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HOUSE OF COMMONSj THURSDAY, it-ty 6, fUUTIIER REFORM, The adjourned debated on Mr. Hume's motion was resumed y i\ Osborne, who thought that there could be no morr pro ,er or fitting time for the introduction of such a measure r.s his^hoiii' friend proposed than the present. Measures for amending the representation s' ould certainly keep pace with rtif'asures3 lilce that for the better security of the Crown and Government. The great evil of which th country had to complain was extravagant expenditure, and, consequently, ex- cessive taxation. But, constituted as it no.>: was, the House would not reduce expenditure to the extent required, and untii expenditure were reduced the burden of tax-stion could not be lightened (hear, hear). He was not in fiivour of universal s^ffrao-e. The institutions of the country had grown up under a limited suffrage, and they could- not safely at once go the length of universal suffrage. But they could not permit it to remain as it was at present, and he was prepared to advocate a residential suffrage, which would admit educated mechanics and others who-were now excluded, and which was ■ &-• old form of voting in. this country'' (hear, hear), as he proved by the citation of various authorities. The Government proposed to-deviate from the £ 10 principle in Ireland, and why should it pertinaciously adhere to it in England? The hon. gentleman then made an analysis of the House, to show that the Govern- ment of the country was carried on for the benefit of the aristocracy. The members of the present Cabinet were, with one exception, related to each other by blood or marriage fcheers). They were, in fact, a snug family party. The Government was in reality a Government of great families (hear and laughter). The only safeguard for our institutions was to let numbers participate in,the Government, and it was because he was convinced of this- that he would give his vote in support of the motion before the House (cheers).. Mr/ Sergeant Talfourd said that, although from an early period of his life he had given his sympathies to the cause of reform, he felt it to be his duty to oppose this motion.. Had the ballot been singly proposed,, he would have supported it, although he though1 that its importance was much exaggerated. Triennial Parliaments would introduce so little practical chanire, that he anticipated little good from its adoption. As tothchon, member's (Mr.. Hume's),new suffrage, he did not propose to give the franchise simply to every man who held a house, but to every man whom a house held—which was but little, if anything, short of universal suffrage.. He objected to ts,, xl-holc scheme as the inevitable precursor of a-greater one — the Mr. Cobdenr after expressing, an opinion that the mass of the p-'ople were anxious to participate in political power and that laro-e portion of the enfranchised middle class were anxious that thev sh mid so participate, said that the two most joressing -necessities of the present day, as regarded the State, were— retrenchment in expenditure and an equitable imposition of taxation. ithout a reform in Parliament, what chance was (here of these necessities being met? So far from endangering our institutions, they would only. strengthen them by enfran- chising the people, The representation was at present on a footing on which it could not much longer stand- Great and wealthy committees could not brook, to tlnd themselves not only -lel -icii -v equalled, but overwhelmed in Parliament- by ^petty boroughs which were either influenced or corrupt. Many honourable gentlemen were averse to leagues and agitations out of doors, j; they wanted to prevent them from being organised, they must bring the House of C ommons into harmony with the srntimen's of the people. Further reform must be achieved, either peacefully or otherwise. He was no advocate for achiev- ing it bv force,, and it was because he was not so that he now threw himself upon thp. other alternative, and gave his co-ope- r:.tion to those who sought to obtain it' By peaceable means Mr. Urquhart moved the following amendment That ex- perience has shown that change in the constitution of Parlia- ment has failed to obtain the ends for which it was desirable, and with which it was originally conjoined, viz., non-inter- ference and retrenchment. Mr. Anstey seconded the amendment. i c, Mr. 1 .ocKe'King supported the motion. Mr. r. O'Connor would' vote for the motion but. cautioned t1 ■ House at the same time against believing that the majority <v -lie working classes would be contented with it, their hopes h -ing upon the Charter. He attached more importance t s'lort Parliaments than to all the other points of tire motion p-1r"together. lIe would prefer annual pu-liaments with the r lit -to universal suffrage, with septennial pailia- .¡ 1". M. Milncs would ask if there were any great practical ;vrn{.P3 at present to be removed, or was there any great and distinct popular demand for reform ? He believed that neither the one nor the other existed, and could therefore see nothing to justify the movement which by certain parties had h .so untimelT resolved upon. The people of England loved a lre<l-.(a v- revered the aristocracy, and if the anstocracy had a preponderant in the House of Commons, tr was, after all, not so much reason to complain. 3Jr, Sidney Herbert opposed the motion, and thought the e -v r n'sent state of Europe sufficiently showed vvh.at would be the nr u'ti'-iil working of such a measure c divide ),. Lord D. Stuart supported the motion, but his speech was a'risost inaudible throughout, from the confused noises which pervaded the Hose. TO M'u-atz ".<1d Mr. C. P.. Villiers supported the motion, ^though neither of them agreed with it in toto, and Mr. "Ne wde^ato opposed it,.but so loud were the calls for a divivaon, r ,o frequent the noises in interruption, that the hon. gentle irr-n could hardlv he heard. Mr. Hume briefly replied,, and the House divided— For Mr. Hume s motion » A -.rainst it 26/ Tito House adjourned at one. '"V; Tito House adjourned at one. '"V;