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wappfy wftn cue neceawarf&N or MfeperaoM or* noerat Mucataon,' white, in many instance)!, it ia on record that the churches were converted into barns, and Ml that had been permitted to remain of the monasteries and convents into ataMea and cow- tthedt." The populace in London and other lMg<rtown< "Ian into the wildest exceBBes." The marriage tie 64 was everywhere disregarded." Hymns and paalma were Bune in taverns to ribald tunew, and the name Of God WM blasphemed without scruple. In tne coantry, multitudes who bad been accustomed to father a wining atms at the convent gate found the laat resource against destitution taken away from them, and became desperate for, bad as these eatab!tshments were represented to be, and bad as in many instances they doubtless were, the event proved that they were not without redeeming qualities. They had been the alma-bouses where aged dependents of cpatent families—the decrepit servant, the decayed Mtincer—retired as to a home, neither uncomfortable Nor humiliating. They had been the county in- armariex and dispensaries, whence bath poor and rich obtained medicine in their sickness, and a leoch to dres< their wounds. They had given an asj turn to BMay an orphan child, frank entertainment to m*ny & benighted travel'er, and had served as depositaries for learning ia times when ttnowiedge could oisewhete find no resticg-p<ace for the sole of her foot." THB HOLY MAID OF KENT. Elizabeth Barton, in whose ravings Sir Thomas More affected to believe, uttered cbenercest denun- I eiationa against Henry, whom she threatened with the vengpance of Heaven for repudiating his Queen, Katherine." Bearing in mind the rotation in which Mere stood to Wolsey, and the iatter to the rector of Sleigh, it ia not improbabte that the latter may laave had some knowledge et the Holy Maid of Kent. GipsiBS. Mr. Vernon Morwood reckons the gipsy popula- Non of England at from 18,000 to 20,000, and the Cumber of the entire race at half a mittion. They woutd seem to be increasing abroad, as wei! as ac home. The gipsy pnputation of Turkey is reckoned M 10,000, and that of Spain at 60,000. Able and learned ethnotogists and philologists have discussed the origin of this strange peopte tiii, perhaps, all b&s been said about it which can be said to any good purpose. Mr. Morwood having put the question of origin to a very intelligent gipsy. Robert Lee, re- ceived the answer in a half angry tone, I don't know, sir, nor I don t care; I knows I'm here, and that's aU that concerns me." A gipsy named Sylvester Boawell informed Mr. Morwood that a tradition exists among the people that they are the descendants of the Shepherd Kings of Egypt. He wax, however, in. Clined to think that they lived in India some 400 or 500 years ago. Whether his opinion on the question is of any value is another master. The gipsies un- doubtedly appeared in Europe in the fifteenth century, wherever they came from, and whatever the cause of their migration, and were very iil.jreceived, both on the Continent and in this country. They were de- scribed in a pe ai statute of Henry VIII. as an out- landish peopte, calling themselves Egyptians, using Bo craft, nor feat of mercha.ndise.who have come into thia rea!m and gone from shire to shire and ptace to place in great company, and used great subtle and crafty moans to deceive the people." The late Mr. Borrow has related the persecution which the gipsies endured, and which in the seventeenth century were almost comparable to those directed at an earlier period against the Jews. Even within the !Mt sixty years the fact of a criminal being gipsy precluded him from all hope of mercy. Mr. Morwood was in court at Winchester Lent Assizes in 1827 just as the judge was sentencing two men to death for bone-ste&Hng. To one he held out hope of a reprieve, but not to the other, who was gipsy, and who piteously implored that his life might be spared. No," said his lordship, I and My brother judgea have come to the determination to execute horse-stealers, especially gipsies, because of the great increase of the crime." The rigour with which Zingareea were treated hM Dot been exaggerated in the text. THZ BND,