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NELSON, on the 21st of October, 1805, prior to the great battle ot Trafalgar, gave as his last signal— "England expects every man to do his duty," and it 18 expected of every Liberal this day, that he will do his duty-his duty to himself, his duty to his country. We do not make light of the fact that Derby has turned its back upon Sir Wm IIarcourt and Mr Roe, but because we have suffered these and other defeats, let us be the more determined that Mr Arthur J- Williams shall be returned with even a larger major- ity than before. Oar enemies are on the alert. They are resorting to actions which are not ereditable; they are sending anonimous cards through the post; and one, at least, by his deceptive tongue has sought to throw working men off their guard, by intimating that M tjor Quin finds he has no chance against Mr Williams- Liberal Electors be not deceived heed not these wiley serpents who would seek to make you feel Mr Williams is safe, and that therefore you need not put yourself to any inconvenience to record your vote. If Mr Williams's seat is safe, so much the better, and we believe it is, but let us one and all do our duty, honestly and fearlessly, and if h6 majority is larger than at the last election, we shall have all the more to rejoice over. It is a sad spectacle, that of men who have occupied high and honourable positions in religious movements in Penartb, condescending to such mean contemptible actions as going round from place to place, from meeting to meeting, with no other apparent object than to irritate and disturb, and yet this has been done, and how small, how insignificant these same men have looked, as they have had to Stand the fire of ridicule, the scathing sarcasm, and shots of contempt which have been hurled at them, but shame there has been none, and so they have gone onuntil now they are seen wallowing in their own mire. The meetings which have been held in support of the candidature of Mr. Williams, have all been charac- terised by enthusiasm, and the speeches have been nothing but straightforward honest dealing. There has been no beating about the bush, and the ques- tions which have been submitted to Mr. Williams and other speakers, have been answered in a clear and definite manner. The railway men submitted a number of questions on Friday night last, but they were handed to Mr. W illiams before his address and he being deluged with questions afterwards, they were forgotten until too late, but the next day Mr. Williams wrote, stating his full sympathy with every matter dealt with, and his letter was read amid threat cheering at the meeting" at Cogan on Monday, there being a large number of railway men present. Our Tory friends have been trying to tickle the fancies of the illiterate people of their own ilk, by a magic lantern exhibition of comic characters and scenes, and for the general benefit displaying the results of the different elections as they were received. The Church and beer-barrel are linked together. Ou the I one hand the cry is u The Church is in danger-the: Liberals are trying to destroy the Church. Let these lies be nailed to the church doors. Does any Christian man believe that because the Church shall be disconnected from the State, that God will allow His Church to be overthrown ? The men who make such base insinuations are offering unpardonable in- sults to Him who said My kingdom is not of this world." Then the question of Local Veto is misre- presented. We were told by a Tory spouter only a day or two ago, that if this Bill was passed, the tee- totalers would shut up all the public houses. An- other lie, as big and as black as any concocted. What does the Bill propose to do ? At present the power to grant or refuse to grant or renew public house licenses is in the hands of half-dozen men- magistrates-who know, practically, nothing of the requirements of the people, and these, according to ( their own fads and fancies, whether in accordance with the expressed wishes of the people or nor, may give their decision for er against, but the Local Veto Bill proposes to takelthis power from the magistrates and place it in the hands of the people, so that a ma- jority vote in any district may declare for or against Sunday Closing, but two thirds (two out of three) of the people mast be obtained before a public house in any district can be closed. What can be fairer? What more can be wanted ? Working men like to have a voica in the management of local affairs. Here it is offered you. Will you accept it ? or will you be content to be governed in this matter by men whom you never have had, and never will have, a finger in electing. Working men be true to your- selves. Show the Tories that you have brains of your own which you have determined to use, and declare with no uncertain voice your allegiance to the party of progressive reforms. The polling will take place to-morrow (Friday). Vote early, vote one and all, and VOTE FOR ARTHUR J. WILLIAMS.

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