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G hit-Chat.


G hit-Chat. BY RAMBLING TOMMY. Boys will be boys, and let them. St. Paul, when writing to the Corinthians, said When I was achild I spake as a child. I understood as a cbild, I thought as a cbild, but when I became a man, I put away childish things." Now let me commend these words to those two men who were amusing- themselves in Arcot Street on Saturday last, letting off fireworks. We can excuse much in children, but when men light 0 squibs and throw them direct at young ladies and also throw them into shops, it is going a step ioo far, and they ought to be censured. Not only are such actions unworthy of men, but the practice is highly dangerous. 000 A man Darned Wm- Wilson, of Mmny Street, Cardiff, was on Saturday driving a horse and van down Cogan Hill, when the horse became frightened through boys letting off fireworks. The animal ran away and threw the driver, whose head was cut, but after being medically attended, be went home. 0 0 0 Mr J F Proud, on Saturday night last, was the recipient of a very handsome gold watch and chain, also an illuminated address, from the members of the Caidiff Blue Ribbon Choir, Mr Proud is worthy of this recognition of his services. 00. The annual meeting of the East Glamorgan District Lodge of Gocd Templars was held at Cardiff last Saturday. ooo A good Penarth lady recently found herself in the streets of London, minus her purse. Some of the light fingered fraternity had helped themselves. Weat was she to do ? She was a long way from her destination, and hadn't a copper. Ask a policeman Yes, and this she decided to do. There was one close at band, and to him she made known her loss, and asked him to lend her threepence- Oh, no; trust a policeman lending money to a person he bad never before seen. He pointedly refused. Was he not cruelly hard ? A lady in London without a cop- per! Oh cruel myrmidon of the law! But, wait a moment before condemning. What did he do ? He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the amount asked for, and then said be would gladly give it but he could not lend it. However, the lady took the money, ascertained his address, and when she got to her friendshouse, she returned the loan with interest, and with it a nice letter expressing the bope that her benefactor was n teetotaler. 0 0 0 Mrs Barney, who is described as the Elizabeth Fry of America, will pay Penarth a visit on the 15th and 16th inst, and address two meetings in Andrew's Large Hall. The Penarth Blue Ribbon Choir will render a selection of music during the evening. On the platform, at one stage of the meeting, there will appear a number ot little waifs and strays. The choir will sing There's a shadow on the home," and then will enter and walk through the ball, a party Of Band of Hope children, singing" Weare coming to the rescue." This will doubtless be very effective, and will ba a splendid object lesson. 0 0 0 Penarth's death trap is still open, and last week there was another miraculous escape. A young man carrying a basket, watched the up train pass, and was just about to proceed across the line, when tha engine of the down train, (which he had not seen or heard, as the noise of the up train had not died away), struck the basket, and thereby saved the young man's lIfe. Surely there must be terrible neglect some- where, and it is evident that no alteration will be made until some life has been sacrificed. o e o A young man in the employ of Mr Guy had a very narrow escape of a nasty aceident on Saturday last." He was in the cart, and was proceeding from the shop round the corner by Messrs Stranagban and Stephens, when it appears the horse became frightened and began to run away. The young man was thrown off his seat, but he did not lose his bold of the reins, and was dragged along the road some little distance, when some men rushed to the horse's head and stopped the animal's career. Fortunately the young man did not sustain any injury. Ð 0 w I understand that Mr Stowe, realising perhaps, that discretion was the better part of valour, on Monday last withdrew his application for adicense for his shop in Glebe Street. 0 0 0 All the members of the Cogan fechool Board, with one exception, are teetotalers. 0 0 0 I overheard a day or two ago, two men discussing the question of the forthcoming School Board Election, when one expressed himself thus. All the Jack rag and bob tail lot of the present Boarc want to be given the sack, but more especially three or four of the old fossils." 0 0 0 Last Sunday afternoon a young man, who was formerly a Roman Catholic, was baptised at the Welsh Baptist Chapel by the Rev. W. G. Davies, and was formally received into the fellowship of the Tabernacle Baptist Church in the evening. coo It is proposed to erect a pavilion on the Penartb Pier, to be used for Concerts next season. It is sug- gested that the covering be fixed on pillars, with shutters which can be drawn up, leaving the whole space open for promenaders by day, and which can be closed down for he evening concerts. ooo On Sunday (to-morrow), and on each Sunday uutil farther notice, there will be three less trains running between Penarth and Cardiff There are also several alterations in the week-day trains. 0 0 0 The Penarth and District Blue Hibbon Choir now numbers close upon eighty voices, and it is hoped that this will be increased to 100. Any desirous of joining are invited to meet in the Welsh Independent Schoolroom on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. After that date candidates will be elected by ballot, after submitting to a voice test, if approved by the com- mittee. 0 9 0 Among the exhibitors of bread at the Confectioners Exhibition, London, which was brought to a cloee last Saturday, was Mr F. Hayter, Arcot Street and Plassey Street, Penarth. ooo A Harvest Thanksgiving service was held at the Presbyterian Chapel, on Thursday evening, the preacher being the Rev H. Harding, of the Grange- town Centre of the Forward Movement. 0 0 0 A meeting of would be allotment holders in the Cogan district will be held on Monday evening next, in the Board Schools, Cogan, to consider what steps shall be taken for the acqnirement of additional suit- able land, and to censider the advisability of appeaiiDg ) to the County Council to put into force the Act for the compulsory purchase of ground. The chair will be taken by County County Councillor F. H. Jotham Esq. The meeting will commence at 7.30. 000 At the School Board meeting on Thursday evening 1::1 a woman applied for her boy to leave school as she wanted to apprentice him as an errand boy or something." 0 0 0 The next public meeting of the Total Abstinence Federation will be held on Wednesday next, either at Andrew's lesser hall. or in one of our places of worship. The Blue Ribbon Choir will sing at intervals. ooo The marriage of Miss Tbornley with Mr Arthur Rees of Sully, will take place at St Atigustines Church, Penarth. on Thursday October 10th. at 2 p m. Major and Mrs Thornley will bold an At home which will be followed by a dance at the Penarth Hotvd in the evening.

Penarth Indecency Case. ---.h

Good Templars' District Lodge.

Cardiff Blue Ribbon Choir.…