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NOTICE OF REMOVAL. E. A. HOOPERS FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT Ie THE BEBT FOR ALL CLASSES OF FUNERALS. FURNITURE REMOVED To all parts of the KINGDOM. WINDSOR MEWS, SALOP ST., PENARTH PRIGE LIST ON APPLICATION. FIREWOOD t FIREWOOD BLOCKS, BUNDLES, CHOPPED STICKS at the Penarth Firewood Supply 57, and 58, SALOP STREET, Penarth, Jill G. C. ]18 WIlJ(¡li, r fROFESSOR OF MUSIG, Organist and Choir-Master of Windsor Road Jongre- gational Church- Receives and Visits Pupils for INSTRU- MENTAL, VOCAL & THEORETI- CAL Tuition Pupils prepared for the various local Musical Examinations. NUMEROUS FIFSj CLJXSS testimonials Prospectus may be had on application Address—Mozart House Windsor Road- WIlsblAM CAMPBEIsL. Glass and ohina Burner & Riviter 65, SALOP STREET (10-, Ifenartb. flew Springs and Gaatds put in Catving firks All Linds of Cutlery ground and set. No connection with any other person in the trade. 1 ^CEL^BRAT^D ORGANS & PIANOS. For Catalogues, address, DANIEL F. BEATTY § STIMULATING, SUSTAINING CUP I, > —MADE INSTANTLY. email spoonful of Cadbury's Cocoa, with boil- ing water or milk wiH make a large breakfast cup of the most delicious, di- gestible, absolutely pure and nourishing cocoa, of the greatest strength and finest flavour, entirely free from any admixture. U Pure, wholesome, and cheap, and has no superior in the market. MRS. McMURRAY (late Boxall)., Wardrobe Dealer, 12, Arcot Street, Penarth. Good Prices paid for Children's Clothing. All orders receive prompt attention. Furniture Bought. r, WANTED, a clean steady girl as general servant, must be experienced and have good refer- ence.—Apply, 26, Clive Road, Penarth. D RESSMAKING.-Miss Evans is in immediate want of an Assistant to the Dressmaking.- Apply 31, Grove Terrace, Penarth. HEARTS OF BRITAIN BENEFIT AND DIVIDEND SOCIETY, LIMITED.—Agents Wanted in Penarth District—Managers, Foremen, Timekeepers, and others having spare evenings; stamp for reply. Hermon J. White, District Manager, 8, Arcot-street, Penarth. F EATHERS, Gloves, &c., done up, Cleaned and Dyed.—Mrs Trump, 2, James Street. Ti/rR. & MRS. BUCKLANL, Wardrobe and Fur- niture Dealers. The Oldest Established Dealer in Penarth.—57 and 58, lop Street. WANTED at once, an Apprentice to thelknitting. —Apply Evans and Cory, The Penarth Knitting Factory, 62, Arcot Street. FURNISHED HOUSE Wanted in Penarth. Apply, with particulars? Mrs Sketch, Hickman Road, Penarth. TO LET)—Furnished Apartments) with every con- venience, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Near Station. Busses pass the door.-Apply in first instance at Chronicle Office- YOU WILL NEVER GT WELL | HUGHES'S- UNTIL TOU TAKE | Qf_QQQ PILLS Try what you may, the system will never be eradicated of Disease until the Direct and Specific Remedy for the Blood is taken "I Hughes's Blood Pills n For Bad Biood, contains the germs of all the Ailments which trouble the Human System, permeating every organ of the Body, dis- turbing their duties, and bringing the Nervous System to that despondent state which often prefer "A Death to Lite HENCE HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS SECURE PURE BLOOD VIGOROUS DIGESTION iEALTHY SKIN SOUND KIDNEYS ITRONG NERVES STRONG ART ACTIVE LIVER and Happy & lively Spirits :HUGHES S BLOOD PILLS SCURVEY CURE SKIN RASH TORPID LIVER INDIGESTION HEADACHE DYSPEPSIA BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION RHEUMATISM NERVOUSNESS PILES, FITS TRY A BOX OF HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS THEY ILL BRING YOU HEALTH, JOY, HAPPINESS And enable you to follow your occupation with comfort and pleasure SEND for a Box from any Chemist or Dealer ir Patent Medicines. They are sold at lfll, 2/9, 4/6 DON'T be persuaded to take any Substi- tute, but see that you get the Geuuine Sort, with the TRADE MARK, shape of a Heart on a Bed Label, on each Box, er send direct enclosing 1/3, 2/11, or 4/9, to the Maker, JACOB HUGHES, Manufacturing Chemist, Penarth, who will mail them by returu SAMUEL GARWOOD, Salop Street, PRACTICAL Layer of Drain Pipes and W.C. Repairer. Mason Work &c. undertaken Over 25 Years' experience.. Excellent References given E. CRNNI SANITARY PLUMBER and HOT W ATERENGINEER. GA.S-FITTER, BELL-HANGER, &c., Begs to intimate to the Residents of Penarth and 0 Neighbourhood that he has commenced Business on his own account, and respectfully solicits a share of Public Patronage: ELECTRIC AND OTHER BELES FIXED AND REPAIRED. All work will receive personal and prompt attention, and will be executed with Despatch and at Moderate Charges. Note Address- 48, Grove Terrace, PENARTH, Presents! Presents!! TEA! TEAM TEA le ey To L z LL Beg to call Special Attention to their T:&A.S9 Which are of the Finest Qualities anc Blends, and purchasers will have the double advantage of a high quality Tea. accompanied by First Class Presents at Prices which cannot be beaten by any house (for tea only) in the District. LIVE AND LET LIVE! NOTE OUR PROVISIONS. BACON from 4-ld per lb BACON, Finest Wiltshire from 7d per lb HAMS, Wiltshire from 8d per lb BUTTERS, (Finest) from IOd per lb EGGS, (Extra Quality Irish) 8d per doa CHEESE, (Dutch) :-)d per (Cannot be beaten for Quality.) CHEESE, (Best American) from 7d per lb J.S. and Co.. also wishes to inform the public that at their Establishment can be purchased all other Provisions at Wholesale Prices. BREAD I 4d. per 41b Loaf. NOTE ADDRESS- Sames Sajufi & eo., 68, MAUGHAN ST., PENARTH., ■ T iii FOR ECZEMA, With all its disagreeable accompaniments, incitiding, that awful irritation that makee one feel as if he would scratch himself to pieces, HOMOCEA COMES IN AND INSTANTLY TOUCHES THE SPOT, and where one has not been able to sleep for nights, refreshing and balmy sleep comes as Nature's greatexi aid, Homocea and sleep working together. With jood food and proper diet, Homocea works a perfect cure. Price, 1/1J* and 2/9 per,box or by post 1/3 and 3s. EXANO (HOMOCEA FORT) Is the strong form of Homocea made (.specially for deep-seated rheumatic pains—more especially of tho joints, and for pains in the chest, bronchitis, &c., but it is not to be used for open wounds, sores or delicate parts of the body. We guarantee this ointment, and in every case when purchased direct from us, we will refund the money if relief is not. obtained by the purchaser. Price, 2s. 9d. per box 3a. by post. HOMOCEA SOAP. HOMOCEA SOAP. This soap contains the valuable properties of the Homocea Ointment, and is certainly a perfect toilet soap but as a medical soap, it is of great valti^. especially, In the nursery, and for all who bay- delicate skins. Price, 9d. and lq. 3d. a cake, or 2s. and 3s. per box; postage, 2d. and 3d. extra. • the above preparations can be had from. Chomiats, Drugffisfe, ke., or direct by post from the HomoeeaCompany, 22, Hamilton Square, Birkenhead. I