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The Oldest Established Pork Batcher in Penarth. RICHARD GUY, Wholesale nd Retail Pork Batcher, Ham and Bacon Ourer, and Pork Sausage Manufacturer, 93, GLEBE STREET, PENARTH, AND 103, HOLTON ROAD, BARRY DOCK l: "1" 1 TRY OUR NOTED t>OBK PIES. 8M. PER LB. ANY SIZE MADE TO ORDER. Now ION. I. I A i' vim, APPEN _¡.¡'¡'ç-i1Iiû.II&+ -t. ^Emt malt bread' (ROYALTY SECURED). L < T. WALKER ily G-rocsr and Confectioner M V'J '1. Cïv\,). Terrace & 56 Wipdsor Road X'UNAUTt The Noted While you Wait Shop | B. J. SAM WAYS iBoot z-Ia;a sluoe zx&stlsiQi? [ 82. GLIWP, STREET PEN KRTIJ. {. WATCHES Are the Best Value, the Strongest, most Durable, straff- Finest Timekeepers ever made, TESTIMONIALS FROM THO USANDS of OWXS3S& now using them in all parts of the world. '>, j t WATCHES f Made on an Improved System. Not liable to failure, giving Extra Strength, greater freedom from a.ccid6 Reduced Cost of Manufacture. LADY'S "LUDGATfE" WITCII A I! Vhtapett met Bft Engl A laver ever made si i$t • t e. fa^Silver Cases in ISet. GoM > f 8«»t London made; Three-quarter Plate English Lever fully Jewelled, Chronometer Balance, Enlarged Barrel. Patent Dust and Damp Proof Rino; Band. Specially recommended for ladies wear, An Exact Timekeeper. Thousands hare been solSfc- Absolutely the Best Value made. Price £ i010i., in Massive ItJct. Gold Crystal G Da.se?. In Sterling Silver Cases, £ 5 53. Performance warranted. Sent free and safo to all parts of the world. wtf3en4ffrb5 "UfDCATE" WATCH The Strongest, Best, and Cheapest English Le- ever made for £ 5 5s. Unequalled for Accuracy, Durability, and Value. In Silver Gases In Lsct- Gold Cases c{iJ< )\t% ^\i|i tfzP'l m kji <y M ;■ %0 London nsde Throo quarter Plata tfnglish Lever, Jewelled throuffhout. Chronometer Balance, Enlarged Barrel, tTi-teut Dust and £ ■- .jap Proof Ring 3*n&. Keeps better time than, and is donbl*. the Strength and Vales of any$ £ > 3- yet In Tore.Sizes. Bmall (as i1.!n<tr-.>te- f G-rr-and Youths. Media .ujr Working Me £ •jonerally and Larue for Miners and Bailwav jner.. T,; >3 -ri r, S.lve: *-irh 0r-K!Glass: ;:S is. In I3ei Gold Crystal Glass 'Ja>es G nslaaaeafrr* size, £ Li I Ji. Pert'orraan- warranted. TE$TIiIONiAL3 £ ro& Bent free and sale to all parts of the world. C! Will send the above Watches, together wtite- Warranty for correct perioral inee. t ) any pals of the workl free and at nis risk on rseew P.O.O., payable at Q P.O., Bank Draft, or Cask. €1 LOOKS for the house, of every kind, in great- J variety and of the newest designs, from £ 1 »8' £500. CHURCH and TURRET CLOCICS.-Estimates? J and advice free. Just complerod the Greo4: Clocks for Portsmouth Town Hall, Ashton-undeø. Lyne Parish Church, and many others PLATE, both for presentation and household uset .L In Sterling Silver and Electro Plate l het prettiest patterns and best quality, at moderate • prices. 1 EWELLERY, in fine or P'r Gold of tl best London make, jlaijy tiiou,«ads o noveltie* at manufacturers' pri-es. ENGAGEMENT B,i"-rG3. in "nl! va.i2br S. Fa with the naest. Gems, aud of ¡"J6L London maktK "Speciality'' Brilliant Sin* at C", and £ 20. Selections free on receipt, of r-»fer«ne« f it.- kind, PAMPHLSf, the; .n(i be,% of its kind, containing nearlv 200 pages ot Price* and Illustrations of <ww.* ojo.ss of WATCHES- CLOCKS. CHAINS, JEWKLLKRY, PLATE rUEEEi CLOCKS, mDl post froo on application'