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Original Poetry. -


Original Poetry. THE STORM AT SEA. The Ualwl'f6'jo«t Put out to sea: motW „ °° ,0ri s^-ore;—above Him you can see ■^roud phIr'ro "humanity in miniature, — All gatherpr)18^6-11^ wretc^e(i outcast, vile and pure, The spell nf jS ^raTrn by some mighty spell j 80o«neB» and of love, ■which in him dwell. fie sends Gr" cr0W(i that hovers round Him still They -would v?'' an<^ ^en climbs the lonely hill; ~ut His an p aY? n3a^e him King o'er things of sordid worth, ?e 'n that atTre m^htier than the Kings of earth. one *ho 1 ne*if! therefore, prays for strength and pow»r, Xhe 6Ver ears *n dread temptation's hour. the storm comes on apace; The lightnin j w'nc''s ^ow moan around that lonely place Ji'Shtg Up drawn from out the scabbard of the sky a «Q comes #ce?le one moment, then darkness far and nigh all hell a Su en °rash that rends the very air, The sto Were loosed in the madness of despair. he s^pe!6*1 tlie lake, that only just agone ?he ^aves lnsi, i nea^h the light of setting sun 4? safety now f mto, fury, lift high their foaming crests, Jg*t caJSf°r au^ht uPon their hearing breasts their power, or live in such a gale, Ah! t. Uess roUlld '•—the bra rest heart must fail, thatVnof^ far^ .°hject tossing to and fro, hapless h +6.am ihumined a moment but ago Awhile, seef ;tf, cau £ ht within the tempest's coils; 6 ^ind gv,: ^elPless crew in vain against it toils Th rent> through the rigging, the sails are torn and y 8eize the SutTvho th t °arS °nCe more' tlieir is almost spent! j^hoge voice ilth TV,llat brings them out this night on eea ? 4'\like to •' Car ? its tones U seeins t0 m9 those or, k1 8;r:yet no> he must have reached yon side hear that voin^v g long before the evening died J We shall perf-C ,?* storm Now> J°hn, pull hard, 5rU8t they • yeS' 18 llis voice !'ve heard. crew i,Can no one stretch a hand to save is their Mu? tlley,' must they fmd a watery grave ?~ U»!t> ut obevprl Ti-C1 twas He tll £ lt sent them o'er that sea: SrJ 0 potter, ? Word! they knew not wliat might be t68 ^eir hard tnay'that catcher on the hill i?e ^aveg t, 01ImK, and prays for them that do His will, i^he Lord a mountain side, the God of earth and sky I f. Jtep8 upon tu1'! ^ears.n°t tho' the storm rage high Th that st- a oaining sea, and hastens on !1V ^ayes u»b^en erew> whose hope is almost gone b 58 that pat for they know He is their Lord j jU^>hark! ° 511 birth by His creative word. fromhm!fcry of terror that I hear ? Our lS a ghost! ml A i°at a,C1'OSS the waters dl"ea1'. i'ai^0116 ^st re ^ost > our doom is sealed, fcehni?11, l°ved wif ^°Pe.is gone, we now must yield. each ot>iPv °4m^ children, we shall never more was then th W6 reac^ heavenly shore. afSter spoke t0 them,—" Be of good cheer It ral 0ft xtorl/T^ sha11 cIisaPPear 5 It !fge around ° fed tbe 5torm however high Oh \nnot harm m?:wf,rk your Saviour is now nigh trust me n °nes when I am near Cr-6 itl that b' °W l Q1 C°me t0 SaVC y°U' do not fear "7^ out in s2ri Vho, knew-that voice before them .all, Cd T? §ladnes^ he heard thrall 1- I difl in WonrW VG' t0 wllora my s°ul doth .cieave, Be h ll0t: 8eek H' Srace a sinner did recei'sjl^ J n,, r°^e me bv F* i1St' my heart refused to 'jtf eld Oh npfcter c • e' and then my soul He healed." 1 r-anld me conic if 'tis Thou' llP°n the sea *canh r storm « lf Thou but speak to me sink i f TV,01' AVave> shall keep me from Tliy side "Cok;011 the Mofl+ art near> my friend and Guide." jj 6< thou win'i»^0lre in accents) sweet and clear,— v! eaVes b«i • at hand to save> thou need not fear." Can imped1!1?'-ere 1,0 80es> his fisher's coat; A 1158 eye m 1TS pr°gress he steps from out the boat: Ui8 'rty lfave!,i! J-Sus for awhile, then sees siv!iage ebbs awlnCmf' then doubt his heart doth seize j. down t0-u-i 'om Him who saves, j hec • 1S ees' am^3t the encircling waves. hf^Suer stretch^Lord' save me> or I die." ■^Uc} b; j sinkiriD. th His hand—for he is nigh M1 n him 'walk U a grasP His strong arm, 0 Bavo +LCan °rv to w-6 s^de' where naught can harm. &fJhe soul tW> m in vain 5 He ever re:idy is s tempest tost,—what wondrous love is ^Hey^ tlieir length upon her deck they stand t, be frii 111 CJ gather that noble little band. S^5iesSt.lU- 10 Stovm say "Peace; ye waves, hen all 111:\ 'Wiftly d IS calm: Nature obeys His will. So ely they uf? ^eaeh that now long-wished-for shore O^st th6 J J their Perils all are o'er. & £ 5' to intercede °Vife' h°Wever fierce the gale, ?6 see7^ay ofient rllof ^ve can never fail; ;Ss8 lif^a11' I Ween • breakers wild at night; st<w s Sea He'll o ark he keePs in sight; Thejj sink toa^.say to me A11'« well." a! take +>, Peace within me dwell. S?>1 bark to and ri&ht across the sea shall ell11! land S0P^e and '"e Ur, ?i'e Q: l?e«ce and lov and breakers ne^er come ew °ne I'lf Rf°V^ my dear eternal home ehai-fi, 688 a§es ron .a" and with the ransomed sing, l'h. uJ Hosanna to our King." H. HARDING. | H. HARDING.

