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-. / The Riots in China.


The Riots in China. NEWS DIRECT FROM CHEN-TU. We have received the following from a friend of Mr Vale's, who is connected with the China Inland Mission at Chen-tu. Mr Vale writes:- I give yon my view of the case. It may differ in some detal from other reports that may lbe given, but in the general I think it will agree. I will give you under a few heads what I consider to be soma of the causes of the i,iot:- I 1st. Japanese War, general discontent with the proposed terms of settlement, and indifference of j England, I ranee, and America. I 2nd Rumours from Dr. Hare's case. f 3rd. Hope of plunder. "4tb. Neglect of the officials. Well., now, to commence with the Japanese War. Within the last few months I have noticed a good deal of bitterness amongst the people towards foreigners generally. Many reports were in circula- tion that secretly we were helping the Japanies (i.e. 1:1 our countries) and that we were only the forerunners of the army that, was expecfed to come and swallow up the whole of China. When the terms of peace retu bed here by telegram this bitterness increased greatly, especially towards us, whom China looked upon as her helpers, i.e., England and France. "2nd. About the end of April or beginning of May Dr. Hare was called to attend a woman in diffi- cult labour. She was delivered, and the mother and child both lived. Then for about 10 or 12 days he heard no more of the case, till one night he was called to go and see her again, and he, notsnspecting anything, took his dispenser and went. When he got in the room be found her quite dead: he told the husband'so, who then at once closed the door and bolted it. Dr. Hare demanded it to be opened, and he went into the yard, when the husband commenced to shout with all his might for help. In a short time crowds collected from nil the neighbours and began to illuse Dr. lIare, one man taking hold of him by the I thioat. ife, seeing it was a case of running or to be Z, murdered, struck the man n blow under the chin. which released his hold. He then, shouted for his dispenser, and they both ran for their house, not for away,' the crowd following; some even followed into the house, but were ejected, and the doors closed. Evidently the man was on for some mischief (for it turned out that she was a bad woman, kept as a mistrei-s by this man, who by her death lost all his hope of gain), and circulated a story that Dr. Ilare had killed his wife. Well, for days this rumour was circulated throughout the city, causing great trouble. About this time Dr. Hare and Dr. Stevenson sent cards to the Hua Yang Hsien, and asked to have an audience, twice without any response, either in pro- clamation or an interview. They then went to the Uei Uen of the Long Meny Tao, aud he went to the Hsien, ordering him to inquire into \he case, and also promised to put out a proclamation, but the latter never was issued. Mr Ln of our mission urged the Uei Uen to issue it, hut it never appeared. Well, things gradually quieted down, and they thought the danger past; in fact, we all seemed t0 thiuk it im- possible to have a riot at Chen-tn, and I think the officials thought i-O, too. "The first signs of real trouble commenced at the Canadian Mission, near the eastern parade ground, on Tuesday, May 28th (fifth day of fifth moon. the Quan Yung feast day). The day before I was at Dr. Stevenson's to tea, only having returiie(I from my trip a few days before. Everything was perfectly quiet, not, a word was said as I passed along the streets—in if any one had taid that to-morruw a riot was to take place I should have laughed at them. It appears that on the afternoon of this dciy (the feast day) some boy* and roughs assembled he- fore the door of the Canadian Mission. It is not quite certain who commencv-d the. row, but the, gatekeeper had trouble with some of the crowd, and either shut the door upon them or struck one (but tli,-i is not clear). A crowd soon began to gather, and soon after a great rush was made from the parade ground. as if some one had been inciting the crowd to acts of violence. Very soon a vast crowd (many full of wine) gathered and showed signs of mischief—stones were thrown, the book shop wrecked, and the door attacked, Not till then did the missionaries show themselves. When they saw how serious things were they thought they might check the crcwd till the Mandarin came (they had sent off at/once to the Police Station asking for help, but the head official re- fused to receive their card. so the man went on to the Maudarin, who promised to come at once). They tired several shots over the heads of the crowd, and they Scattered, but soon to return. Abo at this time 15 policemen appeared, but the crowd had increased so ranch that they were not able to do anything, and as soon as the missionaries w-nt ia the stoniug began again. They knew that they were in for a riot, so their only hope was to restrain the crowd till the Mandarin should lirrive By this time another crowd bad began to batter down the hospital doors, so just at dusk the nisuonaries went in and thought to escape. Immediately the crowd burst through the doors, and the work of destruction commenced. The missionaries then tried to get over a bamboo fence, hut a neighbour dared them to get through. They then hid amongst some timber, but the children com- mencing to cry they could not stay there. They then thought of hidmg in the dispensary, but found that would only be a trap, so theirouly plan was to risk n run. They first of all fired a gun through the top of the hospital door, which scattered the crowd for the time being, and they one by one got through the bole in the door. A man who had been cured of opium by Dr. Stevenson, acting as a friend, kept off the crowd for a time. They tried to go into a house opposite, but were driven out again into the street. They then made for the parade ground, Dr. Steven- son keeping back the crowd by pointing his gun at them. When they got to the parade ground they went into the soldiers' camp. but were driven out with oaths, and one kicked Mrs Stevenson as they ran out. I They then made their way to the city wall, and were safe from the crowd; and when they looked back they saw their house in flames, and they made their way barefooted round the wall to the western parade ground, and sent a man to get chairs, arriving at our house about midnight, but very wearied. In the mean- time the two, head Mandarins had arrived on the scene, and the crowd was quieted for the time being. Then they left for a consulation with the Treasurer, and as soon as they left the riots began again with the foretold results. We were qnit.9 ignorant of any danger, but it so occurred that in the afternoon we got a note from the city, from Dr. Canwright, saying that placards had been posted the day before, and that, day in their part of the city, so thought it would not be wiRe to come to a united meeting at our mis- sion. We then sent a messenger to the Canadian Mission with this letter, not knowing of Un riot. The messenger hurried back and told us. We then sent off to the Yamen asking for men to be sent to all Missions- We soon had the Superintendent of Police with about 40 men at our place, and we were pro- perly guarded for the night. The next morning the c-owd commenced on Mr Hartweli's house, and finished the other houses. From there the crowd went to the Canadian Mission again, and looted their premises, destroying the whole. The two ladies had bE-en warned, and escaped by the back wall, and got safely to our premises. In the meantime we had sent repealed messages for help to the Yamen, and had succeeded in getting 16 men. We consulted to- gether as to what was best to be done. It was de- cided that the ladies had better be sent to the Yamen nt once, so I went on first to inform the offi- cials. When I got there I told them the state of affairs. They immediately sent off twenty more soldiers. I then sent a not.3 to the friends, asking them to come along at once, but soon after a messenger came, spy- ing that the small officials had assured them that all was safe, and that they could protect them, they thetefore would not come, so I returned at once, but by this time the street was crowded. Soon after, an attack was made and a free fight took place with the soldiers, the latter driving back the crowd, but it was soon evident it was only a matter of time before they would break in. The official then came and said he thought we had better get to the Yamen at once. Chairs were ordered, and six of our party got saf .ly awav. but before the rest—Dr. and Mrs Kil- boro. Miss" Ford, Miss Brack bill, myself, and three children—could get away, a cry was, made that the c "wd from the American Mission had arrived, and the yells were fearful. We knew it would be mad- ness to attempt to go now, so we, with the officials, rushed to the back, got over the wall, into a neigh- bour's house. They shui the door, not wishing to have us. but the official pushed it off its hinges, and we followed him in. He was leading us right down towards the crowd (not knowing), when Dr Kilborn said We can't go thf-re." He then pointed to a door, and said. Goin there." This we did. and eight of us crept into abed, pulling down the curtains; there we sat fo" three hours, scarcely dating to breathe the yeiiiiim,, and Clashing beiog witLi l ten yards of our hiding place. During this time the American friends a suffeied the s «me fat. their pLu e being destroyed and thny theaiselves hiding in a neighbour's house. About 8 o'clock we got chairs, and got safely to this Yamen. Later on the officials got the American Mis- sionaries there, o that our partv, complete, consisted of eighteen adwlts, and eleven clnldien. All this time the s-ix separate Roman C-fttho ic chapels and dwell- ings bad shared the same fate as ours, thus within 24 hours, eleven separate houses and chapels had been destroyed, not so wllch as a brick or ftuiio being !efr. We g- t off a telegram as quickly as possible, aiiel rot. 11 Z7, a reply, saying that the Consul had wired the Gover- nor, and Pelon. We also despatched a messenger to Chong Kav giving full particulars- Thursday was a great day of anxifity—rumours w<jre afloat that Kja- ting, Chong-Iving, and several other places had been destroyed, but it proved to be false. We also had rumouis of rebellion. &c., but th/» proclamations issued by the Mandarins had good effect. Finally- let me add, we have learnt two great truths.—1st. The faithfulness of our Heav-nly j Father 2nd. the faithfulness of the native Christians, so that at our first opportunity we will goat it agun J with renewed energy and tiope. We are glad Ld joyful in the Lord, Rejoice with as, Yours in His blessed Service JOSHUA VALE. (

Penartb Boat Olub.

Sleeping m a Stable.