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Mr Millward and the Assistant…


Mr Millward and the Assistant Overseer. A meeting, convened by handbill, was held in Andrews' Large Hall, on Wednesday evening, for the following purposes To consider the grievances brought about by the action of the District Rate collector with respect to assessments and reassessments, and other complaints of a grave nature affecting the Ratepayers. And also to find out where the public office of the Collector is." Mr J. M. Jennings was voted to the chair. Mr Millward then explained why the meeting had been called, and proceeded to air his grievances. It would appear that the house occupied by Mrs Scantle- bury, Windsor Road, was rated at X60 a year, whereas the rent paid was only X55. An appeal had been made io the Assessment Committee with the result that jE5 had been knocked oft. but Mr Mill- ward contended that it should not exceed .£35. He pointed out that when he and his wife had the shop, the takings were about JE1500 a year, and the house at that time was only rated at £ 35; now, however, the turnover was only about X600 per year, and the assessment was X66, reduced to j655. Then Mr Llewellyn was credited with having used abusive language to the tenant when she called to pay her rates. The Particulars of this charge and what led up to the good lady visiting Mr Llewellyn to pay her rates, we think best, in the interest of the complainants, to omit. Suffice it to say that Mr Llewellyn denied the charge, and explained to the entire satisfaction of the large audience assembled, the whole affair, in detail. Mr Monro, one of the overseers, said that if there was any blame to be attached to anyone respecting the assessment of property in Penarth, he with his colleague, Mr Crossling, took the entire responsibility. Mr Llewellyn had notbing whatever to do with it. Several gentlemen took part in the meeting, and were strong in their condemnation of the action of Mr Millward in trying to injure Mr Llewellyn just on the eve of the fcchool Board election, he being une of the candidates. Mr Mayne and Mr Sam Thomas denounced the action in toe strongest terms possible, the latter wax- ing very wroth and indignant. A resolution of eutire confidence iD Mr LaevVdDyn was carried unanimoasly, and amid applause. A vote of thanks to the chairman, who conducted the meeting in an admir ible manner, was given, and the audience dispersed. As the crowd left the hall, having spent a pleasant evening, some of them shouted Cheers for Lleweliyn," "Vote for Llewellyn," "Vote for the Undenominational Candidates," &c-


- lst XV. FIXTURES 1895-96.…