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Grand Concert at Penarth.…

Presbyterian Sunday School…


IRev. I. 0. Stalberg, Penarth,…


Rev. I. 0. Stalberg, Penarth, FROM THE REOOBD. Some of us still remember the courageous action of the subject of this sketch, some time ago in denouncing Golf playing on the Lord's Day And in this action we see the chatacter of our brother manifested in its true light. He is not afraid to give his views or express his thoughts on any question, though experi,, ncp. and training have led him to be cautious and not to rush in where angelB fear to tread." When I called to see our brother the other day, Mrs. Stalberg informed me that he was out visiting some of his sick members. This led me to ask the kind lady if her husband was a syistematic visitor. Does he visit regularly or only occasionally." I was then informed that I should undoubtedly see "He visits the sick members regularly, but the other members he visits only occasionally." Mr. Stalberg at the Prayer Meeting. And I was not deceived. He was there and always is, if at home and well. As the service had commenced I took myself to a back aeat and bowed my head in silent prayer and begged for a blessing. The prayer was answered. The divine presence was with us and each one felt that it was good to be there. The brethren and sisters received me kindly, and although I was a perfect stranger I felt quite at home. The pastor delivered a most thoughtful and nourishing address on the deadening influence of unbelief. I was sur- prised to hear him deliver such a well thought out discourse in a Prayer Meeting. But my carnality was soon rebuked with the thought that these people were the hungry and thirsty souls in Zion, and that the best a pastor could give was not too good for them. No iv let us come to a few personal details anent our friend's life. Isaac Octavius Stalberg is of Jewish descent., his father, Isaac Stalberg, being the first convert of the family to the Christian faith. Mr Stalberg was born in London, July 27th, 1857, and was educated at the Grammar School. Hodderdon, Herts. Our friend was brought up in the Church of England till about 20 years of age, when, on account of Baptism, he renounced the Church and joined the Baptists. His first attempt at preaching turned on a complete failure. He was 4010 nervous that he knew not what he said, or where be stood. This made him so disgusted with himself, that he decided never to preach again. But this decision he kept oaly for three years. Still during that. period he was a very active worker in the vineyard of his Lord. He had a class in the week evenings, of nearly 40 poor boys, half of whom were Jews. No one but the Omniscient himself knows the final result of the efforts of the young teacher among those boys. Three years after his first attempt at preaching, be made another, and this time with success. This was at Reading, in the King's Road Baptist Chapel. A short time after this, be entered the Pastor's College, and remained there for 3 yea,rs. His chief subjects at College were classics and theology, the latter of which he was specially fond of. In 1885 he received and accepted a call to Faningdon, Berks. During his ministry at Farringdon, which lasted 4 years, the Chapel was renovated and several new members were added to the Church, the first female being Miss Annie Carter, the daughter of Mr John Car- ter.who is now, and as she says,, ever will be Mrs Stalberg. In January, 1889, our brother received a call to the Stan well Road Baptist Chapel, Penarth, and here he has laboured ever since, doing some good and solid work tor the Master—the special result of which is, the new Chapel which our friends at Stanwell Road are now in the course of erecting. Mr Stalberg is specially fond of composing hymns, some of which our readers are already acquainted with. His favourite reading is biography and poetry, though he is very fond of reading John Kerr, F. W. Robertson, and Dr. Maclaren. He is very much attached to his young people, and believes the Christian Endeavour is calculated to do a great deal of good both to the young people them- selves, and to our Churches. But," he remarked, in reply to a query, the chief enemy of our Churches and of our young people, is Pleasure. We seem to have mistaken pleasure for happiness, and amusement for pure joy. And this demon Pleasure eats up the spirituality of our Churches and the consecrated energies of our young people. I don't think we need fear anything so much as worldly and carnal pleasure and our only hope is to try and get our young people and others as well, to taste the jLy and blessed happiness of a life fully consecrated to God." Mr. Stalberg is now delivering to his young people a series of papers on the following subjects 1.—The teacher in relation to himself. 2.—The teacher in relation to his work, 3.—The teacher in relation to his Bible# 4/—T he teacher in relation to bis leeson.


----You can be Cured