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--,-Weekly: Notos .by Quirkpeciiiip.…


Weekly: Notos by Quirkpeciiiip. L 97to Editor does not hold himself responsible for the I opinions expressed in these notes. THE CROSS. The Rev Courtney James, of Barry, late missionary of South Africa, preached last Sunday night at the Arcot Sti-eet Wesleyan Chapel an exceptionally able Sermon- The reverend, gentleman in referring to Saint Andrew spoke of his having been bound in Patrae A.D. 70, to a cross shaped X, whence was adopted the symbol of this apostle. St. Andrew's Cros;- Is undoubtedly represented in the form of an X. (white on a blue field); but the cross on which the apostle suffered martyrdom was of the ordinary shape, y if we may believe the relic in the convent of St. Victor, near Marseilles. The, error rose from the Way in which that cross is exhibited, resting on the Cross-beam and point of the foot. (H(} Wt 'Accustomed to consider the sign of the cross ad-wholly a Christian symbol, originating with the crucifiction of our Redeemer. Tthis is jjuite erron- eous, ancient Kgyptions employed-the same as a sacred cymbol, for there' can be seen in Greek sculpture, "cross two such buns lwere a-iscoveied at Herculaneura., Then there was the judgement-of the Cross—an ordeal instituted in the reign of Charlemagne,-when the plaintiff and def endant were required to cross their arms upon then fcreastr and he who could hold out' the longest gained the suit. Furthermore. in, the common plarase every one must bear his own cross—one can trace its Origin to Jewish times when the law enjoined that the person condemned to be crucified was to carry his cross to the place of execution. i—0-0 POOR BOBBY PEELER. Pinafore tells ua a policeman's life is not a happy One- A verification of this occurred at the last fire ¥ ..¡ T' ,t on the Locks, when our local brigade had icicles hanging from their fingers during the three hours they were playing with the hose on the flames, —-0-0- COGAN MURDER—A FROST." ||This is a hard world wherein to live, but it's an ill wind that blows nobody good. From a newspaper point of view a murder is business. The stentorian Penarth vendor of Bchos doubtless anticipated "a pull" out of the recent Cogan murder case, and had an extra consignment sent over of 25 dozen "Sixth Editions containing an account of the inquest. Only 11 dozen of them did he sell, and in summing up tha 2 r5 case used the expression topping this note- Perhaps he knew not that the Penarth Chronicle had half-an- | hour's start of ljim- Ah had I not mentioned this last fact some moralist would have improved the occasion by wrilingto the English papers to show how hyper- moral Wales is, and didn't want Sunday opening of pubs- • -0-0- J "SEm HIM DAMNED FIRST." Even the cure of souls is but human, and has re- course to expressions savouring of rayther strong language, which, tho' they may be deprecated, never- theless are safety valves that let off a little superflous righteous wrath at times with beneficial effect. Last Monday a pretty little wrangle- between two Rectors over burial fees was heard at Stonehouse County Court. The Bishop of Truro had been asked by one of the litigants to intervene in the case, which elicited the following from the Rector of Landulph I should be a coward and sneak, almost as bad as a bibhop, were I to make any apology to that sacerdotal snob. Nay, my intention is to have hiai into a court of law, and see him damned first For fear any pig- headed person should fancy this swear language, I remark that I use the word damned in its proper sense."

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