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.& notice OF removal. I E. A. moPEETS FUKERAL ESTABLISHMENT I Is TfiE BEST fob all CLASSES OP FUNERALS. I FURNITURE REMOVED J To all parts of the KINGDOM. I Windsor mews, SALOP ST., penarth a PRIGe LIST ON APPLICATION. M MM, & 10,„ Windsor ROAD, penarth Give Best Value in US & FOR CASH OR EASY tei;ms, InsPection Invited 1 Correspondence Solicit e l —— —— Cycles for Hire '>I"4'='7'C- ■'MB fir. e. hdKK £ Osfl .PROFESSOR OF NIUSIG, Organist and Choir-Master of Windsor Road Jongre- gational Church- receives and Visits Pupils for INSTRU- MENTAL, VOCAL & THEORETI- CAL Tuition Pupils prepared for the various Jos&iJ Musical Examinations, UMEROUS FIpSJ GLJXSS TESTIS OjMI/\bS Prospectus may be had on application L Mozart House Windsor Road. WlUlsiAM C'AMPBESsL. Glass and nhina Burner & Riviter 65' SALOP STREET ■ "V53 Ifenartta. NeRt Springs and Guards put in Ganing Fpks All hinds of Cutlery ground and set. V No connection with any other j.erson in the trade, — EliSJASirASX— OEM. P (S GBATEFUI,—COmrOBTJITG. cocoa WATER Olt MILK. I tii CELEBRATED ORGANS & PIANOS. FOI* Catalogues, addreis, DANIEL F. BEATTY- Washington, ew Jersey .■.v. CHEAP POULTRY FOOD SOLD BY J. white 44, Dock Road, PENARTH • W. JEANS, Coach Builder Wheelwright Shoenig and General Smith 1 SALOP STREBT, PBAARlri. Near the Plymouth Hotel.) C Kinnes DlfilHG and HEFSESHfflEfiT ROOMS, 2, GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. Hot Dinners. Tea and Coffee. Cold Meats. Aerated Waters. PHOTOGRAPHS RE-COPIED AND ENLARGED, ALSO PICTURES FRAMED. All ork done on the Premises. —— R. TANNER, Essex Cottage, New Plassey Street. PENARTH. SAMUEL GARWOOD, i Salop S-treeti, PRACTICAL Layer of Drain Pipes aiicl W.C. Repairer. Mason Work &c. undertaken -AL t I' 0' |&odlsaifc, Ref erenoca giyesg Home-made e a ti E. BISHOP, CONFECTIONEK 4, GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. Sole Agent for L I P T 0 N'S TEAS. WOMAN'S FRIEND. RATNE'S SPECIAL MrXTURE" The most powerful and effectual wedicme known. Quick, safe, and certain. Never fails to relieve and cure rill irregularities, no matter how caused. Post free, with [ull instructions to any address 2/9 or 5/6 G. W RAYNES, Oogan f)rng Stores, 1, Penarth Dock. You can be CuM By a proper and timely use of the g-reat Norwegian remedyj SEA WEED LUNG LIblE, which .possesses marvellous Soothing, Tonic, and Balsamicfroporties for all Throat, Chest, and Lung Complaints, it is the ( great cure for Sore Throats. Coughs, Colds, Bron- I chitis, Asthma, Hoarseness and Consumption. Ali- Andrew Wilson, of Middlesborongh, has written of it as follows J"ir.—Permit me to info: m yon of the ¡ great benefit derived by me from the use of "Sea I Weed Lung Life." I suffered from a severe cold on the chest, but after using one bottle I was quite relieved-" Immediate Relief- Prompt Cure. The European Medical Society rec@uaraeuds it an the most reliable for all Bronchial a ad Chasfc Di-jeazes. Thousands are cured all over Eutvp^- One bottle will iclieve the most obstinate caSe. Let every sufferer give it a trial- Sold at 2" 2d, and Is 1 ,>d Post Free, 3s, and Is 3d. Wholesale, Agents for Great I BritainSanger and Sons, 489, Oxford Street London P.S—Send as or Is 3d in Stamps to Sanger I anc Sons, 489, Oxford-street, London, for a botde, which will be senl by return of post to any part of he County. Or to Jacob Hughes, Manufacturing C lemist, Peuartb Chief Depot. 1 \TR- & MRS. BUCfCLANX, Wardrobe and Fur* niture Dealers. The Oldest Established Dealer in Penarth.-57 and 58, Salop Street. GOOD WORKSHOPS TO LET—Apply Chronich Office, Penarth. TNST RUCTIONS in Violin and Shorthand 26, Ivy Street, West Cottages, Penarth. A FAMILY'S WASHING Wanter*- Good Shirt and Collar Dresser. Apply—41, Pill Street. Cogan. FOR SAL, a Paroqnete and cag-e. Will take 10/6 x the lot. Apply—A. Maggs, 44, Plassey Street, Penarth. TP WO Stall Stable and Coach House to Let, by week or lease.—Apply, H J Pitche, Decorator, Station Road. T OSST on Tuesday night between the Police Sta- tion and Plassey Street, a Ladies' Fur, Anyone returning the same to the I. Chronicle" Office will be rewarded. YOU WILL NEVER .R GET WELL UNTIL YOU TAKE | HUGHES'S- IBLOODPÎLLS Try what you may, the system will never be eradicated of Disease until the Direct and Specific Remedy for the Blood is taken, Hughes's Blood Pills For Bad Blood, contains the germs of all the Ailments which trouble the Human System, permeating every organ of the Body, dis- turbing their duties. and bringing the Nervous System to that despondent- state which often prefer Death to Lite HENCE HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS SECtrp.E PURE- BLOOD VIGOROUS DI,GESTI= IEALTHY SKIN SOUND KIDNEYS jTRONG NERVES STRONG HEART ACTIVE LIVER] and Happy & lively Spirits flUGI-IES'S BLOOD CURE PILLS SCURVEY SKIN RASH TORPID LIVES INDIGESTION HEADACHE DYSPEPSIA BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION RHEUMATISM NERVOUSNESS PILLS, FITS TRY A BOX OF HUGH ESS BLOOD PILLS THEY ILL BRING YOU Health, Joy, Happiness And enable you to ful-o'.v your occupation with comfort and pleasure SEND for a Box from any Chemist or Dealer it Patent Medicines. They are sold at 1/1*1 2/9, 41f DON'T be persuaded to cake any Suhsti tute, but see that you get the Gcuuine Sort, with tie TRADE M YRK, shape of a H,!art on a Red Label, on each Box, or send direct enclosing 1/3, 2/1.1, or 4/9 to the Maker, J \C >B HUGHES,' Manufacturing Chemist, Pontr h. who will maiftbem by return W) 601, fo