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Chit-Chit. BY RAMBLING TOMM £ < The Sale of Work, dc., recently held at Cogan Pill house, and the Americas sale held in the Cogan Mission room has realised a profit of about X70, which has been devoted to reducing the debt.on the Church Of the Holy Nativity. 000 The debt still remaining on this church is £ 100, which the Rector, Rev. F. E. Williams, hopes to clear within the next twelve months. 000 H Mr Edward Rees, auctioneer, house and estate agent &c.}. of Barry Dock, is about to open an office and auction room in Penarth. He has appointed Mr Edward B, Riley as his agent and representative. Mr Rees, is no stranger to Penartb, he having lived and carried on business here many years ago, and Several of bis clients are Penarth gentlemen. He has a large and influential connection who bear testimony to his integrity and ability. 000 The Presbyterian Sunday School Anniversary will be celebrated on Sunday, the 10th inst. The preacher will be the Rev. R. R. Roberts, B.A, LL.B., Aber- dare. It is said that this gentleman is one of the most powerful preachers in Wales, and holds his audiences spell bound. Special hymns and choruses will be rendered t hroug-hout the day. 000 On the 2nd, 3i d and 4th, ef December a series of Living Picture exhibitions will be given in Andrews' large ball, in aid of the funds of the local Nurses' Institute. Such a noble object "should enlist the sympathies of all classes, and a handsome sum should be realised. 000 The Blue Ribbon Choir entertainment will be post- poned until the lIth. December, 000 Mr J. T. Saunders, Accountant, Auditor, House and Estate Agent, Mortgage and Insurance Broker &c., has recently opened an office at No. 1, Glebe Street, Penarth, as also at 29, St. Mary Street, Cardiff. Mr. Saunders is secretary of various Companies, and has bad a very extensive experience. 000 On Monday last twelve candidates were nominated for the Penarth School Board- Seven are to be elected. 000 The weekly meeting of the Total Abstinence Federation will be held in Cogan Chapel next Wed- nesday. The speakers will be Rev. C. H. Butcher and Rev. Tertius Phillips. 000 A little more light will, in future, be thrown upon the actions of the residents of Arcot Street. Three new Bray's lamps have been fixed. 000 By-the-byej the large lamp which stood on the corner of Windsor Road and Arcot Street, has once more been fixed in the centre of the road. What trouble this lamp has occasioned, and what expense it h is been to the ratepayers. They have bad to pay for the fixing of it three times, and who of the old residents do not remember the Storm m the teapot," and the lawyers' letters, and threatened libel actions which it occasioned many years ago. These lawyers' letters are interesting documents to-day. 000 The question was asked on the Beach the other evening, whether the ^ier Co. were going to erect a low water pier, so as to have excursion boats running at all states of the tide. 000 The Company, I understand, realize the necessity, jbut at present do not see their way clear to take the Work in hand- In time, perhaps, they will make a move in this direction. 000 '•'an, poultry and other clubs are now in full Permrth. This means of providing for "udge by the number of them, seems to j f Last Saturday night, at the Railway Station:— « What time will the next train arrive from Cardiff V* Porter Ten past nine." Questioner, (looking at the time): Why its twenty past now, and I've been here nearly halfe-an- hour, and one hasn't come in." Porter: I mean she's due at ten past, but what time she will be here, can best be told after her lights can be seen rounding the bend, just below." The train came in about 9.35. 000 It has in the past been asserted that Hickman Road will become a business thoroughfare, and that Glebe Street, eventually will be only a side street. Whether this will ever be the case, is a question, but Mr Tape has commenced the alteration of a portion of his premises, which he intends to let for business purposes. Will his example be follwed ? I think i very probable. 000 At the Snow-flake entertainment on Wednesday night, a song was sung Hush don't wake the baby." in The singer bad no sooner started than a baby was aroused trom its slumber and began to cry. The shy mother had to carry the baby out. 000 In connection with the Anniversary of the Consecration of Holy Nativity Church, Cogan, there will be special services next Thursday and the following Sunday. I fancy this is a "new departure to hold anniversaries of events such as the above, in connection with the Established Church, but there is no reason why such celebrations should not become equally as popular as with our Non-conformist churches. The church will be decorated for the occasion.

: Lord Tindsor on Disastablisliment.…

4-A Peculiar Fish caught at…
