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f Notes and Comments.


f Notes and Comments. IN another column wlll."be found the addresses of iQg 4-L lee candidates who seek the honour of repre- aeutiQo. 4-1 a ttie electors of Penarth on the Glamorgan COUlJty COilnril. That this is an honour neither of to ^entleroen will deny, and it behoves the electors Mto i^ that the best men available are returned, essrs SK 1 tical eP"erd and Jotham are gentlemen of prac- year eX^6l:ienct'' f°i'iner having served about 12 abl °Q t^16 ^oca^ Board, and the latter a consider- in e^eriod as member of the Cardiff Council; and, m additi u QJ or>, both have represented our interests at the rgaU ^OUnty Council meetings. At present it Wve^8 ^or South Division, will ProvokVVa'^ °Ver' ^°r' althongh some ^ave tried to 6-n^ e a tootes^ yet no one has been found bold thin tnake the attack. In the Northern Division $Osed and here Mr Shepherd will be op- **Ow ^orris« This latter gentleman is &e h*e''kn°Wn m°St res:*dents of Penarth. the mdC*9 himself a name, and, doubtless, duriug bef0l. ^W° 01 ^]ree weeks he will be busy putting to e^eC^ra ^le Ward his claims and seek- terest8C°UVlnCe tbem °f bis ability to serve their in- ^a&ds ^0rr's' UlJdoubtedly, has time on his dow °L'leiw^se he would not be able to "Which 1* ud pen SUCl1 soul-stirring epistles as that Dist,;c^d our pageH last week, but which the day, oUuci1' at Iteir meeting the previous Hon j is v Ul^ CoU8'gued to the waste-paper basket I 18 ery kind of Mr Norris to be so willing to de. I vote—we had almost said sacrifice-the remainder of his life for the good of his fellow-creatures. We may be premature, but nevertheless we suggest that when he has finished his course the following lines would be suitable to place on his headstone ;— All the world's a mighty stage. And men and women are the actors He has nobly played his pait As one of earth's kind benefactors.' Mr Norris, in his address, does a great deal to en- lighten us as to the duties of County Councillors. This is interesting, and clearly proves that he is en- deavouring to qualify for the position. Without ad- vocating the claims of either of the contestants for honours in the Northern Division, we ask the electors to weigh unpartially and carefully the claims and qualifications of the two gentlemen seeking their suf- frages. It doea not appear thateither will be carried into office on the back of any sect or organisation, so that the electors will be more fiee to act independently and according to individual judgment. We will only say further that Mr Norris is a new aspirant to office, whiisfc JUr Shepherd is an old, tried, aud respected servant. The nominations will take place on the 22nd inst., and not on the 28th as intimated last week. The polling will take place on the 4th of March. MAY differences of opinion never alter fiiendship. As will be seen o.-i reference to our correspondence columns, there is a great difference of opinion as to the letter of Mr Morris addressed to the District Council, and which, through the courtesy of that gentleman, we were enabled to publish in our last iusue. That the letter contained some" pertinent questions,"as is stated by one correspondent,we agree, and these questions ough t to be answered, or something done to remove the foundation upon which one or two of them rest. The measurements dispute at West Cottages is one of long standing, and year after year is allowed to pass without a settlement. As we under- stand it, when the private improvements were earned 011\ on some of Mr Roberts's property, the late Sur- veyor took the measurements, and the account was in due course presented, but Mr Roberts, with a keen eye to business, did not trust to the measurements of the Surveyoi) and after going over the work himself, he discovered a slight discrepancy, and refused to pay up until a corrected account wras presented. The difference was only trivial, but if it was only a penny Mr Roberts was justified in refusing to pay it. Whilst this dispute has remained unsettled the bill has re mained unpaid, and Mr Roberts has been receiving the interest on the money which ought to be in the hands of the Council. How much longer will this go on ? Mr Roberts is willing to pay what is just and right, but no more can be wi-u-3- from him. Mr Nor,-is has done well in bringing it forward and making it public. We must eonfess that we have beon baffled by some portions of the now famous letter, but that undoutedly is due to ignorance on our part. We hope Mr Norris will continue to agitate for the setting right of what is wrong, and then when 1 all wrongs have been righted what a happy people will Penarthians be. IT is high time that better provision were made in Penaith in case of fire, for the appliances which are now available would be far from adequate were a fire of a serious character to take place at any of our laige buildings. We are therefore glad to learn that Mr Westyr Evans and Mr J. M. Jennings are inter- esting themselves in this matter, with a view to inducing- the District Council to take the matter up and provide a fire escape, steam fire engine, and the establishment of a fire brigade, either voluntary or paid. Under existing circumstances, were a fire to break o-it at the Lansdowne Hotel, or many other places, the probabilities are that before any adequate I supply of water could be bronght to play upon the flames, there would be a great destruction of property, { This is a question which should have immediate at-1 tention, and we hope Messrs Evans and Jennings f will seek the earliest opportunity of submitting their scheme to the Council. 9'

-J Original Poetry.

Penarth Free Library. -

Ruffianism at Barry Dock.
