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NOTICE OF REMOVAL. E. A. HOOPER'S FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT Is TRB BEST MR AM. CLASSES or FUNERALS. FURNITURE REMOVED To all parts of the KINGDOM. WINDSOR MEWS, SALOP ST., PENARTH PRIGK LIST ON APPLICATION. 't eQO I WINDSOR ROAD, PENARTII Give Best ValDe in 'CYCLES ?? ?L. FOR CASH OR EASY TE1UM 1118PIOction Invited Correspondence Solicit ei —" —— Cycles for Hire ?1??? m?mi? fT ?TT I?F < f?v ir PROFESSOR OF MUStG, ()rtllzlist and Choir-Master of Windsor Road Joogre- gational Church. Iteceivesand Visits Pupils for INSTRU- ENTAL, VOCAL & THEORETI- CAL uition PUpils prepared for the various local "sical Examinations. UMEROUS F!pST GLftSS TtSTIMOt.AL,S p ?P?ctus may be had on application A4dr,ss_ Mozart House Windsor Road. ?t?)AM CAMPB?bL ? ?d f!hi? Burner & Riviter 65/ SALOP STREET }fenartb. leu¡ SPttings and Gttafds put in Casing ftfks All Linds of Cutlery ground aud met. ?M)eet:on with any ether pereoe in the trade. — ? MMMLB:rABT—SUPr?&. E P ps'S .a&rvL-Co.rOB COCOA ??JMMM? WATzm Om MBUL ? allTTltS r\? CELEBRATED ??ANS & PIANOS. For Catalogues, address, D'ANIEL F. BEATTY'' Waehijtgton, ew Jeftey CHEAP PO UL TR Y FOOD SOLD BY J. WHITE 44, Dock Road, PENARTHL I W. JEANS, I Coach Builder Wheelwright Shoenig and General Smith SALOP STREET, PBAARI]I. Near the Plymouth Hotel.) C: Ninne. DINING and EfRESamENT oomSt 2, GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. not! Dinners. Tea and Coffee. Cold Meats. Aerated Waters PHOTOGRAPHS RE-COPIED AND ENLARGE9J ALSO PICTURES FRAMED. All Work done on the Premises. ——R. TANNER, —— Essex Cottage, New PIassey Street. PENARTH. SAMUEL GARWOOD, Salop Streets PRACTICAL Layer of Drain Pipes and V.C. Repairer. Mason Work &c. undertaken Over 25 Year&' experience. ExCet!€nt References given Mamme-Made Bread E. BISHOP, CONFECT,IONEH. 4, GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. Sole Agent for L!PTON'S TEAS. WOMAN'S FRIEND. RAYNE'S SPECIAL MIXTURE" The most powerful and effectual wedtdne known. Quick, safe, and certain. Never fails to relieve and cure all irregui&rities, no matter how caused. Post free, with full instructions to any address 2/9 or 6/6 G. W RAYNES, OogM Drag .Stores, 1, PeMrth Dock. You can be Cured By a proper and timely use of the great Norwegian i-emedy, SEA WEED LUNG LIFE, which posseaaes marvctlous Soothing, Tonic, and Balsamic Propertiea for all Throat, Chest, and Lung Complaints, it is the great cure for Sore Throats, Ccagae, Cotds, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Hoarseness and Consumption. Mr Andtew Wuson, of MiddtesboroHgh. hM written of it as tbHows:—" ir,-Perrnit me to infbtm yoa of the great benefit derived by me from the use of Sea Weed Lung Life." I suffered from a severe cold on the chest, but after using one bottle I was quite retieved." Immediate Relief. Prompt Cure. The European Medical Society recommends it as the most reliable for a!t Bronchial aad Chest Diseazes. Thousands are cured all over Europe. One bottle will telieve the most obstinate case. Let every suneret give n a trial. Sold at 2s M, and la lid.; Post Free, 3s, and Is 3d. Wholesale Agenta for Great Britain:—Sanger and Sons, 489, Oxford Street London P.S—Send 3s or Is 3d ia Stamps to Sanger and Sons. 489, Oxford-street, London, for a bottle, which will be sent by return of post to any part ef he Coanty. Or to Jacob Hugbea, Manufacturing C!t€mMt,P<)martb Chief Depot. MR. & MRS. BUCKLANC. Wardrobe and Fup. niture Dealer. The Oldest Established Dealer in Penarth.—57 and 58, Salop Street. GOOD WORKSHOPS TO LET—Apply Chronicle ?? UBice, Penarth. TNSTRUCTIONS in Violin and Shorthand.—26, Ivy Street, West Cottages, Penarth. A FAMILY'S WASHING Wanted. Good Shirb ?- and Collar Dreaser, Appty—41, PHI Street Cogan. T?OR SALE, a Paroquete and cage. Will take 10/6 the iot. Apply—A. Maggs, 44, Pictss?y Street, Penarth. BRUISES AND CUTS. t%t«M *M happMuntr 'very day, but it ie marveUout t*w quickly HOMOCEA TOUCHES THE SPOT. tùÎ!IC tway all pain, reducing all innammation. and Mbdatng aU irritation by ita wonderful healing ropediœ.Homocea ehould be in every homw. irnc% 111" <md 2/8 pw box; or by poet, 1/? and 3a. EXANO (HOJlOOIrA -FOltr) Ie the Btrong form of Homoce& made eepwcitUy foe dftp-ftated rhoumaticpains-more MpecuJIy of thw ]ointe, and for ptine m the chest, bronchitis, Ac., bat it ie )Mt to be ueed for open wound*, itoroa, or dolie&U pMt)t of th* body. Wt guarantee thit MBtment, and in every CM< when purchased direct horn us, we will refund the money if relief ie not obtained by the purcbMer. Price, 2s. 9d. per box, 3a. by post. HOMOCEA SOAP. HOMOCEA SOAP. ThM Mp conttiM the uluable propertiew of th< Homoce* Ointment, and ia certainly a. perfect toilet Mp; bwt M a mediMJ map, it ie of great vtlue, <tpeci<JIy in the nursery, and for all who have delicate akins, Price, 9d. and Is. 3d. a c&ke, or &. Md 3s. per box; postage, 2d. and 3d. extr&. All the &bove preparations can be had from Chemiete, DruggMte, *c., or direct by post from th< Bontcce* Company, M, Hamilton Square. BiriceBhead. YOU WILL NEVER ft: ============== GET WELL < HUGHES'S- "? ?'' '? ) ?.00? P/i/.3 Try what you may, the system will never be eradicated ef Disease untU the Direct Md Speciic Umody for th. BIwodM ta.kea ?ughes?s Blood Pills In For Bad Btoad, Contains the germs of all the .Ai Ailmente which trouble the Hamaa Sy<tem, permeatiog eTery organ of the Body, dis- turbing their duties, and bringing the Nervous System to that despondent state which of tea prefer Death to Lite HENCE HUGHES'S BLOOD' PILLS tMOM PURE BLOOD VIGOROUS DIGESTION iEALTHy SKIN SOUND KiDNEYSj MBONG NERVES STRONG HEART ACTIVE MVERj & W Happy & lively Spirits HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS SCURVEY SKIN RASH TORPID LIVES I ,TION f?TT?TP HEAPACHN: ? LJ IM? DYgPEPStA BH40USNE8S CONSTIPATION BBJC.U¥AT¡Strt tfERVOUSNESa PILB8, FITS TRY A BOX.OF HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS THEY WILL BRING YOU HEALTH. JOY, HAPPINESS And enable yon to follow your ceccpatMMt with eomfert and pteMare SEND for a Box from any Chemist or Dealer if Patent Medicines. They are eold at lIlt, 2/8, 4/6 DONT be MDnMded te take my Swbsti* tute, oat aee thtt yoa get the Geuuine Sort, with the TRADE MARK, ahape of a Heart on a Bed L&bel, on each Box, or send direct enclosing 1/3, 2/11. or 4/9, to the M?er, JACOB HUGHES, Mannfaetaring Chenutt, PeMfth, who wm BMH them by Mtam .4 IF to 0, 0