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nJldiog out such slender hopes of any material reduction in the expenditure of the country, attempting to discourage those who had pians to offer, and throwing some censure upon the Govern- me tfor the efforts even they were making to reduce that expendi- ture. He reminded Mr. Herries and his friends that whatever they proposed in the nature of relief to the landed interest must be founded in reduction of taxation. Mr. Cobden has shown that there had been an enormous increase of our expenditure, and no one had proved that any of his facts were questionahle-all that the Chancellor of the Exchequer had done was to allege certain specialties, some of which he had admitted were temporary. Mr. Cobde l had precedent and experience in favour of his proposition, and as the Government had conceded a reduction in the whole of £ 2,500 000, he had little doubt that i i 0,000,000 might be saved in our expenditure. The professional evidence as to the amount of naval and military forces requisite for the wants of the country were convicting; but when public opinion bore upon the ques- tion, th3 Government, whether Whig or Tory, reduced the ex- pend tu e, and as soon as that opinion ceased to act, increased it. Ou raval armament was kept up in some parts, not for use, but for pi ade it was time enough to send out squadrons when we were lInea. eried with an attack. Much was said of foreign esta- blishment^ but we did not regulate ours thereby. In the French navy ihere were 931 officers in ours, 3,931 we had 150 admi- rals -he Uni'ed States not one. Mr. Cobden did not ask an im- media e reduction, but that the House would declare that the pre- ent expenditure was excessive, and should be reduced with aI: practicable speed. Mr. URQUHART onpo ed Mr. Cobden's motion. Mr. M'GREGOR said that he should vote with his hon. friend the member for the West Riding merely upon the principle of eco- l omy in re-,ar(I to the finances of the country, and without refer- nee to the exp ndi ure of 1835 or any other year. At the same lime he could not go so far as to say that they could all at once reduce the expenditure of the country £ 10,000,0j0. He agreed with all that his honourab e friend had said with respect to the colonies. If this eount-.y could not reta;n her North American colonies without having 4,0 0 troop- stationed there, she had bet er not r tain them all. He c insidered England and Scotland to be twi e as much 'axed as any otier country in the world, and he believed it to be qui e possible to reduce the public expenditure by from L6,000,000 to £ 7,000/ 00. He saw no cause to fear that war ould breat out, and therefore both our army and navy might be re u ed to a peace establishment. In reducing the expendi lure the e should at the same time, be a more equal distribution of the burden of taxation. Ireland ought to bear its proportionate weight-, and main ain its own constabulary and military forces. The taxes pressing on navigaton, especially on the shipping in- terest, ought also to be reduced. Mr. ANoTEY charged Mr. Co den with swelling the majority of Lord Palme'ston, whose fore gn policy had created much of the increase of expenditure of wh ch he now complaiued. He denied that the reducti n demanded was safe or probable, and called upon ever we 1-wisher of his ountry to oppose the resolution. C one SIBTHORP felt it to b2 his duty to oppose the motion of 3YTr. obden, belie ing it to be a snake in the grass, and being unable to support h r Majesty's Ministers he should not vote at all and the gallant member walked out of the house. Mr. aRIGHT defended Mr. Cobden against the strictures of Mr. Berries,. The r ght hon. gentleman had, possibly, no stimulus frora 4h eonsti u ncy which he iepresented with respect to the question of national expenditure and taxation but he begged to te I the light hon. gen"eman that his hon. friend (Mr. Cobden), his righ hon. colleague (Mr. M. Gibson), and himself, represented a large tody of elec ors, and that those electors fflOSi correctly re- presented the feeling of a vast majority of the population amongst whom they U ed. The right hon. gemleman must therefore excuse them if they bought this question important, not only from their own conv etions respec ing it, Lut also on account of its vast interest, though it migh be feebly but honestly resprcsented in that House (hear, hea ). The Chanc llor of the Exchequer had said that the expendittir by which we maintain: d our colonies enabled us to obtain sup tie. of raw mater al. Did the right hon. gentlman mean to ass rt tl at we obtain more wool from Australia because we had soldier, and sailors there ? or that our supply of cotton from the United:- tates would be less if we h- d not a fleet upon the coast? or that c n would not t1;w to us from every part of the globe, although we had not sh;ps watching the vessels passing to and fro with those supplies ? (hear, hear.) The right hon. gentle- m n h d a so said that we could not do without forces if we were to maintain our colonies, or to keep up the volition of troops in India ? He Admitted that it was a monstrous thing that we should send out bodies of mtn to India, and kept there (such of them as lived) for 20 or 25 years. But why were they sent out p Why, he would ask, had we 8,COO, or 9,000, or 10, ;00 soldiers in Ca- nada? He believed that we had more soldiers in Canacfe than the wnole standing army of the United States (hear). If the Ca- isadas were well governed, as he believed they were, we could keep them u ited to us by the bond of mutual interest.. The question wi h 'h Chancellor of the Exchequer and wi h the noble lord at 1heh ad of the Government was not what precise sum woulrt clo, but h w much would take off ',he edge of the agitation out of doors, and h w mudlwould hon. gentlemen opposite allow them to do (hear, hear). By next year, perhaps, when the agitation out of doors would have become universal, they would ha\e the Chancel- lor of the Exchequer proposing one. two, four, five, or perhaps the tun mdiions which hi" hon. friend asked for. It was entirely a Question of pressure. They did not want to stuke off ten millions ar once, but to reduce expenditure to the lowest limits. The hon. member made a smart attack upon the Protectionists, telling them that the farmers wou'd soon discover the virtue of re- t r»pcl.ment, when they found it was the only source of a re- mission of taxa'ion, and calling upon them to join the manu- facturers in compelling the Government to muke reductions. Let them recollect what that taxation really was. They were ac- customed to rote millions as if every county in England was a California, and as if the gold was not produced by the sweat and idustry of men who were as much entitled to their honest, merci- ful. and just consideration as the proudest and wealthiest in either House of Parliament. When he turned to the last three years during which the manufacturing population had suffered the m )st intense misery, and when he saw how noble had been their con- duct, he thought that the present question, supported by opinion sr. universal and fortified by facts and arguments which there had been hardly an attempt to meet, deserved the greatest considera- tion at the hands of the House, and that if they would not concede the whole, they would at least go as far as they could in reducing the expenditure, and lessening the suffering of the people, (cheers -s and counter-eh. ers). Mr. H. DRUMMOND showed that it was a delusion practised upon the farmers. it this proposition was brought forward as a means of relief from their burdens a great part of which consisted of the permanent charge for the national debt. Ti » House divided, 'ihe uumbers were: — Fur the 7t3 Against 27.5 Majority -197 The Homp then went into committee of supply pro jorma. The following members voted for Mr. Cobden's motion :—Re- rumid Blewitt,°David Morris, John Williams.. ,t :-D. A. S. Sir J. G,,ie,t,T, Lewis, E. L. Mustyn. jJir J. Owen, Lord G. Paget, Pryse Pryse, David Pugh, Richard Richards, C. R. Talbot, G. R. Trevor, air J. Walsh, Col. Vatkins. The Relief of Distress (Iretand) Bill went through committee. The tlou-e then went into committee upon the "Vice-Guardians of Unions (Ireland) Bill, which underwent some discussion upon masters of detail, and a division took place. The bill, at length, passed through the committee. Use Over-eers (Cities and Boroughs) BiU and the Out-door upers Bill were respectively read a second time. The other orders having been disposed of the House adjourned at one o'clock.