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WEDNESDAY, Junf. 28.





FINANCE:COMMITTEE'S REPORT.. The Clerk of the Peace next read the following report of the Finance coliii-rii!tee:- The several bills relating to the expenditure of the last quarter, amounting to 18s. 5(1., have been laid before your com- mittee, who have examined the same and find them correct. Your committee find the expenses incurred by the coroners to have been increased during the quarter by lengthened inquests for murder in the Gower district, and an inquest after an explosion of gas at the Eskyn er Eaglesbush Colliery, in the western district of the county with reference to the latter, they beg to draw the at- tentiim of the court to two charges of £ 15 15s. and £ 10 10s. made by surveyors who inspected the colliery after the accident, which caused the death of the parties, and your committee doubt whether the county can be charged therewith. The Clerk of -the Peace here informed the court that Mr. Wilittir,gtoll, the county surveyor, had resigned his situation. It would therefore be necessary for the magistrates to appoint another. Your committee find the treasurer has a balance in hand, of £ 1 ,'253 14a. 9d.; and that a rate of 1.1(1. in the pound, or £ ?s.; 9^d. is now payable, making a total of £4,072 17s. 8d.; but the expenses to be paid this sessions, and at the next assizes, will refiuee that sum so low that they consider a rate of lid. will again be required to keep a balance in the treasurer's hands. Your committee also report, that the inhabitants of the hamlet of lihigos appealed against the rates made on them for county purposes. Your committee have considered the resolutions of the police committee of the 10th April last having reference to the building- of the station at Maesteg, and recommend that no further advance be made to the contractor until he has satisfactorily complied with the terms of his contract. A schedule of payment is annexed. GEO. TYLER, Chairman. CORONERS' EXPENSES. The-Chairman directed the attention of the magistrates to that paragraph in the finance committee's report which alluded to the increased amount of the coroners' bills, in consequence of the in- quiry into the circumstances attending the fatal explosion at the Eskyr co/licry, as well as that in reference to the double murder near Swansea. In connexion with the colliery explosion, there were two charges of fifteen guineas and ten guineas made by the surveyors who inspected the colliery after the accident. He (the chairman) had not been able to attend the meeting pf the finance committee; but he entirely concurred in the opinion expressed that it was doubtful, whether these items came within the legiti- mate expenses chargeable to. the county, as coroners were not en- titled to call iu any professional aid, with the exception of that of a medical man. However, considering the importance of the case, he was of opinion that the magistrates should take into their con- sideration the propriety of defraying those expenses by a special vote, which could cot at any future period be construed iuto a í. i-rc cedent. 1- :=:æ-o: The Clerk of the Peace was directed to take the necessary steps, for procuring the division of the county into coio.ierts' districts.