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The Penarth Go-operative Industrial…


The Penarth Go-operative Indus- trial Society Limited, ANNUAL TEA AND ENTERTAINMENT- The annual tea and entertainment in connection with the above society took place in Andrew's large hall on Wednesday last. Provis-on was made for about two hundred and fifty persons to tea, but the committee were taken by storm, upwards of five hundred persons assembling to participate in the good things provided. A "knife and iork" tea had been intended but very speedily *all the eatables were disposed of, and the town had to be pretty well ran- sacked to find provision for the hungry multitude. This unprecedented demand, it is feared, somewhat militated against the comfort of the guests, but whilst a few were disappointed, the large majority rejoiced in the evidence thus tendered, of the "value set upon the principle of Co-operation." One facetiously re- marked, This is what co-operation is doing in Pen- arth, it is carrying everything before it." Tea being over and the seats re-arranged, the hall goon became packed with a chattering company of men and women, boys and girls. The tea (perhaps it was one of the Co-operative special brands) seemed to have affected the tongues and spirits of the people). There was a perfect din of voices, and when the Chairman, Mr. George Pile, essayed to speak, he found that his voice was not, sufficiently powerful to 'teaêh' half the multitvde, and so his remarks were i; unbearable. (This is a word coined by one of the Co-operative fraternity.) When, however, Misses Hooper and Livermore, accompanied by Miss Coney, appeared on the platform, and the tinkle tinkle of the piano was heard, something more approaching silence was obtained, but the assembly soon took license again, and the chattering almost drowned the m 9 effective playing of the fair executants. Those, how- ever, who were near the platform, were delighted -witihthb performance, and spoke of it in the highest terms of praise- Mr. Ellis Roberts next mounted the rostrum, and then the people settled down to enjoy the various items on the programme, although even now there were not wanting evidences that the room of a few would be more appreciated than their com- pany. Mr. Roberts rendered his comic song, Our Johnny," very well indeed, and he was warmlpap- plauded- Mr. J Dustin gave a stump oration On man," which wAs very funny, and created plenty of merriment. Mr. Carslon and Mr. Roberts charmed the audience with their rendering of The Larboard Watch." Mr. Goodey, of the Co-operative Wholesale So- ciety. London, next gave an address on the principles of the Co-operative Society, and likewise gave details of what has been accomplished by these working-men combinations. Referring to the Penarth braucb, he said, Your society started in a small way, with only 28 members, but it has' gone on and on success has followed it from the start, and now it boasts 435 members. He hoped they would continue to make progress. Like religious and other great movements the Co-operative movement commenced in a small way about fifty years ago, but it bad gained in strength every year, until, last year, their sales ex- ceeded £ 10,000,000. The society belonged to the working classes, and he did not believe there was a manager or any other official but what had been a working man- The Wholesale Society was started 21 years ago, and it was gradually covering the whole of the country. Besides providing the neces- saries of life the society has now established an In- surance Agency, Whereby great profit is made, and ll this isnivided again ampngst the members, no one person participating more than others in the profits. The programme was again proceeded with. Mr Robeits and Miss Webb obtaining an jpucoie for their rendering Teil me gentle,strang er,. The recita- tion^ Mother, was very pathetically rendered Jby Mr OweuJand mirijka room seamed t "t, "■* o 1:' ft; sir, f' deeply touched as the narrative proceeded. Mr Tom Davies received a deserved encore fur his singing of Her front name was Hannah." C5 Mr Griffiths of Aberdare, said he was pleased to see so many present, and especially so many boys and girls. Working people needed to study economy and the best way to do this was to deal at the Stores. Economy was needed very badly in England and W ales, as more food was wasted than is required to feed the poor. Miss F. Livermore very prettily sang "The owl and the cat," with her sister, Miss Ada Livermore accompanying. The last item on the programme was the laughable sketch A nigger in a fog." Every one took his part well, but Jimmy Matthews took the palm. Miss Coney very ably presided at the pianoforte. The meeting terminat.d with -The Queen. The Committee, on behalf of the society, desire to tender their thanks to those who presided at the tea-tables and to all who in any way assisted to make the gathering such a success.

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