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Penaith District Council.


-_--, '.Cork Club Ball.

Popular Sunday Evening Services.

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You can be Cured By a prooer and timely use of the great Norwegian remedy, SEA WEED IIUNG LIFE, which possesses- marveHous Soothing, Tonic, and Balsamic Properties for all Throat, Chest, and Lung Compiamts. it is the great cure for Sore Throats, Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Hoarseness and Consumption. Mr Andrew Wuson, of Midd!esborougb, has written of it as foHows :—" Sir,-Permit me to iufoirn you of the great benefit derived by me from the use of Sea Weed Lung Life." I suffered from a severe cold on the chest, but a.fter using one bottle I was quite relieved-" Immediate Reiief. Prompt Cure. The Kuropean Medica! Society recommends it as the most retiabfe for ait Bronchia,! and Chest Diseases. Thousands are cured all over Europe. One bottle will relieve the most obstinate case. Let every sufferer give it: a trial. Sold at 2s 2d, and Is ld.; Post Free, 3s, and Is 3d. Wholesale Agenta for Great Britain :—Sanger and Sons, 489, Oxford Street London P.S.—Send 3s or Is 3d iu Stamps to Saug-er and Sons. 489, Oxford-street, London, fora bottle, which will be sent by return of post to any part of the Coant.y. Or to Jacob Hugbes, Manufacturing Chemist, Penartb Chief Depot

. Pena,rt.h Police Court.