Captain GILLESPIE, on board; or DATCIIELOR BROTHERS, Merchants, Cardiff. March s, lei9^ EMIGRATION! FTHE STATE OF GEORGIA—UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.—For Sale, 1. AMERICA.—For Sale, 120,000 Acres of FREEHOLD LAIRDS, iu IRWIN COUNTY; in Lots of 120 Acres and upwards, at Five Shillings per Acre. The Lands lie between thirty-one and thirtv- two' degrees north 'dista-.it from the Atlantic Ocean one hundred and twenty miles,, and at an elevation of four hundred feet above its level; free from swamps, climate salubrious and healthy, distant ii'oai England eighteen or twenty days' sail. They are bounded by the Navigable Rivers, the Flint, and- the Ocmuhjee. A railroad, t passes through the lands, which will connect both these rivers.—Vessels sail nearly every Week from Liverpool to -Snvanna ov Charleston. Passage to eitiier City from to £J per head ;—I* rem Charleston and Savanna, the t,ids tiro i'eac lied either Coach, Wags.on, or Steam-boat.—Every information may } e obtained relative to the above-, <&e. from RLC HARD KELLY", No. 1, Royal Exchange Building, London. 1, Royal Exchange Building, London. BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. OFFICE, QUAY, BRISTOL. I IHE iolloNN-iii.- rilHE following steam vessels are intend 1 X sail from Cumherland Basin, Brist<n, and from Cork, Juvenm and S.ibrina; ford, Victory and Rose Tenby, Osprey ;■ ri ■Phoenix; Milford, Pater, and Haveriordv, 1 Osprey; Carmarthen, Torridsre direct; L, Swansea, Countv, and Beresrord, bristol; Newport, Swift r-i Usk Cardiff, Star and Prince of Wales; as under-menti->d. during MARCH, 1819 FROM BRISTOL TO MAKCII. | 1 F IFF) { I | I u « -J .j Thursday 1 LI> aim 94nmjii! .LUI Friday 2 U am i u jllj pmUo.J anili! am Saturday 3 jl2noou C'5 IH imi'l2ntK)iih-Jit<a Monday. 5 3 =- 2i pir.> -i ;>:i Tuesday. 6 31 pm 3i pui 34 pin JJHI am 3j pmi Wednesday 7 g ? l.j pn.. am Thuisday 8 a g C am 34 an.' Friday 9 7 am =5 6;, am 6 a.1 ;«.« Saturday 10 7 am J.% 'I am 64 ami 7 am Monday. 12 p'o <4 aiv.l Tuesday. 13 8 am 8 am S am S am ^am S ai e-,1, ai-i WednesdayU 8.} an. ;i »;>, Thursday lj c'S 9-1 am 9 aij.j Friday 16 10 am 3"? 10 am 91 audi" aw Satu day 17 10J am U.Una lei aiu".M«i;ou Monday. 1-J o'Z 12 noo; pm Tuesday 2« 2i pm pm pn; 2!, p:« s am pmi 2 jnn Wedaesday'21 g B 3^ piie •> ail, Thursday' -ii g 4J am 5 au:' Friday 33 4$pm '> O :>k am 4. pm; .1 :IHI •Saturday 2J 5 pm 64 am 54 am ti Monday .26 3 6.4 amirs n,r, 'Iuesaav 27 S am 7J am 7j u:iJ 74 am 8 am 7A am S ::rA ednesday2S h; 75 au. S. :im Thursday,9 2 91 am 8| au. S» aui t'Hda.v 3a 10 am g; ™ 10 am 9; un. I'. Sa/urdav .31 ;>.j am laiam IO{ au. H :m FOR BRISTOL FROM MARCH. "g a 9 a b c '-3 =■ 1 H t 5 g a ,/r_ 'fliursaay 1 II ant am, S;ala II idji} 2 It am 11 tiiii 6 piii ]| mji fi ;il,; Satuulay 3 am 10.J am'lo :.m Monday. 5 =g ri lucsdav 1 pm C S. 5 am ->i p,n 24 =,« Wednesdav -c— o •' i ,V: «am 4 W lii.(lay n L\AI T C •_ a1-),' -iie, Saturday l«| S am 2 am ^.5 T.J am 5,{ am i; r.». Monday. 12! luesday U 7 am 94 am as,ji ll lL W ednesdavl 1 > ( ,n|i' Thursday'15 am 7J ||m *ri<biy JC 9 am a) pm 9 am 4 pm S= )0> 7} am' S Saturday j? 2-g Jlj am t>4 am S Moutlav. 19 ii S,,?11"1 !? -'«■ i.'hursdav.22 f Friday. 23 6 tmi 6 am « J, "-j v Saturday «4 7_ani. || j;- Monday .26 r, 7 Tuesday .27 7 air. E 9 '{ WedaesdaviS P'C f Thursday.29 q, i, 7! 'i "I" !:vjd:'y »"i am 11 pm Id am 5 pm! £ = '1(14 am 7} an-1 S aU* .Saturday.31 = Hi am 4-am' 9 The Pnui.NE will .very shortly have completed her refinmmt and will be replaced on the Carmarthen station with mciua.-oii eilities for carriage of Goods (see future bills). ,_Lr The whole of the ahove vessels are fitted up for the eonx anee of passengers and goods.—Female stewards 011 b ard. Carriages and horses shipped with care.—Horses aud carriages td he shipped two hours before sailing. Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Stea-.j Navigutioii Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all ei>o'< paekao-es, parcels, &e., should he addressed;—For Swansea a Cardiff, to W. B. Owen, Bull Wharf, ttedcliif-streot and Cia. street Hall, Marsh-street; and E. T. Turner, 12, Quay-street; J tor .Newport, to J. Jones, Rownham Wharf, Ilotweli*. AOE.vrs.—Mr. Joseph Morgan, Tenby; Mr. J. Rees U-.v.- SmarteSa.f] At MilWi Mr. Bowen, Pater; Mr.J,:in. X Smait and Mr. Poeicett, Swansea; Mr. T. John and "M ■' "3^- Sardi?5i Mr- ,Marthl' Hfraeombe Mr. Thomas Bak,-r"' ^('wpei't Siaeey, Carmarthen; and Mr. R..Jmn/' BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSIULLN'CE CO^fPAM" 37, NEW BRIDGE-SntEET,. BLACKFlii ARS, L(JA'iJ.oX n EPOIIT presented to the ANNUAL GENERAL ME^TJ vc' IX at RADMJY'S HOTEL, NI-;W BKiouK-Sxitiii'.T, BLiVcLini on Tuesday, I'ebrnary 27, U:J.tD THE Directors have the pleasure to inform the that the following Policies have been executed durum the 1 year 0 General Life Assurances. 404 for £6:1, 1.37 Investment Assurances 484" :3.f,:227 Totl11 883 £ 97^364 The average number of Policies executed, monthly during i! tourteen mouths which elapsed from the coinmeneemmif .if Ti Company's operations up to the last Annual Meeting wis 4 During the last twelve months the monthly average of'P executed lias been 74, showing an increase both crati'Viuc umiV,' couraging as to the future prospects of the Company In addition to these Policies, proposals for Life Assurance have been received, some of which are in progress ofcoiiure.io. and others have been declined from various causes, the Bhv-t- ■wiiile aesirous to extend the progress of the Company, beim more solicitous that such extension should be perfectivsafe 1 he wh.ne number of Policies executed during the tw« rv months of tha Company's operations has been General Life Assurances 737 for £ 121 780 Investment Assurances 744 f)(),D87 1^81 £ 172,717 One death has occurred during the year, making a claim Company's lunas to the extent of £ 100. The increasing income of the Company has enabled tlw tors to pay off nearly one-halt' the sum advam-ed at the comnn ment 01 the Company to aid its establishment. "An arraugetnent has hecn made with the Directors 01 M-, British Empire Mutual Fire Assurance Society, for dividim' rent and oftiee charges between the two institutions by which i °" th° bUSi^ UiiS xr9," theT?l0,tl0n of J'imes Blaeket. Esq., seconded by th- solvedrwo » Paddington, it was unanimously r. Inat this Report be received and adopted." W. S. GOVER, Actuary and Seerc'iry. T, AGENTS IN WALES. Abordare.—lie v. i homas I'ricc. Ahergavennv.—Thowas Tonkins, Victoria-street. Lnu^eiuL J. IX W iliiiimsi Cardiff;—George Suiiy. 1, Bute-street. Carmarthen.—James Brown, Schoolmaster Haverfordwest.—William Marychnrch, l-.ay, Wiliia-u Diddle, Market-piaee. Sjerthyr.— lili.m: Morris. C'aepautywvll. Milford ll-.iven.— John Merritt, Chemist. Mold.—T'. Jones, Cefn-y-Gader. K ai'ber• h.—J oseph Davies. iveat!i. R;>v. J. Matthews, Easteate-terrace Newport.—J. H. Phillips, 2, Charies-street 3ook,(,Iler, CI)mMercial-,t, Swan^u.—Rev. G. P. Evans, 6, Nelson-place.'